Running the Periodic Data Extract
Once the extract utility has been updated, we need to now run a custom extract only extracting Health Maintenance tables.
1. Click the Windows “Start” button
Click Run
Type “CMD” to open the Command Prompt
In the Command Prompt, change to the appropriate PPart location (usually p:\ppart).
Type the drive letter with a colon (usually “p:”)
Type “cd ppart”
It should look like the following:
Once in the PPart directory, run the extract utility by typing “prxtract”
Select “Periodic”
Uncheck the “Compress to Floppy Drive” option.
It should look like the following:
Follow the instructions in the Header, “Sending Files Using FileZilla” to send the file to Practice Partner for analysis.
Using FileZilla to Access the Practice Partner FTP site and Upload Data
All practices need to download and install a new FTP client to access the Practice Partner FTP site. Please follow the following instruction to install the new client and access the new FTP site. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY INSTALLED FILEZILLA BEFORE, THERE IS NO NEED TO RERUN THE INSTALLATION, PLEASE ONLY FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS TO SEND THE FILE. If you have any problems, please contact me immediately for assistance. Downloading the FTP Secure Client
Open an Internet browser and go to the address
Click “Download” on the left side of the page
Click the Download link on the Filezilla package for release FileZilla_3.0.7.1_win32-setup.exe (recommended)
The file will automatically ask for a location to save, choose any location you will remember after downloading
Once the download has completed, run the executable from the location you saved it
Follow the default installation instructions until you see ‘Finish.’ It is recommended that you create a Desktop shortcut to this application. Click Finish.
The installation for FileZilla is now complete
Sending Files Using FileZilla
Open FileZilla. It is recommended to make a Desktop shortcut to this application
Enter in the following in the toolbar at the top
Connections Settings:
IP Address:
Username: pprnet
Password: pprnet2000
Port: 990
On the Remote Site toolbox (on the right of the screen), open the “PeriodicExtracts” folder for submitting standard periodic extracts. If you are submitting a special extract (for example, for the C-TRIP study) open the “CustomExtracts” folder.
In the Local Site toolbox (on the left of the screen), select your PPART folder
In the bottom left box listing the filenames (Local Site toolbox), highlight the pprn0XXX.enc file (XXX corresponding to your PPRNet site number). Drag and drop the file to the right side of the screen to the folder selected in step 3
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