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Types, forms and methods of knowledge control in teaching process

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Types, forms and methods of knowledge control in teaching process.
Farg`ona davlat universiteti,
tabiiy yo`nalishlar bo`yicha chet tillari fakulteti o`qituvchisi
Dadahonova Zulayxo Ma`murjon qizi
The article describes the importance of knowledge control in teaching process and provides information about its types according to the controlling person and function, major 5 forms of control and methods which are used in classrooms nowadays.
В статье описывается значение контроля знаний в учебном процессе и даются сведения о его видах по контролирующему лицу и функции, основных 5 формах контроля и методах, которые используются на уроках в настоящее время.
Maqolada bilimlarni nazorat qilishning ta'lim jarayonida ahamiyati yoritilgan. Bilim nazorationong bajaruvchi shaxsga va funktsiyasiga ko`ra turlari, nazoratning asosiy 5 shakli va hozirgi vaqtda sinfda qo'llaniladigan usullari haqida ma'lumot berilgan.

Key words: knowledge control, types, functions, forms, external control, mutual control, self-control, preliminary, current, periodic, final, observation, questioning, written work, tests and exams.
One of the important aspects of the learning and teaching process is the control of students' knowledge, since the result is important in the educational process, and the result cannot be determined without knowledge assessment, which in turn depends on knowledge control.
Knowledge control is a test of the knowledge of a given student, which provides for their assessment only on the basis of the results of his personal learning activities.
The main goal of monitoring knowledge and skills is to detect achievements, successes of students, to indicate ways to improve, deepen knowledge, skills, so that conditions are created for the subsequent inclusion of students in active creative activity.
Depending on who controls the results of students' learning activities, the following three types of control are distinguished:
1) external control (carried out by the teacher over the activities of the student);
2) mutual control (carried out by the student over the activities of a friend);
3) self-control (carried out by the student over his own activities).
Control is a mandatory part of the learning process. Depending on the functions performed, control is divided into 4 types: preliminary, current, periodic, final.
1. Preliminary control. It has diagnostic tasks and is carried out to identify the existing knowledge, skills and abilities of students by the beginning of training. It is traditionally used in the first days of the school year or before studying a new topic.
Its significance is great, since the nature of the study of new material directly depends on the degree of assimilation of those concepts, definitions, and provisions that were considered earlier. If the teacher does not have such information about this, then he is deprived of the opportunity to design and manage the educational process. It is the preliminary control that fixes the initial level of learning, the comparison of which with the achieved subsequently makes it possible to measure the so-called "increase" of knowledge, the degree of formation of skills and abilities, as well as analyze the dynamics and effectiveness of the pedagogical process, draw conclusions about the teacher's contribution to the learning of children, evaluate his professional competence.
2. Current control. It is carried out by the teacher in the course of teaching, in the course of daily educational work, as a rule, in the classroom. It makes it possible to qualify the degree of formation of knowledge, skills, as well as their depth and strength. This control allows you to timely identify gaps in the knowledge of students and assist them in mastering the program material. The main function of the current control is the feedback function. It enables the teacher to receive information about the progress of the process of assimilation of new information by each student. The feedback provides information not only about the assimilation or non-assimilation of the material, but also allows you to control the educational process itself, to observe the actions of students
3.Periodic control. As a rule, it is thematic and has the goal of systematizing the knowledge of students. It is carried out after studying a logically completed part, section of the program or at the end of the academic quarter. Thus, the results of work for a specific period of time are summed up.
4. Final control. It is intended to designate the end results of training, to systematize and generalize all educational material. It is carried out at the end of each academic year, as well as at the end of the course of study.
Forms of control depend on the specifics of the organizational structure of educational work. Traditionally, there are 5 key forms of control:

  • frontal form (students from the spot provide short answers to questions compiled by the teacher on a small amount of material studied);

  • group form (control is carried out only for a certain part of the class, that is, questions are posed to a specific group of students, but the remaining students can also take part in this);

  • individual control (used to fully familiarize the teacher with the knowledge, skills and abilities of individual students who are called to answer the board);

  • combined form (combination of individual control with frontal and group control);

  • self-control (ensures the functioning of internal feedback during training).

Control methods are the methods by which the effectiveness of the educational and cognitive activity of students and the pedagogical work of the teacher is assessed. Among the main methods of control are the following: observation, questioning, written work, tests and exams.
Daily observation helps the teacher to make a correct judgment about the student's attitude to classes, the availability and feasibility of educational material for him. On this basis, it is possible to plan and organize a special control of the knowledge of a particular student. A survey, as a control method, can be individual (calling a student to the board for a detailed answer to the assessment), frontal (calling many students to answer questions that require a small response), combined (several students are called at the same time, of which one answers orally , while others, at the direction of the teacher, perform written or practical tasks on cards, on teaching aids).
The advantage of a combined survey is that it makes it possible to conduct a fundamental test of several students in a short period of time. Its use is appropriate when all the material is learned and you need to find out the degree of assimilation of knowledge from several students at once. Written work includes: checking notebooks, conducting tests, evaluating homework, working with notebooks on a printed basis.
Tests and exams are a distinctive method of final control.

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