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let the healing streams abound,

make and keep me pure within.

Thou of life the fountain art,

freely let me take of thee,

spring thou up within my heart,

rise to all eternity.

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334 Michael Frye © 1999 Vineyard Songs (UK / Eire) Administered by CopyCare
1. Jesus, be the centre,

be my source, be my light,

2. Jesus, be the centre,

be my hope, be my song,

Be the fire in my heart,

be the wind in these sails,

be the reason that I live,

Jesus, Jesus.
3. Jesus, be my vision,

be my path, be my guide,


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335 Susan Warner (1819-1885)
1. Jesus bids us shine

with a pure, clear light,

like a little candle

burning in the night.

In this world is darkness:

so we must shine,

you in your small corner,

and I in mine.

2. Jesus bids us shine,

first of all for him;

well he sees and knows it,

if our light grows dim.

He looks down from heaven

to see us shine,

you in your small corner,

and I in mine.

3. Jesus bids us shine,

then, for all around:

many kinds of darkness

in the world abound

sin, and want and sorrow,

so we must shine,

you in your small corner,

and I in mine.

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336 John L. Bell (b. 1949) and Graham Manic (b. 1958) © 1989, 1998 WGRG, Iona Community
1. Jesus calls us here to meet him

as, through word and song and prayer,

we affirm God's promised presence

where his people live and care.

Praise the God who keeps his promise;

praise the Son who calls us friends;

praise the Spirit who, among us,

to our hopes and fears attends.

2. Jesus calls us to confess him

Word of Life and Lord of all,

sharer of our flesh and frailness

saving all who fail or fall.

Tell his holy human story;

tell his tales that all may hear;

tell the world that Christ in glory

came to earth to meet us here.

3. Jesus calls us to each other:

vastly diff'rent though we are;

race and colour, class and gender

neither limit nor debar.

Join the hand of friend and stranger,

join the hands of age and youth;

join the faithful and the doubter

in their common search for truth.

4. Jesus calls us to his table

rooted firm in time and space,

where the church in earth and heaven

finds a common meeting place.

Share the bread and wine, his body;

share the love of which we sing;

share the feast for saints and sinners

hosted by our Lord and King.

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337 Cecil Frances Alexander (1818-1895)
1. Jesus calls us: o'er the tumult

of our life's wild, restless sea;

day by day his sweet voice soundeth,

saying, 'Christian, follow me.'

2. As of old Saint Andrew heard it

by the Galilean lake,

turned from home and toil and kindred,

leaving all for his dear sake.

3. Jesus calls us from the worship

of the vain world's golden store,

from each idol that would keep us,

saying, 'Christian, love me more.'

4. In our joys and in our sorrows,

days of toil and hours of ease,

still he calls, in cares and pleasures,

that we love him more than these.

5. Jesus call us: by thy mercies,

Saviour, make us hear thy call,

give our hearts to thine obedience,

serve and love thee best of all.

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338 Matt Redman © 1995 Thankyou Music
1. Jesus Christ, I think upon your sacrifice;

you became nothing, poured out to death.

Many times I've wondered at your gift of life,

and I'm in that place once again,

I'm in that place once again.
And once again I look upon

the cross where you died,

I'm humbled by your mercy

and I'm broken inside.

Once again I thank you,

once again I pour out my life.
2. Now you are exalted to the highest place,

King of the heavens, where one day I'll bow.

But for now I marvel at this saving grace,

and I'm full of praise once again,

I'm full of praise once again.
3. Thank you for the cross, thank you for the cross,

thank you for the cross, my friend.

Thank you for the cross, thank you for the cross,

thank you for the cross, my friend.

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339 v. 1: Surrexit hodie (14th century) trans. anon. as in Lyra Davidica (1708), vs. 2-3 from J. Arnold's Compleat Psalmodist (1749)
1. Jesus Christ is ris'n today, alleluia!

our triumphant holy day, alleluia!

who did once, upon the cross, alleluia!

suffer to redeem our loss, alleluia!

2. Hymns of praise then let us sing, alleluia!

unto Christ, our heav'nly King, alleluia!

who endured the cross and grave, alleluia!

sinners to redeem and save, alleluia!

3. But the pains that he endured, alleluia!

our salvation have procured; alleluia!

now above the sky he's King, alleluia!

where the angels ever sing, alleluia!

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340 John L Bell (b. 1949) and Graham Maul, (b. 1958) © WGRG, Iona Community from the Enemy of Apathy' collection Wild Goose Publications, 1988.
1. Jesus Christ is waiting,

waiting in the streets:

no one is his neighbour,

all alone he eats.

Listen, Lord Jesus,

I am lonely too;

make me, friend or stranger,

fit to wait on you.

2. Jesus Christ is raging,

raging in the streets,

where injustice spirals

and real hope retreats.

Listen, Lord Jesus,

I am angry too;

in the Kingdom's causes

let me rage with you.

3. Jesus Christ is healing,

healing in the streets

curing those who suffer,

touching those he greets.

Listen, Lord Jesus,

I have pity too;

let my care be active,

healing, just like you.

4. Jesus Christ is dancing,

dancing in the streets,

where each sign of hatred

he, with love, defeats.

Listen, Lord Jesus,

I should triumph too;

where good conquers evil,

let me dance with you.

5. Jesus Christ is calling,

calling in the streets,

‘Who will join my journey?

I will guide their feet.'

Listen, Lord Jesus,

let my fears be few;

walk one step before me,

I will follow you.

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341 Percy Dearmer (1867-1936) after John Mason Neale (1818-1866) alt. © Oxford University Press
1. Jesus, good above all other,

gentle child of gentle mother,

in a stable born our brother,

give us grace to persevere.

2. Jesus, cradled in a manger,

for us facing ev'ry danger,

living as a homeless stranger,

make we thee our King most dear.

3. Jesus, for thy people dying,

risen Master, death defying,

Lord in heaven thy grace supplying,

keep us to thy presence near.

4. Jesus, who our sorrows bearest,

all our thoughts and hopes thou sharest,

thou to us the truth declarest;

help us all thy truth to hear.

5. Lord, in all our doings guide us;

pride and hate shall ne'er divide us;

we'll go on with thee beside us,

and with joy we'll persevere.

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342 Gill Hutchinson © 1992 Sea Dream Music
Jesus is greater than the greatest heroes,

Jesus is closer than the closest friends.

He came from heaven and he died to save us,

to show us love that never ends.


Son of God, and the Lord of glory,

he's the light, follow in his way.

He's the truth that we can believe in,

and he's the life, he's living today.


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343 Wendy Churchill © 1981 Authentic Publishing Administered by CopyCare
1. Jesus is King and I will extol him,

give him the glory and honour his name.

He reigns on high, enthroned in the heavens,

Word of the Father, exalted for us.

2. We come to him, our Priest and Apostle,

clothed in his glory and bearing his name,

laying our lives with gladness before him;

filled with his Spirit we worship the King.

3. O Holy One, our hearts do adore you;

thrilled with your goodness we give you our praise.

Angels in light with worship surround him,

Jesus, our Saviour, for ever the same.

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344 David J. Mansell © 1982 Authentic Publishing Administered by CopyCare
1. Jesus is Lord!

Creation's voice proclaims it,

for by his pow'r each tree and flow'r

was planned and made.

Jesus is Lord! The universe declares it;

sun, moon and stars in heaven cry:

Jesus is Lord!
Jesus is Lord! Jess is Lord!

Praise him with alleluias,

for Jesus is Lord!
2. Jesus is Lord!

Yet from his throne eternal

in flesh he came to die in pain

on Calv'ry's tree.

Jesus is Lord! From him all life proceeding,

yet gave his life as ransom

thus setting us free.
3. Jesus is Lord!

O'er sin the mighty conqu'ror,

from death he rose and all his foes

shall own his name.

Jesus is Lord! God sends his Holy Spirit

to show by works of power

that Jesus is Lord.

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345 Philip Lawson Johnston © 1991 Thankyou Music
1. Jesus is the name we honour;

Jesus is the name we praise.

Majestic Name above all other names,

the highest heav'n and earth proclaim

that Jesus is our God.
We will glorify,

we will lift him high,

we will give him honour and praise.

We will glorify,

we will lift him high,

we will give him honour and praise.
2. Jesus is the name we worship;

Jesus is the name we trust.

He is the King above all other kings,

let all creation stand and sing

that Jesus is our God.
3. Jesus is the Father's splendour;

Jesus is the Father's joy.

He will return to reign in majesty,

and ev'ry eye at last will see

that Jesus is our God.

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346 John Barnett © 1988 Mercy / Vineyard Publishing Administered by CopyCare
Jesus, Jesus,

holy and anointed One, Jesus.

Jesus, Jesus,

risen and exalted One, Jesus.

Your name is like honey on my lips,

your Spirit like water to my soul.

Your word is a lamp unto my feet.

Jesus, I love you, I love you.

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347 William J. Gaither (b. 1936) and Gloria Gaither (b. 1949) © 1970 Gaither Music Co / WJG Inc. / Kingsway Music
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus;

there's just something about that name.

Master, Saviour, Jesus,

like the fragrance after the rain.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,

let all heaven and earth proclaim;

kings and kingdoms will all pass away,

but there's something about that name.

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348 Christian Fürchtegott Gellert (1715-1769) trans. Frances Elizabeth Cox (1812-1897) alt.
1. Jesus lives! thy terrors now

can no more, O death, appal us;

Jesus lives! by this we know

thou, O grave, cant not enthral us.

2. Jesus lives! henceforth is death

but the gate of life immortal:

this shall calm our trembling breath,

when we pass its gloomy portal.

3. Jesus lives! for us he died;

then, alone to Jesus living,

pure in heart may we abide,

glory to our Saviour giving.

4. Jesus lives! our hearts know well

naught from us his love shall sever;

life nor death nor pow'rs of hell

tear us from his keeping ever.

5. Jesus lives! to him the throne

over all the world is given:

may we go where he is gone,

rest and reign with him in heaven.


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349 H. W. Rattle © Scripture Union
Jesus' love is very wonderful,

Jesus' love is very wonderful,

Jesus' love is very wonderful,

A wonderful love!

So high you can't get over it,

so low you can't get under it,

so wide you can't get round it,

A wonderful love!

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350 Nadia Hearn (b. 1944) © 1974 Scripture in Song ,a division of Integrity Music / Sovereign Music UK
Jesus, Name above all names,

beautiful Saviour, glorious Lord,

Emmanuel, God is with us,

blessed Redeemer, living Word.

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351 From the Swahili trans. Edmund S. Palmer (1856-1931)
1. Jesu, Son of Mary,

fount of life alone,

here we hail thee present

on thine altar-throne.

Humbly we adore thee,

Lord of endless might,

in the mystic symbols

veiled from earthly sight.

2. Think, O Lord, in mercy

on the souls of those

who, in faith gone from us,

now in death repose.

Here 'mid stress and conflict

toils can never cease;

there, the warfare ended,

bid them rest in peace.

3. Often were they wounded

in the deadly strife;

heal them, good Physician,

with the balm of life.

Ev'ry taint of evil,

frailty and decay,

good and gracious Saviour,

cleanse and purge away.

4. Rest eternal grant them,

after weary fight;

shed on them the radiance

of thy heav'nly light.

Lead them onward, upward,

to the holy place,

where thy saints made perfect

gaze upon thy face.

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352 Timothy Dudley-Smith (b. 1926) © Timothy Dudley-Smith
1. Jesus, Prince and Saviour,

Lord of life who died,

Christ, the friend of sinners,

mocked and crucified;

for a world's salvation

he his body gave,

lay at last death's victim

lifeless in the grave.

Lord of life triumphant,

risen now to reign!

King of endless ages,

Jesus lives again!
2. In his pow'r and Godhead

ev'ry vict'ry won,

pain and passion ended,

all his purpose done:

Christ the Lord is risen!

sighs and sorrows past,

death's dark night is over,

morning comes at last!

3. Resurrection morning,

sinners' bondage freed!

Christ the Lord is risen,

he is ris'n indeed!

Jesus, Prince and Saviour,

Lord of life who died,

Christ the King of glory

now is glorified!

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353 Graham Kendrick (b. 1950) © 1986 Thankyou Music
1. Jesus put this song into our hearts, (x2)

it's a song of joy no one can take away.

Jesus put this song into our hearts.
2. Jesus taught us how to live in harmony, (x2)

diff'rent faces, diff'rent races, he made us one.

Jesus taught us how to live in harmony.
3. Jesus turned our sorrow into dancing, (x2)

changed our tears of sadness into rivers of joy.

Jesus turned our sorrow into a dance.

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354 Isaac Watts (1674-1748) alt.
1. Jesus shall reign where'er the sun

does his successive journeys run;

his kingdom stretch from shore to shore,

till moons shall wax and wane no more.

2. People and realms of ev'ry tongue

dwell on his love with sweetest song,

and infant voices shall proclaim

their early blessings on his name.

3. Blessings abound where'er he reigns:

the pris'ners leap to lose their chains;

the weary find eternal rest,

and all the humble poor are blest.

4. To him shall endless prayer be made,

and praises throng to crown his head;

his name like incense shall arise

with ev'ry morning sacrifice.

5. Let ev'ry creature rise and bring

peculiar honours to our King;

angels descend with songs again,

and earth repeat the loud amen.

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355 Chris Bowater © 1988 Sovereign Lifestyle Music Ltd.
Jesus shall take the highest honour,

Jesus shall take the highest praise;

let all earth join heav'n in exalting

the Name which is above all other names.

Let's bow the knee in humble adoration,

for at his name ev'ry knee must bow.

Let ev'ry tongue confess

he is Christ, God's only Son,

Sov'reign Lord, we give you glory now.
For all honour and blessing and power

belongs to you, belongs to you.

All honour and blessing and power

belongs to you, belongs to you,

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God.

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356 Graham Kendrick (b. 1950) © 1977 Thankyou Music
1. Jesus, stand among us

at the meeting of our lives,

be our sweet agreement

at the meeting of our eyes.

Jesus, we love you,

so we gather here,

join our hearts in unity

and take away our fear
2. So to you we're gath'ring

out of each and ev'ry land,

Christ the love between us

at the joining of our hands.

Optional verse for Communion
3. Jesus stand among us

at the breaking of the bread;

join us as one body

as we worship you, our Head.

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357 William Pennefather (1816-1873)
1. Jesus, stand among us

in thy risen pow'r;

let this time of worship

be a hallowed hour.

2. Breathe the Holy Spirit

into ev'ry heart;

bid the fears and sorrows

from each soul depart.

3. Thus with quickened footsteps

we'll pursue our way,

watching for the dawning

of eternal day.

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358 Unknown. Trans. Dermott Monahan (1906-1957) © The Trustees for Methodist Church Purposes
1. Jesus the Lord said: 'I am the Bread,

the Bread of Life for mankind am I.

The Bread of Life for mankind am I,

the Bread of Life for mankind am I.'

Jesus the Lord said: `I am the Bread,

The Bread of Life for mankind am I.’

2. Jesus the Lord said: `I am the Door,

the Way and the Door for the poor am I.

The Way and the Door for the poor am I,

the Way and the Door for the poor am I.’

Jesus the Lord said: `I am the Door,

the Way and the Door for the poor am I.’

3. Jesus the Lord said: `I am the Light,

the one true Light of the world am I.

The one true Light of the world am I,

the one true Light of the world am I.'

Jesus the Lord said: `I am the Light,

the one true Light of the world am I.'

4. Jesus the Lord said: `I am the Shepherd,

the one good Shepherd of the sheep am I.

The one good Shepherd of the sheep am I,

the one good Shepherd of the sheep am I.’

Jesus the Lord said: 'I am the Shepherd,

the one good Shepherd of the sheep am I.'

5. Jesus the Lord said: 'I am the Life,

the Resurrection and the Life am I.

The Resurrection and the Life am I,’

the Resurrection and the Life am I.’

Jesus the Lord said: `I am the Life,

the Resurrection and the Life am I'.

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359 Charles Wesley (1707-1788)
1. Jesus, the name high over all,

in hell, or earth, or sky:

angels and mortals prostrate fall,

and devils fear and fly.

2. Jesus, the name to sinners dear,

the name to sinners giv'n;

it scatters all their guilty fear,

it turns their hell to heav'n.

3. Jesus, the pris'ner's fetters breaks,

and bruises Satan's head;

pow'r into strengthless souls he speaks,

and life into the dead.

4. O, that the world might taste and see

the riches of his grace!

The arms of love that compass me,

hold all the human race.

5. His only righteousness I show,

his saving grace proclaim:

'tis all my business here below

to cry: 'Behold the Lamb!'

6. Happy, if with my latest breath

I may but gasp his name:

preach him to all, and cry in death:

`Behold, behold the Lamb!'

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360 William Cowper (1731-1800)
1. Jesus, where'er thy people meet,

there they behold thy mercy-seat;

where'er they seek thee thou art found,

and ev'ry place is hallowed ground.

2. For thou, within no walls confined,

inhabitest the humble mind;

such ever bring thee when they come,

and, going, take thee to their home.

3. Dear Shepherd of thy chosen few,

thy former mercies here renew;

here to our waiting hearts proclaim

the sweetness of thy saving name.

4. Here may we prove the pow'r of prayer

to strengthen faith and sweeten care,

to teach our faint desires to rise,

and bring all heav'n before our eyes.

5. Lord, we are few, but thou art near;

nor short thine arm, nor deaf thine ear;

O rend the heav'ns, come quickly down,

and make a thousand hearts thine own.

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361 St Bernard of Clairvaux (1091-1153) trans. Edward Caswall (1814-1878) alt.

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