St Mary’s – Ecclesfield

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Original version

1. Arglywdd, arwain drwy'r anialwch fi

bererin gwael ei wedd,

nad oes ynof nerth na bywyd,

fel yn gorwedd yn y bead:

hollaluog, hollaluog,

ydyw'r un a'm cwyd i'r Ian,

ydyw'r un a'm cwyd i'r Ian.

2. Colofn dân rho'r nos I'm harwain,

a rho golofn niwl y dyad;

dal fi pan Wn teithio'r mannau

geirwon yn ft' ffordd y sydd:

rho i mi fanna, rho i mi fanna,

fel na bwyf yn llwfwrhau,

fel na bwyf yn llwfwrhau.
3. Agor y ffynhonnau melys

sydd yn tarddu o'r graig i maes;

r hyd yr anial mawr canlyned

afon iachawdwriaeth gran:

rho i mi hynny, rho i mi hynny;

dim i mi ond dy fwynhau,

dim i mi ond dy fwynhau.

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241 Greek (3rd century or earlier) trans. John Keble (1792-1866)
1. Hail, gladdening Light,

of his pure glory poured

from th'immortal Father, h

eav'nly, blest,

holiest of holies,

Jesus Christ our Lord.

2. Now we are come

to the sun's hour of rest,

the lights of evening

round us shine,

we hymn the Father,

Son and Holy Spirit divine.

3. Worthiest art thou at all times

to be sung with undefilèd tongue,

Son of our God,

Giver of live, alone:

Therefore in all thy world thy glories,

Lord, they own.

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242 Charles Wesley (1707-1788) Thomas Cotterill (1779-1823) and others, alt.
1. Hail the day that sees him rise, alleluia'

to his throne above the skies; alleluia!

Christ the Lamb, for sinners giv’n, alleluia!

enters now the highest heav'n! alleluia!

2. There for him high triumph waits;

lift your heads, eternal gates!

He hath conquered death and sin;

take the King of Glory in!

*3. Circled round with angel-pow'rs,

their triumphant Lord and ours;

wide unfold the radiant scene,

take the King of Glory in!

*4. Lo, the heav'n its Lord receives,

yet he loves the earth he leaves;

though returning to his throne,

calls the human race his own.

*5. See, he lifts his hands above;

see, he shows the prints of love;

hark, his gracious lips bestow

blessings on his Church below.

*6. Still for us he intercedes,

his prevailing death he pleads;

near himself prepares our place,

he the first-fruits of our race.

7. Lord, though parted from our sight,

far above the starry height,

grant our hearts may thither rise,

seeking thee above the skies.

8. Ever upward let us move,

wafted on the wings of love;

looking when our Lord shall come,

longing, sighing after home.

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243 John Bakewell (1721-1819) alt.
1. Hail, thou once despised Jesus,

hail, thou Galilean King!

Thou didst suffer to release us;

thou didst free salvation bring.

Hail, thou universal Saviour, b

earer of our sin and shame;

by thy merits we find favour;

life is given through thy name.

2. Paschal Lamb, by God appointed,

all our sins on thee were laid;

by almighty love anointed,

thou hast full atonement made.

All thy people are forgiven

through the virtue of thy blood;

opened is the gate of heaven,

we are reconciled to God.

3. Jesus, hail! enthroned in glory,

there for ever to abide;

all the heav'nly hosts adore thee,

seated at thy Father's side:

there for sinners thou art pleading,

there thou doss our place prepare;

ever for us interceding,

till in glory we appear.

4. Worship, honour, pow'r and blessing,

thou art worthy to receive;

loudest praises, without ceasing,

it is right for us to give:

help, ye bright angelic spirits!

bring your sweetest, noblest lays;

help to sing our Saviour's merits,

help to chant Immanuel's praise.

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244 Paraphrase of Psalm 72 by James Montgomery (1771-1854)
1. Hail to the Lord's anointed,

great David's greater son!

Hail, in the time appointed,

his reign on earth begun!

He comes to break oppression,

to set the captive free;

to take away transgression,

and rule in equity.

2. He comes with succour speedy

to those who suffer wrong;

to help the poor and needy,

and bid the weak be strong;

to give them songs for sighing,

their darkness turn to light,

whose souls, condemned and dying,

were precious in his sight.

3. He shall come down like showers

upon the fruitful earth,

and love, joy, hope, like flowers,

spring in his path to birth:

before him on the mountains

shall peace the herald go;

and righteousness in fountains

from hill to valley flow.

4. Kings shall fall down before him,

and gold and incense bring;

all nations shall adore him,

his praise all people sing;

to him shall prayer unceasing

and daily vows ascend;

his kingdom still increasing,

a kingdom without end.

5. O'er ev'ry foe victorious,

he on his throne shall rest,

from age to age more glorious,

all-blessing and all-blest;

the tide of time shall never

his covenant remove;

his name shall stand for ever;

that name to us is love.

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245 Unknown
Hallelu, hallelu, hallelu, hallelujah;

we'll praise the Lord! (Repeat)

We'll praise the Lord, hallelujah! (x3)

We'll praise the Lord!

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246 Robert Bridge, (1844-1930) based on O quam juvat, Charles Coffin (1676-1749) alt.
1. Happy are they, they that love God,

whose hearts have Christ confessed,

who by his cross have found their life,

and 'neath his yoke their rest.

2. Glad is the praise, sweet are the songs,

when they together sing;

and strong the prayers that bow the ear

of heav'n's eternal King.

3. Christ to their homes giveth his peace,

and makes their loves his own:

but ah, what tares the evil one

hash in his garden sown!

4. Sad were our lot, evil this earth,

did not its sorrows prove

the path whereby the sheep may find

the fold of Jesus' love.

5. Then shall they know, they that love him,

how hope is wrought through pain;

their fellowship, through death itself,

unbroken will remain.

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247 Vox clara ecce intonat 6th century, trans. Edward Caswall (1814-1878)

1. Hark! a herald voice is calling:

`Christ is nigh!' it seems to say;

`Cast away the dreams of darkness,

O ye children of the day!'
2. Startled at the solemn warning,

let the earth-bound soul arise;

Christ, her sun, all sloth dispelling,

shines upon the morning skies.

3. Lo, the Lamb, so long expected,

comes with pardon down from heav'n;

let us haste, with tears of sorrow,

one and all to be forgiv'n.

4. So when next he comes with glory,

wrapping all the earth in fear,

may he then, as our defender,

on the clouds of heav'n appear.

5. Honour, glory, virtue, merit,

to the Father and the Son,

with the co-eternal Spirit,

while unending ages run.

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248 William Cowper (1731-1800) based on John 21:16
1. Hark, my soul, it is the Lord;

'tis thy Saviour, hear his word;

Jesus speaks, and speaks to thee,

`Say, poor sinner, lov'st thou me?

2. 'I delivered thee when bound,

and, when wounded, healed thy wound

sought thee wand'ring, set thee right,

turned thy darkness into light.

3. 'Can a woman's tender care

cease towards the child she bare?

Yes, she may forgetful be,

yet will I remember thee.

4. 'Mine is an unchanging love,

higher than the heights above,

deeper than the depths beneath,

free and faithful, strong as death.

5. 'Thou shalt see my glory soon,

when the work of grace is done;

partner of my throne shalt be:

say, poor sinner, lov'st thou me?'

6. Lord, it is my chief complaint

that my love is weak and faint;

yet I love thee, and adore;

O for grace to love thee more!

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249 Philip Doddridge (1702-1751)based on Luke 4:18-19
1. Hark, the glad sound! the Saviour comes,

the Saviour promised long:

let ev'ry heart prepare a throne,

and ev'ry voice a song.

2. He comes, the pris'ners to release

in Satan's bondage held;

the gates of brass before him burst,

the iron fetters yield.

3. He comes, the broken heart to bind,

the bleeding soul to cure,

and with the treasures of his grace

to bless the humble poor.

4. Our glad hosannas, Prince of Peace,

thy welcome shall proclaim;

and heav'n's eternal arches ring

with thy beloved name.

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250 Charles Wesley (1707-1788), George Whitefield (1714-1770), Martin Madan (1726-1790) and others, alt.
1. Hark, the herald-angels sing

glory to the new-born King;

peace on earth and mercy mild,

God and sinners reconciled:

joyful, all ye nations rise,

join the triumph of the skies,

with th'angelic host proclaim,

`Christ is born in Bethlehem.'

Hark, the herald-angels sing

glory to the new-born King.
2. Christ, by highest heav'n adored,

Christ, the everlasting Lord,

late in time behold him come,

offspring of a virgin's womb!

Veiled in flesh the Godhead see,

hail, th'incarnate Deity!

Pleased as man with us to dwell,

Jesus, our Emmanuel.

3. Hail, the heav'n-born Prince of Peace!

Hail, the Sun of Righteousness!

Light and life to all he brings,

ris’n with healing in his wings;

mild he lays his glory by,

born that we no more may die,

born to raise us from the earth,

born to give us second birth.

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251 Bryn Austin Rees (1911-1983) © Alexander Scott
1. Have faith in God, my heart,

trust and be unafraid;

God will fulfil in ev'ry part

each promise he has made.

2. Have faith in God, my mind,

though oft thy light burns low;

God's mercy holds a wiser plan

than thou canst fully know.

3. Have faith in God, my soul,

his Cross for ever stands;

and neither life nor death can pluck

his children from his hands.

4. Lord Jesus, make me whole;

grant me no resting-place,

until I rest, heart, mind and soul,

the captive of thy grace.

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252 Susan Sayers (b. 1946), based on Psalm 51 ©1989 Kevin Mayhew Ltd.
Have mercy on us,

O Lord, for we have sinned. (Repeat)
1. O God, in your kindness,

have mercy on me,

and in your compassion

blot out my offence.

O wash me, O wash me

from all of my guilt,

until you have cleansed me from sin.
2. For all my offences

I know very well,

I cannot escape from

the sight of my sin.

Against you, O Lord,

only you, have I sinned,

and done what is wrong in your eyes.
3. A pure heart create

in your servant, O Lord;

a steadfast and trustworthy

spirit in me.

O cast me not out

from your presence, I pray,

and take not your spirit from me.
4. Restore to me, Lord,

all the joy of your help;

sustain me with fervour,

sustain me with zeal.

Then open my lips,

and my mouth shall declare

the praise of my Lord and my God.

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253 Christian Strover © Christian Strover/Jubilate Hymns. Used by permission.
1. Have you heard the raindrops

drumming on the rooftops?

Have you heard the raindrops

dripping on the ground?

Have you heard the raindrops

splashing in the streams

and running to the rivers all around?
There's water, water of life,

Jesus gives us the water of life;

there's water, water of life,

Jesus gives us the water of life.
2. There's a busy worker

digging in the desert,

digging with a spade that

flashes in the sun;

soon there will be water

rising in the well-shaft,

spilling from the bucket as it comes.
3. Nobody can live

who hasn't any water,

when the land is dry,

then nothing much grows;

Jesus gives us life if we drink

the living water,

sing it so that everybody knows.

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254 Michael Forster (b. 1946) © 1993 Kevin Mayhew Ltd.
1. Heaven is open wide,

and Christ in glory stands,

with all authority endowed

and set at God's right hand.

Above the world of noise

extends his reign of peace,

and all the blood of martyrs calls

our angry ways to cease.

2. Heaven is open wide,

and perfect love we see

in God's eternal self revealed:

the blessed Trinity.

Christ for the Church has prayed,

that we may all be one,

and share the triune grace whereby

creation was begun.

3. Heaven is open wide,

and Christ in glory stands:

the Source and End, the First and Last,

with justice in his hands.

Let all the thirsty come

where life is flowing free,

and Christ, in splendour yet unknown,

our morning star will be.

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255 John L. Bell (b. 1949) and Graham Maule (b. 1958) © 1987 WGRG, Iona Community
1. Heav'n shall not wait

for the poor to lose their patience,

the scorned to smile,

the despised to find a friend:

Jesus is Lord,

he has championed the unwanted;

in him injustice

confronts its timely end.

2. Heav'n shall not wait

for the rich to share their fortunes,

the proud to fall,

the élite to tend the least:

Jesus is Lord;

he has shown the masters' priv'lege -

to kneel and wash

servant' feet before they feast.

3. Heav'n shall not wait

for the dawn of great ideas,

thoughts of compassion

divorced from cries of pain:

Jesus is Lord;

he has married word and action;

his cross and company

make his purpose plain.

4. Heav'n shall not wait

for our legalised obedience,

defined by statute,

to strict conventions bound:

Jesus is Lord;

he has hallmarked true allegiance –

goodness appears

where his grace is sought and found.

5. Heav'n shall not wait

for triumphant hallelujahs,

when earth has passed

and we reach another shore:

Jesus is Lord

in our present imperfection;

his pow'r and love

are for now and then for evermore.

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256 Twila Paris © 1985 Straightway Music / Mountain Spring/EMI Christian Music Publishing. Administered by Copycat
He is exalted,

the King is exalted on high;

I will praise him.

He is exalted,

for ever exalted

and I will praise his name!

He is the Lord;

for ever his truth shall reign.

Heaven and earth rejoice

in his holy name.

He is exalted,

the King is exalted on high.

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257 Unknown
1. He is Lord, he is Lord.

He is risen from the dead and he is Lord.

Ev'ry knee shall bow, ev'ry tongue confess

that Jesus Christ is Lord.

2. He is King, he is King.

He is risen from the dead and he is King.

Ev'ry knee shall bow, ev'ry tongue confess

that Jesus Christ is King.

3. He is love, he is love.

He is risen from the dead and he is love.

Ev'ry knee shall bow, ev'ry tongue confess

that Jesus Christ is love.

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258 William Watkins Reid (b. 1923) alt. © 1952, renewed 1987 by the Hymn Society/Hope Publishing Co. Administered by CopyCare
1. Help us, O Lord, to learn

the truths your word imparts,

to study that your laws may be

inscribed upon our hearts.

2. Help us, O Lord, to live

that faith which we proclaim,

that all our thoughts and words and deeds

may glorify your name.

3. Help us, O Lord, to teach

the beauty of your ways,

that all who seek may find the Christ,

and make a life of praise.

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259 Charles Wesley (1707-1788) alt.
1. Help us to help each other, Lord,

each other's cross to bear;

let each a helping hand afford,

and feel each other's care.

2. Up into thee, our living head,

let us in all things grow,

and by thy sacrifice be led

the fruits of love to show.

3. Drawn by the magnet of thy love

let all our hearts agree;

and ever t'wards each other move,

and ever move t'wards thee.

4. This is the bond of perfectness,

thy spotless charity.

O let us still we pray, possess

the mind that was in thee.

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260 Chris Bowater © 1981 Sovereign Lifestyle Music Ltd.
Here I am, wholly available.

As for me, I will serve the Lord.

Here I am, wholly available.

As for me, I will serve the Lord.
1. The fields are white unto harvest,

but O, the labourers are so few,

so, Lord, I give myself to help the reaping,

to gather precious souls unto you.

2. The time is right in the nation

for works of power and authority;

God's looking for a people who are willing

to be counted in his glorious victory.

3. As salt are we ready to savour,

in darkness are we ready to be light?

God's seeking out a very special people

to manifest his truth and his might.

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261 Marry Haugen (b. 1950) © 1982 GIA Publications Inc.
1. Here in this place new light is streaming,

now is the darkness vanished away,

see in this space our fears and our dreamings,

brought here to you in the light of this day.

Gather us in – the lost and forsaken,

gather us in – the blind and the lame;

call to us now, and we shall awaken,

we shall arise at the sound of our name.

2. We are the young – our lives are a myst'ry,

we are the old – who yearn for your face, all

we have been sung throughout a of hist'ry,

called to be fight to the whole human race.

Gather us in – the rich and the haughty,

gather us in – the proud and the strong;

give us a heart so meek and so lowly,

give us the courage to enter the song.

3. Here we will take the wine and the water, will

here we will take the bread of new birth,

here you shall call your sons and your daughters,

call us anew to be salt for the earth.

Give us to drink the wine of compassion,

give us to eat the bread that is you;

nourish us well, and teach us to fashion

lives that are holy and hearts that are true.

4. Not in the dark of buildings confining,

not in some heaven, light-years away.

But here in this place the new light is shining,

now is the Kingdom, and now is the day.

Gather us in and hold us for ever,

gather us in and make us your own;

gather us in – all peoples together,

fire of love in our flesh and our bone.

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262 Graham Kendrick (b. 1950) © 1992 Make Way Music
1. Here is bread, here is wine,

Christ is with us, he is with us.

Break the bread, taste the wine,

Christ is with us here.

In this bread there is healing,

in this cup is life for ever.

In this moment, by the Spirit,

Christ is with us here.
2. Here is grace, here is peace,

Christ is with us, he is with us;

know his grace, find his peace,

feast on Jesus here.

3. Here we are, joined in one,

Christ is with us, he is with us;

we'll proclaim, till he comes,

Jesus crucified.

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263 William Rees (1802-1883)
1. Here is love vast as the ocean,

loving kindness as the flood.

When the Prince of Life, our ransom,

shed for us his precious blood.

Who his love will not remember?

Who can cease to sing his praise?

He can never be forgotten,

throughout heaven's eternal days.

2. On the mount of crucifixion

fountains opened deep and wide;

through the floodgates of God's mercy

flowed a vast and gracious tide.

Grace and love, like mighty rivers,

poured incessant from above,

and heaven's peace and perfect justice

kissed a guilty world in love.

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264 Charles Venn Pilcher (1879-1961) © 1935 Mrs. I. E. V. Pilcher. Used by permission
1. Here, Lord, we take the broken bread

and drink the wine, believing

that by your life our souls are fed,

your parting gifts receiving.

2. As you have giv'n, so we would give

ourselves for others' healing;

and as you lived, so we would live,

the Father's love revealing.

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265 Horatius Bomar (1808-1889) alt.
1. Here, O my Lord, I see you face to face;

here faith would touch and handle things unseen;

here grasp with firmer hand th'eternal grace,

and all my weariness upon you lean.

2. Here would I feed upon the bread of God;

here drink with you the royal wine of heav'n;

here would I lay aside each earthly load;

here taste afresh the calm of sin forgiv'n.

3. I have no help but you; nor do I need

another arm save yours to lean upon:

it is enough, my Lord, enough indeed,

my strength is in your might, your might alone.

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266 Timothy Dudley-Smith (b. 1926) © Timothy Dudley-Smith
1. Here on the threshold of a new beginning,

by grace forgiven, now we leave behind

our long-repented selfishness and sinning,

and all our blessings call again to mind:

Christ to redeem us, ransom and restore us,

the love that holds us in a Saviour's care,

faith strong to welcome all that lies before us,

our unknown future, knowing God is there.

2. May we, your children, feel with Christ's compassion

an earth disordered, hungry and in pain;

then, at your calling, find the will to fashion

new ways where freedom, truth and justice reign;

where wars are ended, ancient wrongs are righted,

and nations value human life and worth;

where in the darkness lamps of hope are lighted

and Christ is honoured over all the earth.

3. So may your wisdom shine from scripture's pages

to mould and make us stones with which to build

God's holy temple, through eternal ages,

one church united, strong and Spirit-filled;

heirs to the fullness of your new creation

in faith we follow, pledged to be your own;

yours is the future, ours the celebration,

for Christ is risen! God is on the throne!

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267 Traditional Spanish trans. John L. Bell (b. 1949) @ 2002 WGRG, Iona Community
Here you are among us, O God of love.

Reverently, we offer you our praise,

and offer you our sorrow.

Here you are among us, O God of love;

therefore we will praise you for ever, ever.

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268 Traditional
1. He's got the whole world in his hand. (x4)
2. He's got you and me, brother .....
3. He's got you and me, sister .....
4. He's got the little tiny baby .....
5. He's got ev'rybody here .....

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269 Kathryn Kuhlman © 1965, 1993 Kathryn Kuhlman Foundation
He's the Saviour of my soul.

My Jesus, my Jesus.

He's the Saviour of my soul.

He's the Saviour of my soul.

His name is Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.

He's the Saviour of my soul.

He's the Saviour of my soul.

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270 Charles Edward Oakley (1832-1865) adapted
1. Hills of the north, rejoice,

echoing songs arise,

hail with united voice

him who made earth and skies:

he comes in righteousness and love,

he brings salvation from above.

2. Isles of the southern seas

sing to the list'ning earth,

carry on ev'ry breeze

hope of a world's new birth:

in Christ shall all be made anew,

his word is sure, his promise true.

3.Lands of the east, arise,

he is your brightest morn,

greet him with joyous eyes,

praise shall his path adorn:

the God whom you have longed to know

in Christ draws near, and calls you now.

4. Shores of the utmost west,

lands of the setting sun,

welcome the heav'nly guest

in whom the dawn has come:

he brings a never-ending light

who triumphed o'er our darkest night.

5. Shout, as you journey on,

songs be in ev'ry mouth,

lo, from the north they come,

from east and west and south:

in Jesus all shall find their rest,

in him the longing earth be blest.

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271 Jimmy Owens © 1972 Bud John Songs. Administered by CopyCare
1. Holy, holy, holy, holy.

Holy, holy, holy Lord God almighty;

and we lift our hearts before you

as a token of our love,

holy, holy, holy, holy.
2. Gracious Father, gracious Father,

we are glad to be your children, gracious Father;

and we lift our heads before you

as a token of our love,

gracious Father, gracious Father.
3. Risen Jesus, risen Jesus,

we are glad you have redeemed us, risen Jesus;

and we lift our hands before you

as a token of our love,

risen Jesus, risen Jesus.
4. Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit,

come and fill our hearts anew, Holy Spirit;

and we lift our voice before you

as a token of our love,

Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit.
5. Hallelujah, hallelujah,

hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah;

and we lift our hearts before you

as a token of our love,

hallelujah, hallelujah.

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272 Unknown
1. Holy, holy, holy is the Lord,

holy is the Lord God almighty.

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord,

holy is the Lord God almighty:

who was, and is, and is to come;

holy, holy, holy is the Lord.

2. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus is the Lord,

Jesus is the Lord God almighty:

Jesus is the Lord God almighty:

who was, and is, and is to come;

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus is the Lord.
3. Worthy, worthy, worthy is the Lord,

worthy is the Lord God almighty:

worthy is the Lord God almighty:

who was, and is and is to come;

worthy, worth, worthy is the Lord.
4. Glory, glory, glory to the Lord,

glory to the Lord God almighty:

glory to the Lord God almighty:

who was, and is, and is to come;

glory, glory, glory to the Lord.

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273 Reginald Heber (1783-1826)
1. Holy, holy, holy!

Lord God almighty! E

Early in the morning

our song shall rise to thee;

holy, holy, holy!

Merciful and mighty!

God in three persons,

blessed Trinity!

*2. Holy, holy, holy!

All the saints adore thee,

casting down their golden crowns

around the glassy sea;

cherubim and seraphim

falling down before thee,

which wert, and art,

and evermore shall be.

3. Holy, holy, holy!

Though the darkness hide thee,

though the sinful mortal eye

thy glory may not see,

only thou art holy,

there is none beside thee,

perfect in pow'r,

in love, and purity.

4. Holy, holy, holy!

Lord God almighty!

All thy works shall praise thy name,

in earth and sky and sea;

holy, holy, holy!

Merciful and mighty!

God in three persons,

blessed Trinity!

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274 Brian Foley (b. 1919) @ 1971 Faber Music Ltd.
1. Holy Spirit, come, confirm us

in the truth that Christ makes known:

we have faith and understanding

through your promised light alone.

2. Holy Spirit, come, console us,

come as Advocate to plead;

loving Spirit from the Father,

grant in Christ the help we need.

3. Holy Spirit, come, renew us,

come yourself to make us live;

holy through your loving presence,

holy through the gifts you give.

4. Holy Spirit, come, possess us,

you the love of Three in One,

Holy Spirit of the Father,

Holy Spirit of the Son.

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275 William Henry Parker (1845-1929)
1. Holy Spirit, hear us;

help us while we sing;

breathe into the music

of the praise we bring.

2. Holy Spirit, prompt us

when we kneel to pray;

nearer come, and teach us

what we ought to say.

3. Holy Spirit, shining

on the book we read;

gild its holy pages

with the light we need.

4. Holy Spirit, give us

each a lowly mind;

make us more like Jesus,

gentle, pure, and kind.

5. Holy Spirit, help us

daily by thy might,

what is wrong to conquer,

and to choose the right.

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276 Samuel Longfellow (1819-1892)
1. Holy Spirit, truth divine,

dawn upon this soul of mine:

voice of God, and inward light,

wake my spirit, clear my sight.

2. Holy Spirit, love divine,

glow within this heart of mine:

kindle every high desire,

purify me with your fire.

3. Holy Spirit, pow'r divine,

fill and nerve this will of mine:

boldly may I always live,

bravely serve and gladly give.

4. Holy Spirit, law divine,

reign within this soul of mine:

be my law, and I shall be

firmly bound, for ever free.

5. Holy Spirit, peace divine,

still this restless heart of mine:

speak to calm this tossing sea,

grant me your tranquillity.

6. Holy Spirit, joy divine,

gladden now this heart of mine:

in the desert ways I sing

spring, O living water, spring!

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277 Martin E. Leckebusch (b. 1962) ©1999 Kevin Mayhew Ltd.
1. Holy Spirit, will you be

one who intercedes for me?

When I wonder what to pray,

how to phrase the words I say.

Come in might and majesty -

help me in my frailty.

2. Holy Spirit, will you be

one who intercedes through me?

When I lack the words to tell

what my feelings say too well

speak through ev'ry sigh and groan

making my emotions known.

3. Holy Spirit, will you be

one who intercedes with me?

Come, and search my heart and mind,

my desires and motives find;

take my deepest thoughts and cares,

turn them into fervent pray'rs.

4. Holy Spirit, will you be

one who intercedes for me!

You alone can understand

what the mind of God has planned -

and within his will you lead

all for whom you intercede.

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278 Carl Tuttle (b. 1953) © 1985 Firmpaths Music Administered by CopyCare
1. Hosanna, hosanna,

hosanna in the highest! (Repeat)

Lord, we lift up your name,

with hearts full of praise;

be exalted, O Lord, my God!

Hosanna in the highest!
2. Glory, glory, glory

to the King of kings! (Repeat)

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279 Joseph Hart (1712-1768)
1. How good is the God we adore!

Our faithful, unchangeable friend:

his love is as great as his pow'r

and knows neither measure nor end.

2. For Christ is the first and the last;

his Spirit will guide us safe home;

we'll praise him for all that is past

and trust him for all that's to come.

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280 v. 1 Leonard E. Smith Jnr (b. 1942) based on Isaiah 52:7-10, vs. 2-4 unknown © 1974 New Jerusalem Music. Administered in Europe by Kingsway Music
1. How lovely on the mountains

are the feet of him

who brings good news, good news,

announcing peace,

proclaiming news of happiness:

our God reigns, our God reigns.

Our God reigns. (x4)
2. You watchmen, lift your voices

joyfully as one,

shout for your King, your King!

See eye to eye,

the Lord restoring Zion:

our God reigns, our God reigns.

3. Wasteplaces of Jerusalem,

break forth with joy!

We are redeemed, redeemed.

The Lord has saved

and comforted his people:

our God reigns, our God reigns.

4. Ends of the earth, see

the salvation of our God!

Jesus is Lord, is Lord!

Before the nations,

he has bared his holy arm:

our God reigns, our God reigns!

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281 John Mason (c. 1645-1694)
1. How shall I sing that majesty

which angels do admire?

Let dust in dust and silence lie;

sing, sing, ye heavenly choir.

Thousands of thousands stand around

thy throne, O God most high;

ten thousand times ten thousand sound

thy praise; but who am I?

2. Thy brightness unto them appears,

whilst I thy footsteps trace;

a sound of God comes to my ears,

but they behold thy face.

They sing because thou art their Sun;

Lord, send a beam on me;

for where heav'n is but once begun

there alleluias be.

3. How great a being, Lord, is thine,

which doth all beings keep!

Thy knowledge is the only line

to sound so vast a deep.

Thou art a sea without a shore,

a sun without a sphere;

thy time is now and evermore,

thy place is ev'rywhere.

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282 John Newton (1725-1807)
1. How sweet the name of Jesus sounds

in a believer's ear!

It soothes our sorrows, heals our wounds,

and drives away our fear.

2. It makes the wounded spirit whole,

and calms the troubled breast;

'tis manna to the hungry soul,

and to the weary, rest.

3. Dear name! the rock on which I build,

my shield and hiding-place,

my never-failing treas'ry filled

with boundless stores of grace.

4. Jesus! my shepherd, brother, friend,

my prophet, priest, and king,

my Lord, my life, my way, my end,

accept the praise I bring.

5. Weak is the effort of my heart,

and cold my warmest thought;

but when I see thee as thou art,

I'll praise thee as I ought.

6. Till then I would thy love proclaim

with ev'ry fleeting breath;

and may the music of thy name

refresh my soul in death.

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283 Dave Bilbrough © 1983 Thankyou Music
I am a new creation,

no more in condemnation,

here in the grace of God I stand.
My heart is overflowing,

my love just keeps on growing,

here in the grace of God I stand.
And I will praise you, Lord,

yes, I will praise you, Lord,

and I will sing of all that you have done
A joy that knows no limit,

a lightness in my spirit,

here in the grace of God I stand.

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284 Suzanne Toolan (b. 1927) © 1966 GIA Publications Inc.
1. I am the bread of life.

You who come to me shall not hunger;

and who believe in me shall not thirst.

No one can come to me

unless the Father beckons.
And I will raise you up,

and I will raise you up,

and I will raise you up on the last day.
2. The bread that I will give

is my flesh for the life of the world,

and if you eat of this bread,

you shall live for ever,

you shall live for ever.
3. Unless you eat

of the flesh of the Son of Man,

and drink of his blood,

and drink of his blood,

you shall not have life within you.
4. I am the resurrection,

I am the life.

If you believe in me,

even though you die,

you shall live for ever.
5. Yes, Lord, I believe

that you are the Christ,

the Son of God,

who has come

into the world.

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285 Frances Ridley Havergal (1836-1879)
1. I am trusting thee, Lord Jesus,

trusting only thee;

trusting thee for full salvation,

great and free.

2. I am trusting thee for pardon,

at thy feet I bow;

for thy grace and tender mercy,

trusting now.

3. I am trusting thee for cleansing

in the crimson flood;

trusting thee to make me holy

by thy blood.

4. I am trusting thee to guide me;

thou alone shalt lead,

ev'ry day and hour supplying

all my need.

5. I am trusting thee for power,

thine can never fail;

words which thou thyself shalt give me

must prevail.

6. I am trusting thee, Lord Jesus;

never let me fall;

I am trusting thee for ever,

and for all.

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286 Marc Nelson © 1987 Mercy/Vineyard M.ic Publishing Administered by CopyCare
1. I believe in Jesus;

I believe he is the Son of God.

I believe he died and rose again.

I believe he paid for us all.

And I believe he's here now

standing in our midst;

here with the power to heal now,

and the grace to forgive.

2. I believe in you, Lord;

I believe you are the Son of God.

I believe you died and rose again.

I believe you paid for us all.

And I believe you're here now

standing in our midst;

here with the power to heal now,

and the grace to forgive.

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287 Ascribed to St Patrick (372-466), trans. Cecil Frances Alexander (1818-1895) alt.
1. I bind unto myself today

the strong name of the Trinity,

by invocation of the same,

the Three in One, and One in Three.

2. I bind unto myself today

the virtues of the starlit heav'n,

the glorious sun's life-giving ray

the whiteness of the moon at even,

the flashing of the lightning free,

the whirling wind's tempestuous shocks,

the stable earth, the deep salt sea

around the old eternal rocks.

3. I bind unto myself today

the power of God to hold and lead,

his eye to watch, his might to stay,

his ear to hearken to my need;

the wisdom of my God to teach,

his hand to guide, his shield to ward,

the word of God to give me speech,

his heav'nly host to be my guard.

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