St Mary’s – Ecclesfield

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2. Then to the watchful shepherds it was told,

who heard th' angelic herald's voice, `Behold,

I bring good tidings of a Saviour's birth

to you and all the nations on the earth:

this day hash God fulfilled his promised word,

this day is born a Saviour, Christ the Lord.'

3. He spake; and straightway the celestial choir

in hymns of joy, unknown before, conspire;

the praises of redeeming love they sang,

and heav'n's whole orb with alleluias rang:

God's highest glory was their anthem still,

peace on the earth, in ev'ry heart good will.

4. To Bethl'em straight th'enlightened shepherds ran,

to see, unfolding, God's eternal plan,

and found, with Joseph and the blessed maid,

her Son, the Saviour, in a manger laid:

then to their flocks, still praising God, return,

and their glad hearts with holy rapture burn.

5. O may we keep and ponder in our mind

God's wondrous love in saving lost mankind;

trace we the babe, who hash retrieved our loss,

from his poor manger to his bitter cross;

tread in his steps assisted by his grace,

till our first heav'nly state again takes place.

6. Then may we hope, th'angelic hosts among,

to sing, redeemed, a glad triumphal song:

he that was born upon this joyful day

around us all his glory shall display;

saved by his love, incessant we shall sing

eternal praise to heav'n's almighty King.

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86 Urbs beata Jerusalem (c.7th century) trans. John Mason Neale (1818-1866) alt.
1. Christ is made the sure foundation,

Christ the head and cornerstone,

chosen of the Lord, and precious,

binding all the Church in one,

holy Zion's help for ever,

and her confidence alone.

2. To this temple, where we call you,

come, O Lord of hosts, today;

you have promised loving kindness,

hear your servants as we pray,

bless your people now before you,

turn our darkness into day.

3. Hear the cry of all your people,

what they ask and hope to gain;

what they gain from you, for ever

with your chosen to retain,

and hereafter in your glory

evermore with you to reign.

4. Praise and honour to the Father,

praise and honour to the Son,

praise and honour to the Spirit,

ever Three and ever One,

One in might and One in glory,

while unending ages run.

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87 Latin (before 9th century) trans. John Chandler (1806-1876)
1. Christ is our cornerstone,

on him alone we build;

with his true saints alone

the courts of heav'n are filled:

on his great love our hopes we place

of present grace and joys above.

2. O then with hymns of praise

these hallowed courts shall ring;

our voices we will raise

the Three in One to sing;

and thus proclaim in joyful song,

both loud and long, that glorious name.

3. Here, gracious God, do thou

for evermore draw nigh;

accept each faithful vow,

and mark each suppliant sigh;

in copious show'r on all who pray

each holy day thy blessings pour.

4. Here may we gain from heav'n

the grace which we implore;

and may that grace, once giv'n,

be with us evermore,

until that day when all the blest

to endless rest are called away.

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88 Fred Pratt Green (1903-2000) 1969 Stainer & Bell Ltd

1. Christ is the world's Light, he and none other:

born in our darkness, he became our Brother;

if we have seen him, we have seen the Father:

Glory to God on high.
2. Christ is the world's Peace, he and none other;

no one can serve him and despise another;

who else unites us, one in God the Father;

Glory to God on high.

3. Christ is the world's Life, he and none other;

sold once for silver, murdered here, our Brother

he who redeems us, reigns with God the Father:

Glory to God on high.

4. Give God the glory, God and none other:

give God the glory, Spirit, Son and Father;

give God the glory, God in Man my Brother:

Glory to God on high.

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89 John L. Bell (b. 1949) and Graham Maule (b. 1958) © 1989 WGRG, Iona Community
1. Christ's is the world in which we move,

Christ's are the folk we're summoned to love,

Christ's is the voice which calls us to care

and Christ is the one who calls us here.

To the lost Christ shows his face;

to the unloved he gives his embrace,

to those who cry in pain or disgrace,

Christ makes with his friends a touching place.
2. Feel for the people we most avoid,

strange or bereaved or never employed;

feel for the women, and feel for the men

who fear that their living is all in vain.

3. Feel for the parents who've lost their child

feel for the women whom men have defiled,

feel for the baby for whom there's no breast,

and feel for the weary who find no rest.

4. Feel for the lives by life confused,

riddled with doubt, in loving abused;

feel for the lonely heart, conscious of sin,

which longs to be pure but fears to begin.

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90 Michael Weisse (c. 1480-1534) trans. Catherine Winkworth (1827-1878) alt.
1. Christ the Lord is ris'n again,

Christ hath broken ev'ry chain.

Hark, angelic voices cry,

singing evermore on high,

2. He who gave for us his life,

who for us endured the strife,

is our paschal Lamb today;

we too sing for joy, and say:

3. He who bore all pain and loss

comfortless upon the cross,

lives in glory now on high,

pleads for us, and hears our cry:

4. He whose path no records tell,

who descended into hell,

who the strongest arm hath bound,

now in highest heav'n is crowned.

5. He who slumbered in the grave

is exalted now to save;

now through Christendom it rings

that the Lamb is King of kings.

6. Now he bids us tell abroad

how the lost may be restored,

how the penitent forgiv'n,

how we too may enter heav'n.

7. Christ, our paschal Lamb indeed,

You, your ransomed people feed;

take our sins and guilt away;

let us sing by night and day:


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91 Charles Wesley (1707-1788)
1. Christ the Lord is risen today; alleluia!

we on earth and angels say:

raise your joys and triumphs high;

sing, ye heavens; thou earth, reply:

2. Love's redeeming work is done,

fought the fight, the battle won;

vain the stone, the watch, the seal;

Christ hath burst the gates of hell:

3. Lives again our glorious King;

where, O death, is now thy sting?

Once he died our souls to save;

where's thy victory, boasting grave?

4. Soar we now where Christ hath led,

following our exalted Head;

made like him, like him we rise;

ours the cross, the grave, the skies:

5. King of glory! Soul of bliss!

Everlasting life is this,

thee to know, thy power to prove,

thus to sing, and thus to love:

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92 Michael Saward (b. 1932) © Michael Saward / Jubilate Hymns. Used by permission
1. Christ triumphant, ever reigning,

Saviour, Master, King.

Lord of heav'n, our lives sustaining,

hear us as we sing:

Yours the glory and the crown,

the high renown, th’eternal name.
2. Word incarnate, truth revealing,

Son of Man on earth!

Pow'r and majesty concealing

by your humble birth:

3. Suff'ring servant, scorned, ill-treated,

victim crucified!

Death is through the cross defeated,

sinners justified:

4. Priestly King, enthroned for ever

high in heav'n above!

Sin and death and hell shall never

stifle hymns of love:

5. So, our hearts and voices raising

through the ages long,

ceaselessly upon you gazing,

this shall be our song:

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93 Charles Wesley (1707-1788)
1. Christ, whose glory fills the skies,

Christ, the true, the only light,

Sun of Righteousness arise,

triumph o'er the shades of night;

Dayspring from on high, be near;

Daystar, in my heart appear.

2. Dark and cheerless is the morn

unaccompanied by thee;

Joyless is the day's return,

till thy mercy's beams I see,

till they inward light impart,

glad my eyes, and warm my heart.

3. Visit then this soul of mine,

pierce the gloom of sin and grief;

fill me, radiancy divine,

scatter all my unbelief;

more and more thyself display,

shining to the perfect day.

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94 Samuel Johnson (1822-1882) alt.
1. City of God, how broad and far

outspread thy walls sublime!

Thy free and loyal people are

of ev'ry age and clime.

2. One holy Church, one mighty throng,

one steadfast, high intent;

one working band, one harvest-song,

one King omnipotent.

3. How purely hath thy speech come down

from earth's primeval youth!

How grandly hath thine empire grown

of freedom, love and truth!

4. How gleam thy watch-fires through the night

with never-fainting ray!

How rise thy tow'rs, serene and bright,

to meet the dawning day!

5. In vain the surge's angry shock,

in vain the drifting sands;

unharmed upon th'eternal Rock

th'eternal city stands.

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95 Jimmy Owen © 1972 Bud John Songs l EMI Christian Music Publishing Administered by CopyCare

Clap your hands, all you people.

Shout to our God with a voice of triumph.

Clap your hands, all you people.

Shout to our God with a voice of praise!

Hosanna, hosanna.

Shout to our God with a voice of triumph.

Praise him, praise him.

Shout to our God with a voice of praise!

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96 John L. Bell (b. 1949) and Graham Maule (b. 1958) © 1987 WGRG, Iona Community
Cloth for the cradle,

cradle for the child,

the child for our ev’ry joy and sorrow,

find him a shawl that's woven by us all

to welcome the Lord

of each tomorrow.
1. Darkness and light

and all that's known by sight,

silence and echo fading,

weave into one a welcome for the Son,

set earth its own maker serenading.
2. Claimant and queen,

wage earners in between,

trader and travelling preacher,

weave into one a welcome for the Son,

whose word brings new life to ev'ry creature.
3. Hungry and poor,

the sick and the unsure,

wealthy, whose needs are stranger,

weave into one a welcome for the Son,

leave excess and want beneath the manger.
4. Wrinkled or fair,

carefree or full of care,

searchers of all the ages,

weave into one a welcome for the Son,

the Saviour of shepherds and of sages.

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97 Sue McClellan (b. 1951), John Paculabo (b. 1946), Keith Ryecroft (b. 1949) © 1974 Thankyou Music
1. Colours of day dawn into the mind,

the sun has come up, the night is behind.

Go down in the city, into the street,

and let's give the message

to the people we meet.
So light up the fire and let the flame burn,

open the door, let Jesus return,

take seeds of his Spirit, let the fruit grow,

tell the people of Jesus, let his love show.
2. Go through the park, on into the town;

the sun still shines on; it never goes down.

The light of the world is risen again;

the people of darkness

are needing our friend.
3. Open your eyes, look into the sky,

the darkness has come, the sun came to die.

The evening draws on, the sun disappears,

but Jesus is living,

and his Spirit is near.

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98 Richard G. Jones (b. 1926) © Richard G. Jones
1. Come, all who look to Christ today,

stretch out your hands, enlarge your mind,

together share his living way

where all who humbly seek will find.

2. Come, all who will from every race;

to lose self-will as Christians should

then find the Spirit's strong embrace

which binds us to the common good.

3. Come, young and old from every church,

bring all your treasuries of prayer,

Join the dynamic Spirit's search

to press beyond the truths we share.

4. Bring your traditions' richest store,

your hymns and rites and cherished creeds;

explore our visions, pray for more,

since God delights to meet fresh needs.

5. Come, trust in Christ and live in peace,

anticipate that final light

when strife and bigotry shall cease,

and faith be lost in praise and sight.

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99 Nick Fawcett (b. 1957) © 2004 Kevin Mayhew Ltd.
1. Come and celebrate, my friends,

sing of love that never ends.

Let go of all that holds you back,

receive the joy and peace you lack,

live the life your Father sends.
2. Come and celebrate today,

put your cares and fears away.

Give thanks, rejoice in all you do,

God's love is watching over you,

light and life are here to stay!
3. Come and celebrate with me,

Christ the Lord has set me free.

He tore the chains of doubt apart,

put living hope within my heart.

Trust in him and you will see.
4. Come and celebrate his call,

bring your talents, great and small.

In faith commit to him your days,

entrust your lives in grateful praise.

Love like this demands our all.

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100 Graham Kendrick (b. 1950) © 1989 Make Way Music
1. Come and see, come and see,

come and see the King of love;

see the purple robe

and crown of thorns he wears.

Soldiers mock, rulers sneer

as he lifts the cruel cross;

lone and friendless now,

he climbs towards the hill.

We worship at your feet,

where wrath and mercy meet,

and a guilty world

is washed by love's pure stream.

For us he was made sin -

oh, help me take it in.

Deep wounds of love

Cry out, ‘Father, forgive.'

I worship, I worship

the Lamb who was slain.
2. Come and weep, come and mourn

for your sin that pierced him there;

so much deeper

than the wounds of thorn and nail.

All our pride, all our greed,

all our fallenness and shame;

and the Lord has laid

the punishment on him.

3. Man of heaven, born to earth

to restore us to your heaven.

Here we bow in awe

beneath your searching eyes.

From your tears comes our joy,

from your death our life shall spring;

by your resurrection power

we shall rise.

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101 Christopher Idle (b. 1938), based on Revelation 4, 5 © Christopher Idle/Jubilate Hymns Used by permission
1. Come and see the shining hope

that Christ's apostle saw;

on the earth confusion,

but in heav'n an open door,

where the living creatures

praise the lamb for evermore:

Love has the vict'ry for ever!
Amen, he comes! to bring his own reward!

Amen, praise God! for justice now restored 

kingdoms of the world become the kingdoms of the Lord:

Love has the victory for ever!
2. All the gifts you send us, Lord,

are faithful, good, and true;

holiness and righteousness

are shown in all you do:

who can see your greatest gift

and fail to worship you?

Love has the vict'ry for ever!
3. Power and salvation

all belong to God on high!

So the mighty multitudes of heaven

make their cry,

singing Alleluia!

where the echoes never die:

Love has the victory for ever!

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102 Discendi, amor santo by Bianco da Siena (d. 1434) trans. Richard E Littledale (1833-1890) alt.
1. Come down, O Love divine,

seek thou this soul of mine,

and visit it with thine own ardour glowing;

O Comforter, draw near,

within my heart appear,

and kindle it, thy holy flame bestowing.

2. O let it freely burn,

till earthly passions turn

to dust and ashes in its heat consuming;

and let thy glorious light

shine ever on my sight,

and clothe me round, the while my path illuming.

3. Let holy charity

mine outward vesture be,

and lowliness become mine inner clothing;

true lowliness of heart,

which takes the humbler part,

and o'er its own shortcomings weeps with loathing.

4. And so the yearning strong,

with which the soul will long,

shall far outpass the pow'r of human telling;

nor can we guess its grace,

till we become the place

wherein the Holy Spirit makes his dwelling.

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103 Michael Forster (b. 1946) © 2000 Kevin Mayhew Ltd.
1. Come, faithful pilgrims all,

give God the glory.

Let all who hear his call

tell out his story:

how he set Israel free

from Egypt's slavery,

and called them out to be

a pilgrim people.

2. Out on the desert way,

in all its starkness,

faith led them through the day,

and lit their darkness.

No written guarantee,

no easy certainty,

just God's great call to be

a pilgrim people.

3. Let all the world rejoice

in exultation

let ev'ry silent voice

sing of salvation.

Loose all the chains that bind,

set free both heart and mind,

and make all humankind

a pilgrim people.

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104 Charles Wesley (1707-1788)
1. Come, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire,

let us thine influence prove;

source of the old prophetic fire,

fountain of life and love.

2. Come, Holy Ghost — for, moved by thee,

thy prophets wrote and spoke

unlock the truth, thyself the key,

unseal the sacred book.

3. Expand thy wings, celestial Dove,

brood o'er our nature's night;

on our disordered spirits move,

and let there now be light.

4. God, through himself, we then shall know,

if thou within us shine;

and sound, with all thy saints below,

the depths of love divine.

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105 vs. 1-3, 5 John Cosin (1594-1672)after Rabanus Maurus (c. 776-856) alt. v. 4 Michael Forster (b. 1946) © v. 4 1993 Kevin Mayhew Ltd.
1. Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire,

and lighten with celestial fire;

thou the anointing Spirit art,

who dost thy sev'nfold gifts impart.

2. Thy blessed unction from above

is comfort, life, and fire of love;

enable with perpetual light

the dullness of our blinded sight.

3. Anoint and cheer our soilèd face

with the abundance of thy grace:

keep far our foes, give peace at home;

where thou art guide no ill can come.

4. Show us the Father and the Son,

in thee and with thee, ever one.

Then through the ages all along,

this shall be our unending song.

5. 'Praise to thy eternal merit,

Father, Son and Holy Spirit.'


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106 Michael Forster (b. 1946) based on 1 Corinthians 12: 4-11 Forster © 1992 Kevin Mayhew Ltd.

1. Come, Holy Spirit, come!

Inflame our souls with love,

transforming ev'ry heart and home

with wisdom from above.

O let us not despise

the humble path Christ trod,

but choose, to shame the worldly-wise,

the foolishness of God.
2. All-knowing Spirit, prove

the poverty of pride,

by knowledge of the Father's love

in Jesus crucified.

And grant us faith to know

the glory of that sign,

and in our very lives to show

the marks of love divine.

3. Come with the gift to heal

the wounds of guilt and fear,

and to oppression's face reveal

the kingdom drawing near.

Where chaos longs to reign,

descend, O holy Dove,

and free us all to work again

the miracles of love.

4. Spirit of truth, arise;

inspire the prophet's voice:

expose to scorn the tyrant's lies,

and bid the poor rejoice.

O Spirit, clear our sight,

all prejudice remove,

and help us to discern the right,

and covet only love.

5. Give us the tongues to speak,

in ev'ry time and place,

to rich and poor, to strong and weak,

the word of love and grace.

Enable us to hear

the words that others bring,

interpreting with open ear

the special song they sing.

6. Come, Holy Spirit, dance

within our hearts today,

our earthbound spirits to entrance,

our mortal fears allay.

And teach us to desire,

all other things above,

that self-consuming holy fire,

the perfect gift of love!

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107 Unknown
1. Come into his presence, singing,

Alleluia.' (x3)

2. Come into his presence, singing,

`Jesus is Lord.' (x3)

3. Come into his presence, singing,

`Glory to God.' (x3)

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108 Isaac Watts (1674-1758) alt.
1. Come, let us join our cheerful songs

with angels round the throne;

ten thousand thousand are their tongues,

but all their joys are one.

2. 'Worthy the Lamb that died,' they cry,

`to be exalted thus.'

`Worthy the Lamb,' our lips reply,

`for he was slain for us.'

3. Jesus is worthy to receive

honour and pow'r divine;

and blessings, more than we can give,

be, Lord, for ever thine.

4. Let all creation join in one

to bless the sacred name

of him that sits upon the throne,

and to adore the Lamb.

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109 Robert Walmsley (1831-1905)
1. Come, let us sing of a wonderful love,

tender and true;

out of the heart of the Father above,

streaming to me and to you:

wonderful love

dwells in the heart of the Father above.

2. Jesus, the Saviour, this gospel to tell,

joyfully came;

came with the helpless and hopeless to dwell,

sharing their sorrow and shame;

seeking the lost,

saving, redeeming at measureless cost.

3. Jesus is seeking the wanderers yet;

why do they roam?

Love only waits to forgive and forget;

home! weary wanderer, home!

Wonderful love

dwells in the heart of the Father above.

4. Come to my heart, O thou wonderful love,

come and abide,

lifting my life till it rises above

envy and falsehood and pride;

seeking to be

lowly and humble, a learner of thee.

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110 Charles Wesley (1707-1788)
1. Come, let us use the grace divine,

and all, with one accord,

in a perpetual cov'nant join

ourselves to Christ the Lord.

2. Give up ourselves, through Jesu's power,

his name to glorify;

and promise, in this sacred hour,

for God to live and die.

3. The cov'nant we this moment make

be ever kept in mind:

we will no more our God forsake,

or cast his words behind.

4. We never will throw off his fear

who hears our solemn vow;

and if thou art well pleased to hear,

come down, and meet us now.

5. To each the cov'nant blood apply,

which takes our sins away;

and register our names on high,

and keep us to that day.

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111 George Herbert (1593-1633)
1. Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life:

such a way as gives us breath;

such a truth as ends all strife;

such a life as killeth death.

2. Come, my Light, my Feast, my Strength:

such a light as shows a feast;

such a feast as mends in length;

such a strength as makes his guest.

3. Come, my Joy, my Love, my Heart:

such a joy as none can move;

such a love as none can part;

such a heart as joys in love.

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112 Brian Doerksen © 1998 Vineyard Songs (UK/Eire) Administered by CopyCare
Come, now is the time to worship.

Come, now is the time to give your heart.

Come, just as you are to worship.

Come, just as you are before your God.

One day ev'ry tongue will confess you are God.

One day ev'ry knee will bow.

Still, the greatest treasure remains

for those who gladly choose you now.

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113 Marty Haugen (b. 1950) © 1999 GIA Publications Inc.
1. Come now, the table's spread,

in Jesus' name we break the bread,

here shall we all be fed

within the reign of God.

Come, take this holy food,

receive the body and the blood,

grace is a mighty flood

within the reign of God.

Blessed are they who will feast in the reign of God!

Blessed are they who will share the bread of life!

Blessed are they who are least in the reign of God!

They shall rejoice at the feast of life!
2. Stand up and do not fear

for Christ is truly present here,

sing out, and cease your tears

within the reign of God.

Welcome the weak and poor,

the sinner finds an open door,

none judged, and none ignored

within the reign of God.

3. Here shall the weary rest,

the stranger be a welcome guest,

so shall we all be blest

within the reign of God.

Now at this wedding feast,

the greatest here shall be the least,

all bonds shall be released

within the reign of God.

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114 Patricia Morgan and Dave Bankhead ©1984 Thankyou Music
Come on and celebrate

his gift of love, we will celebrate

the Son of God who loved us

and gave us life.

We'll shout your praise, O King,

you give us joy nothing else can bring;

we'll give to you our offering

in celebration praise.

Come on and celebrate, celebrate,

celebrate and sing,

celebrate and sing to the King. (Repeat)

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115 Graham Kendrick (b. 1950) © 1986 Thankyou Music
Come on, let's get up and go.

Let ev'ryone know.

We've got a reason to shout and to sing,

'cause Jesus loves us

and that's a wonderful thing.

Go! go! go! go! get up and go.

Don't be sleepy or slow.

You, you, you, you know what to do.

Give your life to him.

Come on, let's get up and go.

Let ev'ryone know.

We've got a reason to shout and to sing,

'cause Jesus loves us

and that's a wonderful thing.

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116 Stephen Langton (d. 1228) trans. Edward Caswall (1814-1878) alt.
1. Come, thou Holy Spirit, come,

and from thy celestial home

shed a ray of light divine;

come, thou Father of the poor,

come, thou source of all our store,

come, within our bosoms shine.

2. Thou of comforters the best,

thou the soul's most welcome guest,

sweet refreshment here below;

in our labour rest most sweet,

grateful coolness in the heat,

solace in the midst of woe.

3. O most blessed Light divine,

shine within these hearts of thine,

and our inmost being fill;

where thou art not, we have naught,

nothing good in deed or thought,

nothing free from taint of ill.

4. Heal our wounds; our strength renew;

on our dryness pour thy dew;

wash the stains of guilt away;

bend the stubborn heart and will;

melt the frozen, warm the chill;

guide the steps that go astray.

5. On the faithful, who adore

and confess thee, evermore

in thy sev'nfold gifts descend:

give them virtue's sure reward,

give them thy salvation, Lord,

give them joys that never end.

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117 Charles Wesley (1707-1788)
1. Come, thou long expected Jesus,

born to set thy people free;

from our fears and sins release us;

let us find our rest in thee.

2. Israel's strength and consolation,

hope of all the earth thou art;

dear desire of ev'ry nation,

joy of ev'ry longing heart.

3. Born thy people to deliver;

born a child and yet a king;

born to reign in us for ever;

now thy gracious kingdom bring.

4. By thine own eternal Spirit,

rule in all our hearts alone:

by thine all-sufficient merit,

raise us to thy glorious throne.

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118 Martin E. Leckebusch (b. 1962) © 1999 Kevin Mayhew Ltd
1. Come, wounded healer, your suff'rings reveal

the scars you accepted, our anguish to heal.

Your wounds bring such comfort in body and soul

to all who bear torment and yearn to be whole.

2. Come, hated lover, and gather us near,

your welcome, your teaching, your challenge to hear:

where scorn and abuse cause rejection and pain,

your loving acceptance makes hope live again!

3. Come, broken victor, condemned to a cross

how great are the treasures we gain from your loss!

Your willing agreement to share in our strife

transforms our despair into fullness of life.

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119 Job Hupton (1762-1849) and John Mason Neale (1818-1866) alt.
1. Come, ye faithful, raise the anthem,

cleave the skies with shouts of praise;

sing to him who found the ransom,

Ancient of eternal days,

God of God, the Word incarnate,

whom the heav'n of heav'n obeys.

2. Ere he raised the lofty mountains,

formed the seas or built the sky,

love eternal, free and boundless,

moved the Lord of Life to die,

fore-ordained the Prince of princes

for the throne of Calvary.

3. There, for us and our redemption,

see him all his life-blood pour!

There he wins our full salvation,

dies that we may die no more;

then arising, lives for ever,

reigning where he was before.

4. High on yon celestial mountains

stands his sapphire throne, all bright,

midst unending alleluias

bursting from the saints in light;

Sion's people tell his praises,

victor after hard-won fight.

5. Bring your harps, and bring your incense,

sweep the string and pour the lay;

let the earth proclaim his wonders,

King of that celestial day;

he the Lamb once slain is worthy,

who was dead and lives for ay.

6. Laud and honour to the Father,

laud and honour to the Son,

laud and honour to the Spirit,

ever Three and ever One,

consubstantial, co-eternal,

while unending ages run.

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120 St John of Damascus (d. c. 754) trans. John Mason Neale (1816-1866) alt.
1. Come, ye faithful, raise the strain

of triumphant gladness;

God hath brought his Israel

into joy from sadness;

loosed from pharaohs bitter yoke

Jacob's sons and daughters;

led them with unmoistened foot

through the Red Sea waters.

2. 'Tis the spring of souls today;

Christ hath burst his prison,

and from three days' sleep in death

as a sun hath risen:

all the winter of our sins,

long and dark, is flying

from his light, to whom we give

laud and praise undying.

3. Alleluia now we cry

to our King immortal,

who triumphant burst the bars

of the tomb's dark portal;

alleluia, with the Son,

God the Father praising;

alleluia yet again

to the Spirit raising.

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121 Henry Alford (1810-1871) alt.
1. Come, ye thankful people, come,

raise the song of harvest-home!

All is safely gathered in,

ere the winter storms begin;

God, our maker, doth provide

for our wants to be supplied;

come to God's own temple, come;

raise the song of harvest-home!

2. We ourselves are God's own field,

fruit unto his praise to yield;

wheat and tares together sown,

unto joy or sorrow grown;

first the blade and then the ear,

then the full corn shall appear:

grant, O harvest Lord, that we

wholesome grain and pure may be.

3. For the Lord our God shall come,

and shall take his harvest home,

from his field shall purge away

all that doth offend, that day;

give his angels charge at last

in the fire the tares to cast,

but the fruitful ears to store

in his garner evermore.

4. Then, thou Church triumphant, come,

raise the song of harvest-home;

all be safely gathered in,

free from sorrow, free from sin,

there for ever purified

in God's garner to abide:

come, ten thousand angels, come,

raise the glorious harvest-home!

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122 Genevieve Glen OSB © OCP Publications
1. Compassion walks the city street

and listens for uncertain feet

that hunt a home they cannot find

because the heart that leads is blind.

2. Compassion holds a steady light

to show the way through chill of night

and takes the homeless by the hand

to guide them to a warmer land.

3. Compassion walks the prison halls

in search of those affliction walls

in hopelessness beyond despair

because no voice speaks solace there.

4. Compassion breaks the bars and locks

to forge a path through all that blocks

the way to every lonely cell,

where anguish pines in silent hell.

5. Compassion does not tire or sleep

but walks wherever suff'rers weep

through ages past and still to come,

until the world is gathered home.

6. To rest at last where Mercy reigns

and heals all ills and stills all pains.

And there Compassion's walk will cease,

where God is all, and all is peace.

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123 Martin E. Leckebusch (b. 1962) © 2001 Kevin Mayhew Ltd
1 Creation sings! Each plant and tree,

each bird and beast in harmony,

the brightest star, the smallest cell,

God's tender care and glory tell -

from ocean depths to mountain peaks,

in praise of God, creation speaks!

2. Creation speaks a message true,

reminds us we are creatures, too:

to serve as stewards is our role,

despite our dreams of full control -

when we disparage what God owns,

in turmoil, all creation groans.

3. Creation groans to see the day

which ends all bondage, all decay:

frustrated now, it must await

the Lord who comes to recreate

till round the universe there rings

the song his new creation sings!

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124 7th century Trans. John Mason Neale (1818-1866) alt.
1. Creator of the starry height,

thy people's everlasting light,

Jesu, redeemer of us all,

hear thou thy servants when they call.

2. Thou, grieving at the helpless cry

of all creation doomed to die,

didst come to save our fallen race

by healing gifts of heav'nly grace.

3. When earth was near its evening hour,

thou didst, in love's redeeming pow'r,

like bridegroom from his chamber, come

forth from a Virgin-mother's womb.

4. At thy great name, exalted now,

all knees in lowly homage bow;

all things in heav'n and earth adore,

and own thee King for evermore.

5. To thee, O Holy One, we pray,

our judge in that tremendous day,

ward off, while yet we dwell below,

the weapons of our crafty foe.

6. To God the Father, God the Son

and God the Spirit, Three in One,

praise, honour, might and glory be

from age to age eternally.


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125 Matthew Bridges (1800-1894)
1. Crown him with many crowns,

the Lamb upon his throne;

hark, how the heav'nly anthem drowns

all music but its own:

awake, my soul, and sing

of him who died for thee,

and hail him as thy matchless King

through all eternity.

2. Crown him the Virgin's Son,

the God incarnate born,

whose arm those crimson trophies won

which now his brow adorn;

fruit of the mystic Rose,

as of that Rose the Stem,

the Root, whence mercy ever flows,

the Babe of Bethlehem.

3. Crown him the Lord of love;

behold his hands and side,

rich wounds, yet visible above,

in beauty glorified:

no angel in the sky

can fully bear that sight,

but downward bends each burning eye

at mysteries so bright.

4. Crown him the Lord of peace,

whose pow'r a sceptre sways

from pole to pole, that wars may cease,

absorbed in prayer and praise:

his reign shall know no end,

and round his pierced feet

fair flow'rs of paradise extend

their fragrance ever sweet.

5. Crown him the Lord of years,

the Potentate of time,

Creator of the rolling spheres,

ineffably sublime.

All hail, Redeemer, hail!

for thou hast died for me;

thy praise shall never, never fail

throughout eternity.

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126 Michael Forster (b. 1946) © 1992 Kevin Mayhew Ltd
1. Cry 'Freedom!' in the name of God,

and let the cry resound;

proclaim for all that freedom

which in Jesus Christ is found,

for none of us is truly free

while anyone is bound.

Cry ‘Freedom!' cry’ Freedom!'

in God's name, in God's name!

Cry ‘Freedom!' cry 'Freedom!'

in God's name!
2. Cry 'Freedom!' for the victims

of the earthquake and the rain:

where wealthy folk find shelter

and the poor must bear the pain;

where weapons claim resources

while the famine strikes again.

3. Cry 'Freedom!' for dictators

in their fortresses confined,

who hide behind their bodyguards

and fear the open mind,

and bid them find true freedom

in the good of humankind.

4. Cry `Freedom!' in the church when

honest doubts are met with fear;

when vacuum-packed theology

makes questions disappear;

when journeys end before they start

and mystery is clear!

5. Cry 'Freedom!' when we find ourselves

imprisoned in our greed,

to live in free relationship

and meet each other's need.

From self released for others' good

we should be free indeed!

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127 John L. Bell (b. 1949) and Graham Maule (b.1958) ©1987, 2002 WGRG, Iona Community
Dance and sing, all the earth,

gracious is the hand that tends you:

love and care ev'rywhere,

God on purpose sends you.
1. Shooting star and sunset shape

the drama of creation;

lightning flash and moonbeam share

a common derivation.

2. Deserts stretch and torrents roar

in contrast and confusion;

treetops shake and mountains soar

and nothing is illusion.

3. All that flies and swims and crawls

displays an animation;

none can emulate or change

for each has its own station.

4. Brother man and sister woman,

born of dust and passion,

praise the one who calls you friends

and forms you in his fashion.

5. Kiss of life and touch of death

suggest our imperfection:

crib and womb and cross and tomb

cry out for resurrection.

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128 Mike Anderson (b. 1956) © 1999 Kevin Mayhew Ltd.
Dance in your Spirit,

we dance in your Spirit,

we dance in your Spirit of joy! (Repeat)
1. Jesus, you showed us the way to live,

and your Spirit sets us free,

free now to sing, free to dance and shout,

`Glory, glory' to your name.

2. Jesus, you opened your arms for us,

but we nailed them to a cross;

but you are risen and now we live,

free from, free from ev'ry fear.

3. Your Spirit brings peace and gentleness,

kindness, self-control and love,

patience and goodness and faith and joy,

Spirit, Spirit fill us now.

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129 John Greenleaf Whittier (1807-1892)
1. Dear Lord and Father of mankind,

forgive our foolish ways!

Re-clothe us in our rightful mind,

in purer lives thy service find,

in deeper rev'rence praise,

in deeper rev'rence praise.

2. In simple trust like theirs who heard,

beside the Syrian sea,

the gracious calling of the Lord,

let us, like them, without a word,

rise up and follow thee,

rise up and follow thee.

3. O Sabbath rest by Galilee!

O calm of hills above,

where Jesus knelt to share with thee

the silence of eternity,

interpreted by love!

Interpreted by love!

4. Drop thy still dews of quietness,

till all our strivings cease;

take from our souls the strain and stress,

and let our ordered lives confess

the beauty of thy peace,

the beauty of thy peace.

5. Breathe through the heats of our desire

thy coolness and thy balm;

let sense be dumb, let flesh retire;

speak through the earthquake, wind and fire,

O still small voice of calm!

O still small voice of calm!

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130 George Ratcliffe Woodward (1848-1934) © SPCK
1. Ding dong, merrily on high!

In heav'n the bells are ringing;

ding dong, verily the sky

is riv'n with angel singing.

Gloria, hosanna in excelsis!

Gloria, hosanna in excelsis!
2. E'en so here below, below,

let steeple bells be swungen,

and io, io, io,

by priest and people sungen.

3. Pray you, dutifully prime

your matin chime, ye ringers;

may you beautifully rhyme

your evetime song, ye singers.

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131 J. B. de Santeuil (1630-1697) trans. Isaac Williams (1802-1865) alt.
1. Disposer supreme,

and Judge of the earth,

thou choosest for thine

the meek and the poor;

to frail earthen vessels,

and things of no worth,

entrusting thy riches

which ay shall endure.

2. Those vessels are frail,

though full of thy light,

and many, once made,

are broken and gone;

thence brightly appeareth

thy truth in its might,

as through the clouds riven

the lightnings have shone.

3. Like clouds are they borne

to do thy great will,

and swift as the winds

about the world go:

the Word with his wisdom

their spirits doth fill;

they thunder, they lighten,

the waters o'erflow.

4. Their sound goeth forth,

`Christ Jesus the Lord!'

then Satan doth fear,

his citadels fall;

as when the dread trumpets

went forth at thy word,

and one long blast shattered

the Canaanites' wall.

5. O loud be their cry,

and stirring their sound,

to rouse us, O Lord,

from slumber of sin:

the lights thou hast kindled

in darkness around,

O may they awaken

our spirits within.

6. All honour and praise,

dominion and might,

to God, Three in One,

eternally be,

who round us hash shed

his own marvellous light,

and called us from darkness

his glory to see.

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132 Gerard Markland (b. 1953), based on Isaiah 43:1-4 ©1978 Kevin Mayhew Ltd.
Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you.

I have called you by your name;

you are mine.
1. When you walk through the waters,

I'll be with you.

You will never sink beneath the waves.
2. When the fire is burning

all around you,

you will never be consumed by the flames.
3 When the fear of loneliness

is looming,

then remember I am at your side.
4. When you dwell in the exile

of the stranger,

remember you are precious in my eyes.
5. You are mine, O my child,

I am your Father,

and I love you with a perfect love.

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133 Aurelius Clemens Prudentius (348-c. 413) trans. Edward Caswall (1814-1878) alt.
1. Earth has many a noble city;

Bethl'em, thou doss all excel:

out of thee the Lord from heaven

came to rule his Israel.

2. Fairer than the sun at morning

was the star that told his birth,

to the world its God announcing,

seen in fleshly form on earth.

3. Eastern sages at his cradle

make oblations rich and rare;

see them give in deep devotion

gold and frankincense and myrrh.

4. Sacred gifts of mystic meaning:

incense doth their God disclose,

gold the King of kings proclaimeth,

myrrh his sepulchre foreshows.

5. Jesu, whom the Gentiles worshipped

at thy glad Epiphany,

unto thee with God the Father

and the Spirit glory be.

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134 William Whiting (1825-1878) alt.
1. Eternal Father, strong to save,

whose arm doth bind the restless wave,

who bidd'st the mighty ocean deep

its own appointed limits keep:

O hear us when we cry to thee

for those in peril on the sea.

2. O Saviour, whose almighty word

the winds and waves submissive heard,

who walkedst on the foaming deep,

and calm, amid its rage, didst sleep:

O hear us when we cry to thee

for those in peril on the sea.

3. O sacred Spirit, who didst brood

upon the waters dark and rude,

and bid their angry tumult cease,

and give, for wild confusion, peace:

O hear us when we cry to thee

for those in peril on the sea.

4. O Trinity of love and pow'r,

our brethren shield in danger's hour.

From rock and tempest, fire and foe,

protect them whereso'er they go,

and ever let there rise to thee

glad hymns of praise from land and sea.

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135 John White Chadwick (1840-1904) alt.
1. Eternal Ruler of the ceaseless round

of circling planets singing on their way;

guide of the nations from the night profound

into the glory of the perfect day;

rule in our hearts, that we may ever be

guided and strengthened and upheld by thee.

2. We are of thee, the children of thy love,

by virtue of thy well-beloved Son;

descend, O Holy Spirit, like a dove,

into our hearts, that we may be as one:

as one with thee, to whom we ever tend;

as one with him, our Brother and our Friend.

3. We would be one in hatred of all wrong,

one in our love of all things sweet and fair,

one with the joy that breaketh into song,

one with the grief that trembles into prayer,

one in the pow'r that makes thy children free

to follow truth, and thus to follow thee.

4. O clothe us with thy heav'nly armour, Lord,

thy trusty shield, thy sword of love divine;

our inspiration be thy constant word;

we ask no victories that are not thine:

give or withhold, let pain or pleasure be;

enough to know that we are serving thee.

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136 Stuart Garrard © 1995 Thankyou Music
Ev'ry minute of ev'ry day

I get my life from you.

In ev'ry possible kind of way

your life comes bursting through.

You're the one I depend upon,

the source of my life,

you're the only one.

I didn't know living could be such fun,

it's eternal life and it's just begun.

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137 Brian Doerksen © 1989 Vineyard Songs, Canada Administered by CopyCare
Faithful One, so unchanging,

Ageless One, you're my rock of peace.

Lord of all, I depend on you,

I call out to you again and again,

I call out to you again and again.

You are my rock in times of trouble,

you lift me up when I fall down.

All through the storm your love is the anchor,

my hope is in you alone.

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138 Thomas Benson Pollock (1836-1896)
1. Faithful Shepherd, feed me

in the pastures green;

faithful Shepherd, lead me

where thy steps are seen.

2. Hold me fast, and guide me

in the narrow way;

so, with thee beside me,

I shall never stray.

3. Daily bring me nearer

to the heav'nly shore;

may my faith grow clearer,

may I love thee more.

4. Hallow ev'ry pleasure,

ev'ry gift and pain;

be thyself my treasure,

though none else I gain.

5. Day by day prepare me

as thou seest best,

then let angels bear me

to thy promised rest.

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139 Timothy Dudley-Smith (b. 1926) based on Luke 2:29-32 © Timothy Dudley-Smith
1. Faithful vigil ended,

watching, waiting cease;

Master, grant your servant

his discharge in peace.

2. All the Spirit promised,

all the Father willed,

now these eyes behold it

perfectly fulfilled.

3. This your great deliv'rance

sets your people free;

Christ their light uplifted a

ll the nations see.

4. Christ, your people's glory!

watching, doubting cease;

grant to us your servants

our discharge in peace.

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140 Ian Small © 1984 Thankyou Music
Father God,

I wonder how I managed to exist

without the knowledge of your parenthood

and your loving care.

But now I am your child,

I am adopted in your family

and I can never be alone,

'cause, Father God, you're there beside me.

I will sing your praises,

I will sing your praises,

I will sing your praises,

for evermore.

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141 Maria Willis (1824-1908)
1. Father, hear the prayer we offer:

not for ease that prayer shall be,

but for strength that we may ever

live our lives courageously.

2. Not for ever in green pastures

do we ask our way to be;

but the steep and rugged pathway

may we tread rejoicingly.

3. Not for ever by still waters

would we idly rest and stay;

but would smite the living fountains

from the rocks along our way.

4. Be our strength in hours of weakness,

in our wand'rings be our guide;

through endeavour, failure, danger,

Father, be thou at our side.

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142 Bob Fitts © 1985 Scripture in Song / Integrity Song / Integrity Music Kingsway Thankyou Music
Father in heaven, how we love you,

we lift your name in all the earth.

May your kingdom be established in our praises

as your people declare your holy works,

Blessèd be the Lord God Almighty,

who was and is and is to come.

Blessed be the Lord God Almighty,

who reigns for evermore.

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143 Jenny Hewer (b. 1945) © 1975 Thankyou Music
1. Father, I place into your hands

the things I cannot do.

Father, I place into your hands

the things that I've been through.

Father, I place into your hands

the way that I should go,

for I know I always can trust you.
2. Father, I place into your hands

my friends and family.

Father, I place into your hands

the things that trouble me.

Father I place into your hands

the person I would be,

for I know I always can trust you.
3. Father, we love to see your face,

we love to hear your voice,

Father, we love to sing your praise

and in your name rejoice.

Father, we love to walk with you

and in your presence rest,

for we know we always can trust you.
4. Father, I want to be with you

and do the things you do.

Father, I want to speak the words

that you are speaking too.

Father, I want to love the ones

that you will draw to you,

for I know that I am one with you.

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144 Stewart Cross (1928-1989) © Mrs. M. Cross
1. Father, Lord of all creation,

ground of Being, Life and Love;

height and depth beyond description

only life in you can prove:

you are mortal life's dependence:

thought, speech, sight are ours by grace;

yours is ev'ry hour's existence,

sov'reign Lord of time and space.

2. Jesus Christ, the Man for Others,

we, your people, make our prayer:

help us love - as sisters, brothers -

all whose burdens we can share.

Where your name binds us together

you, Lord Christ, will surely be;

where no selfishness can sever

there your love the world may see.

3. Holy Spirit, rushing, burning

wind and flame of Pentecost,

fire our hearts afresh with yearning

to regain what we have lost.

May your love unite our action,

nevermore to speak alone:

God, in us abolish faction,

God, through us your love make known.

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145 Latin (c. 10th century) trans. Alfred E. Alston (1862-1927)
1. Father most holy,

merciful and loving,

Jesu, Redeemer,

ever to be worshipped,

life-giving Spirit,

Comforter most gracious,

God everlasting.
2. Three in a wondrous

Unity unbroken,

One perfect Godhead,

love that never faileth,

light of the angels,

succour of the needy,

hope of all living.
3. All thy creation

serveth its Creator,

thee every creature

praiseth without ceasing;

we too would sing thee

psalms of true devotion:

hear, we beseech thee.
4. Lord God Almighty,

unto thee be glory,

One in Three Persons,

over all exalted.

Thine, as is meet,

be honour, praise and blessing

now and for ever

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146 Edward Cooper (1770-1833)
1. Father of heaven, whose love profound

a ransom for our souls hath found,

before thy throne we sinners bend,

to us thy pard'ning love extend.

2. Almighty Son, incarnate Word,

our Prophet, Priest, Redeemer, Lord,

before thy throne we sinners bend,

to us thy saving grace extend.

3. Eternal Spirit, by whose breath

the soul is raised from sin and death,

before thy throne we sinners bend,

to us thy quickening pow'r extend.

4. Thrice Holy! Father, Spirit, Son;

mysterious Godhead, Three in One,

before thy throne we sinners bend,

grace, pardon, life, to us extend.

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147 Philip Doddridge (1702-1751)
1. Father of peace, and God of love.

We own thy pow'r to save;

that pow'r by which our Shepherd rose

victorious o'er the grave.

2. We triumph in that Shepherd's name,

still watchful for our good;

who brought th'eternal covenant down,

and sealed it with his blood.

3. So may thy Spirit seal my soul,

and mould it to thy will;

that my fond heart no more may stray,

but keep thy promise still.

4. Still may we gain superior strength,

and press with vigour on;

till full perfection crown our hopes,

and fix us near thy throne.

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148 Terrye Coelho (b.1952) © 1972 Marantha! Music . Administered by CopyCare
1. Father, we adore you,

lay our lives before you.

How we love you!
2. Jesus, we adore you .....
3. Spirit, we adore you .....

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149 Robin Mann © 1986 Kevin Mayhew Ltd.
Father welcomes all his children

to his fam'ly through his Son.

Father giving his salvation,

life ever has been won.
1. Little children, come to me,

for my kingdom is of these.

Love and new life have I to give,

pardon for your sin.

2. In the water, in the word,

in his promise, be assured:

all who believe and are baptised

shall be born again.

3. Let us daily die to sin;

let us daily rise with him

walk in the love of Christ our Lord,

live in the peace of God.

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150 Donna Adkins (b. 1940) © 1976 CCCM Music / Maranatha! Music Administered by CopyCare
1. Father, we love you,

we worship and adore you,

glorify your name in all the earth.

Glorify your name, glorify your name,

glorify your name in all the earth.
2. Jesus, we love you .....
3. Spirit, we love you .....

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151 Fred Kaan (b. 1929) © 1968 Stainer & Bell Ltd.
1. Father, who in Jesus found us,

God, whose love is all around us,

who to freedom new unbound us,

keep our hearts with joy aflame.

2. For the sacramental breaking,

for the honour of partaking,

for your life our lives remaking,

young and old, we praise your name.

3. From the service of this table

lead us to a life more stable,

for our witness make us able;

blessings on our work we claim.

4. Through our calling closely knitted,

daily to your praise committed,

for a life of service fitted,

let us now your love proclaim.

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152 John Samuel Bewley Monsell (1811-1875) alt.
1. Fight the good fight with all thy might;

Christ is thy strength, and Christ thy right;

lay hold on life, and it shall be

thy joy and crown eternally.

2. Run the straight race through God's good grace,

lift up thine eyes and seek his face;

life with its way before us lies;

Christ is the path, and Christ the prize.

3. Cast care aside, lean on thy guide;

his boundless mercy will provide;

trust, and thy trusting soul shall prove

Christ is its life, and Christ its love.

4. Faint not nor fear, his arms are near;

he changeth not, and thou art dear;

only believe, and thou shalt see

that Christ is all in all to thee.

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153 John Raphael Peacey (1896-1971) By kind permission of the Revd. M. I Hancock.
1. Filled with the Spirit's pow'r,

with one accord

the infant Church

confessed its risen Lord.

O Holy Spirit,

in the Church today

no less your pow'r

of fellowship display.

2. Now with the mind of Christ

set us on fire,

that unity

may be our great desire.

Give joy and peace;

give faith to hear your call,

and readiness

in each to work for all.

3. Widen our love, good Spirit,

to embrace

in your strong care

the people of each race.

Like wind and fire

with life among us move,

till we are known as Christ's,

and Christians prove.

_________________________________________ Back to First Letter Index
154 Horatius Bonar (1808-1889)
1. Fill thou my life, O Lord my God,

in ev'ry part with praise,

that my whole being may proclaim

thy being and thy ways.

2. Not for the lip of praise alone,

nor e'en the praising heart,

I ask, but for a life made up

of praise in ev'ry part.

3. Praise in the common things of life,

its goings out and in;

praise in each duty and each deed,

however small and mean.

4. Fill ev'ry part of me with praise:

let all my being speak

of thee and of thy love, O Lord,

poor though I be and weak.

5. So shalt thou, Lord, receive from me

the praise and glory due;

and so shall I begin on earth

the song for ever new.

6. So shall each fear, each fret, each care,

be turned into song;

and ev'ry winding of the way

the echo shall prolong.

7. So shall no part of day or night

unblest or common be;

but all my life, in ev'ry step,

be fellowship with thee.

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155 Timothy Dudley-Smith (b. 1926) © Timothy Dudley-Smith
1. Fill your hearts with joy and gladness,

sing and praise your God and mine!

Great the Lord in love and wisdom,

might and majesty divine!

He who framed the starry heavens

knows and names them as they shine!

Fill your hearts with joy and gladness,

sing and praise your God and mine!

2. Praise the Lord, his people, praise him!

Wounded souls his comfort know;

those who fear him find his mercies,

peace for pain and joy for woe;

humble hearts are high exalted,

human pride and pow'r laid low.

Praise the Lord, his people, praise him!

Wounded souls his comfort know.

3. Praise the Lord for times and seasons,

cloud and sunshine, wind and rain;

spring to melt the snows of winter

till the waters flow again;

grass upon the mountain pastures,

golden valleys thick with grain.

Praise the Lord for times and seasons,

cloud and sunshine, wind and rain.

4. Fill your hearts with joy and gladness,

peace and plenty crown your days;

love his laws, declare his judgements,

walk in all his words and ways;

he the Lord and we his children:

praise the Lord, all people, praise!

Fill your hearts with joy and gladness,

peace and plenty crown your days!

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156 Unknown trans. John Mason Neale (1818-1866) alt.
1. Finished the strife of battle now,

gloriously crowned the victor's brow;

sing with gladness, banish sadness:

Alleluia, alleluia!

2. After the death that him befell,

Jesus Christ has harrowed hell;

songs of praising we are raising:

Alleluia, alleluia!

3. On the third morning he arose,

shining with vict'ry o'er his foes;

earth is singing, heav'n is ringing:

Alleluia, alleluia!

4. Lord, by your wounds on you we call,

you, by your death, have freed us all;

may our living be thanksgiving:

Alleluia, alleluia!

_________________________________________ Back to First Letter Index
157 John Henry Newman (1801-1890) alt.
1. Firmly I believe and truly

God is Three and God is One;

and I next acknowledge duly

manhood taken by the Son.

2. And I trust and hope most fully

in the Saviour crucified;

and each thought and deed unruly

do to death as he has died.

3. Simply to his grace and wholly

light and life and strength belong,

and I love supremely, solely,

him the holy, him the strong.

4. And I hold in veneration,

for the love of him alone,

holy Church as his creation,

and her teachings as his own.

5. Adoration ay be given,

with and thro' th'angelic host,

to the God of earth and heaven,

Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

When the tune ‘Alton' is used the following last line is added:
Amen. Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

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158 Susan Sayers (b. 1946) 1986 Kevin 1986 Kevin Mayhew Ltd.
1. Fishes of the ocean

and the birds of the air,

they all declare

the wonderful works of God

who has created ev'rything, ev'rywhere;

let the whole earth sing of his love!

2. Apples in the orchard

and the corn in the field,

the plants all yield

their fruit in due season,

so the generosity of God is revealed;

let the whole earth sing of his love!

3. Energy and colour

from the sun with its light,

the moon by night;

the patterns of the stars

all winking in the darkness on a frosty cold night;

let the whole earth sing of his love!

4. Muddy hippopotamus

and dainty gazelle,

the mice as well,

are all of his making,

furry ones and hairy ones and some with a shell;

let the whole earth sing of his love!

5. All that we can hear

and ev'rything we can see,

including me,

we all of us spring from God

who cares for ev'rybody unendingly;

let the whole earth sing of his love!

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159 Ian Smale (b. 1949) ©1985 Thankyou Music
5000 + hungry folk,

5000 + hungry folk,

5000 + hungry folk

came 4 2 listen 2 Jesus.

The 6 x 2 said 0 0 0,

the 6 x 2 said 0 0 0,

the 6 x 2 said 0 0 0,

where can I get some food from?

Just 1 had 12 3 4 5,

just 1 had 12 3 4 5,

just I had 12 3 4 5

loaves and 1 2 fishes.

When Jesus blessed the 5 + 2,

when Jesus blessed the 5 + 2,

when Jesus blessed the 5 + 2

they were increased many x over.

5000 + 8 it up,

5000 + 8 it up,

5000 + 8 it up,

with 123456789 10 11 12

basketfuls left over.

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160 Michael Lockett (b. 1938) © 1978 Kevin Mayhew Ltd.
Follow me, follow me,

leave your home and family,

leave your fishing nets and boats

upon the shore.

Leave the seed you have sown,

leave the crops that you've grown, l

eave the people you have known

and follow me.
1. The foxes have their holes

and the swallows have their nests,

but the Son of Man

has no place to lie down.

I do not offer comfort,

I do not offer wealth,

but in me will all happiness be found.
2. If you would follow me,

you must leave old ways behind.

You must take my cross and

follow on my path.

You may be far from loved ones,

you may be far from home,

but my Father will welcome you at last.
3. Although I go away

you will never be alone,

for the Spirit will be

there to comfort you.

Though all of you may scatter,

each follow his own path,

still the Spirit of love will lead you home
Follow me, follow me,

leave your home and family

leave your fishing nets and boats

upon the shore.

Leave the seed you have sown,

leave the crops that you've grown,

leave the people you have known

and follow me.

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161 William Walsham How (1823-1897) Adapted by Michael Forster (b. 1946) © 2000 Kevin Mayhew Ltd
1. For all the saints, who from their labours rest,

who thee by faith before the world confessed,

thy name, O Jesus, be forever blest:


2. Thou avast their rock, their refuge and their might,

thou, Lord, the vision ever in their sight:

thou in the darkness drear their one true light.


3. O may thy servants, faithful, true and bold,

strive for thy kingdom as the saints of old

and win with them the glorious crown of gold:


4. O blest communion, fellowship divine!

We feebly struggle, they in glory shine,

yet all are one in thee, for all are thine:


5. And when the road is steep, the journey long,

steals on the ear the distant welcome song,

and hope is bright again, and faith is strong:


6. The golden evening brightens in the west,

soon, soon to faithful pilgrims cometh rest:

sweet is the calm of Paradise the blest:


7. But lo! There breaks a yet more glorious day,

the saints triumphant rise in bright array:

the King of glory passes on his way:


8. From earth's wide bounds, from ocean's farthest coast,

through gates of pearl streams in the countless host,

singing to Father, Son and Holy Ghost.


_________________________________________ Back to First Letter Index
162 All verses Horatio Bolton Nelson (1823-1913), adapted by Stuart Thomas (b. 1954), except Holy Innocents: Susan Sayers (b. 1946)
1. For all your saints still active,

for those whose work is done;

for saints with you in glory whose earthly race is run.

You rose as King and Sov'reign,

that they the crown might wear,

reserved for those who humbly

your earthly pathway share.
Verse 2 may be replaced with an appropriate

stanza from those following verse 3.
2. Apostles, prophets, martyrs,

who served you here on earth,

now reign with you in heaven,

singing your praise and worth.

With them, and all whose witness:

is known to you alone,

we share our earthly journey

towards your heav'nly throne.

3. We praise you, God our Father,

we worship Christ, your Son,

we glorify your Spirit,

forever three, yet one.

On earth we see you dimly,

in heaven face to face;

and then with all who've served you,

we'll praise you, God of grace.

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