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The life of a Anglo-Irish playwright critic novelist and poet

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1.2. The life of a Anglo-Irish playwright critic novelist and poet
Oscar Wilde was born at 21 Westland Row, Dublin (now the Oscar Wilde Centre, Trinity College), the second of three children of an Anglo-Irish couple: Jane, née Elgee, and Sir William Wilde.Oscar was two a long time more youthful than his brother William (Willie) Wilde.Jane Wilde was the niece of author, dramatist and clergyman Charles Maturin, who may have influenced her own literary career. He mistakenly believed himself to be of Italian descent, and under the pseudonym "Speranza" (Italian for "hope") wrote poetry for the revolutionary young Irishman in 18
8; he was a lifelong Irish nationalist. Jane Wilde read the poetry of the Young Irish to Oscar and Willie and instilled in her sons a love of these poets. His interest in neoclassicism was reflected in his home in ancient Greek and Roman paintings and busts. William Wilde was Ireland's leading eye surgeon and was knighted as a medical adviser and deputy census commissioner for Ireland. He also wrote books on Irish archeology and peasant folklore. A well-known philanthropist, his clinic for the city's poor at the back of Trinity College Dublin was the forerunner of the Dublin Eye and Ear Infirmary, now on the Adelaide Road. On his father's side, Wilde was descended from a Dutch colonel. de Wilde, who went to Ireland with the invading army of King William of Orange in 1690, and many Anglo-Irish ancestors. On his mother's side, Wilde's ancestors were masons from County Durham who migrated to Ireland sometime in the 1770s. Wilde was baptized as a child in St. Mark's Church, Dublin, a local Church of Ireland (Anglican) church. When the church was closed, the archive was moved to nearby St. Ann's Church on Dawson Street. Davis Coakley mentions another baptism by Father Prideaux Fox, a Catholic priest who befriended Oscar's mother around 1859. According to Fox's testimony. In Donahoe's Magazine in 1905, Jane Wilde visited her chapel in Glencree, County Wicklow for mass, bringing her son with her. A few weeks later I baptized two children, and Lady Wilde herself was present on the occasion. 
In addition to two siblings, Oscar Wilde had three half-sisters born before his father's marriage: Henry Wilson, born in 1838 to one wife, and Emily and Mary Wilde, born in 1847 and 1849 to another wife. Sir William acknowledged the paternity of his married or "natural" children and arranged their education, arranging for them to be brought up by relatives rather than their legitimate children in his family with his wife. In 1855 the family moved to No. 1 Merrion Square, where Wilde's sister Isola Francesca Emily Wilde was born on 2 April 1857. She was named after Iseult of Ireland, wife of the Sign of Cornwall ) and lover of a Cornwall knight. Mr. Tristan She shared the name Francesca with her mother, while Emily was the name of her maternal aunt. Oscar was very close to her and she was devastated when he died of a fever at the age of nine. Isola lit up their lives like "a golden ray of sunshine that dances in our home." The Wildes' new home was bigger. With her parents' success and joy in social life, the house soon became a "unique medical and cultural environment". Their salon guests included Sheridan Le Fanu, Charles Lever, George Petrie, Isaac Butt, William Rowan Hamilton and Samuel Ferguson.Until the age of 9, Wilde studied at home, where a French nurse and a German tutor taught him their languages. He joined his brother Willie at Portora Royal School in Enniskillen, County Fermanagh, where he attended from 1864 to 1871 in Portora, although he was not as popular as his older brother, Wilde impressed his peers with humorous and inventive school stories. In later life, he claimed to have been considered a "prodigy" by fellow students for his speed-reading abilities, and claimed to be able to read two front pages at once and consume a three-volume book in half an hour. retaining enough information to give. he excelled academically, especially in classics, where he came fourth in the school in 1869. His ability to translate oral Greek and Latin texts won him several prizes, including the Carpenter Prize for the Greek Testament. He was one of three Portora students to win a Royal School Scholarship to Trinity in 1871. Until his twenties, Wilde lived in the villa Moytura, which his father built in Cong, County Mayo. There, young Wilde and his brother Willie played with George Moore. Isola died of meningitis at the age of nine.Wilde's parents were Anglo-Irish intellectuals in Dublin. Young Wilde learned to speak French and German fluently. At university, Wilde read the Famous; he established himself as an extraordinary classicist, first at Trinity College, Dublin, then at Oxford. He was associated with the emerging aesthetic philosophy led by two of his mentors, Walter Pater and John Ruskin. After university, Wilde moved to London in fashionable cultural and social circles.As a representative of Estism, he tried his hand at various literary activities: he published a book of poetry, lectured in the United States and Canada on the new "English Renaissance in Art" and decoration, and then returned to London, where he diligently worked as a journalist . Known for his biting wit, flamboyant dressing and brilliant conversational skills, Wilde became one of the most famous personalities of his time. At the turn of the 1890s, he refined his ideas about the superiority of art in a series of dialogues and essays, and incorporated themes of decadence, duplicity, and beauty in his only novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray (1890). In 2018, the film Oscar: A Life by Matthew Sturgis was released in London. The book includes recovered letters and other documents and is the most extensively researched biography of Wilde since 1988. Rupert Everett portrayed Wilde and wrote the script for The Happy Prince (2018), a biographical drama film about Wilde after his release from prison. .Parisian writers also produced several biographies and monographs about him. André Gide wrote In Memoriam, Oscar Wilde and Wilde also appear in his journals. Thomas Louis, who had previously translated Wilde's books into French, produced his L'esprit d'Oscar Wilde in 1920.Wilde left Portora on a Royal Scholarship to read Classics at Trinity College, Dublin, sharing a room,along with his older brother Willie Wilde. Mahaffy, who inspired his interest in Greek literature. As a student, Wilde worked with Mahaffy on this book, Social Life in Greece. Wilde, despite later reservations, called Mahaffy "my first and best teacher" and "the scholar who showed me how to love Greek things." Mahaffy, for his part, boasted that he had created Wilde; he later said that Wilde was "the only stain on my direction".

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