Teachings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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you have purity, you will attain truth 

and righteousness and experience bliss 

by practising them. When you have 

patience, you will have righteous con-

duct and observe non-violence. When 

you have perseverance, you will attain 

all the human values. When there is 

love and righteousness in you, you will 

never resort to violence. One who has 

truth and peace will never feel agitated 

in any situation. Even if you have only 

one of these four human values, name-

ly, truth, righteousness, peace, and 

love, you will certainly observe non-

violence. There is no need to make any 

special effort to develop non-violence. 

It is enough if you have at least one of 

these four human qualities.


Develop Firm Determination

I have told the importance of three 

Ps: purity, patience, and perseverance. 

You can achieve success only when 

you have these three. First of all, have 

firm determination. Determination 

for what? Determination to do good, 

not bad. If your determination is for 

doing something bad, then it is only 

foolishness, not determination. Even at 

the cost of your life, be determined to 

do good. Child Prahlada continued to 

chant the name Narayana in the face 

of all trials and tribulations. He had 

no fear at all. His own father subjected 

him to all sorts of ordeals. Ultimately, 

it was his firm faith that protected him 

and punished his father. Therefore de-

velop firm determination to attain the 

grace of God.



The Reason for Longevity

The life span of man in the Kali Yuga 

(the age we are in) is very short. In the 

Dwapara Yuga (Age), it was much lon-

ger. At the time of the Mahabharata 

War, Krishna was 76 years old, Arjuna 

was 74 years old, and Bhishma, the 

commander-in-chief of the Kaurava 

army, was 112 years old. See! In the 

Dwapara Yuga, a man of 70 years was 

considered a young boy. But today 

even a 17-year-old boy is weak like an 

old man. What is the reason? In those 

days, the heart of the people was very 

sacred because they practised three Ps: 

purity, patience, and perseverance. By 

practising these three Ps, they remained 

ever young. Therefore, instead of just 

teaching and propagating truth and 

righteousness, you should put them 

into practice in your life.


How Is Purity to Be Achieved?

If every person observes three things, 

he will be one with Swami. You will 

experience the Divine in you. As the 

following three are in Me, I can de-

clare firmly about them. They are three 

Ps: purity, patience, and perseverance. 

These three are in Me and around Me. 

Anyone with these three qualities will 

be unafraid wherever he may be.

The most important quality is purity. 

Today everything is polluted. Water, 

air, and all five elements are polluted. 

As a result, the mind of man is also 

polluted. How is purity to be achieved? 

Fill your minds with thoughts of God, 

dedicate all your actions to God, and 

consider God as the inner motivator. 

Contemplation of God is not a matter 

for derision. You need have no fear on 

Swami’s Heart Is Pure

The three Ps, namely, purity, pa-

tience, and perseverance, are very im-

portant. Swami is ever the embodiment 

of purity. Whatever Swami does is al-

ways for others and never for Himself. 

The purity present in Swami cannot be 

seen anywhere else; that is how Swami’s 

heart is pure. It is that purity that draws 

people in hundreds and thousands 

from all over the world to Swami. No 

invitation is sent to people to come 

here, and yet they flock in such large 

numbers; such is the magnetism of a 

truly pure body.



Whatever Swami Does 

Is for the Good of Others

May everyone be prosperous. Always 

wish everyone well. Next, may everyone 

be virtuous. And finally, may everyone be 

endowed with wisdom.

The key to these three cardinal prin-

ciples, namely, well-being, virtue, and 

wisdom, is contained in Swami’s three 

Ps: purity, patience, and persever-

ance. In the strict pursuit of the three 

Ps, Swami remains unmatched in the 

entire world. Whatever Swami does is 

always for the good, welfare, joy, and 

comfort of others, and not for Himself. 

Never does Swami do anything for His 

personal benefit or advantage. From 

top to toe, there is not a trace of selfish-

ness in Swami, and there is no place for 

it either. Everything that Swami does is 

always for you and you alone.

Start Early, Drive Slowly

Reach Safely

Embodiments of Love! Boys and 

Girls! It is not possible to fully under-

stand the Divine Principle. No one 

can ever understand God. People may 

declare that they have done so, but 

the very next minute, they are full of 

doubts and confusion. Such vacilla-

tions are due to tendencies acquired 

over many births. Influences of the 

past can and do hamper spiritual prog-

ress. Hence, transformation does not 

come easily; it has to happen slowly 

but steadily. That is why Swami repeat-

edly says: start early, drive slowly, reach 

safely. Yours is the right age to make 

a serious start and to begin assiduous 

spiritual practice. Always be calm and 

peaceful, and do not give any scope for 

your purity to become contaminated. 

Purity and patience would automati-

cally make perseverance quite easy.

Swami Is Ever Full of Love

Swami always addresses you as “Em-

bodiments of Love.” Swami is ever full 

of love, and that is why His words too 

are always saturated with love. Swami 

expects all of you to actually become 

what He hails you as. You should en-

sure that your love does not ever be-

come diminished or diluted under any 

circumstance whatsoever. If you live 

like that, Swami is ready to grant you 

whatever you want.



The Three Essential Human Values

One has to develop three Ps to safe-

guard one’s humanness: purity, pa-

tience, and perseverance. These are the 

three essential human values. When 

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