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V. N. Aliyassova, K. K. Akhmetov, I. R. Aspanova 




In 1979, this institution, along with the Central Council of the Kazakh 

Society for Nature Conservation, launched an initiative to create an “open-

air museum” at Gussinyi Perelet, with the aim of saving this ‘monument of 

nature,’ as part of the national heritage of Kazakhstan and home to a fauna 

archetype resembling the African savannah, with a variety of representatives 

of the land’s ancient animal kingdom. The project proposed recreating the 

landscape of that era in the area surrounding the site, including the erection 

of life-sized sculptures of these ancient animals.



In 2002, on the initiative of scientists of the Pavlodar Pedagogical 

Institute, the issue of preservation of this unique natural site was again 

raised. A scientific group was established involving experts from the 

Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute and the Institute of Zoology of the Ministry 

of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The group began 

to develop a work plan for the creation of an excavation pavilion to cover 

the palaeontological site, and a park area adjacent to the site. The pavilion 

would have to ensure the safety of the main outcrops of the bone layer, 

preserving it in its natural form, and also include auxiliary facilities, a 

museum gallery and a research centre for the study of Late Cenozoic 


Around the world, there are many and varied examples of the 

museification of natural heritage sites of natural interest - museum-parks, 

museum-reserves and museum-territories. It is naive to think that all 

national heritage sites must be made into museums. They must be treated 

individually, taking into consideration their uniqueness, accessibility, 

entertainment potential and much more. 

So before the idea of turning a natural heritage site such as Gussinyi 

Perelet into a museum is made a reality, a number of issues must be 


1. Condition of the monument or site. In most cases, the main 

determining factor in the state of the site is the influence of the geological 

environment, which has a role in both maintaining and destroying various 

elements of the site. Thus it is necessary to seek options for competent 

reconstruction, conservation and museification, especially since during 

excavations the established conditions may be changed for a long period, 

which can sometimes trigger unprecedented and rapid destruction. 

In over eight decades since the first excavations, Gussinyi Perelet has 

undergone great changes. Major riverbank collapses have occurred 

repeatedly under the pressure of meltwaters, floods and sewage. 



 Issabekov 2008, p. 24. 

www.cclbsebes.ro/muzeul-municipal-ioan-raica.html   /   www.cimec.ro

Preservation for the Musefication of the Natural Heritage Site “Gussinyi Perelet”




Furthermore, the grounds of the monument, due to the proximity of 

residential buildings, are constantly clogged with household debris. 

2. Composition, conditions and properties of soils. When 

undertaking museification, it is necessary to consider the composition

condition and properties of soils. Due to natural variation, not all soils meet 

the requirements for a site with a long and trouble-free existence. Any 

decisions on the design of a heritage site must be based on a geo-

engineering study of geological conditions that may affect the way it 


3. Selection of optimal solutions. Construction of an open-air 

museum should take into account the scientific value of the site. In recent 

years, the bone-bearing layers in the pits have not been studied. In order to 

preserve the palaeo-osteological material, it is necessary to investigate the 

location in detail, especially to determine the location of bone-lenses. If this 

is not done, there is a serious risk that the sinking of piles for the 

foundations of any building will destroy undiscovered bone-lenses, causing 

many osteological materials to be forever lost to science. Thus before 

construction of the pavilion and park begins, it is necessary to carry out 

excavations and research the site thoroughly. 

Along with this, the question of the expediency of a closed excavation 

pavilion must be decided. Creating such pavilion would involve annual 

excavation works after a few years. After all, it is not possible estimate the 

vast wealth of palaeontological material the site holds if the location of bone 

lenses are unknown Furthermore, it would be better not to create 

excavation and exhibition hall for showing excavated material to the public 

because it risks destroying bones and other materials from the natural 

heritage site. 

The process of turning a natural heritage site such as Gussinyi Perelet 

into a museum should be based on the following criteria: its historical and 

scientific significance, the safety and accessibility of the site for visitors, and 

the need for long-term preservation of the site in a state fit to be exhibited, 

from both an engineering and an aesthetic standpoint. 

A further aspect of the conservation of cultural and natural heritage is 

reconstruction. This method is relevant to the creation of parkland adjacent 

to the monument area, as it is important for the discovery and 

understanding of the environmental conditions of past geological epochs, 

and for emotional transmission of Neogene period existence to visitors. 

Such a park would become a place of learning and leisure, facilitating in-

depth cognitive tourism. 

www.cclbsebes.ro/muzeul-municipal-ioan-raica.html   /   www.cimec.ro

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