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The Formation of Soviet Culture and Ideology by the Creative Intelligentsia 



industrial modernisation, to promote the USSR’s industrial achievements, 

and to develop the social activity and creative life of every Soviet man and 

woman. On the other hand, the intelligentsia themselves understood the 

importance of their activities in achieving industrial modernisation and in 

the process of reshaping people’s mindsets to this end. All these 

circumstances led to the creation of remarkable pieces of poetry, prose, 

music, theatre and art. These works were vital in the development of USSR 

and remain of great interest today.




The Formation of Soviet Culture and Ideology by the Creative Intelligentsia  

of the Centralno-Chernozemnyi Region 




This article focuses on the influence of cultural workers in solving the urgent problems of 

the industrial modernisation of the USSR. Archival documents show how the creative 

intelligentsia carried out work with the population implicitly directed towards the 

acceleration of industrial modernisation. Questions of the construction of culture were of 

great importance to the party and State, which needed to attract the intelligentsia’s aid in 

forming a new Soviet ideology and culture. This ideology, based on the principles of 

denying past cultural developments, aimed to form a new type of person willing to work 

for the homeland and for its ideals, rather than for money. It was up to the intellectuals - 

through posters, works of art, paintings, music and dramatic performances - to create this 

new Soviet citizen. 

Thanks to their output, the symbols of the Soviet era were recognisable in any 

society. Cultural workers served as a “starting point” for others, offering a “guiding light” 

on the path to modernisation. Creative intellectuals helped to form a new type of Soviet 

personality: the worker capable of self-sacrifice for the sake of collective and State interests.  

The party and government tightly controlled this process of creating a new culture 

and new models of spiritual development, setting up special monitoring bodies and 

authorities for censorship, whose task was to inspect works for their appropriateness. If 

their authors did not reflect the position of the Party and the country’s leadership on the 

processes of industrialisation, collectivisation and cultural promotion, then they faced 

repression on many levels, beginning with exclusion from the unions and ending with the 

death penalty. 



Bibliographical Abbreviations 



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- V. S. Bugrov, Russkaya Sovetskaya Dramaturgiya 50-70 godov: 

Osnovniye tendentii razvitiya, Мoscow, 1986. 

Clark 1985  

- K. Clark, The Soviet Novel. History as Ritual, Chicago, 1985. 

Fitzpatrick 2008  

-  Sheila  Fitzpatrick,  Povsednevniy Stalinizm. Sotsialnaya Istoriya 

Sovetskoy Rossii v 30 godi: Gorod, trans., Мoscow, 2008. 

www.cclbsebes.ro/muzeul-municipal-ioan-raica.html   /   www.cimec.ro

V. M. Kuzmina, J. G. Simonova, A. V. Tretyakov 



Gorinov 1991  

- M. Gorinov, 20 Godi: Formirovaniye Novoy Economicheskoy 

Politiki, in Istoriya Otechestva: Ludi, Idei, ResheniyaIstirii Sovetskogo 

Gosudarstva, Мoscow, 1991. 

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- S. Kara-Murza, Manipulyatsiya soznaniem, Мoscow, 2004. 

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v 20 veke v rabotah pisateley i hudozhnikov Kurska, Tambova, 

Voroneza, Nauchiye, in PGI, 2, 2011, p. 82-87. 

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- V. M. Kuzmina, Problemi sotsialno-ekonomicheskogo obespecheniya 

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intelligintsii v budzhetnoy sisteme regionalnih organov upravleniya 

Tsentralnogo Chernozemya v 1920-h godah, in Izvestia Ugo, 4 (49), 

2013, p. 204-210. 

Lazutina 1970  

- S. G. Lazutina (ed.), Kupleti Chernozemnogo Regiona, Voronezh, 


Maksimenkov 2003  

- L. Maksimenkov, Ocherki nomenklaturnoy istorii sovetskoy 

literature (1932-1946), in Voprosi Literatury, 4, 2003, p. 88-102. 

Ponomareva 2004  

- D. A. Ponomareva, Potemkinskaya derevnya: Krestyanskiy mir 

stalinskogo kinematogropha, in OT, 2, 2004, p. 474-478. 


- Russian State Archive of Literature and Art. 


- Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History. 


- State Archive of Kursk Region. 


- State Archive of the Voronezh Region. 

Shubin 1984  

- L. A. Shubin, Pervaya shkola iskusstva zit’, in


Voprosi Literatury

1, 1984, p. 31-61. 

Yakovlev 1999  

- A. N. Yakovlev (ed.), Vlast’ i Hudozestvennaya. Documenti 

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Moscow, 1999. 



industrial modernisation, the Soviet government, art workers, methods 

of work with the population. 

www.cclbsebes.ro/muzeul-municipal-ioan-raica.html   /   www.cimec.ro

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