This book is dedicated to the Serpents of Wisdom with thanks

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who is with him, the incorruptible man Adamas, the second, Oroiael, the place of the great Seth, and Jesus, who possesses the Life, and who came and crucified that which is in the law, the third, Davithe, the place of the sons of the great Seth, the fourth, Eleleth, the place where the souls of the sons are resting, the fifth, Yoel, who presides over the name of him to whom it will be granted to baptize with the holy baptism that surpasses the heaven, the Incorruptible One.

But from now on, through the incorruptible man Poimael, and they who are worthy of (the) invocation, the renunciations of the five seals in the spring-baptism, these will know their receivers as they are instructed about them, and they will know them (or: be known) by them. These will by no means taste death. This is the book which the great Seth wrote, and placed in high mountains on which the sun has not risen, nor is it possible (that it should do so). And since the days of the prophets and the apostles and the preachers, the name has not at all risen upon their hearts, nor is it possible (that it should do so). And their ear has not heard it. The great Seth wrote this book with letters in one hundred and thirty years. He placed it in the mountain that is called 'Charaxio’, in order that, at the end of the times and the eras, by the will of the divine Autogenes16 and the whole Pleroma, through the gift of the untraceable, unthinkable, Fatherly love, it may come forth and reveal this incorruptible, holy race of the Great Savior, and those who dwell with them in love, and the Great, Invisible, Eternal Spirit, and his only-begotten Son, and the Eternal Light, and his great, incorruptible consort, and the incorruptible Sophia, and the Barbelon, and the whole Pleroma in eternity. Amen.

I included these last paragraphs so you could become reacquainted with some of your friends! These last verses refer to the time when the Elect and Christ and Pistis Sophia will be restored to the Pleroma, the highest realm. We are at the end of the times and the eras, and this book is being revealed to the incorruptible, holy race of the Great Savior, and those who dwell with them in love!

Chapter Five

The Motherlands

This will seem strange to many of you, but at a period almost five years into my research, I came upon three sources of channeled information that I believe to be legitimate. Channeling is when a spirit speaks through another person. I was thrilled to find these as they filled in some gaps in my knowledge and confirmed I was on the right track. My exact feelings were relief and joy. Jesus still talks to us! One of these channels is Pamela Kribbe who can be found at The following is from the books by Pamela, who graciously allowed Jesus’ or Jeshua’s words to be used here;

Dear friends,

I AM Jeshua. I stand before you and send you my energy and love. I would like to be of support to you in these challenging times. This time of transition on Earth brings many old things to the surface. Old energies emerge from times long gone by, times in which you were incarnate and had lives in which you experienced much. All these old layers now resurface. I would like to speak of these old times today, to bring you to a deeper understanding of yourselves, of who you are here - and - now. You are old, ancient beings, who carry within a great deal of experience. Long journeys through time and space you have made, and not just on planet Earth.

Please let me take you back to the beginning. There was never a beginning, but for the sake of this story, I speak of a beginning in time, because there was a starting point to the large cycle of lifetimes in which you are now caught up. I am taking you to the time of your birth as an individual soul, as a separate ‘I’. The ‘I-ness’ that is so familiar to you now, was an altogether new phenomenon in the universe. Being separate and individual enables you to gather a multitude of experiences, and yes, illusions as well, but that does not make it less valuable. It is precisely in being an ‘I’, in being separate from the whole, and experiencing the illusions that go with it, that you can discover what is not. You can discover an illusion and experience it from the inside out. At first, this was not possible. At first, there was the One and nothing outside of it, like an undifferentiated ocean of love and oneness. Now try and experience fear and ignorance from in there!  

In being vulnerable and prone to illusion, you gather an enormous amount of experience, which enables you to really understand what oneness means, what love means at the level of experience. You will understand what love is, not as an abstract concept, but as a living, creative force that moves you and fills your heart and spirit with a deep sense of joy and satisfaction. This is the end goal of your journey, the homecoming you are longing for: to be God-as-you, to experience oneness as an ‘I’. You do not want to give up your ‘I’ness. It is through the connection of your ‘I’ with the whole, that you experience the deepest joy and that you add your own unique energy stamp to the whole of creation. God-as-you adds something new and precious to creation. I ask you to go back to the time that this being an ‘I’ took shape for the first time. Back then you were, or were created as, angels. Can you feel the tenderness and innocence of that original energy that distant beginning, in which you were first ‘molded,’ got to know ‘form’? All of a sudden you were ‘you’, distinct and separate from the others around you, and you experienced the miracle of being an individual. You were still so close to the source of divine light, that you were filled with love and overflowed with joy and creativity. There was an incredible desire in you to experience, to know, to feel and to create.

.....I now take a big leap in time, as I can only give a broad outline of this extensive history. I take you to the beginning of planet Earth. You were present there. You are older than the existence of Earth as a physical planet. Your birth as a pristine I-consciousness lies much further back than the origin of Earth. Now imagine that you were contributing to the development of life on Earth. Slowly, life evolved on Earth, through the presence of material elements which offered a broad range of possibilities for consciousness’s to incarnate in material forms or bodies: minerals, plants, and later on, animals. And you were deeply involved in this process of creation. How? You were the angels and devas who supported and nurtured the vegetable kingdom, who knew the ‘web of life’ on Earth intimately and cared for it deeply. You have also provided animal life forms with love, care and etheric nourishment. Memories you carry within of ‘paradise’ or the Garden of Eden, of a perfectly balanced nature in which you participated as caregiver and keeper of life, stem from this ancient age. You were not incarnate yet then, but hovering between the ethereal and the physical realms. You were an angel on the verge of being born into matter.

.....So, you have been in some sense the parents of life on Earth. This explains why you can be thoroughly shocked by the disturbances of nature by modern technologies, and the general abuse of the forces of nature. Why does it affect you so? It is because you have cherished and nurtured these very energies from the beginning. From your essence you are connected to it, to Earth and its many life forms, as a parent is to her child and a creator to his creation. And back then, when you were angels nurturing Earth life, you knew not why you were doing it. You acted as children who felt drawn by the calling of yet another adventure, the thrill of the new, and you let yourself be guided simply by what felt joyful and exciting to you. You planted your energy wherever it felt welcome. Thus, you helped create paradise on Earth: the splendor of life, the abundance of the plant and animal kingdoms, the diversity of life forms and the unconstrained development of it all.  Many developments occurred on Earth over millions of years, which are hard to describe in a nutshell. But, at a certain point in time, your blissful adventure in the Garden of Eden was disturbed by an outside influence, which might be termed ‘bad’ or ‘dark’. From other dimensions in the universe, beings started to meddle with Earth. Their purpose was to exert power and influence over life on Earth. This happening, the interference of powerful dark energies which emerged out of nothing from your point of view, deeply shocked your angel-selves. You were not prepared. This was your first encounter with ‘evil’ and it shook your world to its foundations.  For the first time, you experienced what it was like to not feel safe anymore. You got to know ‘human emotions’; fear, shock, anger, disappointment, grief, outrage: what is this? What is happening here?!

Sense how the shadows fell upon you in that first encounter with darkness, the dark side of duality. Slowly, the craving for power, which had shocked and horrified you, started to take possession of you yourself. This was because you felt indignation and outrage towards the attackers, and you wanted to defend and protect the Earth against this strange invasion. I speak of an extraterrestrial influence, a certain race so to speak, the origin of which does not matter much for our tale. What matters is that you partly absorbed the energy of these beings, and thus made a fall. I do not speak of a Biblical Fall, as this phrase is associated with sin and guilt, but a fall into experience, into darkness, which was in a sense ‘predestined’ because you were part of the world of duality. By being an ‘I’, by experiencing separateness from the whole, the seeds for duality were born inside of you. It is part of the logic of creation that you will explore all extremes of duality, once you are in it.

You gradually became warriors yourselves, as you desired the power to protect your ‘territory’. A new stage ensued in your history, in which you got caught up in various galactic wars and struggles. Please take a moment to feel this happening, the fall from the playful energy of the angel-child to the harsh and angry energy of the galactic warrior. We are speaking of long periods of time. It may seem grand and unfathomable that you have gone through all this, yet I ask you to allow your imagination to travel with me for a while. You got caught up in a fierce and grand battle. Part of the science fiction literature familiar to you, describes all this and is actually inspired by real events in a distant past. It is not mere fiction. Much has actually happened and you were deeply involved in it. You lost yourselves in the struggle for power and during this stage of your history you thoroughly experienced the energy of the ego. 

After a long, long time, you got tired of fighting. You had had enough. You were getting sad and battle-weary, and a kind of homesickness crept into your hearts. You had long been obsessed with the wars and conflicts you were involved in. The illusion of power can exert a hypnotic influence over an untested, naïve mind. You were naïve and untested when you experienced your first fall into darkness. But then, at a certain point, an awakening occurred within you. A vague memory of the old days in Paradise stirred in your minds and hearts, reminding you of the joy and innocence you once knew. You wished you could go back there and did not desire to fight anymore. One might say that the energies of the ego had been exhausted in you, by the full experience of it. You had known all sides of the battle, the whole range of emotions having to do with winning and losing, controlling and surrendering, being slayer and slain. You had become disillusioned with power and had discovered that power does not give you what it promises to: love, happiness, fulfilment. You awoke from your hypnotic slumber and yearned for something new.  

When you reached out to rise above the energy of struggle, and connect to the energy of the heart, you were again naïve and ‘untested’. You were like children who popped your head over the wall of an altogether new country, in which not struggle or power were the leading forces but love and connection. You followed the calling of your soul and climbed over the wall. And you started to meet each other again and to recognize each other as soul mates, members of the same family. Once you had played together as angels in the Garden of Eden. The members of the light worker family, who are part of a same birth wave of souls, looked up on each other again and felt drawn by a common calling, a shared mission. You knew you had to do something to make the major step towards heart consciousness, the return to Paradise, actually happen for you. You felt you had dealings with Earth once again, but this time as a human being, incarnated in a human body, to experience from within what had happened on Earth due to the galactic wars, and your abuse of power.

In your struggle for power, the Earth had always been the focal point of attention. Many galactic parties battled for dominion on Earth and this negatively affected the Earth, all life upon her and the collective soul of evolving humanity. The reason why Earth was such an important target for all these warring parties is not so easily explained. Briefly put, Earth is the starting point of something new: it is a place that brings many different dimensions and realities together and therefore constitutes a crossroads toward the future. Many, many energies meet and mix together on Earth – within the plant, animal, and especially the human kingdom. This is very special. When these energies can peacefully coexist together, it will bring about a huge explosion of light throughout the cosmos. That is why Earth is playing a key role and why she had been in the center of a great battle. You were once part of this battle, as offenders, trying to manipulate life and consciousness on Earth in quite an aggressive manner. This caused harm to the developing human being. Humanity was then in its infant stage, the ‘stage of innocence’. Humanity was ‘inhabited’ by souls who were from a different birth wave than you. We have called them ‘Earth souls’ in the Light worker series. It was a group of souls younger than you were who had manifested on Earth from early on and had to deal with outside, extra-terrestrial manipulations which narrowed down the capabilities of the human being. The extraterrestrial forces projected energies of fear and inferiority into the open and young consciousness of man. This enabled them to gain control over them.

I return now to your decision to incarnate on Earth as a human being. You had two motives. First, you sensed you were ready for an inner change and transformation. You wanted to let go of the ego’s battling attitude and grow towards another way of ‘being’. You did not know what exactly this meant; you could not grasp it fully yet, but you sensed that incarnating on Earth would offer you precisely the challenges and possibilities you needed. Secondly, you knew you had to make up for things that happened on Earth, partly because of your doing. You somehow sensed that, originally, you had a deep bond with Earth based on love and mutual respect, and it had gotten corrupted when you let yourself be enmeshed in war and battle for this very Earth. The two extremes of you, of angel-child and hardened warrior, needed to be brought together and transformed, and what place could be more suitable for this than Earth? You felt deeply connected to this planet and you also sensed a ‘karmic obligation’ to improve conditions on Earth. You wished to change and lift the state of consciousness on Earth. So you became ‘light workers’. You incarnated on Earth at the time of Atlantis.

Atlantis was a civilization that lies much further back in time than the familiar historical eras. Atlantis gradually came into being about 100,000 years ago and it ended about 10,000 years ago. The first beginnings even predate 100,000 years. Atlantis gradually evolved when extraterrestrial races started to ‘invade’ Earth by actually incarnating in human bodies. These souls in general had a high level of mental development. At that time, societies and communities on Earth were largely made up of Earth souls, and they were ‘primitive societies’ as you call them. There were, even before Atlantis, many extraterrestrial influences on Earth, from galactic realms that sent thought forms to Earth in different ways. Thought forms are energies that connect themselves to humans at the ethereal or auric level, and thus influence the thoughts and emotions of people. This happens continuously as you absorb ideas and beliefs from your upbringing and society. These surround you as an infectious web. But it can also happen from the astral levels surrounding you. The thought forms projected unto you by the galactic warriors were in general controlling and manipulative, but there have always been influences of light and gentleness as well. It is the human himself who decides what he allows in and what not. At a certain moment, the galactic parties wished to have a more profound influence on Earth and there was an opportunity for them to actually inhabit human bodies, in short to incarnate on Earth. Spirit or Life opened up this possibility for them because it fit into their inner path of development. You were one of these parties. In your spiritual literature, folks that stem from these galactic realms are often referred to as ‘star people’ or ‘star seeds’.   Atlantis was the result of a coming together, a mixture of the native Earth societies and the influx of souls that came ‘from the outside’. You, the wave of the light worker souls, incarnated on Earth because you wished to bring about change and progress and because you wanted to grow yourselves, from an ego-based consciousness to a heart-based consciousness.

When you arrived, it felt very awkward and uncomfortable at first, to be inside of physical human bodies. Living in such dense physical matter gave you a sense of oppression and imprisonment, as you were used to much more fluid and volatile bodies that possessed more psychic power. In higher (less material or dense) frequencies or dimensions, your psyche has a much greater direct influence on the material environment. By simply thinking of, or wanting something, you can create or attract it immediately to you on these planes. Your mind was used to creating much faster than was possible on Earth. You might say that the reaction time on Earth is much slower. So when you are here for the first time, you have the sensation that you are somehow locked into a solid and unyielding body and you get insecure, since what you desire and aspire does not materialize so easily anymore and your hold over your life and circumstances seems to be quite limited. So you were confused when you got here. At the same time, you had highly trained mental abilities that were developed during your previous galactic lifetimes. To send out thought forms and project them unto other living beings requires that you own quite some psychic power.

Your mind was like a set of sharp knives, which had to prove their value in an altogether different environment. Your trained mental capacities were an old attainment, and because of the sense of alienation and oppression you experienced on Earth, you instinctively tried to find your way here by using this old attainment. You thus started to exert your mental powers on Earth. Originally, your intention had been to connect with Earth reality from the heart. Before you incarnated, you knew that, despite your formidable analytical and psychic powers, the grounds of your heart lay fallow and were in need of seeds, little seedlings of light. This, however, you ‘forgot’ when you plunged into Earth reality and your consciousness got veiled.

On Earth, you had to deal with the Earth souls, who lived there as human beings, and you did not understand them well. You thought they were instinctive and barbaric beings. You did not understand their direct, spontaneous way of expressing emotions. They were primitive in your eyes they were attuned to their emotions and instincts more than to their minds. You had abilities and gifts that were different from the natural dispositions of the people on Earth. Even though you were frequently born and raised as their children (when you were born to Earth soul parents) there gradually developed a social divide between you and them. Because of your superior mental skills, you developed technologies that were formerly unknown. This all happened slowly and naturally. We speak of thousands, even ten thousand years of time.

...Gradually, a new culture came into being on Earth, a civilization that brought forth an unprecedented technological development which affected all parts of society. I would like to say a little more about the kind of technology that evolved in Atlantis. What you as ‘star people’ still remembered brightly, despite the veil of forgetfulness, was that you can influence material reality by using the power of your mind, specifically the third eye. The third eye is the energy center (chakra) of intuition and psychic awareness, and it is located behind your two physical eyes. The power of the third eye was still very familiar to you in those first incarnations, like a second nature to your soul. You knew ‘how it worked’. You knew that matter (physical reality) has a form of consciousness, is consciousness in a certain state of being. Through this essential insight into the oneness of consciousness and matter, you could affect and form matter, by making inner contact with the consciousness in the piece of matter. In this way, you could literally move matter,17 manipulate it from the mind. You knew a secret that was forgotten in more recent times.

Presently, you see matter (physical reality) as separated from consciousness (the mind). Influenced by modern science, you have forgotten that all beings are ensouled: all that is has some form of consciousness that you can connect with and cooperate with in a creative way. This knowledge was self-evident to you in those ancient times. But, during Atlantis, when your heart centers had not been awakened fully, your third eye was predominantly controlled by the center of the will or ego (the solar plexus or third chakra). You stood on the doorway of a new inner reality, the reality of heart-based consciousness, but due to the shock of being submerged in the dense reality of Earth, your tender and fresh inspirations got lost temporarily. You allowed yourselves to be led astray by the excessive use of the will mixed with the power of the third eye. You did aspire to make things better on a larger scale (‘light work’) but you did it in a self-centered way, with an authoritarian attitude toward the Earth souls and nature.

In the hey-day of Atlantis, there were many possibilities and the technology was highly advanced, in some areas even more than your present technology, because the power of telepathy and psychic manipulation was much better used and understood. Instantaneous, telepathic communication could take place between different persons at great distance from each other. It was possible to leave your body consciously and travel around. Communication with extraterrestrial civilizations was pursued and effected.

Much became possible during Atlantis, but much went wrong as well. There generally was a divide between the political-spiritual elite and the ‘common people’, which were made up of Earth souls predominantly. They were looked upon as inferior beings, means to an end, and they were actually used for genetic experiments that were part of the Atlantean ambition to manipulate life on the biological level, so that more superior life forms could be created.

A positive aspect of the Atlantean society, by the way, was the equality of men and women during that age. The power struggle of man and woman, in which women were horribly oppressed during the last stage, was not a part of Atlantis. The feminine energy was fully respected, especially because it is directly related to the power of the third eye (intuition, clairvoyance, spiritual power). 

I now wish to take you to the downfall of Atlantis. Energies were at work there that you are still trying to come to terms with. You were deeply involved in what went wrong at that stage. In Atlantis, you lived from the centers of the will and the third eye. Your heart energy did not open up significantly. At a certain point, you fell in love with the possibilities of your own technology and the ambition of creating more superior life forms. You applied genetic engineering and experimented on several life forms, and you were unable to understand, to feel, that you were disrespectful to Life in this. The ones you experimented upon could not count on your empathy and compassion. The energy present at this stage of perversion in the Atlantean civilization specifically returned in the 20th century as the Nazi regime in Germany. Cruel experimenting and a general attitude of clinical coldness towards ‘inferior life forms’ was a substantial part of that regime. The lack of compassion and empathy displayed towards the perpetrated, the lack of emotion and the mechanical way of ‘dealing with’ the victims, was similar to the Atlantean attitude. This now fills you with a deep sense of horror. You have seen and felt the other side of it, the victim side, in lifetimes that came after Atlantis. 

But during Atlantis, you were the offender. That’s where a particular ‘karma’ ensued. Atlantis is the key to your ‘offender lifetimes’, your dark side. I’m telling you this, not to make you feel ashamed or guilty, not at all. We are all part of this history, taking on various roles and disguises, and this is what it is like to be in duality. It is to experience and play all thinkable roles, from very light to very dark. If you allow yourself to know your dark side, if you can accept that you played the role of perpetrator as well, you will be more balanced, free and joyful. That is why I tell you this.  At one point, the technological developments that you - and other soul groups pursued, had such a great impact upon nature, that the ecological systems on Earth got disrupted. The downfall of Atlantis did not take place all at once. There were many warning signs - nature’s beckoning - but when they were not heeded, enormous natural disasters occurred through which the Atlantean civilization got flooded and destructed. How did it affect you on the inner level? It was a shocking experience, a traumatic experience; it was another Fall, a second Fall of Experience into the deep.

During your incarnations on Earth, you had eventually lost the connection to the heart energy that you had reached out to. Stronger than ever, you realized after the downfall of Atlantis that truth was not to be found in the controlling of life, even if the purpose seemed noble. You then really began to open up to the still voice of the heart, which tells you that there is a wisdom working through Life itself that needs no managing or controlling. In the flow of life itself in the flow of the heart and the feelings, there is a wisdom that you can attune to, or align with, by listening and surrendering. It is not a wisdom created from the head or by the will it is a wisdom that comes from allowing in a higher perspective, the voice of love. This mystical knowing, which is accompanied by a sense of humbleness and surrender, you slowly started to feel from within. But even then, the time was not yet ripe for a joyful awakening of the heart energies. A shadow had fallen upon you during Atlantis, the shadow of having affected other beings negatively. The effects of this would have to be deeply felt and experienced by you before the awakening could take place.

Again I take another huge step in this old history, and I take you to the moment you returned to Earth, after Atlantis had vanished, washed away by ocean waves. Once again you incarnated in human bodies, the memory of Atlantis buried deep within your soul memory, tied with a sense of shame and self-doubt. The downfall of Atlantis had stunned and perplexed you, but it had also opened up your hearts a little wider. What immense developments taking place on such a grand scale of time! The next important cycle started with the coming of the Christ energy on Earth, most visibly represented by me. Many of you were present then or around that time. A few centuries before my birth, you started to incarnate again in great numbers. A voice from your heart enticed you, summoned you. You sensed that ‘you had to be there’, that it was time for you to take another step on your spiritual journey, which got so intertwined with Earth. The coming of the Christ energy, my coming to Earth, was partly prepared by you.18 I could not have come without a layer of energy present on Earth that would receive me, ‘catch me’ so to speak. Your energy provided the channel through which I could anchor the Christ energy on Earth. It was a joint effort, truly. Your hearts had opened up to me, to what I represented. At that time, you were the part of humanity most open to receive the love and wisdom from the heart.

A certain humbleness had arisen within you, in the best sense of the word: a surrender to not-knowing, not wanting to control or ‘manage’ things, and a genuine openness to something new, something that stands apart from power and control, something different. And because of this trust and openness in your hearts, you could receive me. I was like a light beam falling on Earth, reminding the ones who were ready of their angelic nature, their divine core. You were moved by me, by what I expressed and radiated to you from my inner core, and the Christ energy has thenceforth affected you deeply, in that lifetime around Christ and in the lifetimes after it, up to now. In all of those lives, you have tried to bring the Christ energy down to Earth, spread it through teaching and healing in different forms. You were inspired and passionate light workers, working hard to bring more justice, fairness and love to this planet.

In that era, the era of the awakening Christ energy, you were the ones who were opposed to religions that were too tightly organized, to authoritarian ways of subduing people. You fought for freedom, emancipation of the female energy, heart-based values in an age that was still barely aware of it. In the past two thousand years, you were freedom fighters and you were rejected and persecuted for it. You were punished and tortured for who you were, and frequently ended up on the stake or the scaffold. You carry a lot of emotional trauma from this episode of history. In the struggles and the resistance you met, the Atlantean (and galactic) karma was working. The roles were now reversed. You became victims and went through the depths of loneliness, fear and despair. You got intimately acquainted with the deep emotional pain of rejection. This was your third Fall, a third Fall into Experience, and the one that brought you to the heart of your mission: understanding the oneness underlying both Light and Dark, learning what Love truly means. This third Fall has led you to the present, to who you are now. Today, at the edge of a new cycle, in these transformative times, you are truly open to the meaning of the Christ energy. In your heart, a wisdom is sprouting that embraces and transcends opposites and recognizes the one divine flow in all different manifestations. Your love is not a mere abstract knowing, but a real, pure and sincere flow from the heart, that reaches out to others, and to Earth. You now recognize yourself in the countenance of the other, whether they are ‘light’ or ‘dark’, rich or poor, Light worker or Earth soul, man, animal or plant. The love embedded in the Christ consciousness bridges the gap between opposites and gives you a palpable sense of the interconnectedness of all that is.  

As an angel, you once guarded paradise on Earth. You cut yourself off from this state of innocence, when you engaged in the dance of power with energies that wanted to steal paradise from you. Through this, you abandoned the spiritual realm and incarnated deeper into the material reality of form and illusion. From angel you became warrior. When you incarnated on Earth and went to experience what it was like to be human, you were again tempted by the desire to control things and this led to the downfall of Atlantis and of you as a warrior. You came back to Earth to experience the downside of the power play, to feel what it is like to fall prey to aggression and violence.

The aftermath of this latter part of the cycle is still clearly present in your way of experiencing things and you are all working hard to overcome the trauma of rejection inside of you. With that, you are coming full circle, to the point where it began. You come back to your true nature as an angel, but now a fully incarnate angel, with a real and alive knowledge of the extremes of light and dark, love and fear. You are a wise and compassionate angel, a human angel. ...I have great respect for you, for the incredible journey you have made. I stand before you now as your equal. I am here as a teacher and guide, but also as a brother and a friend. I would like to offer you my love and friendship, not in an abstract manner, but as a tangible energy of companionship and understanding. I know who you are. Now recognize yourself in my countenance. 

You are at the end of great cycles of time, in which you have gone through many experiences. Today I wanted to speak of Atlantis, as the recognition of the energies that you embodied there, can help you get into a state of peace and wholeness with yourself. The Atlantean energy is the energy of great mental power, combined with a distinctive pride and arrogance. Dare to recognize this ‘dark energy’ within, dare to accept that you have experienced and lived it once. Feel that you have been offender and perpetrator as well as victim. Allowing this fact into your consciousness opens the gateway to the greatest wisdom you can embrace in your life: the wisdom of non-judgmentalness. By being aware of your dark side, you will let go of judging others, for being right or wrong, or even yourself. All grounds for judgment will fall away. Judgment makes way for understanding and compassion. Then you really start to understand what love is, what ‘light work’ means. The word ‘light work’ in fact suggests falsely that there is some kind of struggle going on between the light and the dark, and that the light worker is the one beating the dark. But true light work is none of that. Real light work entails that you are able to recognize the light of love and consciousness in all that is, even if it is hiding behind masks of hatred and aggression.

You are still often tempted to pass judgments on the reality of Earth, for instance on the way politics work or the way people are treating the environment. It is easy to say that it’s all wrong and to feel yourself a stranger on this planet Earth, alienated and homeless. Try to make contact with the offender energy within you in such moments. Allow yourself to access the Atlantean energy, which is still there in your soul memory, and feel that you have been that too and even that it was okay. All of your ‘falls into experience’ eventually bring you full circle and open up your heart to the essence of God’s creation: love, creativity, innocence. You, who have experienced the extremes of darkness and light, have all along your journey been none other than an innocent child from paradise, setting out with a spirit of frankness, bold curiosity and zest for life. On this journey, you could only learn from experience. The ‘falls into experience’ could not have been avoided, as they were the means to reach out for something new and more fulfilling. The essence of your journey is that you reach wisdom through experience. Therefore, please recognize and honor the courage of this angel-child that you were. See its vitality, courage and perseverance in venturing into the unknown, and then feel your own innocence, even in your darkest side.

I ask you to respect yourself, including the dark side of you. Just feel the power and self-consciousness of the Atlantean energy for a moment. There is a positive side to it as well. You were gifted in many ways. Invite that energy in, here and now. Allow the sense of self-esteem and self-command to return to you, and forgive yourself for the atrocities that took place in the past. Yes, you have inflicted pain on others, you were the aggressor there……but feel also how you have come to regret this deeply, and how much you have opened up now to genuine respect for all that lives. When you forgive yourself you open up to the joy of letting go of judgment. That is the consequence, you see: if you recognize the dark part of you and are able to forgive yourself for it, you need not judge either yourself or others any more. This is such a delight for your soul.     

....So often you still put yourself on the rack of your judgments. You tell yourself there is so much you have to accomplish yet. Today, I ask you to look back and see what you have accomplished already. Be aware of the profundity of your journey throughout these great cycles of time. And do not look up to me as a master anymore. I have fulfilled that role, two thousand years ago, but that time is over. You are the Christ’s of this new era you will bring peace in a world of duality and polarity, by radiating the peace that lies within your own hearts. Feel how you are ready for this role and let me simply offer you some support and encouragement as your friend and brother. We are one.
The following is my version of our Atlantis story, which I had written before I read the previous channeling of Jesus;
In the secret history of the Earth, there were two Motherlands known as Lemuria and Atlantis. Both Lemuria or Mu, and Atlantis are now for the most part submerged under the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Vestiges of both remain. Lemuria was joined to the Asian continent and extended into the farthest reaches of what is today Siberia and Russia and surrounding countries. It spanned the Pacific and reached into northern California and the southwestern parts of the United States. Lemuria was a matriarchal society. God was worshipped in feminine form. Though this concept is almost inconceivable at present, at least to westerners, to our ancestors this was very important. During those first weeks when I had a succession of revelations, I was reading the newspaper and saw an article titled; “Local Indians say Mount Shasta where God first touched the Earth.” Mt. Shasta is located in northern California. When I looked at the article, the letters appeared to be raised off the page - something that happens when I’m receiving a written or printed revelation. At that time, the words of the Bible verse in Matthew 24:14-16 where it tells Israel to head to the mountains when they see the abomination of desolation standing in the holy place came into my mind. I didn’t know what to make of it. My first thought was that Mt. Shasta is a dormant, but still live volcano. Is that really where I would want to go during Armageddon?!
I started researching Mount Shasta and found it was once part of Lemuria. During the next few months I came across many more references to Mt. Shasta. It is said to be an area of great spiritual energy. The energy is emitted out of the Earth herself. The ancients located their holiest places over intersections of the Earth’s energy grid where ley lines converged. These were natural vortexes of energy. One intersection is at Mt. Shasta, another under the pyramids in Egypt, another at Stonehenge in England and another under Roslyn chapel in Scotland. All the Templar-built cathedrals of Europe were situated over the old pagan power sites. When Lemuria started sinking, some of the survivors migrated to Mt. Shasta and re-grouped and colonized the area. In fact, according to some people, Lemurians still live underground there in the fourth dimension in a city called Telos, which is said to be about a mile below the surface.
There’s a legend that tells of seven brothers known as the Kumaras who were sons of God who came and worked with the earliest races of humanity on Lemuria. Two of them were Sanat and Sananda. The soul who incarnated into Sananda is said to be the same soul that incarnated into Jesus. Sanat is said to be the same soul as Satan. The Kumaras brought techniques to the Earth to assist in uniting the polarity within humanity, which means that a person’s soul and spirit would be united, another way to say ‘enlightenment’. The Kumaras method of uniting the soul and spirit was the same one Jesus brought back in his ministry. It was designed to awaken unconditional love within a person. The gnostic Wisdom or Mystery religions began on Lemuria.
In the book, The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom, Mark Pinkham writes that it is; “the goal of existence to complete spiritual union with the transcendental aspect of Shiva (the Father) via the assistance of manifest Shiva, or Shakti (the Mother). The divine union or marriage is attained through the awakening of the serpentine Holy Spirit power, called Kundalini Shakti in the East, within the sacrum and her ascension up the yogic Tree of Life, which is the human spine.” Mark explains that;
P 113 Their name, Kumara, reflects both their path to union as well as their inherent androgynous nature. The syllable Ma represents the female principle or matter; the syllable Ra is the identifying sound of the male principle or Spirit; and Ku is the sound of their union as the androgynous Serpent of Wisdom. …The arrival of the Venusian Kumaras on Mu was pivotal to the unfolding evolution of the human species during the 104,000 year cycle. They brought to Earth the secrets which would assist in uniting the polarity within and lead to the full awakening of unconditional love within the heart chakra, the ultimate goal of human existence.
In the Jeshua channelings, Jeshua says that we came into the earth in a more spiritual, less material form. These bodies were known as dragon bodies. Dragon bodies sympathetically resonate with their surroundings. We were literally in tune with everything around us! Jeshua mentioned that we were nature spirits in the Garden, and that Garden was Lemuria. We first took a human form on Atlantis.
Edgar Cayce was a phenomenally gifted psychic. More than anything, he wanted to become a doctor and missionary. However, his family was poor, so he was only able to complete the seventh grade before going to work to help support his family. This didn’t prevent his becoming a healer though, as in early adulthood he found that while in a self-induced trance state he had the ability to diagnose people’s ailments and recommend treatments. He didn’t even have to be near the person. He would be told someone’s name and where they were located and could go to the Akashic Record, known in the Bible as the Book of Life, and see everything about the persons past, present and future.
From the book Edgar Cayce on Angels pp 135-6 we learn that souls were entering into the Earth in a variety of forms. Cayce said that centaurs, cyclops, mermaids and a host of other freakish creations were not mythological at all. They were a result of souls attempting to manifest in imperfect creations. God had originally designed the Earth’s creatures, but we had co-creative powers and so ‘played’ with those creations and made hybrid creatures. The author of The Sacred Symbols of Mu informs us;
PP 27/8 It is fairly well established that all religions have a common origin. ...The first records of religion are more than 70,000 years old. They tell us that a body of trained masters from Mu, (Lemuria) called Naacals, were carrying to her various colonies and colonial empires copies of the Motherland's Sacred Inspired religion. These Naacals formed in each country colleges for the teaching of the priest craft religion, and the sciences. ...Throughout the colonies and colonial empires these teachings were known as the Sacred Mysteries, a name that has persisted down to the present. In the Orient they were also called the Books of the Golden Age. In later times, I find among Mayan and Egyptian writings that the Sacred Mysteries were only entrusted to the high priesthood and the heir apparent to the throne.
In this last paragraph, we see the beginning of a pattern that has lasted for thousands of years. Jeshua spoke of a political-spiritual elite on Atlantis. We were that political-spiritual elite, something that is still true to this day. The spiritual practices of our ancestors and ourselves were these sacred mysteries. From World Gnosis we learn; p 245 “Lemuria’s Gnostic civilization reached other parts of the globe via missionaries who founded Dragon civilizations that championed spiritual union with the Divine Wisdom and Power of the Primal Dragon or Serpent on the Tree. In their new lands, these enlightened Lemurian missionaries founded lineages of priest kings and had priests of mystery schools who were honorably addressed by their students and subjects with indigenous titles meaning ‘Dragon’ or ‘Serpent’.” He goes on to say that in Middle America they were called Quetzalcoatl’s, the Plumed Serpents. In China they were known as Lung Dragons. In India they taught the path to Shiva and governed the masses as the Naga Kings. In Britain they were known as the Druid Adders and in Egypt they were the Djedhi serpents who served their people as both pharaohs and gnostic adepts.
During the decades when Mr. Cayce did his readings, he mentioned Atlantis over seven hundred times. He described a society where the Sons of the Law of One did battle with the Sons of Belial. I believe these were the warring parties referred to by Jesus in the Jeshua channelings. As he stated, they were both extra-terrestrial sources of influence on humanity at that time. Herbert Puryear, in his book The Edgar Cayce Primer says this of the Followers of the Law of One; p 80 “The mission of God is not overcoming evil, but rather reconciliation with his children. ...A far-reaching implication of the premise positing the oneness of all forces is that ultimately all will be brought into accord with this oneness. The implication of that for us as individual souls, children of God, is that all souls one day will be brought into oneness with Him. This suggests, of course, a theology of universalism, that all may eventually be saved. To our amazement we find that many who preach a gospel of love and salvation are nevertheless greatly distressed even to reflect upon this possibility.”
He goes on to say that the Law of One began about twelve thousand years ago, and it was a social reform whereby new attitudes were developed toward the races, the sexes, and the many different types of beings through which souls were incarnating. He wrote; “The ‘Law of One’ brought about a whole new order and a new age. Those of us who align ourselves with this premise today may again begin to contribute in an extraordinary and helpful way toward bringing about a new age in our time, a new consciousness that embraces all persons as fellow children of God.”
The Great Seal of the United States of America says on it; ‘E Pluribus Unum’. This means ‘Out of Many, One’. What our Founding Fathers were referring to in this, was that the many are all really, just the One. The One - being God. Each person, each creation, is an individualized aspect of God. It’s all God!

Jeshua also mentioned that we still had access to our abilities such as clairaudience, telepathy and other inherent skills which some call magic or miracles, but which are in reality an understanding of and manipulation of spiritual and material reality. There were both white and black magicians on Atlantis. All magic is practiced using the same methods. The thing that determines whether magic is white or black is the intention of the magician, whether used for good or nefarious purposes. The author of The Lost Teachings of Atlantis wrote; “Magic and miracles were not just something that existed in fairy tales. They were the scientific workings of spiritual forces on physical matter.”

On Atlantis, the Sons of Belial, said by some to be the Biblical Cain, learned how to use the spiritual powers of the Sons and Daughters of the Law of One. They used them for selfish means and Atlantis became an evil society. The black magicians created part-human, part-animal hybrids called Chimeras. They would use these creatures as slaves and sex objects. Edgar Cayce called them humanimals. The genetic manipulation that Jeshua spoke of is most likely the reason humans are auto immune. He calls humanity ‘creature humans’. In the esoteric teachings, angels are called men, and people are called animals! That same author also tells us that;
PP 142/4 The Edgar Cayce readings relate that a soul named Amilius saw the fallen state of the angels on Earth and volunteered to be the leader of a group of 144,000 souls who would enter into Earth life to try to extricate their fellow souls from their material prisons. To accomplish this, Amilius and the 144,000 would have to commit to the entire evolutionary cycle of Earth life and would be subject to the same things other souls had who had forgotten their origin. Cayce related that the soul of Amilius was the soul of Jesus and also the Adam of the Old Testament of the Bible. To extricate souls from materiality, Amilius had to experience what the other souls experienced, in order to transform humans from within.

When I got the results of some dna testing, I learned that my dna haplo-group, which is T, originated circa 10,500 B.C. in the area of Mesopotamia - northern Palestine. The haplogroup was also found in a large degree among the people called the Sami of Norway, in Egyptians, in the present day Palestinians, the Basques of northern Spain, and the Native American Cherokee. Surprisingly to me, it is somewhat rare in Europeans, only 8% of the population. I looked up an article on Wikipedia the online encyclopedia, on the Sami people who are also known as Lapps. The picture in the article was taken circa 1900. It showed what looked like an American plains Indian tepee with a man in front and two women on either side of him, most likely a plural marriage. Their children were also pictured. The Basques live in the Pyrenees Mountains of Spain. Our family has a long connection to southern France and northern Spain which I will discuss in more detail as the story progresses. The Palestinian derivation of my haplo-group made sense to me, but how it came to be in Egypt, Norway, Spain and in Native Americans was at first, hard to understand. I learned that the haplogroup traveled through the migrating Atlantean’s.

Edgar Cayce spoke of a group of followers of the Worship of the One led by a leader named Iltar who left Poseidia, the capital of Atlantis, and went to South America. The vestiges of the Atlantean settlements in South America can still be found in the ancient ruins of the Maya, Aztecs, Tolmecs and Inca, where megalithic stone structures were built by the Atlantean refugees. In fact, Cayce said that the civilizations built in South and Central America were built by people not only from Atlantis, but also from Lemuria who had migrated to escape the submersions of their lands. Cayce said there were people from Oz or Og who were responsible for their construction too, so there really was a Land of Oz! Cayce stated; “The ancient Egyptians and American Indians originated in Atlantis, also the Basques, Canary Islanders and early inhabitants of Spain and Portugal.” (Iberia) Edgar Cayce on Angels’ p 18 The last two were later known as Celts, or Celt-Iberians. He also spoke of the migrations of people from all three lands that went to what is now California, Mexico and southern New Mexico in the United States. He stated; “This again found a change when there were the injections from those peoples that came with the divisions of those peoples in that called the Promised Land. Hence we may find in these ruins that which partakes of the Egyptian, Lemurian and Oz civilizations, and the later activities partaking even of the Mosaic activities.” Yes, you understood him correctly, which isn’t easy! When the Israelite’s divided up the land between the tribes of Israel, some of them traveled to north, south and central America! They were well aware of where those lands were since their ancestors had been Atlantean’s. The Atlantean’s were seafarers and traders who traveled the world. Some of them became the Phoenicians, known also as the Pelasgians or Sea People.
Some American Indians remember Atlantis as Turtle Island, Pan or the Old Red Land. The Old Red Land name came from the red color of the earth there. The title Serpents of Wisdom was already in use by our people during the time of Atlantis and as they left their sinking islands, they took their Serpent Wisdom with them. One story has them going to the Mississippi Delta region where they met up with their brothers the Iroquois Serpents. Some of the tribes stemming from the Atlanteans are the Sioux, Lakota, Algonquin and Iroquois. All these names translate as snake or serpent.
From the book Atlantis - Insights from a Lost Civilization, we can get an idea of who the Atlantean’s developed into over time. P 156 The author relates legends from Great Britain that describe the Pleiades as the dwelling place of giant sky gods who once visited the Earth. The book gives examples of ancient stone monuments that are lined up with the position in the sky of the Pleiades at the equinox and other significant astronomical dates. The author states that there is a Cherokee ancestral wisdom that says; “Long ago people from the stars known as the seven dancers, or the Pleiades, reached the five islands of Atlantis and happily settled there.” The Cherokee legends say that when many Atlantean’s abused their sacred powers and grew corrupt, the islands disintegrated. P 231 The Algonquians, the tribe of Pocahontas father, followed the animals in all directions across the U.S.19 The author wrote that Edgar Cayce described their descendants, the Iroquois, as direct descendants of Atlantean’s. And that others - the Dakota, Sioux, Mandan’s, Delaware, Shawnee, Algonquin’s, Choctaw and Cherokee, “all retain the aquiline noses, high cheek bones, and long skulls of their Atlantean ancestors.” The Atlantean’s close relationship with intelligent beings from the Pleiades is commemorated in Greek mythology where Atlas fathered seven daughters, the seven stars of the Pleiades.

P 172 The book’s author calls the Vikings; “descendants of the oceangoing Atlantean’s” and says that they decorated the front of their ships with carved serpents. P 189 Also, the final ruler of Atlantis, Votan, or Wotan, or Wodin or Odin, which are all names for the same man, supervised the stocking of their ships with books, food and animals when they left Atlantis. The author says that he obtained much of his data from the records of the Irish Tuatha de Danaan, whom he believes were employed as scribes in Atlantean temples. He said the Tuathas fled in ships during the final destruction of their country and eventually many of them settled in Ireland where their knowledge was incorporated into Celtic myths and legends. p 211 Those stories describe the land of Ogham or Ogyges, (Igiggi-Ogiggi) off the coast of Ireland. Legends say it was once possible to reach Atlantis by way of Ogham, traveling many months on a well-lit highway. A huge granite statue of Og, a king of Ogham and another of his queen Magog stood in London until bombs destroyed them during World War II.

To quote that author; p 216 “The extensive wisdom of Atlantean scholars was also recorded and remembered in the Near East, where the boats of destitute refugees carried them in 10,000 B.C. Noah, with his family and animals as described in the Bible, is the most notorious emigrant from Atlantis, the only land at that time sufficiently advanced to produce the knowledge he carried with him. The book of Jubilees, one of the Dead Sea Scrolls, refers to the written information about medicine and herbs that Noah gave to Shem and says that in due course these books were passed from Jacob to his son Levi, who gave them to his children. The enlightenment Noah brought to the Near East is symbolized in many legends.”

The author wrote that the Hebrew’s describe a holy book given to Adam by the angel Raziel. This is the scene in the picture we saw earlier. The Hebrew’s say the book was made from sapphire and once belonged to Noah, who used it as a ‘lam’ (light of knowledge) while in the Ark. The book came into the hands of King Solomon and was regarded as the source of all his wisdom. The author states that the information relating to the occult arts that reached the Near East from Atlantis at the time of the flood, contributed to the practices of the Essene Order.

So, to answer my own question as to who my ancestors were and what was it that they had in common, the answer is; they were a soul family, angels, Atlantean’s and followers of the gnostic mystery religion. These are the reasons they married into the Indian tribes, they were the same people and co-religionists. Lucille Taylor Hansen in her book The Ancient Atlantic points out that many of the former Atlantean Native Americans designated themselves as Atlantean Serpents by incorporating the ‘k’ sound within their names. The tribes of this group include the Oklahoma, Muskogian, Choctaw, Cherokee, Mohawk, Comanche and Chickasaw. According to her, the Ka sound denotes both Serpent of Wisdom and Son of God.
According to the Theosophy website;
The Atlantean root race had Mongolian features; they began with golden brown skin and gradually evolved into the red American Indian, brown Malayan, and yellow Mongolian races, because some Atlantean’s eventually migrated to the Americas and Asia. The seven sub-races of the Atlantean root race were: the Rmoahal, the Tlavati, Toltec (a term which Theosophists use as a synonym for American indians), the Turanian the (original) Semites (e.g., the Phoenicians), the Akkadians, and the Mongolian, which migrated to and colonized East Asia.

Ignatius Donnelly in Atlantis; the Antediluvian World wrote;

P 84 The religious, philosophic, and scientific knowledge possessed by the priest-crafts of antiquity, were engendered from Atlantis. Atlantean sun worship has been perpetuated in the ritualism and ceremonialism of both Christianity and pagandom. ...The center of the Atlantean Wisdom-Religion was presumably a great pyramidal temple standing on the brow of a plateau rising in the midst of the City of the Golden Gates. From here the initiate-priests of the Sacred Feather went forth, carrying the keys of Universal Wisdom to the uttermost parts of the Earth.

P 85 The mythologies of many nations contain accounts of gods who came out of the sea. Certain shamans among the American Indians tell of holy men dressed in birds’ feathers and wampum who rose out of the blue waters and instructed them in the arts and crafts. Among the legends of the Chaldeans is that of Oannes, a partly amphibious creature who came out of the sea and taught the savage peoples along the shore to read and write, till the soil, cultivate herbs for healing, study the stars, establish rational forms of government, and become conversant with the sacred Mysteries. Among the Mayas, Quetzalcoatl, the Savior-God (whom some Christian scholars believe to have been St. Thomas), issued from the waters and, after instructing the people in the essentials of civilization, rode out to sea on a magic raft of serpents to escape the wrath of the fierce god of the Fiery Mirror, Tezcatlipoca.

May it not have been that these demigods of a fabulous age who, Esdras-like, came out of the sea were Atlantean priests? All that primitive man remembered of the Atlantean’s was the glory of their golden ornaments, the transcendency of their wisdom, and the sanctity of their symbols – the cross and the serpent. That they came in ships was soon forgotten, for untutored minds considered even boats as supernatural. Wherever the Atlantean’s proselytized they erected pyramids and temples patterned after the great sanctuary in the City of the Golden Gates. Such is the origin of the pyramids of Egypt, Mexico, and Central America. The mounds in Normandy and Britain, as well as those of the American Indians, are remnants of a similar culture. In the midst of the Atlantean program of world colonization and conversion, the cataclysms which sank Atlantis began. The initiate-priests of the Sacred Feather who promised to come back to their missionary settlements never returned; and after the lapse of centuries tradition preserved only a fantastic account of gods who came from a place where the sea now is. H. P. Blavatsky sums up the causes which precipitated the Atlantean disaster;

Under the evil insinuations of their demon, Thevetat, the Atlantis-race became a nation of wicked magicians. In consequence of this, war was declared, the story of which would be too long to narrate; its substance may be found in the disfigured allegories of the race of Cain, the giants, and that of Noah and his righteous family. The conflict came to an end by the submersion of the Atlantis; which finds its imitation in the stories of the Babylonian and Mosaic flood.

From the Atlantean’s the world has received not only the heritage of arts and crafts, philosophies and sciences, ethics and religions, but also the heritage of hate, strife, and perversion. The Atlantean’s instigated the first war; and it has been said that all subsequent wars were fought in a fruitless effort to justify the first one and right the wrong which it caused. Before Atlantis sank, its spiritually illumined initiates, who realized that their land was doomed because it had departed from the Path of Light, withdrew from the ill-fated continent. Carrying with them the sacred and secret doctrine, these Atlantean’s established themselves in Egypt, where they became its first ‘divine’ rulers. Nearly all the great cosmologic myths forming the foundation of the various sacred books of the world are based upon the Atlantean Mystery rituals.

The author of Egypt: Child of Atlantis writes;

PP 216-17 In the book Dravidian Origins in the West, Dr. N. Lahovary shows the clearly direct relationship between the Basque language and that of the Dravidians of southern India. He does so by demonstrating the existence of an ancient Ligurian linguistic culture that extended in ancient times from India, via Iraq and Turkey right across the eastern and northern Mediterranean to the Atlantic before being largely subsumed within the Indo European cultures of the Celts in the west, the Serbs and Caucasians from the north and the Hamito-Semitic peoples from the south.
I included this last paragraph because these languages were our own and the people, the Hamito-Semitic, Celts, Indo-Europeans, and Caucasian people were our ancestors, and by this, and the following paragraph, you can get some idea of where some of these Atlantean’s ended up. Laurence Gardner, the author of Genesis of the Grail Kings wrote; p 185 “It is remarkable that the Hopi should claim descent from the Snake clan, survivors from a lost island in the Atlantic Ocean and designers of the mound representing a serpent disgorging an egg. The Greeks separated from the Hopi by half a world and thousands of years, recorded that their ancestors were the Ophites, a Serpent People, from the Western Sea, whose emblem was a snake with an egg at its mouth. Ohio’s Great Serpent Mound has a material counterpart in, of all places, Scotland.”
Gardner went on to say that the Atlantean’s; “were a people of incomparable genius, expressed in their technological achievements….they explored and mapped the world at least five thousand years before the men of the European Renaissance…they were aggressive imperialists, joyful warriors who delighted in conquest.” He said of the Basques who spoke a language unlike any others, which is called Euskara, “it contains cognates with the languages of four peoples descended from Atlantis.” Gardner also told of the Basques own sunken city myth, and says that the Basques still recall the name Amaiur p 225 “...whom later Christian theologians equated with the biblical Tubal Cain, Noah’s grandson.” According to Gardner, the legends say that the Basques were the survivors of the destruction of an oceanic kingdom, the Green Isles, which was engulfed by the sea. He wrote that Amaiur and his fellow Atlantean’s resettled in the Pyrenees where they became the progenitors of the Basques.

In the book Gateway to Atlantis, the author wrote that the ancient historian Sanchoniathon of Beirut who lived circa 1100 B.C., stated that the Phoenicians, who were the Semitic sub-race of Atlantis pp 347-9 “....inherited their maritime capability from a dynasty of gods that founded the city of Byblos. They introduced civilized society, and possessed light and other more complete ships. They gave birth to many sons and daughters who bore the names of later Phoenician city states and countries throughout the Mediterranean. Their leader was Cronus (Saturn) the son of Coelus or Uranus, the father of the six Titans and their six female counterparts, the Titanides. Sanchoniathon tells us that Coelus ruled Coele-Syria, a country that stretched from the Levant coast of the Lebanon to the eastern extremes of Syria. Cronus, if we dare to presume he was ever human, is remembered for the power struggle he fought and lost against his son Zeus, the leader of the gods of Olympus.” He goes on to say that some sources say he was banished to Italy where he civilized the barbarous people and introduced agriculture. He added that Cronus reign was so peaceful and virtuous it was remembered as a Golden Age.

The author writes; “In the wars against Zeus and the gods of Olympus, Sanchoniathon states that Cronus’ auxiliaries or allies were the Eloim, a misspelling of Elohim, or the bene-ha-Elohim, the name given in the Old Testament to the Watchers and Nephilim. If we might accept that Cronus’ struggles with his son Zeus recall real events in the history of humankind, could it imply that the maritime gods of Byblos were allies of the Watchers and Nephilim?” He goes on to say that in Greek myth, the Nephilim are equated directly with the Titans or Giants who waged war on the gods of Olympus. In the Greek Septuagint and in the King James Bible, the term Nephilim is substituted with the words Gigantes, or Giants. The author wrote; “With this in mind, it is interesting to note that the Titans are supposed to have sided with Cronus against their father Coelus, the same role played by the Elohim.”

I will talk about this in a later chapter, but I have come to believe that all the ancient pantheons of gods were actual flesh and blood humans, very few humans, who were known by different names in different places. They were the ‘Elohim’ or really ‘elohim’, what I call ‘lower case g’ gods. They were also known as the Anunnaki in the Bible. They were our ancestor’s or even ourselve’s in earlier incarnations. Here we touch on what is the most baffling aspect of my research; biblical people being linked with pagan gods. It is not something I understand very well. I will talk more about it in a later chapter.

The Atlantean’s took their culture with them when they abandoned their islands and the societies they established had indoor plumbing, multi-story buildings, aqueducts and lakes, road systems, farming and agriculture. Theirs were called ‘sudden civilizations’ because they showed no evolution of technologies - they arrived fully flowered. There were four other Gardens of Eden for the other four races, but they were barely in the Bronze Age when Atlantis had what Edgar Cayce referred to as more advanced technologies than what were in existence at the time of his readings, the 1920’s through 1940’s. The Atlantean civilizations had flourishing administrative, commercial and social establishments. This was due, as Jeshua said, to the fact that extra-terrestrial races were born into the Earth humans there. The Atlantean’s were scattered around the world and their mental and physical attributes began to degenerate. Their life spans decreased significantly. This can be seen in the biblical patriarchs who show progressively shorter lifespans with each succeeding generation. Their thought processes sharpened, but they lost their magical powers over nature and over the life forces in the human body.
Edgar Cayce said that evidence of the Atlantean civilization can still be found in the Pyrenees mountain range, Morocco, the British Honduras, Yucatan, and America. Atlantis sank into the ocean slowly over thousands of years. The sinking of the final island, Poseidia, was said to have occurred circa 10,000 B.C., and was cataclysmic. Edgar Cayce said it was the Atlantean’s misuse of the power emitting out of the Earth which they had harnessed and used as their energy source, that caused the final collapse.

The Followers of the Law of One began leaving Atlantis when the Sons of Belial began practicing human sacrifice. The ones who remained left before the final cataclysm as they had known in advance what would happen. Those in our soul/physical family who were Followers of the Law of One went with Thoth-Hermes to Egypt. Zechariah Sitchen says that according to the Mesopotamian texts, Thoth-Hermes was Enki’s son Ningishzidda. Edgar Cayce said it was at that time that the pyramids were built in Egypt. Another author wrote that the pyramids and sphinx are astrally aligned to 10,500 B.C., and he believes that was when they were built. If you study our family story you will realize how important astronomy and astrology were to our ancestors, and I believe the 10,500 B.C. date to be accurate.

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