This book is dedicated to the Serpents of Wisdom with thanks

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Throughout time they would also be known as the Knights Templars, Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Shriners, the Sufis of Islam, Cathars, Ebionites, Elchesaites, Valentinians, Baptists, Quakers, Mormons and others. And of course we can’t forget the Angelic and Celestial Serpents of Wisdom!
The Mysteries were taught in a series of initiations so that the initiates could advance to more privileged teachings. The final initiations were done in caves or stone buildings. The great pyramid of Giza was an initiation site. During the rites, the initiate was subjected to conditions that mimicked death and the spirit world. Yaldabaoth, who created the Earth and the thirteen heavens, layered heaven over heaven. In each heaven are gatekeepers who control a souls’ travel. He did this to prevent souls from rising to the higher realms. Humanity has been unknowingly imprisoned for ages in these realms. In the Mysteries, they were given passwords to give in each stage that indicated that they were approved to move up to a higher realm, subverting the system put in place by the archons.
The Mysteries included a wide variety of teachings that touched on all aspects of life on Earth. The Serpents of Wisdom were culture bearers, teachers and leaders. They brought the arts and sciences to Earth and formed the governments and fundamentals of society. The Serpents of Wisdom included many well-known figures throughout history such as Pythagoras, Plato, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Moses, Thoth Hermes, Galileo, Francis Bacon, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John the Baptist and even Jesus, of the Nazorean sect of the Essenes.
Edgar Cayce said that the Christ spirit was behind all religions that worshipped one God alone. Looking superficially at some of those religions you wouldn’t think they are monotheistic. They are the same religions of today; Buddhism and Hinduism are examples. What one needs to understand is that the exoteric religions showed God in different aspects. For instance, they would use two separate identities for Gods masculine and feminine aspects. They would also show different identities for the traits of God, such as righteous anger, or a loving father. For several thousand years the Masters of Wisdom have been working on instilling into humanity the concept of a personal God. In doing this, they came up with the idea of these different aspects for the One God so that humans could relate to God in human terms. The Hosts of Heaven describe God as a vast ocean of consciousness.
The Masters of Wisdom established four cultures and four spiritual traditions on the planet. The religions were the Great Mother, the Great Spirit, the Creator God and the Savior God. The Great Mother or Matriarchal religion was a society based upon agriculture. In these societies, the Masters of Wisdom taught humankind the practical arts such as weaving, pottery and the use of the plow. One example of this society can be found from the book The Mysteries of the Bridechamber. p 214 The author describes a society that lasted for almost four thousand years, from about 7000 BCE to 3500 BCE. She writes that in the Neolithic Age, an advanced culture complex existed in which women were free and responsible equally with men in the building and creative organization of their society. This culture has been found in eastern Europe, southern Turkey, Egypt, Palestine, Mesopotamia, and the Indus Valley. They all shared a highly developed mode of cultural expression based on equality of the sexes.
The eminent researcher Marija Gimbutas called this wide-spread civilization ‘Old Europe’. She said that long before the heyday of the Sumerian and Egyptian civilizations, “Old Europe was so advanced that for a long time historians assumed that what they were unearthing were Bronze Age Greek or Roman towns.” These cultures worshipped an androgynous God/Goddess and considered Her/Him to be the Source and Giver of All. Their societies were matrilineal, meaning descent and inheritance was through the mother. They were egalitarian and peace loving. No weapons or defensive fortifications were found in their archeological remnants. The author says about them; “From what we now know of the enduring legacy of the Watchers and of Neolithic culture in general, and how their revolutionary achievements were treasured in the memory of the prophets even thousands of years later, it seems highly probable that a resuscitation of the ancient Neolithic tradition of ‘Old Europe’ was being actively sought in first-century Hasidic circles.”

Those prophets and Hasidic circles just mentioned were the Essenes. The author of The Masters of Wisdom p 31 explains that when Zeus gained ascendancy over the Titans, they went north to live in the Isles of the Blest, which I believe refer to the Isles of Britain, Scotland, Ireland and/or the Scandinavian countries. They made their way up the west coast of Europe from Africa over the Straits of Gibraltar before the melting of the last Ice Age, which caused the ocean levels to rise. The area was known as Hyperborea at that time. Previous to the end of the last Ice Age, the Mediterranean basin was a fertile valley dotted with lakes. We see Zeus pop his head up again. You will see these characters turn up in the most unlikely of places! And need I remind you that mythical gods don’t undertake great migrations?

That same author, J.G. Bennett, says that each of the four cultures shepherded by the Masters of Wisdom represented a different Way of Transformation. He comments that three of these came together in the region between the Caspian and Aral seas. He wrote; “This region was the seat of the most ancient school of Wisdom which united all teachings and all beliefs. Here the Great Mother was understood in her relationship to the Savior God and the Great Spirit was known as the link between man and the Creator from which he came.”
He makes the interesting statement that the four cultures came together with the Hebrews, “whose destiny was to unite the four great cultures in a single religion.” There were aspects of all four religious models in the teachings of Jesus. He called his teaching The Way too. Unfortunately, the aspect of our Mother, the Holy Spirit was removed from Jesus’ teachings by the leaders of patriarchal religion. In truth, it seems that even some of Jesus’ disciples had trouble accepting that aspect of the religion, as most of them had been raised as patriarchal Jews. The Serpent Followers of the Law of One set the following goals for themselve’s to uphold throughout the slow evolutionary process. These goals, taken from the book The Origin of the Mysteries in the Blavatsky Collected Writings, were:
(1) The persistent spiritualization of the thought-life of humanity so that knowledge of things spiritual may penetrate into the heart and life in time may become a benediction of peace instead of a tragedy of conflict;

(2) Seeding grounds of adepts, nurseries for future recruits, who through trial and initiation may become fit to receive the supreme dignity of membership in the great Brotherhood; and

(3) The preservation of truth for future races unsullied by human hand; and the polishing of the knowledge of truth through investigation by trained seers of the secrets of nature in worlds visible and invisible. The first of these aims is fulfilled by the periodic appearance of world teachers, the inspirers of what later became the great religious and philosophical schools: messengers from the Lodge who come forth at cyclic periods to strike anew the "Keynote of Truth”. Hence every great religion, every noble philosophy, every fundamental scientific insight was born from the Sanctuary, to become a new religion, a new philosophy, a new science: fresh and new for the age and the people, but ancient beyond time because nurtured in the womb of esoteric antiquity.

All that is good, noble, and grand in human nature, every divine faculty and aspiration, were cultured by the Priest-Philosophers who sought to develop them in their Initiates. Their code of ethics, based on altruism, has become universal. The second of these aims is ages-long in accomplishment and deeply occult: to rouse the hidden fire of divinity in the human soul, and through the kindling of that flame burn the dross of imperfection, sloth, and unworthy desire from the heart. One of the impelling aims of such discipline is to restore to humanity inner sight, to free people from every danger of being enslaved whether by a man or an idea.

...During these first millennia the spiritual head and guardian of the Earth had been stimulating wherever possible the individual fires of active spirituality. Gradually as knowledge of divine things became abused by those strong in will but weak in morality, truth was increasingly veiled. The planetary Watcher now felt the need of selecting a band of co-workers to act as bodyguard and protector of the ancient wisdom. Alone a handful of spiritually illumined human beings, in whom the divine fervor burned bright, acknowledged wholehearted allegiance to their planetary mentor - the spiritual hierarch of humanity. Through long ages certain individuals had been watched over and guided, strengthened and tested in innumerable ways, and those who passed the test of self-knowledge and self-sacrifice were gathered together to form the first association of spiritual-divine human beings - the Great Brotherhood.
From the book Fragments of a Faith Forgotten by G.R.S. Mead;
PP 47/8 It is said that these earliest teachers of humanity who founded the Mystery institutions as the most efficient means of giving infant humanity instruction in higher things, were souls belonging to a more highly developed humanity than our own. The men of our infant humanity were children with minds but little developed, and only capable of understanding what they distinctly saw and felt. In the earliest times, according to this view, the Mysteries were conducted by those who had a knowledge of nature-powers which was the acquisition of a prior perfected humanity not necessarily earth-born, (my emphasis) and the wonders shown therein such that none of our humanity could of themselves produce. As time went on and our humanity more and more developed the faculty of reason, and were thought strong enough to stand on their own feet, the teachers gradually withdrew, and the Mysteries were committed to the care of the most advanced pupils of this humanity, who had finally to substitute symbols and devices, dramas and scenic representations, of what had previously been revealed by higher means.

Then it was that corruption crept in, and man was left to win his own divinity by self-conquest and persistent struggling against the lower elements in his nature. The teachers remained unseen, ever ready to help, but no longer moving visibly among men, to compel their reverence and worship. So runs the tradition. Unthanked, unknown, unconsidered, the Masters go on in their compassionate work for mankind's enlightenment, a work that has never ceased in its outpouring of spiritual vitality for many millions of years, to continue another such period if necessity demands until such time as humanity stirs from its lethargy and once again wills to unite its heart with truth.

P 51 For countless generations hath the adept built a fane of imperishable rocks, a giant's Tower of Infinite Thought, wherein the Titan dwelt, and will yet, if need be, dwell alone, emerging from it but at the end of every cycle, to invite the Elect of mankind to co-operate with him and help in his turn enlighten superstitious man. And we will go on in that periodical work of ours; we will not allow ourselves to be baffled in our philanthropic attempts until that day when the foundations of a new continent of thought are so firmly built that no amount of opposition and ignorant malice guided by the Brethren of the Shadow will be found to prevail.

We are at that end of the cycle and we, the Elect, are being called to help enlighten our fellow humans.

From The Secret Doctrine by H.P. Blavatsky;
P 223/4 The Mysteries taught that spiritual illumination was attained only by bringing the lower nature up to a certain standard of efficiency and purity. The Mysteries were therefore established for the purpose of unfolding the nature of man according to certain fixed rules which, when faithfully followed, elevated the human consciousness to a point where it was capable of cognizing its own constitution and the true purpose of existence. This knowledge of how man’s manifold constitution could be most quickly and most completely regenerated to the point of spiritual illumination constituted the secret, or esoteric, doctrine of antiquity. Certain apparently physical organs and centers are in reality the veils or sheaths of spiritual centers. What these were and how they could be unfolded was never revealed to the unregenerate, for the philosophers realized that once he understands the complete working of any system, a man may accomplish a prescribed end without being qualified to manipulate and control the effects which he has produced. For this reason long periods of probation were imposed, so that the knowledge of how to become as the gods might remain the sole possession of the worthy.

Lest that knowledge be lost, however, it was concealed in allegories and myths which were meaningless to the profane but self-evident to those acquainted with that theory of personal redemption which was the foundation of philosophical theology. Christianity itself may be cited as an example. The entire New Testament is in fact an ingeniously concealed exposition of the secret processes of human regeneration. The characters so long considered as historical men and women are really the personification of certain processes which take place in the human body when man begins the task of consciously liberating himself from the bondage of ignorance and death. The Mysteries taught that man’s only lasting adornments were his virtues and worthy characteristics; that he was clothed in his own accomplishments and adorned by his attainments. Thus the white robe was symbolic of purity, the red robe of sacrifice and love, and the blue robe of altruism and integrity.

This periodical descent of spirit into matter is termed the wheel of life and death, and the principals involved are treated at length by the philosophers under the subject of metempsychosis. By initiation into the Mysteries and a certain process known as operative theology, this law of birth and death is transcended, and during the course of physical existence that part of the spirit which is asleep in form is awakened without the intervention of death – the inevitable Initiator – and is consciously reunited with the Anthropos, or the overshadowing substance of itself. This is at once the primary purpose and the consummate achievement of the Mysteries: that man shall become aware of and consciously be reunited with the divine source of himself without tasting of physical dissolution.

This last author’s statement about the biblical characters not being actual people is not something I agree with. The same could be said about the people in all the Masters of Wisdoms myths and allegories. For instance, Zeus is a mythical character, and as we have seen, believed by a few authors to be an actual person. The Grail stories with King Arthur and the Round Table are myths that convey the Masters of Wisdoms teachings, but Arthur and Sir Galahad and Marian were all based on a real ancient British people who are among my ancestors. As one author mentioned, sometimes kings took the name of their God. Beyond this, it was known that the Son of God incarnated through those kings just as he did through Jesus, so these men were actual embodiments of the Son of God. Our soul family inhabited the people of the Bible. That is something that I am very sure of - the fact that our soul family has repeatedly incarnated into lineal family groups. In Robert de Boron’s poem, The Queste del Saint Graal Galahad is said to be Joseph of Arimathea’s son. That same poem calls Galahad a scion of the house of David and in fact, identifies Galahad with Jesus himself. The name Galahad is said to have been derived from ‘Gilead’, which is a mystical designation for Jesus.

Anna Bonus Kingsford gives us a glimpse into the initiations. Taken from her Dreams and Visions No. XX Concerning the Great Pyramid and the Initiations therein;
I see the Great Pyramid, and can tell you all about it. My genius informs me that the number of the pyramids in Egypt corresponds to the number of the mysteries of the Gods. No one has yet rightly found out the purpose of the great one. It was built simply in order to serve in initiations. I see a candidate and seven or eight hierophants going in procession with torches through the passages. Each passage represents a mystery, the chief one leading to the ‘king's chamber’. This represents the greater mysteries. The ‘queen's chamber’ represents the lesser mysteries. The coffer in the king's chamber is a measure representing the standard of the perfect humanity, and in this the candidate was laid on his final initiation. It appears to me that I was once there myself. My sensations about it are like a memory. It was not built to be a prophecy, but it may serve as a prophecy. In it is symbolized all the wanderings in the desert, the history, that is, of the soul in the wilderness of the body. In representing the soul of the individual, it represents the soul also of the race, and thus is really a prophecy.

The new birth takes place in the king's chamber. It is the last stage. A person may be initiated several times in various incarnations; but he is regenerated once for all. The ‘baptism’ took place in the queen's chamber. It belonged to the lesser mysteries. It is neither initiation nor regeneration, but purification. There are four stages to be passed before final initiation. They correspond to the four elements, earth, fire, water, and air; and they relate respectively to the four corresponding divisions of man's nature, the body, the phantom or peri-soul, the soul, and the spirit, which are the four rivers of Eden. And the candidate has to be tested and proved in each of them by the tempter.

The initiate was accompanied by his sponsor or ‘mother’, a priestess or Sibyl. The central secret of the Mysteries was the Tree of Life in the midst of the garden; Immortality, the secret of Transmutation, or of changing ‘water’ (substance) into ‘wine’ (spirit). This, ‘Issa’- the son of Isis - or Jesus, is alone able to do. O incomprehensible secret, who shall understand thee! A soul, as has already been said, may be initiated more than once, in several lives, but only once regenerated. For she - the soul - can only once be born of the Spirit, or ‘Wisdom’. To be regenerate is to be born into spiritual life, and to have united the individual will with the Divine Will.

This union of the two wills constitutes the spiritual marriage, (my emphasis) the accomplishment of which is in the Gospels represented under the parable of the marriage at Cana of Galilee. This divine marriage, or union of the human and Divine wills, is indissoluble; whence the idea of the indissolubility of human marriage. And inasmuch as it is a marriage of the spirit of man to that of God, and of the Spirit of God to that of man, it is a double marriage. I see the ceremony actually taking place. The hierophant represents the Divine Spirit; and he and the candidate face each other, and crossing their arms grasp each with each hand a hand of the other. A soul may be partially and transiently illuminated by the Spirit; the Spirit may even descend upon an individual and make him a prophet, and pass away leaving him unregenerate, and out of the kingdom of God - as occurred to John the Baptist.

As a life-long Southern Baptist it is incredible to me to hear a prophetess say that John the Baptist didn’t enter the Kingdom of God. However, I believe this could be true. In an ancient Mandean text titled The Mandean Book of John the Baptizer we read;

Yahya (John the Baptist) proclaims in the nights, Yôhânâ on the Night`s evenings. Yahya proclaimed in the nights and speaks: “Stand not I here alone? I go to and fro. Where is a prophet my equal? Who makes proclamation equal to my proclamations? And who doth discourse with the like of my wondrous voice!”

When Yahya thus spake, the two women weep. Miryai and Enishbhai (the Virgin Mary and Johns mother Elizabeth) weep, and for both tears flow. They say: We will go hence, and do thou stay here; see that thou dost not bring us to stumble. I (M.) will go hence, and do thou stay here; see that thou dost not bring me to stumble. I (E.) will go hence, and do thou stay here; see that thou dost not fill me with Sorrow. Then Yahya opened his mouth and spake to Enishbhai in Jerusalem: “Is there any who could take my place in the height? Is there any who could take my place in the height, so that thou mayest pay for me ransom? If thou canst pay for me ransom, then bring thy jewels and ransom me. If thou canst pay for me ransom, then bring thy gold and ransom me.”

Thereupon Enishbhai opened her mouth and spake to Yahya in Jerusalem: “Who is thy equal in Judea, who is thy equal in Jerusalem that I should look on him and forget thee?” Yahya continued, saying: “Who is my equal? Who is my equal, that thou shouldst look on him and forget me? Before my voice and the voice of my proclamations the Torah disappeared in Jerusalem. Before the voice of my discourse the readers read no more in Jerusalem. The Wantons cease from their lewdness, and the women go not forth to the”...

To attain the Divine Marriage or at-one-ment with God, you must lose your own sense of self, i.e. ego. As just stated by Anna Kingsford, you must merge your will with God’s will. Because John still displayed ego, as evidenced in this ancient Mandean text, this would have prevented his attainment of the Kingdom of Heaven - in that particular incarnation.

The following quote speaks on the subject that was probably the hardest for me to understand. That is the realization that Christianity is a pagan religion! At one point, one of the chapters in this book was going to be titled; Those Christians Were Pagans! The truth is that Christianity is a higher revelation of the ancient Mystery or pagan religions. Therefore, the same allegories are used, among which are aspects that we Christians hold dear. The Secret Teachings of All Ages speaks of that;
P 44 The ideals of early Christianity were based upon the high moral standards of the pagan Mysteries, and the first Christians who met under the city of Rome used as their places of worship the subterranean temples of Mithras, from whose cult has been borrowed much of the sacerdotalism of the modem church. The ancient philosophers believed that no man could live intelligently who did not have a fundamental knowledge of Nature and her laws. Before man can obey, he must understand, and the Mysteries were devoted to instructing man concerning the operation of divine law in the terrestrial sphere. Few of the early cults actually worshiped anthropomorphic deities, although their symbolism might lead one to believe they did. They were moralistic rather than religionistic; philosophic rather than theological. They taught man to use his faculties more intelligently, to be patient in the face of adversity, to be courageous when confronted by danger, to be true in the midst of temptation, and, most of all, to view a worthy life as the most acceptable sacrifice to God, and his body as an altar sacred to the Deity.

P 77 The birthplace of Bacchus, called Sabazius or Sabaoth, was claimed by several places in Greece; but on Mount Zelmisus, in Thrace, his worship seems to have been chiefly celebrated. He was born of a virgin on the 25th of December; he performed great miracles for the good of mankind; particularly one in which he changed water into wine; he rode in a triumphal procession on an ass; he was put to death by the Titans, and rose again from the dead on the 25th of March: he was always called the Savior. In his mysteries, he was shown to the people, as an infant is by the Christians at this day, on Christmas Day morning in Rome.

P 608 Saviors unnumbered have died for the sins of man and by the hands of man, and through their deaths have interceded in heaven for the souls of their executioners. The martyrdom of the God-Man and the redemption of the world through His blood has been an essential tenet of many great religions. Nearly all these stories can be traced to sun worship, for the glorious orb of day is the Savior who dies annually for every creature within his universe, but year after year rises again victorious from the tomb of winter. Without doubt the doctrine of the crucifixion is based upon the secret traditions of the Ancient Wisdom; it is a constant reminder that the divine nature of man is perpetually crucified upon the animal organism.20 (my emphasis)

Certain of the pagan Mysteries included in the ceremony of initiation the crucifixion of the candidate upon a cross, or the laying of his body upon a cruciform altar. The list of the deathless mortals who suffered for man that he might receive the boon of eternal life is an imposing one. Among those connected historically or allegorically with a crucifixion are Prometheus, Adonis, Apollo, Arys, Bacchus, Buddha, Christna, Horus, Indra, Ixion, Mithras, Osiris, Pythagoras, Quetzalcoatl, Semiramis and Jupiter. According to the fragmentary accounts extant, all these heroes gave their lives to the service of humanity and, with one or two exceptions, died as martyrs for the cause of human progress.

From The Mystery Schools by Grace F. Knoche;
P 283 The various Mystery Religions and their successors have a varying number of steps, or initiations to complete. Some of them break it up into seven steps, others such as the Freemasons into thirty-three steps. In one of the steps the initiate meets their own God self, face to face. I see this as the indwelling Holy Spirit. ...In time, as we are able to distance ourselves from materiality, we become more integrated with our inner Spirit. ...Then comes the seventh and last of the degrees of initiation before master-hood is achieved. This initiation usually took place at the winter solstice. The ancient pagan initiates considered the four points of the year, the winter and summer solstices and the spring and autumnal equinoxes, as representative of holy workings in the cosmos. The birth of the sun at the beginning of the year symbolized to them the mystic birth of the initiate, and it is significant that nearly all the great world saviors, such as Jesus the Christ, Krishna the Avatar, Apollonius of Tiana, and others, celebrate their ‘birthdays’ at this sacred time: the rebirth of the solar deity.
The Encyclopedia Britannica compares the Mithraic and Christian Mysteries;
P 52 The fraternal and democratic spirit of the first communities, and their humble origin; the identification of the object of adoration with light and the sun; the legends of the shepherds with their gifts and adoration, the flood, and the ark; the representation in art of the fiery chariot, the drawing of water from the rock; the use of bell and candle, holy water and the communion; the sanctification of Sunday and of the 25th of December; the insistence on moral conduct, the emphasis placed on abstinence and self-control; the doctrine of heaven and hell, of primitive revelation, of the mediation of the Logos emanating from the divine, the atoning sacrifice, the constant warfare between good and evil and the final triumph of the former, the immortality of the soul, the last judgment, the resurrection of the flesh and the fiery destruction of the universe – [these] are some of the resemblances which, whether real or only apparent, enabled Mithraism to prolong its resistance to Christianity.
Is your heart broken yet? Mine certainly was when I first read these. In fact, it took five years for that hurt to stop. I can’t imagine being dealt all the information in this book in one sitting. It was hard enough accepting it over a period of more than six years. The key to accepting all this is in understanding that this creation was partially pre-planned. Within it there were inviolate laws set in place, such as the wheel of life, karma, free will, dualism, etc. There are also archetypes and patterns. We humans can only see the span of our own lives and more recent history, but we are talking here of events taking place on a grand scale, billions of years, in fact. There are repeating patterns that take place and that’s what we are seeing here.
Jesus was not only a Dying-Rising Savior God, he was a Sun King. I will let Theosophical writer Annie Besant describe the Sun Kings to you. She claims that the virgin birth concept has a purely astrological significance, when one understands what she terms the Solar Myth; “The Hero of the myth is usually represented as a God or Demi-God, and his life ...must be outlined by the course of the Sun, as the shadow of the Logos. The part of the course lived out during the human life is that which falls between the winter solstice and the reaching of the zenith in summer. The Hero is born at the winter solstice, dies at the spring equinox and conquering death, rises into the mid-heaven.” Besant explains that a divine personage, such as those listed previously, is said to be an ambassador of the Logos - personified as the sun.

High initiates who are sent on special missions to incarnate among men as teachers or rulers would be designated by the symbol of the sun. Why then a virgin birth? The initiate or hero, "is always born at the winter solstice after the shortest day of the year, at the midnight of the 24th of December, when the sign Virgo (the Virgin) is rising above the horizon; to be born as this sign is rising, he is born always of a virgin, and she remains a virgin after she has given birth to the Sun-Child, as the Celestial Virgo remains unchanged and unsullied when the Sun comes forth from the heavens.” From this, we learn why the Catholics strove so hard to portray Jesus’ mother Mary as always being a virgin, despite the fact that she had other children. Besant goes on to explain that the life of the Sun-God follows the prescribed mystery ritual of death, resurrection, and ascension.

The key to accepting and understanding all of this inter-mixing of Christianity with paganism is in the words; “a divine personage is said to be an ambassador of the Logos - personified as the sun.” Jesus was an incarnated ambassador of the Logos, thus he was a Sun-God, just as all the other Sun God’s listed above were too. The people who lived a thousand or two thousand years before Jesus needed their saviors too. According to the renowned esotericist, writer and 33rd degree Freemason, Manley Palmer Hall, in his book, The Secret Teachings of All Ages;

P 31 Sun worship played an important part in nearly all the early pagan Mysteries. This indicates the probability of their Atlantean origin, for the people of Atlantis were sun worshipers. The Solar Deity was usually personified as a beautiful youth, with long golden hair to symbolize the rays of the sun. This golden Sun God was slain by wicked ruffians, who personified the evil principle of the universe. By means of certain rituals and ceremonies, symbolic of purification and regeneration, this wonderful God of Good was brought back to life and became the Savior of His people. The secret processes whereby He was resurrected symbolized those cultures by means of which man is able to overcome his lower nature, master his appetites, and give expression to the higher side of himself. The mysteries were organized for the purpose of assisting the struggling human creature to re-awaken the spiritual powers which, surrounded by the flaming ring of lust and degeneracy, lay asleep within his soul. In other words, man was offered a way by which he could regain his lost estate.

From Living Gnosis a Practical Guide to Gnostic Christianity we learn;

P 51 In most Gnostic traditions, the purpose of the divine incarnation of the Logos is not salvation of the world. Rather, it is the redemption of Sophia, who is fallen and exiled in the world. Essentially, Divine Wisdom is the true nature of consciousness, which is the foundation of creatures and creation, and she is bound within creatures and creation to the dominion of the demiurges and archons - hence in bondage to cosmic ignorance. Thus, through the incarnation, Logos enters into the world to awaken and redeem Sophia. She is the soul of the world and the soul of all creatures.

The author tells us that the story of Mary Magdalene reflects this common theme of Gnosticism. Her life story is an allegory of the soul that becomes obscured and lost in the material world. And according to him; “Therefore, in her redemption the world and all creatures are redeemed.” The esoteric Christians in celebrating the Lords Supper or Eucharist, instead of remembering Christ’s body and blood shed for them, remember Sophia’s passion and restoration into the Pleroma. Again, that symbolically celebrates every soul’s eventual restoration into the Pleroma or highest Heaven.

John Van Auken, former director of the Association of Research and Enlightenment, the Edgar Cayce Research Foundation, tells us what Cayce’s readings on the Christian Mystery religion revealed;

The system of metaphysical thought which emerges from the Cayce discourses is a Christianized version of the mystery religions of ancient Chaldea, Persia, India, and Greece. It fits the figure of Christ into the tradition of one God for all people, and places him in his proper place, at the apex of the philosophical structure; He is the capstone of the pyramid. The mysteries were concerned with man's problem of freeing his soul from the world. In the mystery symbology, the Earth was always represented as the underworld, and the soul was lost in this underworld until freed from it by wisdom, faith, and understanding. In the Greek mysteries, Persephone was abducted by Pluto, Lord of Hades. Persephone is the soul of man, whose true home is in the heavens.
He goes on to say that Cayce was raised in strict nineteenth century Bible tradition and was shocked to discover that in his spiritual readings, given while in a self-induced trance state, he declared the truth of the Mysteries and claimed Jesus as their crowning glory. Cayce had only a seventh grade education and had never even heard of the mystery religions. He spoke at length on Gnosticism a number of years before the discovery of the gnostic Nag Hammadi texts in Egypt in 1945. These were the texts hidden by Coptic Christians, a church started by the apostle Mark. Cayce said that the Mystery religions were a preparation for the coming of Jesus, and that he was the fruit of their efforts. His message was a fuller revelation to the people at large of the mysteries themselves. Van Auken goes on to show how the symbology used in the Mystery religions has survived in Christianity. Starting in about the 300’s C.E., the early Church fathers began to separate from their pagan origins and so destroyed the books of their rivals and outlawed their practices. The Christian doctrine of reincarnation and the gnostic mysteries of Jesus were declared heresies by the Church in 553 AD.

In her book, The Woman with the Alabaster Jar, Margaret Starbird beautifully describes Jesus and his ministry;

PP 172/3 The Jesus described in the Gospel stories is an anti-establishment hero, an incarnation of the Spirit of Wisdom, gentle and compassionate toward the poor and a champion of justice. It is this Jesus who is the role model for the life of a true Christian. The Jesus who is victor, ruler, Lord of the Universe, seated at God’s right hand, and the object of Christian worship on Sunday is a male solar divinity in the Oriental tradition of Egypt (Ra), Greece (Apollo), Rome (Jupiter and Sol Invictus), and Persia (Zoroaster and Mithras) ....Side by side with the orthodox version of Christianity preached from Peter’s chair is another story of Jesus, a hidden tradition that has been branded heretical and forced underground for centuries.
From J.G. Bennett;
The task of the Masters of Wisdom was to demonstrate the power of

humility and weakness and from that demonstration to lead man back to love.

When a man is united with love, he is God.
That sounds a lot like what Jesus modeled. When it comes right down to it, our ancestors were missionaries spreading the Good News of life lived in glorious harmony with God and all of Gods’ creations! Manley Hall wrote;
“The mystery of the dying god was universal among the illumined and venerated colleges of the sacred teaching. These mysteries have perpetuated in Christianity in the crucifixion and death of the God man Jesus the Christ. The secret import of this world tragedy and the universal martyr must be re-discovered if Christianity is to reach the heights attained by the pagans in the days of their philosophic supremacy. The myth of the dying god is the key to both universal and individual redemption and regeneration, and those who do not comprehend the true nature of this supreme allegory are not privileged to consider themselves either wise or truly religious. ...Spiritual illumination was attained only by bringing the lower nature up to a certain standard of efficiency and purity. The mysteries were therefore established for the purpose of unfolding the nature of man according to certain fixed rules which, when faithfully followed, elevated the human consciousness to the point where it was capable of cognizing its own constitution and the true purpose of existence.”

Jesus himself tells us the significance of his death on the cross in Barbara Marx Hubbard’s book The Revelation; Our Crisis is a Birth p 61 “My resurrection was a signal of all of yours. Why do you suppose I submitted to the calumny of Calvary but to demonstrate that the physical body can and must be transformed. The resurrection was an early attraction signal to the human race of what can be done through love of each person as a member of one’s own body and of God above all else. The intensity of that love, the power of that connectedness is the key to the resurrection, now known as the transformation. The resurrection was a future forecast of an approaching new norm. The transformation of Homo Sapiens to Homo Universalis is the acting out of that forecast by the human species. What I did alone, now all can do who choose to love God above all else and their neighbor as themselves.”

Hall said that in the ancient Mysteries, matter was regarded as the source of all evil and spirit the source of all good. According to their thinking, matter inhibits and limits -

Often so clogging the inner perceptions that man is unable to recognize his own Divine potentialities. Since matter thus prevents humanity from claiming its birthright, it is called the Adversary, the power of evil. ...The best informed Masonic writers have realized that Solomon’s Temple is a representation in miniature of the Universal Temple. Solomon, the Spirit of Universal Illumination - mental, spiritual, moral and physical is personified in the king of an earthly nation. While a real ruler by that name may have built a temple, he who considers the story solely from its historical angle will never clear away the rubbish that covers the secret vaults. .....Solomon was an initiate of the Mystery schools and the temple which he built was actually a house of initiation containing a mass of pagan philosophic and phallic emblems. The pomegranates, the palm-headed columns, the pillars before the door, the Babylonian Cherubim and the arrangement of the chambers and draperies all indicate the temple to have been patterned after the sanctuaries of Egypt and Atlantis.

...the first Masonry came to North Africa and Asia Minor from the Lost Continent of Atlantis, not under its present name but rather under the general designation Sun and Fire worship. The ancient mysteries did not cease to exist when Christianity became the world’s most powerful religion. Great Pan did not die. Freemasonry is the proof of his survival. The Pre-Christian mysteries simply assumed the symbolism of the new faith, perpetuating through its emblems and allegories the same truths which had been the property of the wise since the beginning of the world.

....Without the mysterious keys carried by the hierophants of the Egyptian, Brahman and Persian cults, the gates of wisdom cannot be opened. Consider with reverent spirit, therefore, the sublime allegory of the Temple and its builders, realizing that beneath its literal interpretation lies hidden a royal secret. According to the Talmudic legends, Solomon understood the mysteries of the Qabbalah. He was also an alchemist and necromancer, being able to control the demons and force them and other inhabitants of the invisible worlds he secured much of his wisdom.”

I have read several times that King Solomon commanded demons to build his temple. That is a little hard to take, but is much better than Solomon being at the command of the demons! The spiritual world is all around us and intervenes in our lives all the time whether we want to acknowledge it or not. The people of the Earth are being prepared for a more spiritual consciousness. Mediums who talk to dead people are being featured prominently on television now. People are more accepting of the possibility of invisible spiritual beings surrounding us. More people are being born with psychic powers of clairvoyance, clairaudience, prophecy and mediumship. It is a natural progression from the days of patriarchy where matter was predominant to the new Age of Matriarchy where Spirit will be dominant. When we look at the dying patriarchal Christian churches and the desperate attempts by the patriarchal Muslims to hold on to their cherished, male oriented cultures, we are looking at the last dying gasps of patriarchy. They are not going down without a fight, but they will go down anyway.
Gnostic Christianity will take the place of orthodox Christianity because it is the natural next step of evolution. Each Christian must choose for him or herself whether or not they want to make the leap to Gnostic Christianity. Gnostic Christianity will be the Christianity on the new Earth. Being a gnostic Christian is not something that is difficult to me, nor is it a huge departure from my life as a Southern Baptist. It is all about being a more Spirit-filled person and living a more Spirit-filled life. It is understanding your own self-worth as an individualized aspect of God. It is an understanding of the history of Creation and how that affects all humans living on Earth. It’s about giving humans the advantage of seeing the bigger picture. In truth, Lord Sabaoth said that it is almost impossible for people to become enlightened on their own anymore. It will come in the future the same way it came on the Day of Pentecost; through the gift of Grace through the Will of the Holy Spirit and her consort, our Father.
Justin Martyr, a Christian who lived in the first century, wrote to the pagans of his day; “And when we say also that the Word, who is the first-birth of God, was produced without sexual union, and that He, Jesus Christ our teacher, was crucified and died and rose again and ascended into heaven, we proposed nothing different from what you believed regarding those whom you esteem sons of Jupiter. ...and if we assert that the Word of God was born of God in a peculiar manner, different from ordinary generation, let this as said above, be no extraordinary thing to you, who say that Mercury is the angelic Word of God. But if anyone objects that He was crucified, in this also, He is on a par with those reputed Sons of Jupiter of yours, who suffered as we have now enumerated.”
Manley Hall made the statement; “From this it is evident that the first missionaries of the Christian Church were far more willing to admit the similarities between their faith and the faiths of the pagans than were their successors in later centuries. ....That the three Christ’s represents the solar power revered by every nation of antiquity cannot be controverted. If Jesus revealed the nature and purpose of this solar power under the name and personality of Christos, thereby giving to this abstract power the attributes of a god-man, He but followed a precedent set by all previous World Teachers. This god-man thus endowed with all the qualities of Deity signifies the latent divinity in every man. (my emphasis)
Mortal man achieves deification only through at-one-ment with this Divine Self. Union with the immortal self constitutes immortality and he who finds his true Self is therefore ‘saved’. This Christos or Divine Man in man is man’s real hope of salvation. The living mediator between abstract Deity and mortal humankind. As Attis, Adonis, Bacchus and Orpheus in all likelihood were originally illuminated men who later were confused with the Christos or god-man whose wonders he preached. Since the Christos was the god-man imprisoned in every creature it was the first duty of the initiate to liberate or resurrect this Eternal One within himself. He who attained reunion with his Christos was consequently termed a Christian, or Christened man. This concept was unquestionably the inspiration for the words attributed to Jesus “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life: No man cometh unto the Father but by me.” In an effort to make a single person out of Jesus and his Christos, Christian writers have patched together a doctrine which must be resolved back into its original constituents if the true meaning of Christianity is to be rediscovered.
In the Gospel narratives the Christos represents the Perfect Man who, having passed through the various stages of the World Mystery symbolized by the thirty three years, ascends to the heaven sphere where he is reunited with his Eternal Father. The story of Jesus as now preserved is like the Masonic story of Hiram Abif, part of a secret initiatory ritualism belonging to the early Christian and pagan Mysteries. During the centuries just prior to the Christian era, the secrets of the pagan Mysteries had gradually fallen into the hands of the profane. To the student of comparative religion, it is evident that these secrets, gathered by a small group of faithful philosophers and mystics were re-clothed in new symbolized garments and thus preserved for several centuries under the name of Mystic Christianity. It is generally supposed that the Essenes were the custodians of this knowledge and also the initiators and educators of Jesus. If so, Jesus was undoubtedly initiated in the same temple of Melchizedek where Pythagoras had studied six centuries before. The Essenes, the most prominent of the early Syrian sects were an order of pious men and women who lived lives of asceticism, spending their days in simple labor and their evenings in prayer.”

The author of the The Mayan Prophecies talks about the beliefs of the South American Serpents of Wisdom. P 204 He says that the myth of Quetzalcoatl-Kukulcan as an archetype stands for all that a man should aspire to. “His depiction as a feathered serpent indicates his dual nature: the feathers symbolize his airy, spiritual nature (the Father) and the serpent, his connection with physical creation (the Mother). But on a more mystical level, Quetzalcoatl indicates the way an enlightened man needs to bring the two opposing aspects of his nature, the spiritual and material, into conjunction.” He states that in the spiritual traditions of the West, the serpent represents the lower self. According to gnostic tradition, each of us is born as a serpent, constrained to a life of crawling in the dust. But just as a serpent renews itself by casting off its skin and growing a new one, so we live life after life dying and being reborn, but still unable to raise ourselves from the earth. “In this state of unawareness, we are cut off from the higher worlds of spirit and remain the helpless brood of the great Solar Serpent. Thus it is that as the fallen children of Adam and Eve we are imprisoned in our renewable ‘skins’ and constrained to live life after life and to experience death after death in the material world.” He goes on to say that this is why Coatlicue, like her Hindu equivalent Kali, has a necklace of skulls and dismembered hands, “for the Earth Mother takes as well as gives life.” He wrote;

This is the essence of the spiritual teachings of all the great masters, including Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad and we can presume, the original Quetzalcoatl-Kukulcan. Yet all of them teach, if we read their words carefully, that to gain freedom requires a transformation of our being. To use another metaphor, the ordinary human lives as a caterpillar on the cabbage-leaf of life. Here he or she can live and die a thousand times without being even aware of the possibility of further development. Yet, just as the caterpillar has within it the potential to be transformed into a beautiful butterfly, so too the human has the possibility of metamorphosing into a higher form. We do not have to remain at the caterpillar stage of life forever: we too can become angels - even while still alive in a physical body. The practical application of this esoteric philosophy is Yoga and involves raising the ‘serpent energy’ up the spine and joining it with spiritual ‘eagle’ forces in the head.

P 206 The author states that to do this requires an act of self-sacrifice as the will of the individual - the serpent - is brought into line with the greater Will of God. The individual has quite literally to die to him or her self in order to be reborn and be linked to the greater cosmic consciousness. Princeton Seminary theologian Bernhard W. Anderson speaks on this topic;

In Second Isaiah’s portrait of the Suffering Servant the theology of sacrifice attained its highest expression in the Old Testament. The Servant is led like a lamb to the sacrificial slaughter, but his sacrifice has a far greater power than any animal sacrifice. It is a willing self-sacrifice, made for others. The sacrifice moves the nations to confess that power is made available for their healing. Through it they are made whole, pronounced righteous (or ‘justified’), transformed into new persons. This is because the Servant’s sacrifice, in the conviction of the prophet, represents God’s gracious approach to Israel and all mankind with power. The Servant is not a mere scapegoat upon whom people can cast their sins and lightly dismiss the burden of responsibility for their actions. (my emphasis) On the contrary, the Servant poem shows that the sacrifice is powerful only when it moves the nations to confess that, like sheep, they have followed their own self-centered way and that the Servant suffered on their behalf. Above all, the poem stresses the central point that back of and within the Servant’s suffering is the initiative and pathos of God. The Servant is the agent through whom God overcomes broken relations and reconciles the world unto himself ....for the Servant represents true Israel. Whenever the humble worshiper lives in such close fellowship with God that his suffering is borne willingly, thereby becoming God’s power for restoring and renewing mankind, then Israel is fulfilling her task. Then, this Jewish authority (2nd Isaiah) continues, “God’s purpose for Israel has put on skin and flesh.”
In one South American version of the Mystery religion, once one attains enlightenment, one is a Quetzalcoatl, the South American version of the word Christ. When one becomes a Quetzalcoatl, the heart or hrit chakra opens up and an energy of unconditional love fills the person and flows out into the world.
You, like me, probably have a very different understanding of the Sun religion of South America. What we know of it is that the Aztecs would sacrifice thousands of prisoners to appease the sun. They were so afraid of the sun going away permanently, that they thought if they fed it with human hearts it would keep shining. From this, we can see that they most definitely lost the original meaning of their religion. The sacrifice is to be of our will - not of another human.

From the beginning of this search, whether I was tracing ancestors in the Middle Ages or pre-history, I kept finding that one person would have multiple names in different places. That makes it hard to keep track of people! From the website Miriam Ha Kadosha, comes this example;

Arthur of Dal Riata is a great grandson of the original King Arthur. His mother Ygraine of the Pictish line of Princess Royals was the daughter of Arthur's son Amr. Amr is also called Amwlad and Amorai and is also the ancestor of the latter Babylonian Exilarchs.21 Amorai is the nephew of Kafnai (Custeynn) the Babylonian Exilarch. Arthur of the Pennines is called the son of King Mor or Mar of the Pennines. He is to be identified with the Gododdin Prince Chuna Mar who is also called Cunomor. This Chuna Mar would seem to be the High King of Britain and Brittany. Nennius calls the title of these High kings Guletic which means "overlord" and comes from the Jewish title of Rosh Galuta (Head of the Exile). In Brittany Chuna Mar is called Cynan Meriadoc. In Welsh cynan is pronounced Cunan. The Cambridge History of English and American Literature states: "Ambrosius, transformed by Geoffrey into Aurelius Ambrosius, is known in Welsh literature as Emrys Wledig. He appears in Nennius as Embreis Guletic. Guletic, or Gwledig, means “over-lord,” or “king,” and Arthur himself would seem to bear this title in a Welsh poem in The Book of Taliesin.
Is your head spinning?! The characters in the following table are pantheons of some of the pagan gods:





Heavenly Father:





Heavenly Mother:





Earth Lord:





Earth Mother:





Earth Brother/Builder:





Warrior Rival:





Underworld Lord:





Provider of Love:





Facilitator of the Gods:





We understand the Warrior Rival as a bloodthirsty warrior as depicted in the mythology itself. In the esoteric sense, Ares or Mars war is a spiritual one. He battles against the corruption of the human mind. You may look at the table of gods and say “This author is crazy, these are all mythical figures.” I see them as long-lived celestial personalities or souls who have reincarnated repeatedly. Our ancestors wove real people into their myths. Where the myth ends and the real person begins - is hard to say.

The main reason I believe that these were real rulers and human beings, is because in the Apocryphal text Pistis Sophia, Jesus himself says that the repentant and forgiven rulers are known in the world as Kronos, Zeus, Ares, Aphrodite and Hermes. The Pistis Sophia has been called the Bible of the Gnostic Christians and was dictated by Jesus to the Apostle Philip. I believe it to be an authentic, original gnostic Christian text. Even one of the ancient Mandean texts mentions Mercury and Saturn.
I have created a table and tried to sort out the other names of the forgiven gods, but it’s close to impossible because there aren’t enough consensuses between authors and historians. From what I can tell the repentant ones were Enki and his sons Marduk and Ningishzidda, also known as Thoth, Tehuti and Hermes. If I am correct, Ea/Enki corresponds with Kronos, Marduk corresponds with Zeus, and Ningishzidda definitely corresponds with Thoth-Hermes. Ares seems to be connected to Satan. Other names I have found for Ares are Mars, Cain, Samael, Saturn, Set and the Devil. Enki/Kronos I believe is Sabaoth and he procreated the Adam and Eve of the Bible. His son Marduk married Sarpanit the daughter of Enosh of the Bible, who was the son of Seth. That was the first inter-marrying of the Anunnaki and an Earth woman. At the time of their marriage, Marduk did not know that his own father had fathered Adam and Eve. Enki told everyone they were a natural progression of human evolution who showed up one day among the less evolved humans. There were three hundred Anunnaki men who had worked at a way station on Mars who came to Earth for Marduk and Sarpanit’s marriage. The three hundred captured women so that they would have mates. This is what is thought of as the forbidden linking of humans and Anunnaki. It was not consensual. Marduk and Sarpanit married for love. They had sons Asar and Satu, also known as Osiris and Seth. Osiris stayed in Africa and was a divine ruler over the Egyptians. Seth married into Enlil’s family and went to live in Mesopotamia.

You may ask, “Why did the rulers need to be repentant?” When they came into the Earth they came in just like us, that is, blind. They had, and have, the same propensity for getting lost spiritually and morally as we do. They were given control of the government of the Earth and many times abused their power. In fact, as we have seen, we messed up to the point that we tinkered with human dna to make a slave race to cater to our whims. Unfortunately, not all the rulers were repentant. They are still ruling the Earth today, although the time of their removal will be here soon. That’s something Jesus did for us when he died on the cross. He confronted the rulers in the spiritual world. Some of them were repentant, but some still defiant. Jesus left the defiant ones in charge of the Earth, with reduced powers, for two thousand years in order to give the Elect time to save more psychic souls. Do I need to point out that the two thousand years are up, or will be soon?

I made the statement previously that the pagan religions were initially sound and later became corrupt. I believe it likely that the exoteric side became more corrupt than the esoteric. People began to worship the symbols instead of the meaning behind the symbols.
From the insights of Victoria LePage in her outstanding book Mysteries of the Bridechamber we learn that;
P 294 In her work The Origin of Satan, Elaine Pagels describes the Christian conversion of a thoughtful young pagan named Justin who came to Rome from Asia Minor in about 140 in order to study philosophy. Justin’s philosophical reflections on the difference between paganism and the new religion of Christos tells us in traditional terms why Christianity had become necessary to the world. Pagans, said Justin, p 295 worshipped the forces of Nature as divine but were under a dangerous delusion. These mighty natural energies of mountain and sky, wind and water were represented by a pantheon of gods and goddesses whom pious human beings were taught to revere and sacrifice to from the cradle onward; but the Nature forces, or daemons, as they were called, were not divine but rather chthonic. They were related not to the upper spheres of spirit, but to the earthly and sub-earthly elements. As Justin now saw, they were below humanity, “splendid, powerful, and dangerous realities that do not come within the sphere of morality, and are in no way concerned about the human race.”

LePage equates these energies with the instinctual forces inherent in the reptilian brain, at the base of the skull, and states that they equate with our most primitive human intelligence which regulates the fight-or-flight responses to perceived threats. These instincts generate enormous ills in society; wars, perversions, genocide, etc. She goes on to say; “However beautiful and wild these forces of Nature, Justin saw that in human beings they represented a sub world of instincts and passions that pagans, by continually worshipping, came to express more and more in their own lives, so descending ever more steeply into a darkness of the soul unlit by higher possibilities. But Christian baptism brought illumination to mind and soul, for above Nature was a world to which humanity truly belonged, a world filled with numinous light. Here Christ reigned in the company of other divine beings of light who loved human beings and served only their greatest good.” She goes on to say that these angelic beings “raised humanity from the darkness of brute instinct into a higher and genuinely human realm of energies that conferred enlightenment, freedom from the wheel of Necessity, and a power of understanding that was beyond the comprehension of the pagan mentality.”

LePage wrote that the initiates were “shackled by Nature’s grip” too. The only method of raising the spiritual fluid through the chakras was to work with the chthonic earth energies active in the three lower chakras. These chakras relate to survival, procreation and personal power. Rarely could an initiate conquer the three lower chakras. Sexual intercourse and willpower were the only methods known until Jesus brought a new method that directly opened the heart or hrit chakra. Through what is referred to as sacred sex, the initiates would raise this energy, but rather than having a physical orgasm, the energy would be redirected to raising the spiritual fluid up the spine.
LePage wrote;
p 297 Aberrant ‘left-path’ sexual practices, sorcery, superstition and cruelty, spirit worship, black magic, necromancy, and sex magic by now infested the Near Eastern cults like so many crocodiles swirling around the would-be initiate at every turn, while even the most advanced of the Mystery schools were limited by this outworn methodology and were in decline all over the world. Over the ages, necessary reforms have occurred within the tradition of the Gnosis, and it seems to be the task of great spiritual leaders of history like Jesus, Krishna, the Buddha, Mani, Muhammad, and others to be the vehicles of these forces of evolutionary change.

It’s for this reason that I emphatically state that the scene in the novel The DaVinci Code where a descendant of Jesus and Mary Magdalene is having sex surrounded by a circle of people, to be highly suspect. Jesus came to do away with this sexual method because it was rarely successful. He brought a new method which would have been more likely to have been passed down to a descendant of himself and Mary Magdalene. The aspect of raising the Holy Spirit power up the spine through sexual means is also known as tantric sex. One author wrote that the power that we used to direct to gifts of the spirit such as prophecy and clairvoyance is now re-directed within us to the sex center.

The author of The Magdalene Manuscript puts it this way;
P 125 It is important to understand that sekhem22 is intimately related to both one’s life-force and one’s sexuality. This power can be used to create a new being, as through the act of sex, or it can be used to create higher states of consciousness as through the act of raising the djed.23 The primary power to accomplish both of these feats is the same. It is simply a matter of what is done with the energy that determines what is accomplished. To put this in its most simplistic terms; a major source of spiritual illumination within the Egyptian system of alchemy is transmuted sexuality. When the energy of sekhem or transmuted life force pours into the head through the raising of the djed, there is a tremendous stimulation of the higher brain centers. This activation of these centers eventually generates what is called the Uraeus.

The Uraeus spoken of is represented in Egyptian art as a snake coming out of the forehead of the pharaohs or Egyptian gods. This serpent symbolically signifies that the person has attained the Uraeus, or has the authority granted by the Uraeus. In other words, is Christed or enlightened. It shows an activation of the higher brain centers. This symbolically implied that the person could see beyond the duality of the world. This activation of the higher brain centers is literally the turning on of the large, unused portion of the human brain. Scientists have long pondered why we use so little of our brain. The science of the Serpents of Wisdom is the science of turning on those unused portions of our brain.

If you read about the pagan religions you will be horrified by the stories regarding the practices spoken of previously. It caused me bewilderment and confusion because I couldn’t understand our family’s association with it. I now understand the truth and I hope I have helped to convey it to you. What was horrifying was the corruptions of the religion, not the religion itself.
We learn from the book World Gnosis p 50 that when the Garden of Eden of Atlantis came to its conclusion, many Gnostics dispersed around the globe and established a network of Left Hand Path sects whose members venerated and sought to embody the Serpent on the Tree. The Left Hand Path signifies that it is a matriarchal rather than patriarchal religion. He states that the Gnostics of Alexandria Egypt referred to these times as the dispersion of the Sons of Seth, with Seth referring both to Setheus, the First Instructor, as well as Seth, the Son of Adam. In esoteric lore, Seth acted as a guardian and disseminator of the teachings his father received from the Serpent on the Tree.
One title of the Holy Spirit is the Primal Serpent. When the Egyptians were enlightened they were known as the Djedhi, the Serpents, or the Thoth-Hermes Masters. In Greece the Serpents wielded the power of Dionysus or Bacchus. In India the Sons of Seth wielded the power and wisdom of the Primal Serpent known as the wife of Shiva, the Goddess Shakti or as Shiva’s son, Skanda Murrugan. In Sumeria they were known as the Primal Serpent Enki or Ea.
Mark wrote that wherever the communities founded by the Sons of Seth proliferated, the missionaries of the right hand path often established headquarters for their orthodox religions right alongside them “while making it clear that they expected all people, including the Sons of Seth, to observe the iron clad religious sanctions of their male God. The Sons of Seth were Gnostics of the left hand path who perceived the male God as a manifestation of the oppressive Ildabaoth and therefore firmly opposed the stringent mandates imposed upon them by the votaries of the right hand path, believing such mandates to be strategically designed by the First Son24 to keep humanity ignorant of its divinity.”
You will read some alarming things regarding some of the gnostic groups, even gnostic Christian groups. Some of them went off the deep-end because of persecution from the patriarchal followers, so they were determined to do exactly the opposite of what patriarchal religion called for. One group made all of the bad guys in the Old Testament into the good guys. Because the God of the Old Testament told humans to be fruitful and multiply, they decided they would be fruitful, but not multiply, that is they would have sex, but not children. Most of the Gnostics considered the Earth to be Yaldabaoths torturous kingdom. The patriarchal followers made the observance of the matriarchal practices illegal. The Gnostics witnessed as many of their beloved deities become assimilated into the right hand path’s symbol of ultimate evil; Satan, Lucifer, or the Devil. Beginning in the 300’s C.E., Gnostics faced torture and death for practicing their religion. This just caused them to go deep underground, and resulted in secret societies such as the Rosicrucians and Freemasons.
The author of World Gnosis wrote that eventually, many Gnostics became more accepting of the right hand path and vice versa. They both found that most people needed to follow the path of faith, a belief in a God outside of you, before they were ready to follow a more spiritual path that says that God lives within you and that you are an expression of God yourself. This led to spiritual paths that were a synthesis of the two. The Kuala Path of India is one and Christianity is another. The Bible is written to both groups. When Jesus says “for those with ears to hear” or “with eyes to see,” he is signaling that he is speaking esoterically. There are codes and masking devices used in the Bible that are only understood by adherents of the left hand path.
The author talks about the Sethian Gnostics of Alexandria Egypt. He states that it was their goal to embody the Christed consciousness of the Divine Son as well as the Divine Power of Set or Setheus, which was their name for the Primal Serpent. The Sethians equated Seth with the Christed Spirit or Divine Mind that had overshadowed Jesus during the time of his ministry and had in earlier times also manifested as King Melchizedek, who is mentioned in the Bible. The Sethians considered Setheus the first form of the Infinite and the Creator of the Universe. They believed that Jesus had been an incarnation of the Sethian Christ.

Without the key which the Qabbalah supplies,

the spiritual mysteries of both the Old and New Testament

must remain unsolved by Jew and Gentile alike.

Manley Palmer Hall

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