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" or "take ring off " e.g., "take 1 off left". Character must have an empty hand to remove a ring in this manner.

20.7: Miscellaneous

Balls - darkness (black), light (white), web (milky), fire (red), ice (blue) and concussion (green metal). Balls contain spells which are released when thrown. The strengths of the spells vary. It seems to be best to throw them at areas rather than directly at opponents.

Berries - Red berries reduce hits when eaten, yellow are poisonous.

Books - Include character-tied spell books and a few general information books. Keep your personal spell book; replacement costs a hundred coins. General books are worth pursuing once, but no book offers really valuable information.

Eggs - golden, obsidian and ochre. The gold eggs are simply treasure, with the exception of the obsidian egg, which is key in the quest for the returning axe of Vulcan.

Rocks - Iron ore, gold nuggets, and yttril. The nuggets are treasure, usually worth 425 coins. The ore and yttril are components for magical weapons.

Scrolls - Similar to books, scrolls were designed to pass useful information to new players. There is not much use for them now, as currently they contain outdated information.

Section Twenty One: Ancestoring

GrannyMaggie's Guide to Ancestoring

Before you decide to ancestor your character, think carefully, my child! Listen to your Granny!! There are advantages and disadvantages and each situation is different. It is a decision not to be taken lightly. I have written here complete details on the ancestoring process, including step-by-step instructions for the two ceremonies involved. First, the advantages:

Experience: Ancestoring immediately returns to the descendant HALF of the ancestor's experience. In Legends of Kesmai, remember, each new experience level is exactly twice as many points as the last level. So, if your ancestor was level 12, your descendent will be level 11.

In addition, if you have lost a lot of hit points (HPs) through numerous deaths or had very bad luck on your rolls (rolls are the number of HPs and magic points you gain each time you level up... sometimes you are lucky and get the full number for your class; most times, however, you will not), ancestoring will eliminate the "death loss" of your HPs and will give you another chance at getting better rolls. The same is true of magic points if you are a magic user, although with magic, it is pure luck since you do not lose MPs when you die. The only statistical factors which affect your HP and MP rolls are constitution for HPs; intelligence and wisdom for MPs for wizards and thaums, and intelligence only for thieves. While it is still a matter of luck, your luck is likely to be better if the appropriate stats are maxed for your character. Lastly, since you are now a more experienced player, your descendant will probably not die so often, so chances are you won't suffer nearly so much death-loss of HPs.

Skills: Ancestoring will bestow upon your descendant the potential to swiftly achieve skill to within two or three levels of your ancestor's skill. Please note that, unlike experience gain, skill gain is not immediate; it is potential only. The skills must be practiced in order to be regained. A trip to Praetoseba can hasten this process - each trip will restore two skill levels, so depending on your ancestor's skill, it may take a few trips to the UW will regain the total available to you via the ancestoring process. If your ancestor was level 12.1 (expert) in mace, for instance, you may only regain skill to level 9.0 (proficient).

Ancestoring is also the only way to "get around" the restriction on martial arts training for classes other than MAs. Since only MAs can train hand skill beyond black belt, ancestoring a high-level MA is one way to give a non-MA descendant an immediate advantage in his hand skill.

Tied Weapons and Other Items: Your ancestor will "bless" one tied weapon of your choice which will then re-tie to the descendant. So, you won't have to go out and do another dangerous quest to receive a pair of crystal gauntlets, a doom bow, or returning axe. In addition, the contents of your locker and your bank account will automatically be transferred to your descendant. Note that CGs will not transfer to other classes.

The disadvantages:

Experience: Why give up your current level when a simple dose of drake potion will restore your hit points? If you are Level 12 you worked hard to get there, twice as hard as you did to get to level 11. Don't give up your level! Get creative! DPs may seem hard to come by, but they can be had! Make yourself a thief character. Thieves are particularly good at sniping away at the drake and one thief can often keep a player's other characters stocked with DPs. Or start a wizard or MA, both of which can earn you tons of money! Drake potions can be found in Leng and Oak with fairly high frequency. Rescue the Leng princess; kill the Oak serpent! Fun and profitable! High level players also often sell DPs at pretty reasonable prices.

Once you've got that first character to level 14, it's time to start a new character anyway, and experience the thrills to be had by trying a different class. You're better at the game now; you won't die as often because you forgot to balm or recall. You know where you're going; you won't get lost and you'll know where it's safe to hunt.

Skill: Even if ancestoring restores half of your ancestor's experience, it does not restore half of the skill. You only come to within two or three levels of your ancestor's old skill level. In addition, the amount of skill regenerated is measured by the skill level of your ancestor at the time of the Ceremony of Death. If your ancestor previously lost skill levels through death and did not regain his/her peak skill levels through practice or a trip to the Underworld, your descendant's max skill regeneration will be measured from the lower skill level, not the peak. So, if you ancestored a level 12 character, you've now got a Level 11 body with skills up to three or more levels below what they should be. This is dangerous since you can go places you think may be safe because of your HPs, but your skills are not commensurate with your experience and you may get into trouble!

WARNING WARNING WARNING: Magic skill cannot be transferred across classes! So if you regret starting that wizard and really want to be a thaum and think, "Well, I'll just ancestor to a thaum," think again. You cannot transfer your magic skill to any descendant of a different class. Magic can only be transferred to the same class. All other skills (except theft) will transfer to any other class as long as the descendant is the same alignment as the ancestor. Theft can only be transferred between thieves.

Remember, too, that any karma points accumulated by the ancestor will pass to the descendant. So, if wish your descendant to be free of this karmic burden, I suggest you get rid of those karma points before embarking on the Ceremony of Ancestors. Find as many tiger figurines as you have karma points and get each point forgiven by the Confessor Ghost.

Okay, if you have decided to go ahead and ancestor your character, here are the instructions:

1. Ceremony of Death. This rite is performed at the Shrine of Tranquillity. The Shrine is located in the very northwest corner of Kesmai's surface. Either go naked or take along some throw-away armor and weapons, a recall ring and some balms (exactly as if you were going to the UW). It can sometimes be dangerous, so get an escort if you need one. Stand in front of the altar and contemplate your death! Be very certain you wish to continue - this Ceremony guarantees you a one-way ticket to the Underworld. If you are determined to go through with this, in command mode, type the chant "ashak ashtug nushi ilani". Presto! You have given up your mortal existence forever. You are now in the Underworld, irrevocably and forever. Until your spirit is called forth by your descendant, that is.

2.Create your descendant. Now you must exit to the conference room and create your descendant character. Remember, you must use the overwrite function for this part. If you do not use overwrite, my dear, you are sunk. Also remember that if you are ancestoring a magic user and you wish your magic skill to be transferred, then your descendant must be of the same class as your Ancestor. And, lastly, remember that your descendant must be of the same alignment as your ancestor. So ancestoring a lawful MA to a descendant thief would require turning your MA neutral before the Ceremony of Death, and this may involve incurring karma. Once created, you can outfit your descendant with your ancestor's lockered possessions. If your ancestor had a tied weapon you wish to pass on, equip your descendant with this weapon. If you want it to be re-tied, it must be present at the Ceremony of Ancestors.

3.Ceremony of Ancestors. This part of the rite is performed at the Shrine of Bones in the same land and facet where your ancestor performed the Ceremony of Death. The Shrine of Bones is located on the -2 level of the Kesmai dungeon, not far from the rope to Trog. Since right now your descendant is a level 3 dock baby, I highly recommend that you get an escort for this part of the process! Running around -2 with a dock can be dangerous to your health, so please remember to wear your galoshes or a WB ring, and don't forget some fire protection.

Once you arrive at the Shrine of Bones, stand before the altar and summon your ancestor's spirit with the chant "ina khitim nushi ilani". Your ancestor will appear in ghost form before you. If, for some reason, you are interrupted (like you die or get disconnected) at this point, all is not lost. You may summon your ancestor a second time and proceed with the ceremony. However, after a spirit has been summoned twice from the Underworld, its ancestral duties are fulfilled, and it may not be summoned again. If you fail to complete the ceremony after two summons, your ancestral spirit will be lost to you forever.

After your ancestor's spirit has appeared, you must type "meditate" in the command line. If your ancestor considers your alignment harmonious and finds you worthy, the spirit will immediately convey its experience to you. The knowledge of his/her skills will not be immediate, but will come upon you swiftly thereafter, especially if you visit Praetoseba.

Now is the time to ask your ancestor to bestow his or her special weapon upon you. Hold this weapon in your right hand and type ", bless this weapon". If your ancestor finds you worthy, the use of the weapon will be instantly transferred to you.

Congratulations and well done! Your new character is pumped and ready to go! You may leave the Shrine of Bones immediately if you wish. Your ancestor's spirit will remain behind, perhaps contemplating its future seeking the higher planes of existence. At this writing, no ancestor's spirit has ever made it back from the Higher Plains, so I have no report on what it's like, although it is rumored to contain at least one Drifter.

Section Twenty Two: Praetoseba, The Underworld

MaggieGhost's Guide to the UnderWorld

Welcome to lovely Praetoseba! You're in for a treat: Meet the beautiful Cleopatra, get a riverfront view of the Underworld's exotic wildlife, tiptoe past demons, outwit the wicked Archer, and much more! For those of you in a hurry, what follows directly below is a "cheat sheet" for each quest. For those of you here for the first time, read my in-depth coverage of each quest, including directions, following the cheat sheet.

UW Quest Cheat-Sheet:

Stomach: Quest-Giver: Osiris

Tiger: Find lawful tiger in forest of east UW; take tiger to Horus; tiger drops tiger-gem; give gem to Horus; Horus gives amulet; take amulet to Isis; give amulet to Isis; go to Imhotep; get stomach.
Anhk: Go to Tiy; get ankh; go to Nepherteri; give ankh to Neph; go to Imhotep; get stomach.
Key: Get key from Khenty; take key to Thutmose; open door by double-clicking with key in hand; give key to Thutmose; go to Imhotep; get stomach.

Intestines: Quest-Giver: Anubis

Bow: Get bow from Archer; take bow to Neith; get intestines.
Croc: Find lawful croc in swamp; take croc to Sobek; croc drops skull; give skull to Sobek; go to West River Nymph or East River Nymph; Nymph gives gem; take gem to Nehebku; get intestines

Lungs: Quest-Giver: Khnumeri Go to Cleopatra and get FF boots, then:

Pekhet: Get Portal Gem; find secret entrance (east of Cleo) on north riverbank; enter tomb, find secret doors; take sand portal; take first stairs up; take second stairs up; jump into west air hex; find Pekhet; give FF boots; get lungs.
Montu: Same as Pekhet until stairway; don't take stairway; jump into south air hex; go west, then east, find Montu; give FF boots; take wand; get past demon in NW UW; find Khepri there; get lungs.

Liver: Quest-giver: Sekhmet will send to Ra or Nefertem, then:

Ptah: Climb down rope on island in east end of river; head east and slightly south; enter cavern; find Ptah; go to Thoth at rear of main temple; get liver.
Cobra: Get cobra in Ra's chamber; climb down rope NE of Sekhmet's building; go northwest, then north; find Re.Harakhti; cobra drops scales; take scales to Re.H; get liver.

Going Home: Find and follow Yellow Brick Road (just east of Neith's alcove); use portal to return to Kesmai.

In-Depth Coverage For the More Leisurely Traveller: If you aren't here yet, but trying to decide whether to brave it, go ahead! The Underworld grants many boons: Eight constitution points are earned and two full skill-levels are regained. So if your constitution is low or you have lost any skill-levels through deaths in the lands of Kesmai, come join us! Unless, of course, you have karma points. Do not enter the UW with karma points. But, if you must (because you got eaten by a lair critter before you could get rid of your karma), see the portion at the end of this document called "The Karma Quest." Before you leave Kesmai, put all your treasured possessions in your locker! They will do you no good down here and you will only lose them on your way if you try to bring them. You must enter Praetoseba as naked as a newborn babe. If possible, get someone to escort you to the Underworld portal (located in the graveyard) It's a dangerous journey when you are naked. Bring a few balms, a recall ring, some throw away armor and weapons. Stand on the portal, (it's unmistakable... a yawning black square) and say the chant "urruku ya zi xul".

Ah ha! You made it! You brave soul! Now you're in for it! (Just kidding). Your task here is four-fold: You must re-acquire various vital body parts: your stomach, intestines, liver and lungs. (Type "show stats" on the command line to see the status of your organs. Click the history button (tiny scroll icon on far left of command line) which will scroll back to where your organs (or lack thereof) are listed.) You need these body parts! You can't go home without them! Each organ requires a quest, so you have four quests to complete. Each quest has a quest giver; a non-player character (NPC) who will assign a specific task or series of tasks for you to complete in order to earn your missing organ. The quest givers are:

Osiris: Stomach
Anubis: Intestines
Khnumeri: Lungs
Sekhmet: Liver

The quest givers are easy to talk to. Ask them to teach you, answer them politely, and they will assign your specific organ quest. For instance if you want a stomach, approach Osiris and type, "Osiris, teach me". He will ask if you are serious about your intent to quest for a stomach. Answer him, "Osiris, yes". He will explain your quest to you. Listen carefully! If necessary, use your dialog box or history button to scroll back and get the specifics on the quest. There are more than one type of quest for each organ, so you must make sure you understand the one given to you. All NPCs you encounter in the Underworld are approached in the same way; ask them to teach you. Only the quest givers will require an answer from you.

I recommend that you do the UW quests in the order given for the simple reason that the later (and harder) quests of liver and lungs will not be assigned until you have a stomach and intestines! It is important not to "mix up" the quests. this will result in your quest being "erased." Don't ask for a new quest before completing the last one.

A map of the UW is also highly recommended. I shall give descriptions of where you need to go for each quest, but having a good map is much the best solution.


Your first task upon entering the UW is to find the Main Temple. You will be in a yellow grassy area with a path through the tall grass leading south. Take that path. Near end of the path is Seker. Seker is a sweet guy with a fondness for discussing the weather. He will tell you that you need to find Osiris. Good advice! Keep going south through the temple door. Inside that door you'll find some nasty sandwyrms and a pit. The easiest thing to do is die. That's right, die! One of the nicest features of the UW is that death does not count! In fact, it's the easiest way to travel since every time you die you wind up in the Main Temple, which is a safe and comfy place to be. There is a pretty little fountain filled with healing potion and plenty of friendly kitty cats to play with. These kitties will take an instant liking to you, rubbing and purring in an effort to get your attention. Don't be fooled by their sweet appearance, the temple cats can be fierce in battle. Their job is to keep the temple free of rats and other vermin (i.e., players who enter the UW with karma points).

So, jump right into the pit, or let the sandwyrms kill you. You will die quickly in the UW since you have only 25 hit points and 10 stamina points. This is normal and everyone is treated the same. You have no magic, no sack, no belt, no weapons, no items of any kind to help you. On the bright side., you don't need any to complete your quests. Your fists are good enough to fight with, though it's much easier and faster to simply run away from any hostile critters. Not all of the chaotic creatures in the UW will want to fight. The hippos and crocs, for instance, won't attack you unless you attack them first. Other creatures, like the sandwyrms, wafts and spirits, will attack. Run away from them!

So now you're in the Main Temple. You see a fountain to the east and Osiris to the west. Time to start questing!!!


Ask Osiris to teach you, "Osiris, teach me", then answer him politely, "Osiris, yes". He will give one of three quests: TIGER QUEST; ANKH QUEST; or KEY QUEST.

1. Tiger Quest. Osiris will tell you to take a suitable pet to his son. The "pet" is a lawful tiger; his son is Horus.

To find a tiger, go east out through the Main Temple doors and down the stairs to the main playing level. At the stairs you will see the large river to the east. The river is your main landmark in Praetoseba and I will be referring to it often. All your quests will either be on the south side of the river or the north side. The river runs east-west through the whole middle of the Underworld, starting at the Main Temple (the west end).

Travel east along the north riverbank. It's a long way; keep going until you run out of river. You will see an NPC called Neith in a grassy alcove near the end. Go east past Neith. Instead of river water on the bank, you will now see sky. Just a little further is a wooden bridge crossing the sky to the southeast. Take the bridge into a forest area. The lawful tigers usually hang out right there. If there are no tigers near the bridge, go east and search through the forest. If all the tigers are gone (other players have used them up), don't worry. Either wait for ten minutes (the quest critters in the UW take about ten minutes to regenerate) or switch to another facet. If you encounter the archer, avoid him! He will try to kill you. If you can't avoid him, kill him and get his bow. This bow may be useful to you later. However, remember that you have no belt, so you might want to leave it on the ground for later retrieval. Once you find a tiger, command him to follow you, "Tiger, follow me". Protecting the tiger (don't let him get out of your sight and be killed by chaotic critters), take him back to the Main Temple. To get the tiger upstairs, command him, "Tiger, climb up". Just southeast of Osiris is his son, Horus. Take the tiger to the square just in front of Horus. The tiger will bow its head and drop a tiger-shaped gem. Pick up the gem and go to Horus's square. Drop the gem and say, "Horus, teach me." Horus will drop an amulet and tell you to take it to his mother. Isis is his mom and she is located directly north across the temple from Horus. Take the amulet to Isis, drop it at her feet, and ask her to teach you. She will send you to Imhotep. Imhotep is located just a little east of Isis. Go to her, ask her to teach you. Imhotep will give you a tummy! CONGRATULATIONS!!

2. Ankh Quest. Osiris will tell you to get an ankh from one who was a queen. Your first stop is Tiy. Tiy is a pretty lady located on the north side of the river. Go east along the riverbank until you come to the end of the first building. Between the first and second buildings is a pathway going north. Go north on that path until you come to the second door on the east. Through the first door is Cleopatra; you will be seeing her later so you might as well say hello. Tiy is in the second room. Go to her and ask her to teach you. She will drop the ankh and tell you to give it to Nepherteri. Nepherteri is directly north of Tiy, but kind of tricky to get to. Leave Tiy's room and go north until you come to a one-hex stream going east-west. Go east until the stream turns north. Swim north. Always use your GUI (mouse) to swim in the UW, and keep moving, otherwise you'll drown. There will be trees on the west and yellow grass on the east. You will see an obscured opening in a wall to the west. Nepherteri is through that opening. Drop the ankh at her feet. She will send you to Imhotep back at Main Temple. To get there quickly, just drown yourself in the nearby water. Ask Imhotep to teach you and she will give you a stomach. CONGRATULATIONS!!

3. Key Quest. Osiris will tell you to take a key to the ancient magician. You must get the key from Khenty, the locksmith, and take it to Thutmose, the magician. Khenty is located in the first building going east on the south side of the river. Ask him to teach you and pick up the key. Take the key to Thutmose. Go back to the Main Temple but, pass it and head around to the north side of the temple and then head west. To the north, you'll see a one-hex stream going east-west. Follow it going west until the stream turns northward. Follow it directly north (you must swim this part). Once you hit land again go a couple of hexes north, then east. You'll see a locked door. With the key in your hand, double-click on the door. Thutmose is inside. Drop the key on his square and ask him to teach you. He will send you to Imhotep back at Main Temple. To get there quickly, just drown yourself in the nearby water. Ask Imhotep to teach you and she will give you a tummy! CONGRATULATIONS!!


Find Anubis. He is located in the first building going east along the north riverbank after you leave the Main Temple. His doorway is near the eastern end of the building. Ask him to teach you and answer him politely. He will give one of two quests: BOW QUEST or CROCODILE QUEST.

1. Bow Quest. Anubis will tell you to take a special bow to the goddess of the hunt. This is Neith, who is located in a grassy alcove way east on the north side of the river. First, you must find a bow. Go to the forest area where the lawful tigers are found (see Tiger Quest under Stomach). Find the archer in the forest and kill him. It's usually not necessary to actually kill the Archer, however, because you can often find the bow laying on the ground in the forest area, especially near the southern end. But beware! An ice dragon lives in the south end of the tiger forest. Don't get too close to the lair. You will know you are getting to the lair when you start seeing patches of ice on the ground. Take the bow to Neith, lay it at her feet, and ask her to teach you. Neith will grant you your guts! CONGRATULATIONS!!

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