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2. Crocodile Quest. Anubis commands that you must lead a lawful croc to the god of the river. Most of the lawful crocs are located in the swamp on the south side of the river. After leaving Anubis's room, to the southeast you'll see a bridge crossing the river. It's a magic bridge. Just keep going south on it. Once on the south side of the river, go east. You'll be heading through a grassy area into the swamp. The lawful crocodiles normally hang out in the southeastern area of the swamp. If none are there, try heading north through the swamp on its eastern edge. You will see a river nymph in a grassy alcove surrounded by impassable trees here. Go north into the river. To the northeast are two little islands. Sometimes the lawful crocs hang out on the islands. Once you find a lawful crocodile, tell him, "Croc, follow me". You need to take the crocodile to Sobek, the river god. Sobek's temple is located on a large island in the river. It is directly north of where the swamp begins, but you must enter it from its western side. Lead the croc there. You'll have to swim part of the way but, don't worry the croc can swim. On the square just before Sobek, the crocodile will bow its head and drop a skull. Take the skull to Sobek, drop it on his square, and ask him to teach you. Listen carefully to what he says! He will tell you to get your soul cleansed by either the east or west River Nymph. The West Nymph is easier to get to; she is directly southwest of the entrance to Sobek's temple (actually a little more west than south) right on the southern riverbank. You must enter her alcove from the water. The East Nymph is located near the far eastern edge of the swamp, about four hexes south of the southern riverbank. You must enter her alcove from the north. Go to the Nymph's square and ask her to teach you. She cleanses your soul, drops a blue whale gem, and tells you to give the gem to Nehebku. The gem is sometimes hard to see; try using your command line "get gem". Once you have the gem, die (just drown). Once back at the Main Temple, find Nehebku in the southeastern corner of the Temple. Lay the gem at his feet and ask him to teach you. Congratulations!! You have your intestines!


You need to find Khnumeri for the Lung Quest. Go east from the Main Temple along the north riverbank until you come to Neith's grassy alcove. Then dive into the river and swim southeast. There are a couple of little islands in the river; the larger one has a rope going down. Climb down this rope. You'll find yourself in the UW's lower level on a landing square in the river. Swim directly north across the river until you come to the north bank. From there, head northwest. If it's dark, you may want to bring along a light wand. You can find light wands by killing a spirit or find one lying around. To use it, type "cast light ". If you don't have a wand, don't worry. Just keep heading northwest until you bump into a north wall. From the north shore landing square, it's about five or six hexes directly northwest. Search for a secret door. Head north through the door and you will be in Khnumeri's temple and in the light again. Head north. The passage turns east where you'll find another secret door. Double-click, and voila, Khnumeri. Ask her to teach you and answer her. She will send you to "the most beautiful woman." Naturally, this is Cleopatra. Khnumeri's temple is conveniently equipped with a couple of fire squares Jump into one, die, and return to the Main Temple. Cleopatra is located in the next building east from Anubis's building (which is the first building east along the north riverbank). Head north up the pathway just east of Anubis. Cleo is in the first room on the east. Ask Cleopatra to teach you. She will give you a pair of feather fall boots and send you to find either Pekhet or Montu in the tomb.

1. Pekhet Quest. Heave a sigh of relief, friend. You will be breathing much easier very soon. First, put on the FF boots that Cleo gave you - very important! Next find a portal gem. This is a red, round gem given by dead sandwyrms. If you can't find a sandwyrm to kill, look around on the ground; the gems can often be found just lying around. Next, find the secret entrance in the building east of Cleo. The secret door is right on the riverbank. Double-click and you are inside. It is sometimes dark in here, so bring a light wand. But, if you don't have a wand, don't worry. The next door you need is in the northeast corner of this room, about nine squares north and two squares east of the entrance. It is a secret door going east. Once through that door, you will be in a small open courtyard. Directly east is another building and another secret door. Double-click on the wall and open the secret door. You will be inside a two-hex room. The south hex is the sand portal so don't forget your portal gem. Step into the sand portal and presto, you're in the tomb. You'll be in an east-bound corridor. Go east until you come to a stairway going up. Take the stairs up. Go a few hexes west, then north to another stairway. Take the stairs up. At the top you'll see an air hex to the west. Jump in. At the bottom is Pekhet. Go to her, drop the FF boots on her square and ask her teach you. She will grant lungs! Jump in a fire and toast your toes to get back to the temple. CONGRATULATIONS!!

2. Montu Quest. Ack! You got the toughest organ quest in the game, my friend! But push on! Thousands have gone before you! The first part is identical to Pekhet's Quest until you get to the first stairway. Don't take the stairs; instead, jump into the air hex to the south (FF Boots on? ). Once in the lower level, head west and a little south until you come to the fire squares. Then swing south and take the eastbound corridor all the way east until you see a door on the north wall of the corridor. Through that door is Montu. Take off the FF boots and lay them at Montu's feet. Ask him to teach you. He will give you a blindness wand, tell you seek the master at the headwaters, and warn you to beware of the demon. Thanks a lot, Montu! The master is Khepri. Take the wand, go back to the fire squares, and die to return to the Main Temple. Go out the Main Temple, head north, then west. You'll be going west along the north side of the Temple. There is a one-hex stream about four or five squares north of the Temple. Follow that stream west until it turns north. Follow it north (you'll have to swim). When you hit land, continue to follow the path of the stream until it goes west. You'll be at the entrance of the Demon's Alcove. Now things get hairy. The Demon is particularly hostile. First he'll blind you, then he'll cast a death spell at you. Nasty fellow, that demon, and he can't be killed. However, the instant you see him, have your "cast blind at demon" ready to enter on the command line. If it works, great! If not, you'll have to make a run for it. This spell has a greater chance of succeeding if you are standing on dry land. (Remember, you can still run when blind. Alas, you cannot run when dead). When the stream turns west, just north of it are land squares. Get on to these land squares quickly and run west. At the western edge of the Demon's alcove you'll have to go back into the water again. Just keep following the stream. It's not that far. Khepri is at the end. Now, you don't have to get all the way up to Khepri. As soon as you see him (especially if the Demon is chasing you), you can give your "Khepri, teach me" command. So, it's a good idea to have the command ready to enter the instant you see him. Even if the Demon catches up with you, Khepri will hear your command and give your lungs. This is so, even if you die immediately thereafter. This quest is easier to do with two or more people: The first person acts as "demon bait" and sacrifices him/herself while you go racing by. Then you do the same for them. By the way, WELL DONE AND CONGRATULATIONS! Breathe easy, my friend, the rest is a piece of cake!


You need to find Sekhmet, the quest giver for your Liver Quest. He is in the third building going east along the south riverbank. Go down the stairs in the third temple. There is Sekhmet. Ask him to teach you and answer him and he will send you to either the Sun God (Ra, located up the stairs in the Main Temple near Osiris) or his brother Nefertem (next building to the west of Sekhmet). Ra and Nefertem give one of these two quests: COBRA QUEST or PTAH QUEST.

1. Cobra Quest. You must "take a cobra to Re.Harakhti." Sigh. This quest is easy, but slow. There is a lawful cobra in Ra's chamber. If you can't find one there, sometimes a lawful cobra can be found in the area north of Neith, or you can always just wait ten minutes or facet. Tell the cobra, "Cobra, follow me". To get him to go down the stairs or rope type, "Cobra, climb down". Be careful with your cobra; he is slow. Don't let him get out of your sight. He could wander off or get killed by hostile critters. Head out the Main Temple and go east along the south riverbank. Pass all the buildings on the south side of the river and enter the grassy area just before the swamp, just past Sekhmet's temple. Stay as close as you can to the riverbank. About eight or nine hexes east of Sekhmet's temple you will see a wooden hex with a rope leading down. Tell the cobra to climb down and then you do the same. You'll be in a cavern. It may be dark, so bring a light wand if you have one. If you don't, it's okay. Cobras can see in the dark. Head northwest. If you can't go west, go north, and vice versa. It's not very far. You'll come to a square of permanent darkness. Just north of that it's light again. If it's dark, and you hear yourself plunk into water, that's good. Go north, you'll be in the open again. Head north on land until you can go no further, then swim north in the stream until you hit land again. Re.Harakhti is at the northernmost edge of the land area. On the square just in front of Re.H, the cobra will bow its head and drop a set of scales. Pick up the scales, go to Re.H, and drop the scales at his feet. Ask him to teach you and he will grant your liver! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

2. Ptah Quest. You must "seek the wisdom of Ptah." Ptah is a nice enough fellow, but he has a bit of a speech impediment. To find him, go down the same rope you climbed to find Khnumeri (see Lung Quest). From the rope landing head east southeast. You'll come to a cavern at the east end of the forest. Ptah is at the east end of the cavern. Ask him to teach you. Ptah will send you to Thoth. Head back to the rope landing area and drown yourself to return to the Main Temple. Head out of the Temple, then go north and swing back west along the northern side of the Main Temple. Keep following it until you get around to the back side of the Temple. There is a rear entrance and Thoth is there. Ask him to teach you. He grants a liver! CONGRATULATIONS!!


Before you leave us, make sure you have all your organs. On the command line, type "Show stats" and use your history button to scroll back. Verify that all your organs are in their proper place. If so, great! You're ready to head home. Leave the Main Temple and head east along the north riverbank. When you get to Neith's grassy alcove, head east and slightly north until you see the beginning of a golden pathway. This is the road to the portal back to Kesmai. All you have to do is follow the yellow brick road. Yes, the folks at Kes Corp. do have a sense of humor. Follow the Yellow Brick Road. It gets a little tricky through a bushy area; just keep following it. You will come to an open grassy area with a pretty NPC called Uajyt hanging out. She's the portal guardian. You don't have to speak with her, just jump onto the portal square, double-click and voila. Back home in good old Kes Town - naked and shivering - but home, with your constitution and skill levels back where they should be! Well done!!!


First of all, bad boy or girl! Why folks insist on going around killing perfectly innocent lawful people and NPCs, I'll never know. Anyone who does so deliberately certainly deserves his/her coming torture in the UW. If, however, the killing was accidental or you are ready to atone for your deed, read on. If you do have karma, try to get rid it of topside before coming here. Take a tiger figurine to the Confessor Ghost in the temple. Lay it at his feet and say, "Ghost, forgive me." This will remove one karma point. If you have more than one point, bring more than one figurine. Beg, borrow or steal a figurine to eliminate your karma. Do the UW Karma Quest only as a last resort It's long, arduous and very very difficult. If you have karma and get eaten by a carnivorous lair critter, you will have no choice. Read carefully. Each phase may take more than one try, and very often does. In addition, if you have more than one karma point, you will have to do the quest for each point.

Please note that if you have karma, upon your arrival in the UW your alignment will be evil (red) and you will be attacked by all the critters down here, including the temple cats who are fierce warriors. You enter the UW as usual but you cannot start on your organ quests until Set has forgiven each of your Karma points. This is because the lawful critters will not follow you. So, time to find Set and be forgiven.

Set is located down the same rope as Khnumeri (see Lung Quest above). Once down the rope, go directly north across the river until you hit the north riverbank. From there, head directly northeast, about 13 squares in a diagonal line until you come to a secret door on the east wall of the cavern. It gets dark inside Set's cavern, so take a light wand but, as with the other quests, if you know where you are going, you can do without a wand. The most dangerous aspect of this journey are the demons. If you are lucky, they won't see you. Your chances of not being seen are better if you don't use a light wand and move very very quickly. Set is directly east through a series of secrets doors, all on the east walls. From the first secret door, there are three more, all in a straight line. The first chamber is only one square; the rest are two squares each. Move quickly! Once through the last door, keep running east in a straight line. There are fires to the north and south, so stay in the middle. Set is at the end, about 10 squares from the last secret door. I recommend that you have your "Set, teach me" command ready to enter the instant you see him. Set will forgive you and send you to the pit. As of this writing (January, 1998), the proper treatment of evil-doers upon their arrival in the UW is broken. As it stands, once Set sends you to the Pit, you can simply jump into one of the fire squares conveniently located there, die, and you will return to the main temple and are ready to complete your organ quests as usual. However, in a later incarnation of the game when this bug is fixed, evil-doers will be dumped directly and inescapably into the Pit upon their arrival in the UW, and have to find Set's "back door." The path is long and arduous. Following are the directions.

In the Pit, there is an amoral dragon and amoral demon. They won't hurt you unless you attack them, so don't attack them. Find the rope leading up. Climb up. You will be in the Pits of Darkness. You can't see but, right-clicking on the terrain hexes will reveal their nature. There are four Pits of Darkness. Using right-click, find the rope up in each one, and climb up. The last rope will land you on a ground square surrounded by air and water. Use right-click to check your surroundings. You are now in the Sea of Darkness. Move into the water one square to the southeast. You can't move into the rocky-water squares and you definitely don't want to move into the air hexes. You should only move onto clear water hexes, and you must be quick about your right-clicking or you'll drown. Go south a few hexes until you run into a wall. Head west. You'll run into another wall (about a half-dozen squares). Go northwest two; then two north. You'll be on a land square. Whew! Take a rest. From the land square, go two northwest, then one west. You'll be on another land hex. There is a rope on the west wall here. Climb up. You're now on the Air Ledge (still in darkness). Go north until you run into a wall. To the east is an opening in the wall. Go through the opening then head northwest. It's important to be in the west corridor because the eastern one is a dead end. Then head straight north. You're in a corridor with a wall on each side. In just a couple of squares, look for another eastern opening. Go east through the opening then head straight north quite a distance (about 10 or 11 squares) until you run into a wall. Go northwest one square then north one. By right clicking, you should find that there is a rope on this square leading into an air hex to the west of you. Climb down. You are now in Set's Back Chamber. Good going! But you're still in darkness and you gotta get past demons, so move quickly. Head straight south until you run into a wall (six hexes). Go directly west from there a few squares until you run into a wall, which is actually a secret door. Your path from here will be directly west, through two more secret doors (altogether about seven squares). Through the last secret door is Set! Well done!

The Underworld - Summary

Some people have an extreme dislike for the Underworld, but I have found these are the people who usually make things harder than they have to. When you consider the alternatives which were available before the Underworld was created, namely permanent death if you got eaten or too old, the Underworld does not look too bad.

The secret to breezing through the Underworld is doing it a few times. By the time you have seen the quests once or twice, you should be able to get through the whole works in one to two hours. This is not a bad price to pay to preserve all your stats and skill levels, plus when you are reborn you start out with a very young character. Even with a youth potion, the best you could do is go back to middle aged.

Section Twenty Three: The Janitor

There is a "janitor" always on duty in Kesmai. Most players refer it as the evil janitor since they have lost valuable property. The reference here is to a continual sweeping of dropped items in the database. If this were not done, the dungeon would soon be waist deep in unwanted swords, shields, suits of leather armor, etc. from the slain crits. Every hex would have a loot pile on it, and searching for valuable loot would soon become very difficult and tedious. Hence, the janitor.

But, there is a downside. Items you drop on the ground for retrieval later may not be there when you come back. Your death pile (items stripped from you at death) may be raided by the janitor before you get back to it. Be very careful leaving valuable items on the ground for any length of time. Apparently, counters and tables are not in the janitor's contract, and are not cleaned.

Section Twenty Four: Note About Guilds

Guilds are groups of players who band together for such purposes as friendship, hunting, glory, etc. Guilds are a great implement of social play, and can further aid players, especially beginners. Guild members almost always have a guild tag after their name - a small set of letters representing the guild to which the particular person belongs. For example: ....

Guilds consist of members chosen by the guild master or members. Each of the many different existing guilds in the game have different membership requirements. Some guilds might require you to hunt with and become friends with current guild members and/or the guild master. Some might ask that you reach a certain level of power, such as the ability to solo the Kesmai dragon. Still others might require something as little as asking for membership. The guild master is the person who is in charge of the guild and makes all guild decisions. He/she is the one who chooses members and organizes guild group hunts, functions, and handles all other guild matters. In order to join a guild, it is often wise to acquaint yourself with the guild master and ask for information about it before you decide to let the guild master know that you are interested in joining the organization. Oftentimes, you will find that a particular guild is not the one for you. There are many guilds to choose from - you have to find the one that best suits your needs. Some of the guilds have their own guild web sites that have information on membership and other information about their guild.

Guilds function on an extremely simple basis - to offer members companionship, protection, and many times weapons/armor/items and gold as well as other services. Guilds will often be closely knit and will often go on group hunts and organize group meetings.

As a final word on guilds: It is highly advised that you make it a major concern to join a guild sometime in your LoK playing career. Oftentimes, a new player will be greatly aided by guilds and their members, even if he is not a guild member himself. So get to know guild members and the guild masters, and don't be afraid to be social: the decision to join a fine guild could be the wisest choice you will ever make in the game!

Section Twenty Five: Legends Vernacular: Commonly Used Slang Terms and Their Meanings

There are numerous slang words, terms, and symbols used in chatting and conversing with fellow LoK players. Understanding the meaning of each is very useful in a conversation, as is being able to apply the terms oneself. The following is a list of frequently used terms and abbreviations:

AFK - "Away from keyboard," the term used when you are not sitting in front of your keyboard.

Booted - term used when you have lost connection with the game.

BRB - "Be right back," the term used in chat to convey the meaning that one has a minor interruption, such as a coffee break from the game, and will return shortly.

Crit - Short for "critter," the term used to refer to monsters in the game

Crt - Short for "character," one's player character.

Discoed - term used when you have lost connection with your Internet Service Provider. (ISP)

Dockbaby (Docker for short) - A new or inexperienced player. Often a term used by advanced players. The term has its origin in the dock of Kesmai, where all new players begin their lives.

GA - "Go Ahead," term used when acknowledging a request for assistance with a question.

ISP - Internet Service Provider. The service you use to access the internet.

Newbie - Same as dockbaby, someone who is new to either the Internet or to LoK. Slightly lower in status than is "docker" or "dockbaby."

Lag - when you freeze up in the game. Its usually due to slow connections and other traffic problems on the internet.

Lag out - When you have been disconnected from the game due to lag.

Log - to quit the game.

LoK - Short for "Legends of Kesmai."

LOL - term used for "laughing out loud".

NPC - non-player-character, a person, not monster, in the game, that is not controlled by a human player.

PC - any player-character, a human player

ROFL - "Rolling on Floor Laughing"

: ) or :-) or :^) - Euphemistically known as the "smiley," this horizontally-positioned happy face is used to express many emotions. This particular example says that one is happy. Others express sadness, greater joy, depression, boredom, etc., depending usually upon the position of the eyes and/or mouth of the face.

:-p - Sticking tongue out.

;-) - Wink

- Short for "grin." This grin is used to express happiness or more often the onset of a joke or response to a clever joke.

- short for "very big grin"

- short for "very evil grin"

Appendix A - Text Commands

Movement Text Commands

Changing levels of the dungeon is usually done by going up and down stairs. To ascend or descend a staircase, move to the staircase hex and use the following commands: "up" and "down". This can be shortened to "u" and "d." Moving up and down cannot be mixed with horizontal motion.

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