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Gargoyles are very fast, hard hitting pests that present great danger because they can do so much damage even when you are trying to run away from them. Salamanders will engulf you in intense flame. Some orcs will cast web spells at you, hindering your movement while they follow up with magic missiles. Webs can be burned, or simply escaped if you try long enough. One can also recall out of a web if necessary.

Level -4 presents some new challenges. All of the -3 crits are present in harder hitting varieties. They are joined by several others, making a wonderfully thrilling and dangerous package. NPCs (non player characters), ghouls, spectres, minotaurs, and of course, the dragon. NPCs are wizards, thaumaturges, and fighters. The wizards will surround you in storms of fire or ice, and the fighter attacks with a +4 rapier.

Ghouls are invisible, except from one hex away, and ferocious, they can hit and bite for 30 HP, often stunning you in the process, and their bites are poisonous (see the section on poison)! Spectres are invisible, except from one hex away, and cast blindness and death like wraiths. Minotaurs are fierce beasts swinging hard-hitting staves or greatswords, and they can absorb many hits before they will run. The dragon is the ultimate challenge in Kesmai, not to be fought until a great deal of experience and HP have been obtained.

The eastern islands are not usually hunted, unless a fighter is travelling to Hermann for knighthood, or a player is travelling to Leng. The islands are home to boars, wolves, bears and a couple of centaurs that are mostly equivalent to -2 or -3 beasts in danger. There exists, however, one bear second only to the dragon in ferocity. Called Bigfoot or Smokey by the players, this bear announces his presence with a low roar. He is fire-resistant, hard hitting (as much as 65 HP), fast, and extremely durable. The griffins guarding the approach to Hermann's make the gargoyles of the dungeons seem tame. A tiger or two roam the area with the HP and attacking skill of a minotaur.

19.3: Leng - What to expect (By Malachi)

Leng is historically one of the most overlooked provinces of the realm. Back in the old days, Leng was only hunted when one wanted to finish the Gauntlet Quest (when the Leng Dragon was the keeper of the Buddha), or when someone was just so bored with the same old routine that they needed something different. Leng is actually a very colorful segment, and has a potential that has not been fully realized. To give the novice adventurer an idea of what to expect, I have put together this traveller’s guide to Leng. It is broken up into several key sections.


Leng starts out in a valley, where the city is located. The city contains the usual amenities of trainers, merchants, and vendors. The trainers of Leng are capable of training the highest skilled adventurers of the land. That alone should be reason enough to make the trip to Leng Town. Also, located above the Gym, is Puck. Puck is the NPC that many aspiring MA's will meet, as he is the final part of the Crystal Gauntlet quest. Travelling though the sandy deserts that surround the town one will encounter a majority of sandwyrms with the occasional manticora, hyena, or centaur roaming the desert plains. The manticora is the deadliest foe, as it has a sting that can stun the unwary adventurer, and can inject a lethal poison that will slowly kill the victim. From Leng Town to the east is a great rift which is spanned by a bridge. The troll that guards the bridge is mainly a nuisance, though he can knock one off of the bridge. The rift area is divided into four parts. Two of the parts are accessed via ropes from the surface, and descend 100'. The northern section is generally lifeless, and mainly just a stopping point. The southern section is usually guarded by a group of centaurs, and can give a moderate level character a real challenge. The level 150' below the surface is also deserted, and has but a single rope that leads to the level 200' below the surface. On the -200' level is a single troll. This troll is much tougher than the usual troll and has been nicknamed the Power Troll. Killing this troll will yield a key that unlocks a door on that level. Behind this door is a portal to the Oakvael Province (historically the original Portal to that land). This portal will deposit the unaware adventurer in the far southern edge of the Serpent Lake level of Oakvael. Continuing on the surface of Leng across the bridge to the southeast, there is a climb up to the portal area. The portal area is generally deserted, though one can occasionally find a wight that guards the portals. This wight is not a real challenge. The portal area has portals that lead to the other segments, and is where most portals from the other segments deposit you upon entry to Leng. The one exception to this is the Leng portal from the -2 Kesmai dungeon, to be discussed below. Heading northwest from the bridge, the land climbs through a sandy hill, and there is a pit at the top that leads to the temple. Thaums have always been feared and mistrusted in Leng, and they were forced many years ago to hide their presence. Near the Temple entrance is a small foyer of darkness that leads to the Amber Stairwell. The Amber Stairwell, named for the Ghodess in the days when she roamed the lands as a mortal, is the place where adventurers from Kesmai are deposited when they use the Portal located in the Kesmai dungeon. From the Amber Stairwell, an adventurer may climb down a rope to the Lac de Leng, climb down a set of stairs to the serpent's passage, or simply jump down to an area just west of the Dark Tower on the mausoleum level. There is a magical air about the Amber Stairwell, as it is otherwise geographically displaced from the areas that it borders. Heading west from the town, there is a veil of magic in the western cliff face. To activate this veil, one must hold a red pulsating gem in either hand. Moving through this veil, the adventurer will find the old Leng stables. Many creatures inhabit this area. From the stables, through a secret passage to the west, can be found a long hallway. Midway along that hall is a portal through which only MAs can pass, and this teleport will lead the MA to a set of stairs. Descending these stairs, the MA will eventually find his self in a corridor just outside the dojo of Shidosha. In the stables there is also a set of stairs leading up to a passage. This passage connects the stables to a small room behind the mausoleum of Leng. Northwest of town is another climb up, which leads to a passage in the northeast corner of the Mausoleum level.


There are many ways to get to this level, but eventually all paths lead to the Leng mausoleum level. The primary inhabitants of this level are groups of berserker NPC fighters, though there are many other inhabitants. At the eastern end of the level is the mausoleum and the Long Hallway. Here you will find many of the berserkers, along with plenty of skeleton warriors, weak wizard NPCs (mostly male), a few hobgoblins with thaum type spells, and in the mausoleum itself is a statue and a fear casting presence. The presence is easiest for wizards to take out, in that a well placed fireball or ice storm will quickly subdue the fearsome creature. Other classes have a much tougher time, particularly if the presence lands that fear spell. The long north-south corridor is ideal for a wizard to place a whirlwind (or a Thaum Poison Cloud). Just be very careful that you don't nail other players with the spell. South of the mausoleum and corridor is a long east-west stretch, again ideal for WW/PC spells, that is inhabited by more of the same. This long range extends from the mausoleum to just south of the Dark Tower. The climb up to the Griffin Ledge is located in this area. Just west of the mausoleum is the area of the Dark Tower. The base of the tower is shrouded in darkness, requiring night vision in order to see where you are going. In this area are tougher wizard NPCs, mostly females this time, and Wraiths. The Dark Tower itself has 5 levels. The lowest level is mostly berserkers and wizards. The next level up is mainly trolls and wizards. The next level up from there is a death spell level, with many wraiths and liches. These wraiths and liches are invisible unless they are next to you or on top of you. A thief can come in very handy here (as will a wizard's fireball/ice storm). The next level has hidden archers, wizards, and thaums. And the top level is the penthouse, home of Vlad the Impaler, a vampire of nasty disposition. Along with Vlad are two griffins, a fire breathing salamander, and an archer or two. The entire Dark Tower is probably one of the toughest areas to hunt. West of the Dark Tower is the jump point from the Amber Stairwell, and the Lac de Leng. Here you will find a zoo of berserkers, wraiths, wizards, hobs, and skeletons. And the waters of the Lake are infested with man-eating sharks (yes, these sharks will eat you sending you straight to the UW). North of the Dark Tower, separate from the rest of the level, is the serpent's passage. Here you will find a few skeletons and wraiths, and maybe a spectre or two. At the far eastern end of this passage is the lair of the sand serpent. Sandy, as she is named, is rather a wimpy creature, easily handled by anyone that can make his or her way there.


Up from the mausoleum level is the griffin's rookery. Here you will find still more of the NPCs that like to haunt the area, along with more hobgoblins, trolls, gargoyles, a scorpion or two, and the main feature of the level; griffins. These griffins are nasty, and hit very hard. The best bet for attacking this level is judicious use of wizard area spells, although a fighter or MA can use the pond on this level for balming purposes as many of the inhabitants are unable to swim. Just make sure you have WB active before taking a dip. Going east along the main path an adventurer will eventually find him or herself at the bottom of a rope. This rope leads to the lair of Kosh, the Leng dragon. Do not climb this rope unprepared. Kosh is a very mean and very hungry dragon. The rope is such that it requires both hands in order to be able to climb it. Kosh has powerful attacks, hitting almost as hard as Mama, breathes fire, and, being hungry, he will eat anyone that he manages to kill (except those killed by his flame). His lair has many unique items, making him worth the effort of killing. Following the Amber River to its source leads to a waterfall with a rope hanging next to it. This rope leads to the upper level of Leng which includes the Nocha Glacier and the Leng drake's lair. In the far southwest corner of the level Nocha has established the Leng chapter of the thieves guild. Being very isolated, it have very little to offer the aspiring thief, other than one thing. In the SE corner of the guild is a veil, similar to the one that separates the Stables from the Main level of the town. By holding a red pulsing gem a thief can gain direct access to the corridor outside of Shidosha's dojo. Several places on the Griffin Level have air drops, all of which lead to the Leng dungeons. The dungeons may also be accessed by a stairway in the far southeast corner of the level. Follow a passage through the caves on the south side of the level. The dungeons are very difficult and contain many creatures of the undead realm, as well as trolls, hobs, and NPCs. At full power, this area can rival the undead level of Oakvael in terms of toughness, experience, and treasure.


The topmost level of the Cliffs of Leng is a vast forest. A tiger will most likely greet you upon arrival. After getting through this hazard, you will find many different creatures, including hobs, trolls, bears, ducks(!), and other such creatures. The MA trainer and a knight trainer are located on this level. Following a path along the north side of this level, you will eventually find your way blocked by a wall. In the wall is a secret door, behind which the Princess Ianta is held captive. The successful adventurer that leads Ianta home to the throne room in Leng Town will receive either a DP or a wisdom potion, and a couple of diamonds. Be forewarned that the princess is very frail after her long time in bondage, and the road home is very treacherous. In the northwest corner of the level is a small glacier that leads to a rope. At the top of this rope is a small area which is connected to a larger area by a suspended bridge. The larger area is the foyer of the Leng drake's lair. The foyer area is inhabited by manticoras, minotaurs, liches, and is very hazardous on its own. Going through the foyer, you eventually find yourself in front of a secret door on the eastern wall. Well, it is supposed to be secret, but it stands out rather nicely, so it is not too hard to locate. Behind this door is a long passage that leads to another door. Behind this door is the lair of the Leng drake. His disposition is nastier than Kosh, and his appetite is even more voracious. He enjoys frying his guests with a lightning bolt, then finishing them off with a large gulp of his powerful jaws. His loot is also very poor, having at most a DP and a lightning resist ring. From the foyer area, by jumping down some of the airdrops, an adventurer can find himself in a small area that is filled with more minotaurs, manticoras, and other such creatures, but it is mainly for those seeking a thrill, and generally avoided.


Shidosha is the Ninja Master, and holder of the Buddha necessary for completion of the MA's gauntlet quest. In the Dojo with Shidosha are several ninja. Each of the ninja is a quite capable MA that can land some serious punches against the unwary. Of course, if anyone is already here, then it is doubtful that they are unwary. But the biggest danger is that the Ninja travel in packs of three. Shidosha himself is quite skilled in the martial arts, and would be a more formidable opponent if he would just drop the fan that he carries, and he does drop it occasionally. From the hallway outside of the dojo, which is only accessible by MA's and thieves to begin with, are 2 separate entrances. One entrance at the very south end of the hall is for thieves, the other, about halfway along the hall, is for MA's. Each class may enter the dojo at their own risk, and take on the hazards that lie inside.

19.4: Axe Glacier - What to expect (By Malachi)

Axe glacier, in and of itself, is not the most hunted land of most players. It should be, in my opinion, but most players prefer the Lengian plains and the hunting areas of Oakvael to the icy regions of Axe for standard hunting. Still, there is a high population of hunting in Axe for 3 reasons. Those reasons are Sparky, Mama, and Yoric. Yes, the Axe Trio, as they have been known for many years, is the main reason anyone even bothers with Axe. This is undoubtedly the toughest lair complex in the game, and Mama is arguably the toughest beast in the game. To get to them, one must travel through most of the other areas of Axe, and that is no easy adventure. The overall treasure selection in Axe is actually very good, with such items as glowers, +3 shield rings, f&i rings, +3 strength bracelets, and youth potions in Green bottles being more common than in some other areas. The gold intake is better than -3 though not as good as the other segments listed. The monsters are as tough as any found in -3 or -4 of Kesmai with good experience for the taking especially among the various NPCs. The trainers in Axe are almost as good as the ones in Oakvael, and easier to get to. Overall, Axe is a well-suited area for the mid-level adventurer, and has a few perks for the most advanced.


Unlike most of the other segments, where there are particular creatures that will be encountered in particular areas, most of Axe is populated by the same variety of creatures. In terms of critters found, one area is about the same as any other, both in terms of density as well as selection. For this reason, I will not make any comments about the various creatures encountered in a particular area except for the Lairs, which I will discuss. Orcs, goblins, trolls, and hobgoblins can be found everywhere, and are not much tougher than their Kesmai counterparts of the -3 variety. Kobolds and skeletons also roam the 0' cavern region, though are not found anywhere else. Ogres, larger cousins to the trolls, can be found in most places as well. One feature of Ogres is that they wield halberds and will poke players from one hex away if you let them. Ogres can also see in the dark. Another featured critter of Axe is the rockworm. These come in two indistinguishable varieties. The small rockworms can be hit with most weapons, and don't hit very hard. The other rock worms require sharp weapons in order to injure them, and they hit much harder. All rockworms can move two squares at a time, and can move and hit on the same turn. Killing a rockworm will give the adventurer a small amount of gold and two lumps of iron ore. Rockworms can also see in the dark. Wolves also wander the various parts of the Glacier. The normal wolves tend to run in packs, and can be easily killed by any means. There are also 2 varieties of glacial wolves which are indistinguishable until you encounter them. The glacial wolves tend to stay to the glacial areas of Axe. All glacial wolves require a silver weapon to hurt them. In addition, only a few spells will hurt the King Glacial Wolf (notably stun and ice spear). Glacial wolves tend to be solitary creatures. You'll know you've killed a King Wolf when you search its corpse, as these wolves carry a special egg which is useful for obtaining the returning axe (see later notes for details). Also roaming the glacial areas are lizards. These lizards are cousins to the salamanders that roam the other segments, except that the lizard will cast ice storm rather than fire wall. And trust me, being caught by multiple Lizards is no laughing matter. Other than the ice storm and an unusual immunity to cold, these lizards are no tougher than the salamander. Of the undead family, wraiths and spectres are common, and are much more powerful than their Kesmai counterparts. Also, there are undead called shadows that will cast darkness over their victim. An NV helm, while not mandatory, is quite useful when encountering these creatures. One can also find plenty of NPCs in Axe. There are wizard NPCs that tend to cast ice, thaum NPCs who lead off with a stun and follow with some fairly potent death spells, though not in the range that one might find with Ydnac. Fighters generally wield either axe or longsword, and MAs will start with a jumpkick then start beating on you with either a dagger or a threestaff. As for treasure, again the distribution is fairly even above the 60' Level. Diligent searching will yield items like glowers, +3 shielders, +3 strength bracelets, DPs, permanent strength and dexterity potions, youth potions, and a wide assortment of gems. Gold is plentiful as well, and a person can do well at finding cash in Axe. Iron ore is common, since all of the rockworms produce two pieces each. Fire & ice rings are also more common here. The lairs that belong to the trio contain the rarer items, and this will be discussed in more detail when that section is presented.


Players appear in the northeast corner of the land just outside the main temple. Mother Phyllis, the Axe priestess, greets all newcomers warmly so long as they appear lawful. Non-lawfuls receive a stronger greeting, and Mother Phyllis is not one to trifle with. Phredick holds services constantly in the temple. When he is not involved with services he will gladly train the mid-to-high level thaums in the more advanced ways of priestly prayer. Heading south along the path from the portal, one will find a small niche in the western wall, with a silver moon on the wall. This is the secret entrance to Silvermoon's smith shop, and it requires a moonstone ring and night time to enter. If you choose to visit Silvermoon take your iron ore and yttril with you and present them to the old smith. He will honor you with one of his famous silver greataxes, a weapon that I would not want to be without on the glacier. The town's western boundary is a river that runs from the northwest towards the southeast. In the northern part of town is the general store, bank, and wizard trainer. East of the wizard trainer is the locker room. Heading south in town, one will find the MA's dojo which boasts of both low and high level MA trainers, a gym, the pawnshop, recall and balm vendors. Far to the south is the tanner, likely one of the busiest and best skilled tanners in all the lands. One prominent feature of Axe Town is the complete lack of law enforcement officials. There is no sheriff to maintain order in the land. Instead, located in key places around town, are statues that keep the riff raff under control. They will tolerate anything that appears lawful, including thieves, but woe to the non-lawful that appear in town. These statues deal out instant death to any that they see as non-lawful. Southwest of town, across the river, is the graveyard, a very small thing really, and a small group of caverns. This group of caverns is home to a band of various weak chaotics not much tougher than Kes -2. Following the river to the northwest one can find the confessor ghost centrally located at a place where the river forks. There are several ropes up the cliff to the north. Three of these lead to various points on the 60' level, but the westernmost rope up leads to the 80' level. Knights leave your halberds at home because all of these ropes require the use of both hands to scale, as do many of the climbs throughout the land.


The 60' level of Axe is the lower part of the glacier which dominates the eastern half of the level. Any part of the glacier is not to be travelled lightly as the cold is very bitter and will constantly damage the unprotected. Very few creatures will be found on the glacier itself, except for ice lizards and an occasional glacial wolf. Somewhere in the center of the glacier area is a rope up to the Lightning Mesa. NPCs, trolls, and ogres will chase the unwary onto the ice, but don't actually wander there themselves. Most of the other monsters will not even set foot on the glacier. This is true of all the glacier areas. The western half of the level is dominated by a large structure. Asmodeus himself once built himself this structure, or so the legend goes. However, Poraph, the King of Giants, currently occupies it. Poraph is actually located on the upper level of the castle, with the rest of the castle being occupied by his minions. The minions are mostly NPCs of all classes, though one can also find an occasional hob or troll in his service. Poraph is a tough giant who can hit for as much as 90, though his average is closer to 65, with frequent stuns. He does not hit on the move, but he moves three hexes at a time, so it is very difficult to catch a breather in a heated battle with the big guy. Loot from the giant is limited to dragon armor and a bear coat similar to what you get from tanning the Yeti. Also in the castle is the goose that lays the golden egg (kill the goose to get the egg), and an rhammer may be found on the altar just outside of the giant's throne room. To the far west can be found the entrance to a set of caverns. Stairs leading up to the 80' level can be found deep in the caverns.


The 80' Level, reached from the surface by rope and the 60' Level by stairs, is much like the area surrounding the outside of the giant's castle. Mostly wooded with a narrow pass leading to the north along the west side, this provides a very scenic route to the upper levels. A lawful griffin guards the eastern part of the 80' Level. This griffin does not take kindly to Wizards and their area spells, so be careful where you cast that fireball when in the presence of the griffin. The south part of the 80' level is another cavern complex which contains the stairs down to the 60' level. Looking out across the chasm you can admire the beauty of the outside part of the giant's castle though you can not see inside of it. In the northwest part of the level is a one-handed climb up to the 120' level. Along the path from the rope to the surface and the rope to the 120' level is another rope. This rope leads to one of the finest pubs in the land. Por, a well renowned knight of the realm, likes his drinks nice and cold and this pub has always served him the best. In the pub you can sell any loot gathered along the way, replenish balm supplies, and even bank your gold. And make sure you find the marker honoring the great knight Porphyry of that which is C.U.R.E. The plaque is located in the southwest corner of the pub, right near the table that has 2 peculiar looking boots sticking out from underneath. The Lightning Mesa is reached via a climb up from the glacier on the 60' level. There is nothing special about the area, other than a few NPCs that keep a watch over the area.


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