Variant №1 test. Grammar and lexical competence. (10 minutes). Fill in the gaps. Tom cruise

SPEAKING. (10 minutes). Make up a short story on the theme “My Studies.”

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5. SPEAKING. (10 minutes). Make up a short story on the theme “My Studies.”
Keywords: school, college, university, intend to, dream, field, reputation, facilities, to be applied, ambitious, prestigious.
Variant № 10

1. TEST. GRAMMAR AND LEXICAL COMPETENCE. (10 minutes). Fill in the gaps.

My mother decided it was time for me Q1_______ to school. I was sent to Merrywood Elementary when I was six and I thought it was a complete waste of time. What was the Q2_______ of school when I could learn all I needed at the docks? It turned Q3_______ that Mum had other plans for my future Q4_______ didn’t include joining Uncle Stan in the shipyard. Once Mum had dropped me off each morning, I would hang around in the yard until she was out of sight, and then slope off to the docks. I made sure I was always back at the school gates when she returned to pick me up in the afternoon. On the Q5_______back home, I had to be very inventive. I would Q6_______ her everything I’d done at school that day. I was good at making up stories. Q7_______. it wasn’t long before she discovered that was all they were: stories. Occasionally Mr. Haskins, the gatekeeper, decided he’d seen me leave the school too often and I’d be Q8_______ to the headmaster. My form master, Mr.Holcombe, never let on if I didn’t show up for his class, but then he was a bit soft. One or two other boys from my school also Q9_______ to hang around the docks but I kept my Q10_______ from them.
Q1. A) go B) to go C) went D) going
Q2. A) help B) goal C) aim D) point
Q3. A) off B) out C) in D) over
Q4. A) who B) where C) which D) whose
Q5. A) path B) track C) trial D) way
Q6. A) speak B) tell C) talk D) moreover

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