Wisdom, compassion, and courage are the three universally recognized moral qualities of men


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Great Salt Lake Council

DYBS yell -
DYBS means “ Do Your Best, Scouts”
It is pronounced ‘dibs’.
Leader raises his fist in the air and brings it down hard each time ‘DYBS’ is yelled.
Number of DYBS given is according to accomplishment. I would set a max (e.g. Three How's is a perfect score on the HOW scale. And thanks to Jamie I can now get to 2 7/8 CD)

The Good Turn Cheer - Stand up and turn around while clapping.

Heart and Soul Cheer - (For people who put their heart and soul into something.)
Pat the palm of your hand on your heart and then on the sole of one shoe.

Santa Clara County Council

Abe Lincoln Cheer: That was great! HONEST!

America: A-M-E-R-I-C-A (3 times), Cub Scouts (or Boy Scouts), Cub Scouts, USA!

Constitution Cheer: We the people, APPROVE!

George Washington Cheer: That was great. I cannot tell a lie.

Presidential Cheer: Salute and say: "Hail to the Chief."

We Want You” Cheer: Everyone yells “I Want You” and points their finger at the honoree (like in the Uncle Sam posters).

Liberty Bell Yell: Ding, Ding, Ding, Dong! Let freedom ring!

Alice, Golden Empire Council

Superhero Applause - Hold arms out in front and upwards and yell – “Fly Into Action, Superhero!”

Hero Motto

  1. Divide the audience into two groups.

    1. First group puts their hands in front of the eyes as if looking through binoculars and says, “Find a Need!”

    2. Second group holds out the left hand as if a bowl, while the right hand “dumps” something in the bowl – while shouting, “And Fill It!”

  2. Narrator starts by yelling – “What does a hero do?”

  3. Leader can then point to first group several times, then to the second group, and can also control the sound level with his motions.

Hero Definition Applause

Group yells several times – “Brave and Loyal, Strong and True!” (A “Less Filling’, Tastes Great” type chant. CD)


Great Salt Lake Council

  1. Spell “we” using two letters other than
    W or E.

  2. U and I.

  1. What can a person wear that is never out of style?

  2. A smile.

Sam Houston Area Council


Who’s there?


Heaven who?

Heaven the time of my life in Cub Scouts!


Who’s there?


Uniform who?

Uniform a straight line when we say the pledge!

Veteran Heroes

Alice, Golden Empire Council

Down at the Veteran's hospital, a trio of old timers ran out of tales of their own heroic exploits and started bragging about their ancestors. "My great grandfather, at age 13," one declared proudly, "was a drummer boy at Shiloh."

"Mine," boasted another, "went down with Custer at the Battle of Little Big Horn."

"I'm the only soldier in my family," confessed vet number three, "but if my great grandfather was living today he'd be the most famous man in the world."

"What'd he do?" his friends wanted to know.

"Nothing much. But he would be 165 years old."


Santa Clara County Council

  1. What did the turkey say before he was roasted?

  2. Wow, I’m stuffed.

Cub #1: What are those holes in the trees?

Cub #2: They’re knotholes.

Cub #1 Really? If they’re not holes, what are they?

Cub #1: I crossed a carrier pigeon with a woodpecker yesterday.

Cub #2: Really, what did you get?

Cub #1: I don’t know, buy when it delivers a message, it knocks.

Cub #1: What is the chemical formula for water?

Cub #2: H, I, H, K, L, M, N, O.

Cub #1: May I ask what that is?

Cub #2 H to O.

Cub #1: (enters pet shop) Sir! I would like 25 cents worth of birdseed.

Man: 25 cents worth of birdseed? How many birds do you have?

Cub #1: I don’t have any birds, I want to grow some.

Who’s the Hero?

Alice, Golden Empire Council

Q: A hero says, "Brothers and sisters, have I none, but that man's father is my father's son." Who is he pointing at?

A: His own son – father’s son has to be himself, since he has no bothers, and since this is the father of the person he is pointing at, he is pointing at his son!

Some Hero Riddles:

Alice, Golden Empire Council

Q: What is light as a feather, but even the strongest hero can’t hold it more than a few seconds?

A: His breath!

Q: What is a policeman's favorite snack?

A: Copcakes (cupcakes).

Q: What kind of food do brave soldiers eat?

A: Hero sandwiches.

Q: When does a police dog not look like a police dog?

A: When it is an undercover agent.

Running from Heroes

Alice, Golden Empire Council

Q: A man left home running. He ran a ways and then turned left, ran the same distance and turned left again, ran the same distance and turned left again. When he got home there were two masked men. Who were they?

A: The catcher and umpire in a baseball game

Calling a Superhero

Alice, Golden Empire Council

Q: Imagine you are in a sinking rowboat surrounded by sharks. Which superhero would you need to survive?

A: You don’t need a superhero at all – Just stop imagining!
A Real Riddle About a Real Hero:

Alice, Golden Empire Council

Q: Why is George Washington's official birthday celebration held on February 22 when he was actually born on February 11?

A: We lost eleven days when we switched from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar during his lifetime. So Washington celebrated his birthday eleven days later to make it a year after his last birthday.

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