Wisdom, compassion, and courage are the three universally recognized moral qualities of men

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I Will Use

Sam Houston Area Council

Setting – 6 Cub Scouts with verses memorized. (Or they could each have poster with a picture of the body part named on front and the words on back in LARGE print. CD)

  1. This is my country. I will use my eyes to see the beauty of this land.

  2. I will use my ears to hear its sounds.

  3. I will use my mind to think of what I can do to make it more beautiful.

  4. I will use my hands to serve and care for it.

  5. And with all my heart, I will honor it.

  6. Please stand for the retiring of the colors.

A Final Salute

Sam Houston Area Council

Setting – 9 Cub Scouts or 8 Cub Scouts and Cubmaster, the letters of A-T-T-E-N-T-I-O-N on poster board with the appropriate verses on the reverse.

Scene – Scouts in a line. Each holds up his poster as his turn arrives.

  1. A At tonight’s pack meeting, we

  2. T Talked about the flag and the importance of honoring it.

  3. T Tonight we also had some fun as we involved

  4. E Everyone in our Scouting Spirit.

  5. N Now it is time for our pack meeting

  6. T To end. In a few minutes we are going to ask

  7. I If you would stand and salute the flag

  8. O One more time as it is retired for this evening. We would

  9. N Next like you to join us in the Scout Oath.

One Drop Of Blue Closing Ceremony

Great Salt Lake Council

Equipment: One clear gallon glass jar, full of water and blue food coloring.

  • The Cubmaster drops one drop of blue food coloring into the gallon of water.

  • Watch as one drop of blue becomes a larger and larger circle until it becomes so diluted that it is barely visible. (Hint - Practice and keep your water volume such that a tinge of blue remains)

Cubmaster says:

  • The one little drop of blue did its best and succeeded in filling the whole big jar.

  • In the same way, one Cub Scout (in blue) can also influence all those around him by his actions and words.

Living Circle Ceremony

Great Salt Lake Council

I remember learning this ceremony at my first Den Meeting at Mrs. Kneale’s house in September 1957.  We still teach it to our dens. CD

Based on an Indian custom, the living circle may be used alone or as a part of another ceremony.  It reminds a Cub Scout of the fine friendships he is making in Cub Scouting.

Hold out your left hand—palm down, and thumb out.

Hold the thumb of the boy on your left and form a connected circle.

Then say the following as a football team may do after a time out or entering the filed at start of the game.

Phonetic spelling of Akela
Action Say

Raise the circle AH

Lower it KAY

Raise it LA

Lower it WE’LL

Raise it DO

Lower it OUR

Raise it BEST!

Release Hands
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A Scout is Loyal

Check it out for many other Scoutmaster Minutes!!!


A Scout is Loyal.
A Scout is loyal to those to whom loyalty is due.

When we think of being loyal, we think of standing by our country, and our state.  We are loyal to our church and our family.  We are loyal to our school.

When we join Cub Scouts, we pledge our loyalty to our Pack and Den. In all Scouting, the Scout Law and Scout Oath guide the Scouts to help the unit (Pack or troop) go and the unit (Pack or Troop) Pack helps the Cub Scout grow.

That’s the key with loyalty. It’s not a one-way street. Your Den and Pack are only as good as you make them.

You get out of Scouts what you put in. You give loyalty to those to whom loyalty is due, and they will return loyalty to you.



Scouts, what's the second point of the Scout Law? That's right, "A Scout is loyal. " Our Scout handbook explains that a Scout is loyal to his family, Scout leaders, friends, school and nation.

I'm going to add one more thing to that list - a Scout is loyal to his team. The team might be his patrol or sports team.

Your patrol or soccer team can't be as good as it should be if you goof off a lot or constantly complain about your teammates or your patrol leader or coach. A winning patrol and a winning team, must have a winning attitude. That means that every member must be willing to do his part and not spend time griping because the patrol's plans or the game are not going his way.

That doesn't mean that you have to be close friends with everybody in your patrol or team or even like all of them. But it means that when you join, you commit yourself to the success of the patrol or the team and pledge to give it your best effort.

In Scouting and sports, it's teamwork that makes winners. So whenever you're with your patrol or sports team, remember, "A Scout is loyal".

Scoutmaster Minute - Loyalty


Two famous generals of the Civil War were Ulysses S. Grant and William T. Sherman. Grant, though the younger of the two, and junior to him at West Point, was Sherman’s Commander. As general of the Union Army, Grant commanded several other generals, but he knew that he could trust Sherman with the most difficult tasks. While some Generals needed line-by-line instructions, Sherman only needed to know the objective. Grant could trust him with the details of getting the job done. Grant knew that the only thing to prevent Sherman’s completing the task was a musket ball with Sherman’s name on it.

That musket ball didn’t exist. Sherman finished his difficult and unpopular task, and Grant accepted Gen Robert E. Lee's surrender at Appomattox Court House in April of 1865, ending the Civil War. These two men remained loyal to each other throughout their lives: 

“The friend in my adversity I shall always cherish most. I can better trust those who helped to relieve the gloom of my dark hours than those who are so ready to enjoy with me the sunshine of my prosperity.” – US Grant 

http://toappomattox.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/grant1.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bc/general_sherman.jpg

General Ulysses S Grant Gen Wm. T. Sherman

“Grant stood by me when I was crazy, and I stood by him when he was drunk, and now we stand by each other.” – Gen Wm Sherman 

I am reminded of another general, in a land far from the battlefields of Tennessee, Virginia and South Carolina, from a time long before. His name was Moroni, and you are all familiar with his struggle against the armies of Lamanites and disloyal Nephites. Like General Grant nearly 2,000 year later, he said, “I seek not for power, but to pull it down. I seek not for honor of the world, but for the glory of my God, and the freedom and welfare of my country.” 

Loyalty is a noble characteristic. As you get older, you will confront some serious choices. When you are faced with a difficult choice, ask yourself, “How will this choice demonstrate my loyalty to my friends, my family, my nation, my Church and my God?” Let it be said of you that you chose to be loyal, like Generals Grant, Sherman and Moroni.

Cub Scout Benediction

Santa Clara County Council

And now may the Great Master of all Cub Scouts

Guide and guard our footsteps

For today, for tomorrow,

And for all the tomorrows to come.

The Circle of Life

Sam Houston Area Council

Setting – 4 Scouts holding posters from the Circle of Life opening ceremony

Scene – darkened room if possible, as the Cubmaster speaks

We must stand together – with these four circles. They are powerful forces in our lives, and yet without them, we are unable to sustain life. We must harness the strength and the energy these forces provide for peace in our world. We must find the spiritual power that enables the forces and use it to intensify our own struggle for peace. Each of us carries an energy, and combined with the energies of our friends, our family, our neighbors, our world, we can become one body and one heart striving for peace. And we must continue this path as the sun and the moon and the winds and the earth continue in their paths in the great circle of life.


Santa Clara County Council

I believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect Union, one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, Justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes. I, therefore; believe it is my duty to my country to love it; respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.


Great Salt Lake Council

We will find many heroes within the community this month. Some of them will be the adults that we know. Some of them will be Cub Scouts or even the Boy Scouts. We will search throughout the neighborhood to find someone that would be interested in coming to share some of the things that helped them determine their own destiny. We will also look at our young friends that might be the future leaders of tomorrow, those that show leadership qualities that will put them in positions throughout their lives to become the president of a company or even the United States.

We have highlighted some of the heroes that we find in our neighborhood. Our policeman, the firefighters that risk their lives every time they suit up. The mail man is also trained to watch out for the emergencies that might come his way while delivering the mail. The neighbor that would open his door to a young child that might need some help out on the street could be a hero also. We also will be highlighting the women that will be in the lives of the Cub Scouts. They would be the den leaders and perhaps the Cubmaster. Then there is the one special person that is in most every boy’s life, his mother.

We are using the cardboard stand-ups and placing a familiar face by enlarging the photo and attaching it in place of the original. Now we have created the “Super Hero” that we want to present. It, of course, could be any one of many people in your area that you have noticed a silent act of heroism that has not been mentioned before. There are many people that just go about their business daily that often respond at a moment's notice to help out someone in distress.

We often read in the “Boy’s Life” magazine about the young men that have been prepared in a time of need when the call for help arises and what they have done to save a life. We hope that you will be able to search out some of these people and highlight them for the month.


A Boy

Santa Clara County Council

  • He is a person who is going to carry on what you have started. He is to sit right where you are sitting, and attend, when you are gone, to those things you think are so important.

  • You may adopt all the policies you please, but how they will be carried out depends on him. Even if you have leagues and treaties, he will have to manage them.

  • He will assume control of our cities, states and nation. He is going to move in and take over your churches, schools, universities, and nation.

  • All your work is going to be judged and praised or condemned by him. Your reputation and your future are in his hands.

  • All your work is for him; and the fate of the nation and of humanity lies in his hands. It is well that we pay him some attention.

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