Word Structure and Stress (Makk Zsófi)

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Word Structure and Stress

  • (Makk Zsófi)

  • after certain suffixes have been attached to a word, the original stress pattern may change

  • átom – atómic

  • Japán – Jàpanése

  • horízon – hòrizóntal

Derived words:

  • since suffixation has made the word longer, primary stress shifts to the right, and the original primary stress reduces to secondary (rightmost rhythmic beat!)

  • Derivational Secondary Stress

  • (e.g. adáptable – adàptabílity

  • éducate – èducátion

  • jústify – jùstificátion)

Derivational Secondary Stress blocked

  • to avoid stress clash:

  • Iambic Secondary Stress

  • (horízon – hòrizóntal , Japán – Jàpanése)

  • or

  • Major Stress Deletion

  • (átom – atómic , Gérman – Germánic)

Family of suffixes

  • Two classes:

  • - Stress-neutral:

  • unable to affect the stress pattern of the word (e.g., -ing, -ed, -s, -like)

  • -Stress-fixing/non-neutral:

  • systematically change the place and/or the degree of the stresses (e.g., -ion, -ic, -ese, -al)


  • Stress-neutral suffixes:

      • -able: consíder – considerable,
      • avóid – unavóidable
      • -ing: éducate – éducating,
      • ínterest – ínteresting
      • - ism: álcohol – álcoholism
      • fanátic – fanáticism
      • -ness: cáreless – cárelessness,
      • lùkewárm – lùkewármness


  • Stress-fixing suffixes:

  • Self-stressed:

  • are primary stressed themselves

      • -ade: lémon – lemonade,
      • cánnon – cannonade
      • -een: séven – seventeen
      • -ese: jóurnal – journalese,
      • Japan – Japanese
      • -esque: Róman – Ròmanésque,
      • pícture – pìcturésque


  • Stress-fixing suffixes

  • Pre-stressed:

  • require primary stress to fall on the syllable which immediately precedes them in the word

  • -ic: ecónomy – economic,

  • átom – atómic

  • -ion: sólve – solútion,

  • éducate – èducátion,

  • adápt – adaptation

  • -ulous: míracle – miráculous,

  • rídicule – ridiculous


  • Thank you for your attention!

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