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The Australian National University Annual Report 2000
Paul CHEN, ACT Board of Senior Secondary Studies;
Initiator and organiser of “Economics Workshop for
College Students and Teachers”, sponsored by the De-
partment of Economics, Faculty of Economics &
Commerce, ANU, Parliament House, Canberra.
Steve DOWRICK, Consultant to Productivity Com-
mission; Invited Speaker at Annual Conference of the
Federation of Japanese Chambers of Commerce and In-
dustry, Canberra; Referee for Productivity Commission
report on ‘The distribution of the Economic Gains of
the 1990s’; Referee for Australian Research Council
Large Grants (5 reports); referee, American Economic
Review, Economic Journal, Australian Economic History
Review, Oxford Economic Papers.
Simon GRANT, member of the Council of the Econo-
metric Society; member, Editorial Board, Economics
Bulletin; member, Editorial Board, Journal of Mathe-
matical Economics; member, Editorial Board, Australian
Economic Papers; Referee: American Economic Review,
Econometrica, International Economic Review, Journal of
Economic Theory.
Chris JONES, Policy Adviser for the Asia Development
Bank in the Kyrgyz Republic.
Jeffrey J. KLINE, referee: Journal of Economic Behavior
and Organization Australian Economic Papers, Austral-
ian Economic Review.
Flavio MENEZES, member, Selection Committee for
Adriano Ramariz Duarte Prize for the best paper pub-
lished in the Brazilian Review of Econometrics; member,
Organizational Committee, Brazilian Econometric So-
ciety; Referee, American Economic Review, Economic
Inquiry International Economic Review, Journal of Public
Economic Theory, Journal of Public Economics, Mathe-
matical Social Sciences, Pesquisa e Planejamento
Economico, Review of Economic Design, Revista de Bra-
sileira de Economia.
Rod TYERS, Australian Productivity Commission; Re-
viewer: Review of the Australian General Tariff;
Appointed External Fellow of the Centre for Research
on Globalisation and Labour Markets, School of Eco-
nomics, University of Nottingham, UK; Fully funded
visit and appointment to the organising committee of
the International Economic Association for Conference
on Globalisation and Labour Markets in the UK; Refe-
ree: Economic Record, Review of International Economics,
World Bank Bank Economic Review, World Economy,
Australian Journal of Labour Economics, Australian Jour-
nal of Agriculture and Resource Economics.
John QUIGGIN, Board Member, Queensland Com-
petition Authority; Adjunct Professor, Queensland
University of Technology; Inaugural Don Dunstan
Foundation Visiting Professor, Don Dunstan Founda-
tion and the University of Adelaide; Defence Policy:
One Clear Objective, submission to Defence Review
2000; Feasibility and Consequences of a Ban on Inter-
net Gambling, Submission to Senate and National
Office of the information Economy Inquiries; Submis-
sion to Review of Australia’s General Tariff
Arrangements, prepared for Australian Industry Group,
Sydney; Telstra: Structure, Ownership and Service;
submission to Committee of Inquiry into Telstra Serv-
ice Standards; Regular opinion columnist: Australian
Financial Review; Occasional commentator: ABC Ra-
dio and Television, other media; Associate Editor:
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization; Journal
of Risk and Uncertainty; Member, Editorial Board: Aus-
tralian Economic Papers; Australian Journal of
Agricultural and Resource Economics; Economic and La-
bour Relations Review; Journal of Economic and Social
Policy; Journal of Environmental Economics and Manage-
ment; Referee: American Economic Review; American
Journal of Agricultural Economics; Australian and New
Zealand Journal of Public Health; Australian Economic
Review; Australian Research Council; Journal of Health
Economics; Scandanavian Journal of Economics; Tela
(Australian Conservation Foundation), Australian Jour-
nal of Political Science, Economics and Philosophy,
Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource
Graeme WELLS, Co-editorEconomic Record; Referee:
Australian Economic Papers, Australian Research
Council Large Grants, Marsden Foundation Grants.
Department of Economic History
Members of the department played a significant role in
the broader university and in outreach activities. Mr
CORNISH hosted the Asia-Pacific Conference of the
Golden Key International Honour Society, and was re-
appointed to Chair the ACT Board of Senior Secondary
Studies. Mr GAGE organised conferences for the Na-
tional Europe Centre and the Australian National
Centre for Latin American Studies Project on European
Union Enlargement, and on Australian-Latin American
Department of Statistics and Econometrics
Dr O’NEILL, Associate Editor, Biometrics; Council
Member, Statistical Society of Australia, Canberra
Branch, and Central Council Delegate, Statistical Soci-
ety of Australia; consultant for the Department of
Health and Human Services, the Bureau of Transport
Economics and Victorian Department of Natural Re-
sources and Environment.
Professor NICHOLLS, member: Faculty Visiting
Committee, University of Wollongong; Accreditation
Marketing Committee and Honorary Life Membership
Committee of the Statistical Society of Australia; Vice
President of the Statistical Society of Australia; expert
witness for the National Competition Policy Commit-
tee Review of the ACT Taxi Industry; gave statistical
and/or financial advice for NSW Bureau of Crime Re-
search; Australian Science Festival; Minter Ellison;
Commonwealth Department of Industry; Science and

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