Denominations and Religious Institutions

Abingdon Presbyterian Church, PCA | Abington VA[[@Headword:C121]]

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Abingdon Presbyterian Church, PCA | Abington VA[[@Headword:C121]]

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Abingdon Presbyterian Church, PCA | Abington VA


Presbyterian Church in America



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Presbyterian Church in America

Westminster Presbytery


Source of creedal statement 28 January 2014

Our Beliefs

The Bible: The Bible is authoritative and relevant because it is the Word of God

God: There is only one true God, and He has revealed Himself to us in three persons; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Jesus Christ: Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man, the only Savior of sinners, and the Lord of the entire universe.

Man: Man was created in the image of God and for the purpose of fellowship with God.

Sin: Sin, which is basically rebellion against God, broke that fellowship, and affects every part of every person. God loves His creation, and sent Jesus to live and die and rise again in order to reconcile sinful people to Himself.

Forgiveness: Forgiveness of sin is a gift of grace alone, received by faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone.

Grace: The grace of God is the undeserved love that He has for a sinful and broken world. There is a distinction between common grace which is extended to everyone and saving grace which is only extended to those whom God planned to save from before the foundation of the world

Faith: Faith is the gift of God, and consists of a whole-being response to the exposure of our sin, along with the revelation that Jesus Christ alone can rescue us from genuine guilt and reconcile us with a holy God.

Repentance: Repentance is a turning away from sin with sorrow and turning to Jesus with hope. It is joined to faith and shows the reality of a new heart, not only at the first expression of trust in Jesus, but throughout the entirety of the Christian life.

The Gospel: The Gospel is both complex and simple. It includes the whole message of the Bible, but it can be summarized in three powerful words; God saves sinners. The full weight of this statement can only be understood over time, as the individual follower of Jesus realizes he is far more sinful than he ever realized, but also far more loved than he ever dared to hope.

Church: The church is the people of God, and all of His people are called to participate in the work of ministry. There are many parts, but all are equally important.

Worship: Worship is the response of sinful people to a God who reveals Himself as holy and forgiving. It is characterized by seriousness and joy, reverence and awe, conviction and comfort, silence and sound.

Discipleship: A disciple is a learner, and Jesus’ stipulation is that whoever wants to be His disciple must deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow Him. Jesus’ words demand total allegiance, and His life and sacrifice compel us to gladly offer what He requires.

Our Doctrinal Standards:Our doctrinal standards are the Westminster Confession of Faith, the Larger and Shorter Catechism. With the 16th Century Reformers, we believe that:
The Scripture Alone is our authority in faith and life
Salvation is not earned but comes by God’s Grace Alone
Our justification before God comes not by works but by Faith Alone
We are saved by the person and work of Christ Alone
And because of our salvation we desire that God Alone be Glorified

Westminster Confession of Faith

Westminster Larger Catechism

Westminster Shorter Catechism

5 solas

Abington Press | Nashville TN[[@Headword:C122]]

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Abington Press | Nashville TN


United Methodist



Roots to 1789 as The United Methodist Publishing House

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  • Cokesbury (retail division)


Source of creedal statement

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