Politics Disad – Jackson-Vanik

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AT: Magnitsky

Magnitsky amendment won’t affect overall relations—numerous discussions with Russia already

Associated Press, 6/27

(Associated Press, June 27, 2012, “Clinton worries about human rights in Russia, optimistic about overall US-Russian relations”, http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/clinton-optimistic-over-us-russian-relations-and-repeal-of-jackson-vanik-bill/2012/06/27/gJQAm7Pi6V_story.html)

HELSINKI — U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton says she’s optimistic that relations with Moscow will not suffer despite planned legislation in Congress that would impose tough sanctions on Russian human rights violators. She told reporters in Finland on Wednesday that the concerns could be expressed “without derailing the relationship (with Moscow) and that is what we are working with our Congress to do and we have every reason to believe we can accomplish that.” Following talks with Finnish Foreign Minister Erkki Tuomioja, Clinton told reporters that “we discussed this directly with President (Vladimir) Putin when I was with President Obama in Mexico. We made it very clear that, you know, we do have concerns about human rights in Russia.” “We are very keen in the administration for repealing the Jackson-Vanik bill because we want to open doors to greater trade and investment between our two countries,” the secretary said. “However there is great concern in our country, and in particular in our Congress over human rights in Russia,” she added, “and in particular the case of the lawyer Mr. Magnitsky, who died in prison.”

Magnitsky bill out of committee—Obama PC key to stop its passage

Astrasheuskaya 6/27

(Nastassia Astrasheuskaya reporter 06/27/12 http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/06/27/us-usa-russia-rights-idUSBRE85P1AR20120627)

(Reuters) - Moscow expressed outrage on Wednesday over a U.S. Senate panel's approval of a bill that would penalize Russian officials for human rights abuses, and warned Washington that adoption of the sanctions would force Russia to respond in kind. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee passed the "Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act," named after a Russian anti-corruption lawyer whose death in 2009 while in pre-trial detention drew widespread condemnation. Despite broad support in Congress, the bill's future remains uncertain, partly because the Obama administration is unenthusiastic about a measure that Russia says would be an unwarranted intrusion into its internal affairs. "The effect on our relations will be extremely negative," Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov was quoted by state news agency Itar-Tass as saying. "We are not only deeply sorry but outraged that - despite common sense and all signals Moscow has sent and keeps sending about the counterproductive nature of such steps - work on the 'Magnitsky law' continues." Ryabkov said adoption of the bill could undo improved ties between Moscow and Washington, part of a policy initiative by President Barack Obama to "reset" relations that were strained under his predecessor George W. Bush. "It appears American lawmakers want to break the positive trend in our relationship with such serious irritants," Ryabkov told Vesti-24 state television. "There is still time for the initiators of the Magnitsky law to again weigh the situation and ponder the consequences." EXPRESS CONCERNS, MAINTAIN RELATIONS U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton downplayed the risk to relations with Moscow. "We made it very clear that we do have concerns about human rights in Russia, and we have concerns in particular about this (Magnitsky) case," Clinton told reporters in Helsinki. "We think there is a way of expressing those concerns without derailing the relationship and that is what we are working with our Congress to do and we have every reason to believe we can accomplish that." The death in police custody of Magnitsky, a 37-year-old equity fund lawyer for Hermitage Capital in Moscow, scared investors and blackened Russia's image abroad. The Kremlin's own human rights council says he was probably beaten to death. The bill would deny visas and freeze the assets of Russians suspected of involvement in his death. Ryabkov reiterated Russia's threat to retaliate with "tough measures" if the bill is passed, in part by passing a tit-for-tat measure denying entry to U.S. citizens it believes are linked to human rights violations. "There will be a response," Ryabkov said. "There will be a symmetrical response, but there will also be a number of additional measures." President Vladimir Putin this month called Magnitsky's death a tragedy, but said Moscow would retaliate if the Magnitsky bill were passed. Mikhail Margelov, chairman of the Russian parliament's upper chamber's international relations committee, said a delegation of Russian lawmakers planned to travel to Washington to discuss the bill with their U.S. counterparts. "The U.S. political establishment still has a chance to turn around the situation if they do not support the bill at the plenary sessions of the House of Representatives and the Senate," Margelov told RIA news agency. "SOVIET-STYLE REACTION" Mikhail Kasyanov, a prime minister during Putin's first term who is now an opposition activist, said Moscow was over-reacting. "All those harsh reactions, that is some kind of Soviet-style reaction, not understanding how nations interact in the 21st century," Kasyanov said at a forum on the Magnitsky legislation in Washington. "That's why just, I'm a little bit disappointed that the government of my country behaves so unresponsibly and inappropriately," he said, speaking in English. Magnitsky was jailed in Russia in 2008 and was awaiting trial on charges of tax evasion and fraud. His colleagues say the charges were fabricated by police investigators whom he had accused of stealing $230 million from the state through fraudulent tax returns. Obama's administration says it understands concerns over rights abuses but that the bill is redundant as Washington has already imposed visa restrictions on some Russians thought to have been involved in Magnitsky's death. However, it has not disclosed their names.

Pass of Magnitsky won’t affect Russian ties

Rapsi 6/19

(Rapsi – Russian legal information agency 06/19/12 http://rapsinews.com/legislation_news/20120619/263491989.html)

If the"Magnitsky" bill is passed by the United States, it will not affect Russian business, Severstal head Alexei Mordashov says. The growing level of cooperation between our two countries strengthens political relations, Mordashov says. “The more mutual investments and economic links we have, the more sustainable political relations between the two countries will be. I don’t think we shall see any problems for Russian business,” Mordashov adds. "There is not any prejudice or negative attitude toward Russia in the United States," he stressed. Sergey Magnitsky, an attorney for the Hermitage Capital Management Fund, was charged with masterminding large-scale corporate tax evasion. He died in a Moscow pretrial detention center in November 2009 after spending a year behind bars. His death sparked a public outcry and triggered amendments to the Criminal Code and a reshuffling of officials in the penal system. Several parliaments, including the U.S. Senate, are considering visa sanctions against Russian officials accused of orchestrating Magnistky's prosecution. On Tuesday, the international committee of the U.S. Senate is expected to vote on a draft bill stipulating sanctions against those Russians allegedly involved in human rights violations in Russia.

Magnitsky won’t destroy relations—likely boosts chances of Jackson-Vanik repeal

AP 6/27

("Clinton worries about human rights in Russia, optimistic about overall US-Russia relations," www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/clinton-optimistic-over-us-russian-relations-and-repeal-of-jackson-vanik-bill/2012/06/27/gJQAm7Pi6V_story.html AD 6/29/12)

HELSINKI — U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton says she’s optimistic that relations with Moscow will not suffer despite planned legislation in Congress that would impose tough sanctions on Russian human rights violators. Clinton says she expects “something to move” on both the repeal of the Jackson-Vanik law and on Congress’ concerns about Russian human rights. She told reporters in Finland on Wednesday that the concerns could be expressed “without derailing the relationship (with Moscow) and that is what we are working with our Congress to do and we have every reason to believe we can accomplish that.The 1974 Jackson-Vanik Act tied trade with the then-Soviet Union to Moscow’s willingness to allow Jews and other minorities to leave the country. The repeal of Jackson-Vanik is necessary if U.S. businesses are to enjoy lower tariffs and increased access to Russian markets when Russia joins the World Trade Organization this summer. Following talks with Finnish Foreign Minister Erkki Tuomioja, Clinton told reporters that “we discussed this directly with President (Vladimir) Putin when I was with President Obama in Mexico. We made it very clear that, you know, we do have concerns about human rights in Russia.” A Senate panel in Washington moved forward Tuesday on a bill that would impose tough sanctions on Russian human rights violators, a measure certain to be linked to congressional efforts to lift the Cold War-era Jackson-Vanik trade restrictions. The Foreign Relations Committee of the Senate approved the measure that would impose visa bans and freeze the assets of those held responsible for gross human rights violations in Russia, as well as other human rights abusers. Specifically, it targets those allegedly involved in the imprisonment, torture and death of lawyer Sergei Magnitsky, who died in a Russian jail in 2009. Clinton said, “We think there is a way of expressing those concerns without derailing the relationship” with Moscow, and she added that is “what we are working with our Congress to do, and we have every reason to believe we can accomplish that.” “We are very keen in the administration for repealing the Jackson-Vanik bill because we want to open doors to greater trade and investment between our two countries,” the secretary said. “However there is great concern in our country, and in particular in our Congress over human rights in Russia,” she added, “and in particular the case of the lawyer Mr. Magnitsky, who died in prison.” “There’s a lot of interest in our Congress over a full, transparent investigation of the circumstances of his death in prison,” Clinton said. “And so our Congress, while they are being asked by the administration to repeal Jackson-Vanik, want to pass legislation that will require the United States government to take action against any persons who are connected with the death of Mr. Magnitsky.”

Magnitsky won’t affect relations- Clinton strives to smooth relations over

KTVL 6/27

(News Agency, 6/27/12, “Clinton optimistic over US-Russian relations”, http://ktvl.com/template/inews_wire/wires.international/2946309b-www.ktvl.com.shtml)

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton says she's optimistic that relations with Moscow will not suffer despite planned legislation in Congress that would impose tough sanctions on Russian human rights violators. Clinton says she expects "something to move" on both the repeal of the Jackson-Vanik law and on Congress' concerns about Russian human rights. She told reporters in Finland on Wednesday that the concerns could be expressed "without derailing the relationship (with Moscow) and that is what we are working with our Congress to do and we have every reason to believe we can accomplish that." The repeal of Jackson-Vanik is necessary if U.S. businesses are to enjoy lower tariffs and increased access to Russian markets when Russia joins the World Trade Organization this summer.

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