Short Stories in English for Beginners

Hurry !’ Susan, Carl, and Eric all touched the watch. Suddenly they were transported

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Short Stories In English for Beginners Book

Susan, Carl, and Eric all touched the watch. Suddenly they were
 to the Caribbean in the seventeenth century. The night turned
to day and they were in a pirate 
. The process was surprisingly easy.
Carl and Susan released the watch. Several pirates were looking at them.
One of them was a fit man with dark 
and long hair. He approached
Eric el Kraken.
‘Good morning, 
! You’re finally back!’ Then he looked at Carl
and Susan and added, ‘And you’ve brought 
Eric smiled. ‘Yes, Frank. I did,’ he answered. Then he turned to the other
pirates. ‘Listen up!’ he shouted. ‘These people here are …’ Eric el Kraken
paused. He looked at his guests and asked, ‘Ah … what are your names?’
‘Carl and Susan,’ they answered.
‘That’s right! Men! These people are Carl and Susan!’
The pirates didn’t pay much 
. Crazy things had often occurred
due to the watch.
‘Yes, Carl and Susan …,’ Eric continued with a strange smile. ‘And they
are going to help us. They will help us win today.’
This got the attention of the men. The pirates shouted happily.
‘Win?’ said Carl. ‘Win what?’
Eric turned to Carl and Susan. Then he turned back to his men. ‘You’re
going to help us win the battle, Carl and … uh … Susan.’
‘Battle?’ cried Susan. ‘What battle?’
‘The one against the English 
‘What? You didn’t say anything about that!’ she replied.
Eric el Kraken simply ignored them. ‘Back to work!’ he called to his
men. Then he and the pirate called Frank went to his 
. Carl and Susan
were left alone.

Carl and Susan stood and looked at the sea. It was filled with pirate ships.
A moment later, Frank returned. ‘I’m sorry,’ he said.
‘What? Why are you sorry?’ Susan asked.
‘Because Eric is crazy.’
Susan and Carl looked at each other. ‘Crazy?’ asked Carl.
‘Crazy,’ Frank paused and looked at them. ‘Completely.’
‘I see,’ replied Carl. ‘And why do you say that?’
‘Because he thinks he can use you.’
‘Use us?’
‘To stop the English ships. The English know about the watch. Their aim
is to get it at any price. They attack us every night. Eric must stop them. He
claims you can help.’
There were battle noises far away. The first ships were under attack. The
English were coming! ‘How does Kraken want us to help?’ asked Carl.
‘He claims you two know what will happen. You live in the future …’
‘No, no, no. We don’t know what’s going to happen. We don’t know
anything about this battle. We only know about the watch! And even that’s
just a legend!’
Frank looked down. ‘Eric will be 

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