Z. E. Azimova adu, Maktabgacha ta’lim fakulteti dekani, P. f d., dotsent

Gumanizatsiya quyidagilarni o’z ichiga qamrab olishi hart

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2020-21 ijtimоiy majmua янги

Gumanizatsiya quyidagilarni o’z ichiga qamrab olishi hart.

  • Nizomlilik sohasini (tarmog’ini) .

Tarbiyalash (oila maktabgacha, maktab, maktabdan tashqari) bolalar va o’spirinlar qiziqishiga bog’liq faoliyatga (qatnashishi) munosabatiga tegishli o'qish va attestatsiyadan utish keyin va talab qilingan javobgarchilik chegarasida faoliyatining asosiy sufreklariga yordam kursatishi mumkin bo’ladi.
Faoliyatning barcha asosiy sub’ektlarining bir maqsadligiga va qiziqishlarining yuqori darajada mos kelishi ikki vazifani ochishni talab qiladi. Bir tomondan bolalar va o’spirinlarni sotsializatsiya, reabilitatsiya, adaptatsiya buyicha mahaliy masalalarini kompleksli ochish uchun muassasalarining manfaatlarini integratsiyalash, ikkinchi tomonidan muassasalik tegishligini hokimchilik buysinuvchiligining vertikal bog’liqligini (bizmagan) yo’qotmagan holda saqlab qolish. Bu pedagogik faoliyatning boshlangich buginlarining xalq uchun kul faoliyatini ham yaqin bo’lishni ta’minlaydi.
Har xil olimlar u yoki bu prinsiplarni olg‘a suradi yoki yangidan ma’lumlarni izohlaydi. Bu borada ijtimoiy pedagogikada yanada ko‘p qiyinchiliklar yuzaga kelmoqda, ammo uning dunyoviy balog‘at yoshiga (100 yildan ortiq) qaramay O‘zbekistonda bu fan ‘ni o‘zining birinchi qadamlarini qo‘ymoqda.
Biz uchta prinsipni ko‘rib chiqyapmiz – tarbiyaning tabiatga uyg‘un bo‘lishi to‘g‘risidagi prinsip, tarbiyaning madaniy uyg‘un bo‘lishi prinsipi va gumanizm prinsipi. Shu prinsiplardan har biri ijtimoiy pedagogikada o‘zining talqiniga va o‘ziga xos xususiyatiga ega.

Training method (from the Greek "metodos") way of achieving the goal of education; pupils in thinking, feeling,s and behavior will impact methods. School practices, methods that pupils in thinking, feelings and behavior will impact methods.The creation of new methods of education is not the power of a single teacher. There is always the problem of improving the techniques to solve it each according to his trainer, the education process in accordance with the specific conditions of its richness of expression on the basis of common methods.Techniques, positive and negative, the way educational process highly efficient and effective assessment. The effectiveness of the techniques that can be assessed through the use of the exact circumstances. Teaching methods to select a number of factors.Goals and objectives of education. The aim of the training and techniques allow you to choose the right content. What is the purpose, then it must be in accordance with the methods of achieving it.The nature of the formation of the person on the content of the education and social needs. However, the same task can be filled with a variety of opinions. Therefore, the techniques are not generally content with is very important to connect with the idea.

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