The main trends of capitalization of human resources in the agricultural network

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Mamun akademiyasi аграр тармокда инсон капитали ingliz

UDC 338.43

Burkhanov Alisher Hadjimurodovich, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, Gulistan State University, Gulistan, Uzbekistan,, +998998870794
Article annotation (Abstract). This article is dedicated to the study of the main trends of capitalization of human resources in agriculture and changes in the labor market in Uzbekistan. The results of the study concluded that the reduction of jobs in agriculture is a natural and planned phenomenon in the context of the transition to global market relations, which in turn creates the need to train highly qualified personnel and talented specialists.
Key words: digitization, human resources, human capital, rural population, labor market, human capital, evaluation methods, agriculture.
Maqola annotatsiyasi (Abstract). Ushbu maqolada qishloq xoʻjaligida inson resurslarining kapitallashuvining asosiy tendensiyalari va Oʻzbekistonda mehnat bozoridagi oʻzgarishlarni oʻrganishga bag’ishlangan. Tadqiqot natijalari global bozor munosobatlariga oʻtish sharoitida qishloq xoʻjaligida ish oʻrinlarini qisqartirish tabiiy va rejalashtirilgan hodisa boʻlib, oʻz navbatida yuqori malakali kadrlar va iqtidorli mutaxassislar tayyorlash zaruriyatini keltirib chiqaradi, degan xulosaga kelindi.
Tayanch soʻzlar (Key words): raqamlashtirish, inson resurslari, inson kapitali, qishloq aholisi, mehnat bozori, inson kapitali, baholash usullari, qishloq xoʻjaligi.
Аннотация к статье (Аннотация). Данная статья посвящена изучению основных тенденций капитализации человеческих ресурсов в сельском хозяйстве и изменениям на рынке труда в Узбекистане. По результатам исследования сделан вывод о том, что сокращение рабочих мест в сельском хозяйстве является закономерным и планомерным явлением в условиях перехода к мировым рыночным отношениям, что в свою очередь создает потребность в подготовке высококвалифицированных кадров и талантливых специалистов.
Ключевые слова: цифровизация, человеческие ресурсы, человеческий капитал, сельское население, рынок труда, человеческий капитал, методы оценки, сельское хозяйство.
Introduction. The demand for modernization of agriculture in modern new Uzbekistan as the main source of food security of the country is growing every day. The priorities of socio-economic development of rural areas announced by the leadership of the country are directly related to the problem of human resources and human capital of agriculture as the most important sources of their implementation. In the 21st century, the main source and product of the modern economy is human capital. At no other historical stage in the development of economic relations was there such a strong competition for creative thinking, adaptable, highly qualified people. At the same time, the fight for such people will increase due to increased investments in technological development, increased labor productivity and increased production growth rates, while professions less prone to digitalization will be squeezed out of the labor market. The innovative development of the economy increases the role of the human factor in production. Continuous improvement of technology and equipment requires continuous professional training of employees. This requires constant investment in a person, encouragement to increase his work and creative activity. The quality of human resources comes from the concept of "human capital".

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