Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

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Humcat 1968-95

Source: Irene Granchi

Type: B


Location. Dakelia Cyprus

Date: September 1968

Time: 0300A

At a local army barracks, a sergeant was suddenly alerted by his Turkish wolfhound of something strange that was going to happen, the dog, seemed terrified and would not respond to none of his normal commands. The sergeant then became aware of a high-pitched whine. He opened the door to see what it was and was horrified to see a weird figure floating up the stairs. The figure was humanoid and very tall; it wore a blue tight fitting suit. Its face glowed orange, it had large round eyes, and it had red hair that was standing up in all directions. The being swiveled its head at an impossible angle and looked at the now terrified witness. The witness locked the door and sat on his bed trembling. The loud whine now increased as the dog became even more terrified. The witness then armed himself but eventually the whining sound ceased and the humanoid apparently left. Another soldier found him in shock later. The dog was useless as a guard dog after the incident.
HC addition # 570

Source: Jenny Randles, UFO Reality

Type: E


Location. Exuma Island, Bahamas

Date: September 1968

Time: night

Brothers Fred and Hezekiah while walking home one night, heard a "long, howling noise" and shortly afterwards saw "six dwarves sitting under a tree." No other information.
HC addendum

Source: Dr Michael Preisinger, FSR Vol. 43 # 4

Type: E


Location. Malaga, Spain

Date: September 1968

Time: night

In a dream like state, the main witness "Marivi" recalled looking out of her balcony and seeing three shiny disc shaped objects hovering over the area, in a triangular formation. She soon found herself in a wooded area standing in front of a tall human like blond haired being, wearing a tight fitting blue-metallic outfit. The being told the witness that she had a mission to perform in the future. "Marivi" apparently had this same encounter many times after that. She also recalled one night seeing several short humanoids in her bedroom.
HC addendum

Source: Josep Guijarro, Infiltrados

Type: E or G?


Location. Kempsey New South Wales, Australia

Date: September 1968

Time: night

As he slept in a hut near a sawmill, in a rural area, George Gray was grabbed by the throat by something that tried to choke him. The attacker was a small, "well built little man" covered with gray, bristly fur. He had a thick neck and thick legs. He was nearly impossible to hold on to because of his loose, slippery skin. Gray was able to get away.
HC addendum

Source: Jerome Clark

Type: E


Location. Preston Brook, England

Date: September 1968

Time: 2330

Several men were fishing at an old marina on the banks of the Mersey canal and were attempting to move some barges that were tied together when suddenly a huge creature swooped down from the Mersey estuary right at them. It was described as a huge winged bird like creature with a yellow neck and a hooked beak, it had a wingspan estimated at 12 feet long. It had ugly red shiny eyes and gave off a very strong foul odor. One of the men cocked the trigger on his rifle, but at the sound of the click the giant bird like creature vanished into thin air.
HC addition # 1588

Source: Peter Hough & Jenny Randles, Mysteries Of the Mersey Valley

Type: E

Mathematics is the Universal Language...

Location. Mendoza Argentina

Date: September 1 1968

Time: 0400A

Two casino workers, Juan Carlos Peccinetti and Fernando Jose Villegas, were driving home after work at 0330A when the engine of the car quit and the lights went out. Peccinetti was just getting out of the car when both men found themselves paralyzed, and face to face with three strange, 5-foot beings with unusually large heads, with bald pates, and wearing coveralls. Behind them was seen a circular or oval UFO 12 ft across and 5 ft high, hovering about 4 ft above the ground and directing a bright beam of light downward. When the entities came close, the witnesses heard a foreign-sounding voice repeating, "Do not fear." Then they were told; "We have just made 3 journeys around the sun, studying customs and languages of the inhabitants of the system...Mathematics is the universal language." Meanwhile, another of the entities, using a tool like a soldering iron, was making inscriptions on the doors, windshield, and running boards of the car. Next, the witnesses saw a circular TV-like screen, on which there appeared first a waterfall, then a mushroom-shaped cloud, and then the waterfall again, this time with no water. Finally the beings took hold of the witness's left hands and pricked their fingers 3 times, taking blood samples, after which they ascended to their machine along the light beam. There was an "explosive effect" and the object rose and disappeared. The witnesses ran to a nearby military college to report their experience. They later retracted their story, but there are indications that there was coercion; in fact, authorities in Mendoza quickly made the "spreading of UFO rumors" a criminal offense in Mendoza to discourage widespread rumors on this and other cases occurring about the same time.
Humcat 1968-64

Source: Charles Bowen, FSR Vol. 14 # 6

Type: C


Location. Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Date: September 7 1968

Time: unknown

A woman reported meeting a being wearing an "astronaut suit" which gave her a stone of a very strong and unique composition. After tests perform on the stone it was revealed that it had strong nickel content. It is hinted that the extraterrestrial also had sex with the witness. No other information.
HC addendum

Source: Jean Ferguson, "Enigmas of time present"

Type: E?


Location. Itaipu Beach, Rio de Janeiro Brazil

Date: September 9 1968

Time: unknown

A number of independent witnesses reported and described the close encounter of a UFO at a beach near Niteroi; it was a disc-shaped craft emitting orange light, and made several low-level passes over the beach before briefly landing. One witness, Professor Sohail Saud, said he saw occupants inside the object, who were wearing helmets. Others said the object hovered 10 meters above the water, emitting a soft hum and spinning on its axis.
Humcat 1968-65

Source: FSR Vol. 17 # 2

Type: A


Location. Pergamino Buenos Aires Argentina

Date: September 10 1968

Time: night

Going along National Highway # 8 J. Bautista Perazzo says that he caught sight of "the only UFO, which has molested the earth in these past years." Crewed by extraterrestrials beings, who contacted him and talked to him orally in perfect Castilian Spanish about his technical resources and their purpose on our planet. No other information.
Humcat 1968-96

Source: Carlos Banchs

Type: G?


Location. San Martin De Tous, Barcelona Spain

Date: September 11 1968

Time: 2345

Observing a dome shaped reddish orange yellow light illuminating pin trees on a hill, the witness stopped his car and approached. About 50 meters above the road he saw a domed object about 5 by 3 meters; he then saw 4 "8 shaped" entities or "objects" only 31" tall, giving off metallic reflections. They moved toward the object, apparently entering it; the UFO rose, giving off multicolored light and making a deafening noise. The duration was 8 minutes; at the site the witness found 3 marks 15-cm. deep, equidistant 2 meters apart.
Humcat 1968-66

Source: Antonio Ribera, FSR Special Bulletin # 4

Type: B?


Location. Drummondville Quebec Canada

Date: September 14 1968

Time: unknown

8 young people saw a "man" who walked like a robot. The next day, they saw a little man 4 ft tall, surrounded by a luminous glow, which disappeared, leaving in his place the "robot." At the site were found curious tracks, shaped like those of a cat with 6 toes. The little man "exhibited a fear of light."
Humcat 1968-97

Source: Humcat quoting newspaper source

Type: E


Location. Cauquenes Chile

Date: mid September 1968

Time: night

Peasants said they saw a man with arms like wings running in woods in the region, and six inhabitants of the village of Cauquenes claimed they saw a flying saucer take off nearby at great speed. Oscar Munoz, an income tax collector, told police how his car suddenly stopped at night on a road in the area and his lights went out. The car started again, he said, and its lights were switched on---apparently by remote control.
Humcat 1968-67

Source: Humcat quoting Reuters dispatch

Type: D


Location. Near Coatepec Mexico

Date: September 18 1968

Time: night

A cab driver slowed down to pick up a fare when he noticed that the figure was a black clad being with glowing hands and enormous cat like eyes which reflected the cab headlights. Terrified he drove away and encountered a fellow cabdriver who had also seen the creature. Both men took one of their vehicles and found a local journalist who then joined them in the search for the creature. They saw the being again this time standing on the road and holding on his glowing hands a crystal like wand that gave off a powerful light to painful to behold. The witness decided that they had enough and quickly left the area.
HC addition # 1941

Source: Scott Corrales, Samizdat Vol. 2 # 2

Type: E


Location. La Llagosta Barcelona Spain

Date: September 21 1968

Time: 0200A

An anonymous truck driver, on the Barcelona-Puigcerda road, saw an egg shaped object, standing on end; it was brightly lit, and near it he saw a small being. He did not stop but reported the incident at a service station near the village.
Humcat 1968-68

Source: FSR Special Bulletin # 4

Type: C


Location. Coaticook Quebec Canada

Date: September 21 1968

Time: 2130

Two young girls said they saw a "Martian" on the roof of the Coaticook High School. By 2000, a crowd of nearly 50 persons had assembled. Shirley Green said that at 2130 she saw "green face with no nose, mouth or hair," and that the man emitted intermittent sparks. In a field owned by a Mr. Boivin, grass was burned in a circle 42 ft in diameter; some tracks were found.
Humcat 1968-98

Source: Saucers Space & Science # 54

Type: E


Location. Gerona Spain

Date: September 22 1968

Time: early morning

An angler saw encounter about 100 meters from La Escala beach, two strange beings, that wore bright yellow clothing and had yellow faces. The being came out of the waters then disappeared. The angler, Juan Ballesto notified the Civil Guard who investigated the case. No other information.
HC addendum

Source: Fabio Picasso

Type: E


Location. Cedeira La Coruna Spain

Date: September 24 1968

Time: 2100

A 56-year old woman saw a bright light coming from Ponteiro; she later observed two tall men walking toward her on the road; "lights of changing color were visible on their faces." In fear, she ran to the nearest home. A sailor investigated, but found nothing; an investigator later found "a burned area, irregular but about 2 meters in diameter, at the site."
Humcat 1968-69

Source: FSR Special Bulletin # 4

Type: C?


Location. Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil

Date: September 27 1968

Time: 0300A

Henrique Schneider witnessed the landing of a conical machine, which temporarily paralyzed him. He then conversed during 10 minutes telepathically with.... a kind of metallic "plate" that protruded from the machine through a duct. The answers provided to his questions were short and stereotyped. A strong smell of burning oil was found at the landing spot also imprints of a tripod like landing gear. At the interior of the triangular shaped mark nothing grew for 3 years.
HC addendum

Source: J Scornaux & Chris Piens, "Research into the UFO"

Type: F?


Location. Roncenay Aude France

Date: September 30 1968

Time: 0300A

Guy Lemargue, 16, was walking with a friend on a small country road when they saw, about 150 yards away, a disc shaped red orange luminous UFO, about 50 ft in diameter and 4 ft in height, resting on legs. It had a row of portholes all around the edge. Beside it, several luminous entities of small stature were "maneuvering" with very strong lights sources in their hands, which they shone on the ground. They walked 2 ft above the ground, and sometimes made sudden gliding leaps of 100 yards. One approached within 15 ft of the boys, and they could see that his hands were pincers or crab-claw-like. Realizing that he must have detected their presence, they ran away.
Humcat 1968-99

Source: Luc Billion & Raoul Foin LDLN

Type: C


Location. Lins Sao Paolo Brazil

Date: early October 1968

Time: night

Hospital patient Leoncio Nunes saw from his window an object hovering 5 ft above the ground about 150 yards away over the hospital grounds. It emitted yellow, green, and red light and bore a transparent cupola, "striated like a wastebasket." The cabin had a light about a yard in diameter, underneath it were 3 people dressed in white clothing, who seemed to move slowly. After a few minutes the light went out, leaving only a big headlight; then this, too, was extinguished.
Humcat 1968-71

Source: FSR Case Histories # 4

Type: C


Location. Mar Del Plata Buenos Aires Argentina

Date: October 1968

Time: 0300A

Driving along National Highway # 2 toward Mar del Plata, Ignacio Papaleo states that he suffered a sudden stoppage of the little truck, which he was driving. When he got out to investigate the reason for this breakdown, an incandescent object located only a few meters from his head surprised him, and he was paralyzed. A few seconds later the craft let down a little ladder, on which a little individual came down, who invited him to come up into the UFO by means of gesture, and then using the spoken language. His purpose was to find out whether he would be able to reproduce himself in this atmosphere. Then the little man led him up the ladder, and there he lost consciousness, coming to his senses later to find himself seated in his truck, with the marks of numerous punctures on his left forearm.
Humcat 1968-100

Source: Roberto Banchs

Type: G


Location. Ghent, East Flanders, Belgium

Date: October 1968

Time: 0400A

Andre Kesteleyn was at a bus top waiting to go to work when he heard a whistle, which grew louder and louder. At first he thought it was a jet but when he looked up he saw a UFO. It was saucer shaped with a dome with illuminated portholes on top. The UFO was traveling at very high speed above the treetops. For a split second the UFO stopped in front of the witness. The object was very close and the witness hoped to see its occupants inside the portholes but saw no movement there. The bus arrived and the witness left. Since this observation, Andre has never experienced disease, not even a cold. He only told this story in 1996.
HC addendum

Source: "Steekkrant Gent Algemeen, October 29 1996

Type: F Beneficial aftereffects reported after UFO encounter.

High Strangeness Index: "8"

ROS: "7"

Comments: I felt I should include this report because of its high strangeness context and the effects reported by the witness.


Location. Coventry Warwick England

Date: October 1968

Time: evening

Brian Leathley Andrew, a "UFO investigator," was returning home in the evening by himself. "Suddenly I noticed a man standing by the next door garage. Nobody had been there before. His face was glowing orange and as I watched, the face changed to that of an old man before my eyes." You could not describe the first face in normal terms. It had eyes, nose, and mouth in the proper places but not of the shape that we associate with the human figure." The entity soon vanished, and the witness began to experience problems with his telephone. "Every time I tried to speak to someone on this subject, the phone went dead. Since I have given up UFO investigations, I do not have any trouble."
Humcat 1968-29

Source: John Keel, Strange Creatures

Type: E


Location. Galesburg Illinois

Date: October 1968

Time: night

The same couple of a previous encounter saw a "giant winged being" that flew directly over them. The couple noticed that this particular creature appeared to have some sort of difficulty with its right wing, which was kept rigid and several degrees below the left one. (It had a 15 to 20 foot wingspan). The flying creature appeared to take notice of the two humans, and fixed its gaze on them as it flew away. The frightened witnesses went inside the house for the rest of the evening.
HC addition # 2107

Source: Scott Corrales, Unsolved UFO Sightings Fall 1995

Type: E


Location. Lins Sao Paolo Brazil

Date: October 2 1968

Time: 0620A

While oiling his bulldozer's engine, Doribio Pereira saw, only a few feet away, a cigar shaped craft of golden color, hovering a foot or so above the ground. Then he saw, on a platform that extended from the base of the object, a person who drew from his sleeve a weapon resembling an electric drill, which he pointed at the witness; it emitted a bright flash and Pereira found himself paralyzed. He could see, however, that inside the cigar, which had a "glass roof," there was a man using both hands on a sort of typewriter; below, on the extended platform outside the object, he saw 3 men standing. One of these was taking soil samples with a "conch shaped object." Then the craft flashed a very vivid light 3 times, the platform now retracted, and under the cigar appeared "something like an electric polisher, rotating at high speed." It then took off with a slight sound. The men were lean, about 5'5" tall, and dressed in blue knee length robes, hoods, and brown sandals with cross garters to the knees. Pereira, in a state of near shock, was given a lift to his home; from there he reported to the Town Council offices; because of his nervous condition, he was sent to a medical examination, upon which Dr Antonio Geris found entirely normal. Officials of the Brazilian Air Force later subjected him to an intense interrogation.
Humcat 1968-70

Source: Gordon Creighton, FSR Vol. 15 # 1

Type: A & C


Location. Manchester Lancashire England

Date: October 5 1968

Time: early morning

After retiring at 2300, Miss Z, 20, was awakened "in the early hours of the morning" by a "strange feeling." Looking around the room she saw nothing unusual, but then heard a "high-pitched whirring sound." She went back to sleep but was again awakened; this time she found that she was unable to move and, after several moments, again heard the same "whirring sound." Looking straight ahead, she saw three figures facing her, each wearing shiny silvery suits. She found that she was again able to move as two of the figures approached her. Their faces had no recognizable features but were covered with "lumps." After standing next to her for several minutes, the two figures walked to a "bell shaped" craft in the corner of the room; they walked up what appeared to be a flight of steps and "disappeared" into the object; followed by the third entity, who had remained in his original position. The object had a faint glow, but Miss Z could see no door through which they entered; they simply walked into the side and disappeared "by getting smaller." There was no way in which an object of that dimension could have fit into the room. It disappeared by moving upward through the ceiling while rapidly rotating. The figures were of normal height; she could recall no specific details regarding arms and legs but was sure they were of general humanoid shape. Around the same time, the percipient's father had two remarkable experiences both around the time when he was waking up. On one occasion he saw a large number of tiny storybook dwarfs with strange, patchy, faces, running about the room, riding tiny horses. On another occasion there were about a dozen figures, wearing glittery silvery suits. These were quite different from the figures described by his daughter, being normal-looking human figures and the suits were of a normal style, resembling glitter suits worn by show business personalities.
Humcat 1968-109

Source: Peter Rogerson & John Rimmer for Mufob

Type: B?


Location. Nunda, South Dakota

Date: October 5 1968

Time: 2130

A man returning home from working in a farm watched what at first looked like a bright star in the southeastern sky. The light then grew in size rapidly and appeared to be coming at him on a perpendicular trajectory. Then it was very close to him as he was driving over a hill about two miles from his home. It was huge and hovered over a nearby swamp. He stopped the car and, got out and studied the craft, which was about 800 yards away. It was saucer shaped emitting a very bright pinkish red light. He could see what looked like bars connecting the two saucer shapes together. In between the bars were windows and he could see figures inside looking at him. This terrified him and he got back into his car and sped off for home. The craft kept up with the car and stayed about 1/4 mile to his left. At one point the craft went over him and flew away at high speed.
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