Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

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HC addition # 2350

Source: UFO Afrinews # 7, January 1993

Type: G


Location. Morgantown West Virginia

Date: 1969

Time: night

The young witness was playing in the kitchen and was hiding under a table when she happened to look at the doorway. At the doorway stood a five-foot tall hairy figure, with long hair, wearing a blue shirt and what appeared to be a skirt. The creature had a large nose and long fangs. The witness screamed and ran to get the others, however the creature had already vanished.
HC addition # 1950

Source: Bob Teets, West Virginia UFO’s, Close Encounters in the Mountain State

Type: E


Location. Near Penrith New South Wales, Australia

Date: 1969

Time: night

Several men noticed a huge ball of fire, appear in a paddock some 100 meters from their location. Suddenly the fire went out and a row of lights flickered on and they then saw a huge disc shaped object. Several windows could be seen and through them several human shaped beings could be seen moving around. After a few minutes the object rose and left.
HC addition # 1310

Source: Keith Basterfield

Type: A


Location. Crewe, England

Date: 1969

Time: night

9-year old Mark was walking along the wide pavement street when he saw some strange characters coming toward him. He saw three of them and they were somewhat taller than normal humans. As they approached, he was stunned to see that they were dressed as men in suits, but had very large dog-like heads. These heads swayed widely from side to side as the creatures walked. Mark was absolutely terrified as they approached, but they seemed not to notice him and he passed by them safely. Terrified he ran all the way home.
HC addendum

Source: Fortean Times

Type: E


Location. Tres Lagoas, Matto Grosso do Sul, Brazil

Date: 1969

Time: night

One night Nadia Marzalle was lying on her bed when a bright light and a strange noise invaded the room. She went outside and saw a UFO floating above the ground. Suddenly she felt herself “sucked” inside the object. Once inside he saw a humanoid similar to a human and next to him two other younger men, with brown hair and taller than the witness. They wore white coveralls and spoke in an unknown language, which the witness could not understand. They sat him on a metallic and cold chair. Looking out a porthole like opening he was able to see that they were flying over a world, which had houses that lacked roofs. The craft then floated above some woods under a star-filled sky. The craft never did land and after drinking a sour tasting liquid he was returned to earth.
HC addendum

Source: Pablo Villarrubia, & Mario Rangel

Type: G


Location. Durban South Africa

Date: 1969

Time: late night

The witness was sitting up in bed as she was having difficulty in falling asleep. She suddenly noticed that the wardrobe seemed to be fading into the wall. A long dark tunnel now appeared, shaped like a cone. There was a small light at the end that appeared to be getting larger. A tall man suddenly stepped out of the tunnel. He was wearing a greenish jacket and pants and knee high black boots; he also wore a thick black belt. He had huge eyes and close cropped brown hair, his ears were pointy, and his mouth was a straight line. The witness felt a mental command telling her to come, next thing she knew she was being dragged down a bright tunnel. She ended up in a bright room with a high narrow table with white sheets. The room was cold and had a strange smell. She then blacked out and does not know what happened next.
HC addition # 1117

Source: Cynthia Hind, UFO Afrinews July 1988

Type: G


Location. Dayton Ohio

Date: 1969

Time: late night

As the witness husband and children slept, she saw two small entities enter through some close patio doors and into the living room. The humanoids were very pale, had large hairless heads, huge black wrap around eyes and long skinny arms and thin legs. They wore skintight metallic suits made out of a silvery material. They seemed kind and gentle. They communicated by telepathy with the witness and invited her to follow them. She was then taken into a large laboratory type room inside an object. The walls appeared to be lined with computer like machines. In the center of the room there was a large solid white rectangular block resembling marble. She was made to lie on the table and suddenly found herself floating just above it. She does not recall what happened next.
HC addition # 556

Source: Tom Dongo, Alien Tide

Type: G


Location. Adelaide South Australia

Date: 1969

Time: late night

The witness had gone to sleep on her sister’s bed when she suddenly felt warm and heard a high-pitched ringing sound coming from the hallway. Several beings then entered the room and were somewhat confused when they noticed she was not in her bed. Soon they located her. The beings were all short except for one taller one who seemed to be the leader. The smaller beings were described as being about four-foot tall with large hairless heads, large dark colored eyes and wearing tight fitting flesh colored clothing. They also had webbing between their fingers. The tall being was about seven-foot tall of moderate built, he wore a light suit with a cape and hood over the head, he had a normal nose and seemed to avoid the light and communicated with the small beings by hand signals and possible telepathy. The witness was levitated from her bed and given a small sphere of light. The beings then surrounded her and all then walked through the wall and to the yard. She was then levitated up into the sky into a bright light. She found herself in a room, the bright sphere was then taken form her and she was made to sit on a chair. The chair then became horizontal and the tall being conducted a medical examination on her, including a vaginal probe. Another tall being then entered the room. She lost consciousness then later woke up bathed in a green light surrounded by the small beings. She was shown a screen with scenes of earthy disasters and was later returned home.
HC addition # 1231

Source: Keith Basterfield, IUR Vol. 16 # 2

Type: G


Location. Adelaide, South Australia

Date: 1969

Time: night

The eleven year old witness, Susan, was abducted from her bedroom by one tall entity, and a group of small, entities that entered the room via the bedroom door. The smaller beings were some 120cm tall, with large baldheads. They had large eye sockets, no visible pupils, with dark blue or black eyes, and a slit mouth, and a small nose. The taller being seemed to be in command and was 210cm tall. She was levitated off the bed and taken to a circular “room” where she received a medical examination whilst lying on a metal table. The next conscious recollection was of waking up in her own bed. The witness also recounts numerous lifelong episodes of such things as poltergeist activity, the sense of a presence in one house she lived in, being told she levitated whilst asleep, seeing objects such as children’s tricycles moving by themselves, experiencing apparitions, precognitive visions, telepathy and spirit photographs. There are also claims of unusual implants in her face; X-rays were taken by dentists of these. One shows an apparent anomaly, whilst a second more detailed one shows nothing present.
HC addendum

Source: Keith Basterfield, UFORSA

Type: G

Comments: I am not sure if this summary is a garbled version of the previous case, there are many differences including the description of the humanoids.


Location. Orland Maine

Date: 1969

Time: late night

Diana Deans and her 8-year old friend were sleeping in the living room late that night when both suddenly woke up at the same time. Diana looked out the window, and under the bright, full moon, she saw a caped, hooded figure, gliding up the road. Her friend saw the figure too. As they both watched the entity began to come up the driveway and the girls became frightened. They went to the kitchen and looked out the window there. The bizarre apparition was getting closer to the house. They hid below the kitchen window. After a few minutes they stood up to see if it was gone but it was still there. They described seeing a hood. Inside the hood was total blackness. They could see no face, eyes or any features, just total blackness. The girls ran back to the living room and hid under the blankets for some time.
HC addendum

Source: Mark Chorvinsky, March 1992

Type: E


Location. The Moorfields, Stoke Alder-Moor, England

Date: 1969

Time: late night

David Rogers suddenly woke in the middle of the night and saw a bright object outside. He saw two aliens, both human looking with blond shoulder length hair and wearing one-piece silvery suits. One of the figures appeared to be a female. The male figure informed him that they had inserted information into his mind that would be retrieved at a later date. He has since experienced several other UFO sightings.
HC addendum

Source: FS UFO Dimensions

Type: C


Location. Missouri, exact location not given

Date: 1969

Time: late night

7-year old Jenny K found herself paralyzed in her bed. Then small beings (not described) penetrated the room through the panes of the closed window. They took the young girl by her arms and proceeded to take her through the closed window. As she floated up into the sky she noticed that she was approaching an enormous hovering mass. She also saw her younger brother, Mark, also being transported by the short creatures. No other information. The witness was to have further “contacts”.
HC addendum

Source: Jean Sider, “UFOs, Uncovered Invaders”

Type: G


Location. Mt. View, California

Date: 1969

Time: late night

One night a hum and a thumping sound in her bedroom awakened the witness. On opening her eyes she saw very bright balls of light in the corridor at the entrance to her bedroom. The light was so bright that there were no shadows and her surroundings were almost bleached white. Remarkably her eyes, adjusted instantaneously. As the balls of light disappeared a loud electrical popping sound was heard and three dark gray figures appeared in their place. One of the gray figures stood out as the leader and has remained an integral part of the witness experiences. She was then taken onboard a craft and was immediately escorted and placed into a chamber where her physical body was subjected to a vibration that increased in intensity until it felt like every molecule in her body exploded. After this she experienced total euphoria. It was her understanding that this procedure was necessary to change her physical configuration to accommodate either the great speed they were traveling or to exist in a similar physical reality, but in a different dimension as the “aliens”. She was told she could not remain in this state for a long time without damage to her physical body. Her next memory was of waking up in her bed the next morning. Soon after this incident the witness’s canary died unexpectedly and the caged was temporarily placed in the laundry room, along with the dead bird. As the young witness entered the laundry room one night she saw standing next to the washing machine a very dark gray bird-like being with large black slanted eyes and an enormous head. She felt she was seeing something she shouldn’t have. The being was holding the bird in his hands and was studying very intently. He passed the bird from hand to hand while studying the small creature. The being seemed quite aware of the witness presence and turned his head toward her as they made eye contact. Immediately after, the witness was filled with a sense of terrible grief and a feeling of great loss and extreme pain. The feeling suddenly ended as the witness approached the short gray figure and placed her hands upon his upper arm as a form of comfort. Immediately she felt a kind of flutter in her hands and a ball of light appeared in his place. It rose up to the ceiling and moved up over her head making a whirling, humming sound. It then flashed and vanished. Apparently as a result of the previous visitation in the witness bedroom, the canary had died.
HC addendum

Source: Doreen Imper, 1995

Type: E or F?


Location. Pirassununga Brazil

Date: January 1969

Time: unknown

A large circular object descended slowly and landed on the grass near some farm animals. Three men wearing white uniforms and helmets emerged from the craft. One carried an object resembling a pair of binoculars, the second a large bright “lantern”, and the third carried some type of cartridge. There was a red luminous light source on top of the object. The object later took off at high speed.
HC addition # 1005

Source: J Antonio Huneeus, Fate December 1993 Quoting SIOANI Brazil

Type: B


Location. Uruapan, Mexico

Date: January 1969

Time: afternoon

Seven-year-old Maria Del Carmen Ocampo was strolling in the woods when she observed a being materialize in front of her. The being was described as a beautiful female wearing a shiny dress that identified herself as the “Virgin of Guadalupe.” The girl was sick for several days after the encounter.
HC addition # 3538

Source: Keel, Operation Trojan Horse

Type: E?


Location. Domback, Angermanland Sweden

Date: January 1969

Time: evening

Gottfried Olsson was looking out the window of his home when he saw a strange humanoid standing on the side of the road. It appeared to be as big as a human and lighted. It was about the length and width as an ordinary human, having the shoulder part clearly marked, so was his lower part, somewhat like a box. Its head had dim contours and appeared hazy. It stood perfectly still for about 3 minutes radiating a strong red/white light except for a vertical blue line on the middle. Suddenly there was a brilliant flash and the figure disappeared.
HC addition # 2314

Source: John Magor, Aliens Above Always

Type: E


Location. Gines-Sevilla Spain

Date: January 1969

time: night

Two reputable bank officials, in a car, saw a strange creature, about 10-feet tall, green in color, and with two protruding antennas on the head area walking alongside of the road on the embankment. They “suffered a nervous shock” and would not talk about the incident. No other information.
Humcat 1969-1

Source: Jose Darnaude

Type: E


Location. Whangamata New Zealand

Date: January 1969

Time: 2200

A man and his wife were strolling on the beach, when suddenly they felt an uncanny silence and a strange oppressive feeling. Then 4-6 tall figures floated down some nearby sand hills and approached them. The figures were dressed completely in black, with no visible face, arms, or feet. Then a large dark gray balloon like object appeared nearby, it had a flat bottom. Both witnesses turned and ran.
HC addition # 216

Source: Keith Basterfield, Mufon UFO Journal # 177

Type: C


Location. Near Haymarket Virginia

Date: January 1969

Time: night

Four men were in a farm when they heard a peculiar rushing sound coming from near a small lake. Grabbing flashlights they set out to investigate taking a couple of dogs with them. Suddenly the dogs howled and ran away. The men then noticed standing by a tree a huge dark man like figure with wing like protrusions and large red orange eyes. The men fled the area in their vehicle.
HC addition # 1252

Source: John Keel, Fate November 1992

Type: E


Location. Los Alisos Jujuy Argentina

Date: January 1969

Time: late night

A farmer felt a powerful odor apparently emanating from outside, going outside to investigate he came upon two short green skinned humanoids with large luminous eyes.

The two beings were gesticulating and were walking towards the witness. The frightened witness ran inside and locked the door.
HC addition # 1322

Source: Hector P Anganuzzi, Historia de Los Platos Voladores en Argentina

Type: E


Location. Edina Missouri

Date: early January 1969

Time: night

Adeline Davis had been asleep when she suddenly found herself sitting up in bed; looking out the window. Outside, about 6 feet away, she saw a curious object, shaped like two deep bowls put together rim-to-rim but separated in the connecting mid-section by a band of windows; the object was resting on 3 legs, and its color was dark, olive green. The window directly facing her was lit up, and inside was visible an occupant, apparently working on something below the level of the window. Mrs Davis pinched her arm to be sure she was not dreaming, and went to bathe her face in water. The figure looked up and, apparently seeing the witness, showed surprise; then he reached up for something and the object began backing away slowly from the house, just above the ground. From its bottom projected a “bent” white beam of light. The object then moved out of Mrs Davis’s view around the corner of the house. In the morning the electrical clocks were all 20 minutes slow; her neighbors apparently had no such power failure in their homes.
Humcat 1969-2

Source: Ted Phillips for Apro

Type: A


Location. Near Haltwhistle, Northumberland, England

Date: January 5 1969

Time: noon

On December 29 1968 the witness, Mr. D Robson, (a National Trust) employee was on patrol along the Roman wall, which is near the town and was sitting at the top of Whinshiels Crags listening to the radio when he glanced up at a sparrow-hawk which was hovering above him, and in a break in the clouds there appeared a silvery disc, which was coming down very fast but with no noise. It was spinning very fast, trailing smoke. At first he thought it was a plane but when it was at about 1000ft from the ground it leveled off and went away to the north. He must have followed it for about 12 miles when it suddenly just nose dived out of sight. The witness decided to go and looked for the object the next Saturday (January 5). After covering about 10 miles he discovered the object in a piece of marshy ground between two hills. It was a silver disc-shaped object that was sticking out of the bog, half in. He hurried down to where it was and discovered that the object must have been around 100ft in diameter. It resembled a huge spinning top. He noticed an open doorway, which was open so he walked in. Inside he encountered a “fantastic” sight, all the walls were a mass of equipment. Everything appeared to be working, lights flashing and weird noises, but not a sign of life. As he walked back to the door he noticed the door was half submerged in the bog. The object was sinking se he jumped out. He thought it was going to disappear but it stopped, leaving about 2 ft sticking out of the marsh. He was disappointed that he had not managed to pick anything up before it went under. Later after being interviewed by the police, the witness admitted that he had made the whole story up, that he had only seen the UFO in flight. (Why did the witness made the story up in the first place?).
HC addendum

Source: Andy Roberts

Type: H. I chose to include this story for correlation purposes and other factors. (ASR).


Location. Pontejos Santander Spain

Date: January 6 1969

Time: 2115

Maren Merino was working in the kitchen of a small café owned by her family when she looked out the kitchen window and sees an intense brilliance but originally does not give it any importance. Her daughter, 25-year old Felicidad Fernandez Merino then enters the kitchen and also looks out the window and observes the light. Felicidad asks her mother about the light, but this one continues to ignore the light, thinking that it was something abnormal she yells out to two other women, including a woman called Paquita. All three women then open the window and observe an incredible scene, on a field about 30 meters in distance, hovering about 3 meters from the ground they see a luminous square of four to five meters wide, intensely illuminated with a light of orange-white color. Inside the luminous square they see the silhouette of man walking about. Suddenly from the right another similar figure appears and both walk towards the left side of the luminous square. Then from the opposite of the square three more squares appear, thus making a total of five figures within the luminous square. By now the witnesses are totally fascinated and cry out to the beings, they are now joined by another witness, 35-year old Antonio. At this moment Antonio looks out the window and the craft disappears from sight. According to the witnesses the movements of the humanoids was somehow mechanical, with arms straight on their sides without any apparent joint movement. The beings were tall and very well built, with normal features, chestnut-color hair and light skin. They wore something similar to dark or black, very tight-fitting coveralls with sleeves and turtlenecks. The incident lasted for about 5 minutes. Suddenly as the witnesses look for the object a small shiny sphere descended from the middle of the air falling to the soil in a curvilinear trajectory, the body of the UFO also became visible clearly displaying the shiny square section and the section of the object hat had remained invisible to the witnesses thus far, it was an ash-silver color, lightly fluorescent half spherical cupola. The object then rose slowly and disappeared very quickly leaving behind a brilliant greenish track that persisted for about 15 minutes after the object left.
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