Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

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Humcat 1968-80

Source: Rafael Llamas & Vicente Ballester Olmos

Type: D


Location. Near Pirassununga Sao Paulo Brazil

Date: November 19 1968

Time: 2300

Four college students identified only as Jaime, Luis, Walter, & Osmar were driving to Pirassununga when they encountered a light in the sky, which approached to within 30-40 yards of the car and caused its engine to fail. After 5-10 minutes the light went on ahead of them, appearing as a bluish luminous disc about a yard in diameter. The car would now run, but would not develop any speed. After they had passed the luminous object it began to behave normally. Then they almost ran down a man in the road with his right arm extended, as though asking for a lift. 3 more men were standing beside the road; like the first, they were all tall, and dressed in light blue diving suits. They drove past them.
Humcat 1968-105

Source: SBEDV

Type: C?


Location. Tingo Maria Peru

Date: November 20 1968

Time: unknown

It was reported that in a jungle area a large disc shaped object descended and came to rest on the ground near three boys that were playing in a nearby field. Curious they approached the object and noticed two short figures standing next to it. One of the boys attempted to get nearer the object but he suddenly went unconscious. The two short beings signaled the other two boys to approach and to retrieve their fallen friend, which they did. The child was supposedly taken to a local hospital where he died suffering from third degree burns. On the site an area of scorched brush was found. No other information.
HC addendum

Source: Fabio Picasso

Type: C


Location. Hanbury Hednesford England

Date: November 20 1968

Time: 1730

Driving home at twilight, Mr. And Mrs Milin Milakovic and their 11-year old son Slavic saw many rabbits bounding across the road from left to right; suddenly, as if the lights had been turned on, they saw a brilliantly lit object rising up from the field to their left, and pass over their car, now stopped, toward a house on the right side of the road about 100 yards distant. They got out of the car to watch as the UFO hovered over the house. It was dish shaped and dark underneath, with a transparent dome on top illuminated by white, amber, and green lights. Inside this dome several silhouetted figures could be seen walking about and occasionally bending down. The figures were human like in appearance. After about 5 minutes the object began to rise and move away with jerky movements, the lights becoming so intense as to hurt the eyes; the witness drove away before the object had vanished.
Humcat 1968-81

Source: W Daniels & N M H Turner, FSR Vol. 15 # 1

Type: A


Location. Urubupunga, Brazil

Date: November 21 1968

Time: night

Two robot-like humanoids wearing tight-fitting vests and with large penetrating eyes were encountered by a night watchman at the local electrical plant. The humanoids spoke in an "electronic" sounding voice.
HC addendum

Source: Revista Brasileira Ovni

Type: E


Location. Macedo Sao Paolo Brazil

Date: November 21 1968

Time: 2130

The primary witness was on a bus that stopped for a while at Macedo; there she saw, about 40 yards away, a domed metallic UFO the size of a small car, hovering only a few feet above the ground. Around the rim a row of changing lights gave the impression of spinning, and beneath it a patch of violet light was cast to the ground. A door in the object was open, with 3 steps below it, and standing in front of the UFO were 3 6-foot tall figures of human appearance, wearing skin-tight shiny black coveralls, and shiny black boots. The suits were one-piece, covering the heads, so that only the face was left exposed. One of the men was carrying a cylindrical implement 2 ft long and 3" thick, with a thinner tube of aluminum like material coiled in a spiral around it. Facing the beings was a crowd of about 20 people including 3 police officers, who had their guns drawn; two police cars were parked nearby. After a short time a beam of silver light shot forth from the cylinder and the people closest to the beings were paralyzed; others felt as if in a faint. The men walked calmly back to the object, which they boarded; the craft then took off and rapidly climbed out of sight. The incident had lasted about 15 minutes.
Humcat 1968-82

Source: Dr Walter Buhler

Type: B


Location. Curico Chile

Date: November 25 1968

Time: 2030

At sunset Alejandro Gonzalez Reyes, 34, went out of his house to seek his wife. Then, 230 ft away, he saw a metallic object; descend from the sky to an altitude of 150 ft. About 6 ft in diameter and 5 ft high, it was shaped like two dishes put together, with a Y-shaped antenna on top, and had four legs about 3 ft long. The object shone like aluminum. It descended diagonally to the ground or just above it. Three well proportioned beings of human appearance about 2 1/2 ft tall got out of it through a door and started to walk about. One held an unlighted flashlight; another scratched at the ground with his hand, and the third some sort of "instrument." On hearing a truck approaching, the 3 humanoids rapidly returned to the craft---the 3rd seemed to have some difficulty in getting back in---and it began to rock back and forth in "falling leaf" fashion, then took off suddenly at very high speed. The observation had lasted 2 or 3 minutes. No traces were left.
Humcat 1968-107

Source: Elena Marino, LDLN # 117

Type: B


Location. Lima Peru

Date: November 28 1968

Time: night

Students from the local Recoleta de Montevideo school reported encountering a strange short humanoid with an egg shaped head, and a blinking light on the chest area and what appeared to be a long antenna like protrusion on his back. It appeared to have duck-like feet, and it was shorter than a 7-year old boy. A priest and a teacher also reported seeing the creature.
HC addendum

Source: Fabio Picasso

Type: E


Location. Deltox Marsh Wisconsin

Date: November 30 1968

Time: night

Twelve hunters saw a short, dark brown haired, hairless-face creature that left three toed, webbed tracks in the snow, as it passed in front of them. They were afraid to shoot at it because it looked too human like.
HC addition # 3059

Source: Loren Coleman

Type: E


Location. North Ridgeville, Lorain County, Ohio

Date: December 1968

Time: afternoon

A young witness spotted several large pterodactyls like creatures flying over the area. The creatures apparently descended and got closer to the witness who hid behind some bushes. He counted about 7 to 9 such creatures, described as having only skin, no feathers, and were very silent. They flew away from the area.
HC addendum

Source: GCBRO

Type: E


Location. South Bend, Indiana

Date: December 1968 Time: afternoon

Mrs. Mary Block saw a silvery flying object maneuvering over the area, then several days later, answered a knock on her door. Her caller had a deathly-white face, which had absolutely no lines and no expression. The figure wore all-black clothing and wore a black hat. The stranger got straight to the point. She and her children were not to mention to anybody what they had seen. He left riding in the back seat of a big black car whose windows were heavily tinted. Mrs. Block was so terrified that she did not report this experience until 17 years had gone by.
HC addendum

Source: Don Worley

Type: E


Location. Idaho, exact location not given

Date: December 1968

Time: night

Hearing a commotion in his barn, Lonnie Duggan rushed out and discovered "a strange looking little man, covered with fur like hair" who was drawing blood samples from his horse's flank with a large syringe like implement. The figure was 4 ft tall, had large eyes and a very high, bald forehead, and wore a snug fitting 2-piece suit. Speaking in a mechanical sounding voice, "like a computer," the being said he was from a planet of Tua Ceti, and that his people had been visiting earth for a hundred years. Suddenly, appearing alarmed, he told Duggan to hurry back to the house and stay there for a half hour. Duggan did so, and saw a huge glowing object rise from behind the barn and shoot away "like lighting."
Humcat 1968-82

Source: Saucer News Vol. 16 # 4

Type: C


Location. London, England

Date: December 1968

Time: night

Workers in London's New Victoria tube line while constructing an underground transportation tunnel observed a dark 7-foot tall creature. No other information.
HC addendum

Source: The People (Newspaper)

Type: E


Location. Franois Doubs France

Date: December 12 1968

Time: 1800

In the midst of a series of multiple witness sightings in the area, Bernard and Mrs Perruche were working in their stable when they saw, behind a nearby house, a light, which they thought at first was a car's light; it was in an area where no car should have been and remained immobile and, in front of it, they saw "some people moving if in a magic lantern show." The number of figures was at least two, and while a good distance off, they appeared to be "people" engaged in "a good deal of movement." They watched briefly, and then went back to their work.
Humcat 1968-83

Source: J Tyrode for LDLN

Type: C?


Location. Meaux, Seine et Marne, France

Date: December 15 1968

Time: 2200

Pierre Driviere observes an oval shaped machine of the dimensions of a large car, yellow in color with orange reflections, moving at a sharp pace without noise. The craft was flying behind the building of the "Ultrasonic" factory. At this point Driviere is very surprise to hear a very acute and powerful voice say: "700 K...700 K...700 k. Thinking that someone was playing a joke he circumvents the building and hears the same voice again saying "700 KA" he then observes the object about 100 meters from him moving quickly towards the south.
HC addendum

Source: M Figuet/J L Ruchon

Type: F


Location. Near Wairakei Taupo New Zealand

Date: December 18 1968

Time: 2245

As they drove toward Auckland, at a spot 5 miles north of Wairakei, Miss Gay Harvey and Nino Perego saw a strange figure walking toward them on the road. Apparently oblivious to their approach, the man was 5'7"ft tall, and was dressed in a bluish black, shiny, plastic like garment which was loose fitting and of one piece, tucked in at the shoes; he wore gloves of the same material. There was a belt around his waist and on his head he wore a cylindrical helmet with a clear visor, square shaped and extending from ear to ear. The observers did not stop, being in a h

urry to get to their destination.
Humcat 1968-1

Source: Anthony J Brunt, The Auckland Univ. UFO Research Group

Type: E


Location. Goulburne New South Wales Australia

Date: December 28 1968

Time: unknown

The witness had been in the area back in 1950 and at that time had experienced a peculiar incident, which left him with a scar. He returned to the site in December 1968 and saw a craft 40 ft in diameter and 10 ft high, and met its occupant, who walked around the side of the object. He was human in appearance with long hair, about 5'6" tall, and wore silver colored shoes. The witness spoke with this humanoid, in English, for about 3 minutes, learning that he was from Saturn; the man seemed to be in a hurry to get away; boarding, the craft rose 15' off the ground and hovered momentarily before moving off and disappearing.
Humcat 1968-83

Source: Dr. N Lindtner, UFO Investigation Center, Sydney

Type: B


Location. Near Vega Baja Puerto Rico

Date: December 31 1968

Time: 1930

Two men, a nephew and his uncle, were driving along a clear, straight stretch of highway from Isabela to San Juan. The nephew was driving when they observed an object sitting on the right hand side of the road. Only the nephew observed a figure; seen only for several seconds, it was short and human like. Its mouth gave the impression of being toothless. The most distinctive features were the eyes, shining brightly in the dark, "like a cat." It stood about 10 feet from the car at its closest. The uncle did not see the figure, for the young man pulled rapidly away from the scene. The uncle turned around in time to observe the UFO light up like a blue green bulb, and then to rise, turning a reddish color. He also heard a faint sound at the same time.
Humcat 1968-108

Source: Sebastian Robiou Lamarche, Apro Bulletin

Type: C


Location. Arko Utah

Date: late December 1968

Time: daytime

During his Christmas vacation, Robert McAllister, a student, was out checking his animal traps when he came upon a circular object hovering 6 ft off the ground. About 15' in diameter, the object made no noise and Robert approached to within a few feet. From behind some rocks emerged three figures, their heads encased in helmets; they held a cable at the end of which, floating about 10 ft off the ground, was a chair, on which sat a smiling, apparently aged man, with silver hair and a benign smile. He wore a kind of tunic, while the three men on the ground wore uniforms of a hard, shiny blue type of material. Ignoring the boy, they "escorted" the seated man to the object, in which a door opened; the man and two of his escorts entered, the latter by floating up to it. The remaining figure approached the boy and, placing his arm around him, led the child around the craft, pointing out various features and speaking in a strange language the boy did not recognize. Noticing a ball point pen in Robert's pocket, the man took it to write a paper he drew from his pocket; when Robert indicated he could keep the pen, he again reached into his pocket and brought out his own, which heave gave to the boy. Repeating a phrase that sounded like, "Ab-doon! Ab-doon!" he floated up to the door and disappeared inside. The door closed then re-opened, and then man made gestures for Robert to move further away; then the object rose slowly and silently, suddenly shooting off at tremendous speed. After school had resumed, Robert was visited at his home by a stranger who handed him a "deaf mute" card; the man, rather than accepting the offered coins, asked for the pen, (the one given to the witness by the humanoid) which he took and quickly left.
Humcat 1968-84

Source: Saucer News Vol. 16 # 4

Type: B
Total Cases: 216
Addendums to be included as they become available.
Please send all feedback, including reports of new cases direct to Albert Rosales at:
Please see the Humanoid Sighting Reports Index for a list of all reports on UFOINFO together with an introduction and explanation of the Type of Close Encounter Classifications.



Compiled by

Albert Rosales

1969 Humanoid Reports. The end of a turbulent decade. Times were changing. J F K, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X were now gone. The 1967 Arab-Israeli war brought the world to the brink. Escalation in Vietnam. While violence seemed to dominate the US and other points globally, bizarre events were being reported in Brazil, Canada, England, and other locations. Brazil seemed to have been in a yearlong grip of bizarre humanoid encounters and contacts, in Canada similar events were steady, and in the US strange events also abound, but remained hidden and remained in the background as an echo of the dawning of “The Age of Aquarius.” Following is a list of the known reported events for that year.


Location. Calgary Alberta Canada

Date: 1969

Time: unknown

While driving near Calgary, two men saw a silvery disc shaped object flying at very low altitude. Through an opening, a single figure could be seen. The object flew out of sight. No other information.
HC addition # 20

Source: John Brent Musgrave, UFO Occupants & Critters

Type: A


Location. Near Didsbury Alberta Canada

Date: 1969

Time: morning

A man on a farm looked up from work to see a small silver suited entity floating in the air, immediately in front of him. The entity floated to a craft, which then took off. No other information.
HC addition # 2147

Source: John Brent Musgrave, UFO Occupants & Critters

Type: B


Location. Santa Rosa Bolivia

Date: 1969

Time: daytime

A sheep herder and two Indian helpers were watching the flock when a silent disc shaped object descended from the sky, gliding down gently in a curving approach until it stopped 50 feet above them, as it hovered it emitted flashes of white light from its underside. This happened about 30 times in quick succession, and the sheep suddenly fell to the ground. Concerned for the flock the shepherd picked up a stick and ran toward the glowing shiny metallic disc. Suddenly there was a flash of violet light land the shepherd was completely paralyzed. As he watched terror stricken the domed craft descended lower till about six feet from the ground. A trap door with a built in stair opened down from underneath, and two human like feet started down the stair from the center of the ship. Two man-like figures wearing white reflective form fitting suits emerged; both wore transparent dark helmets over the head. The beings wore matching white gloves and boots, and each carried what looked like a shiny silver fire extinguisher in one hand, and a black nozzle on the end of a white hose to the bottle in the other. The two men walked around the flock of sheep putting the “fire extinguisher” nozzle to each of the fallen sheep and completely ignoring the men. After about 3 minutes the men finished their task and re-entered their craft. The stair retracted as the big, circular object, drifted higher, to about 300 feet. From that position, there was s tremendous noise and the object sped up into the sky at a steep angle and disappeared. The men found all 34 sheep dead and apparently bloodless, some of the internal organs were also found to be desiccated and spongy.
HC addition # 3349

Source: Timothy Good, Alien Base

Type: B


Location. Short Hills Ontario Canada

Date: 1969

Time: afternoon

Two 14-year old boys were playing in a conservation area when a huge Bigfoot type creature approached and picked them up, the creature took them onboard a landed disc shaped object. Inside, several short humanoids dressed like doctors examined them apparently putting an implant into one of them. The Bigfoot type creature was seen to sit on a large chair inside the object. Several wires were placed on its head, which led to another device nearby.
HC addition # 297

Source: Lawrence J Fenwick, SBI Report # 40

Type: G


Location. Ciudad Universitaria, Mexico City Mexico

Date: 1969

Time: afternoon

Mr. Mercado Orue, involved in a previous encounter, had entered a local bar and had sat down for a drink. As he sat there, a very tall, pale man approached and sat down. Orue noticed that the man wore a metallic-like outfit, soft to the touch. The stranger told Orue not to eat the ham or drink the whisky since it was damaging to his health. Among other things, the stranger said that he came from a very far place that was not divided into “cities or continents.” He then bade goodbye telling the witness that he would see him again.
HC addendum

Source: Fabio Picasso

Type: E


Location. Near La Coruña Spain

Date: 1969

Time: evening

Brother and sister Olga & Manuel Lombao 5 & 7 years of age respectively had gone to a nearby store with a baby sitter, when Olga found herself standing outside the store by herself. Looking up towards the sky she noticed a bright light descending at high speed. As it got closer she could see that it was a large circular object encircled in bright lights. She ran into the store to notify the baby sitter but found everyone inside, except for her brother in an apparent state of suspended animation. They both went outside and noticed that the object had landed nearby. From a luminous tube-like extension located at the base of the object, two tall man-like figures wearing tight-fitting flyer-like outfits descended to the ground. The two beings beckoned the witnesses to come closer and invited them inside the craft. Inside they were taken inside a large room with numerous monitors. The beings told the young girl that they came form the star system “Aldebaran,” showing them a star map. Before leaving the object they were told that they were going to meet again.
HC addition # 3178

Source: S.I.B. Betelgeuse

Type: G


Location. Durban South Africa

Date: 1969

Time: night

Jack van Der Merwe was working the night shift in the harbor when suddenly he heard a voice in his head telling him to relax and go somewhere quiet where he could be alone. He went into the shed where bales of wool were stacked. He stood there listening to the dock noises when suddenly he found himself in a strange place as if standing in water, almost as in he was under water. It was very misty and there were people around him. These were described as dark and wearing white flowing garments. They seemed very beautiful. A voice spoke to him, in his head, which gave him all sorts of advice and warnings that he does not recall. He felt relaxed and calm. The next thing he knew he was hearing the dock noises again and went back to his office, there he realized he had been gone for two hours.
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