Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

HC addendum Source: Ted Bloecher, “Occupant Case Detailed” Skylook November 1974

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HC addendum

Source: Ted Bloecher, “Occupant Case Detailed” Skylook November 1974

Type: E or D?


Location. Fernandes Santa Catarina Brazil

Date: May 19 1969

Time: 1930

Two women, Dona Aurora & Clair Mefessoli, were going to a neighbor’s house for milk when they saw an elongated yellowish luminous object descend behind them, not quite to the ground. Two little beings, 3-foot tall, with features like humans, got out of it; terrified the women fled.
Humcat 1969-36

Source: FSR Vol. 14 # 4

Type: B

Location. Rising Sun Indiana

Date: May 19 1969

Time: 1930

George Kaiser noticed a strange figure 25 ft away, the size of a man and covered with black fur. The head sat directly on the shoulders and the face was black, with close-set eyes and very low forehead. When Kaiser made a move to get into his car, the creature grunted, jumped over a ditch, and ran down the road at high speed. Footprints were found that showed only 4 toes. On the following night, an object was observed over the same area by neighbors.
Humcat 1969-37

Source: Jerome Clark & Loren Coleman

Type: D


Location. Vila Operaria Minas Gerais Brazil

Date: May 20 1969

Time: 0100A

Jose Pereira Sacramento was awakened by a noise; going out his back door, he saw “the white face of an animal” and a light in the sky which came down toward him. He was paralyzed, and could not re-enter the house or call out. An “enormous object” landed beside him, and he was “pulled through an opening” into the ship, finding himself inside a small elevator, which rose to a brightly lit circular compartment with a curved ceiling, about 45 ft in diameter. In this room were six small entities only 31” tall, with big heads, entirely covered by a close-fitting plastic film of light cream color having openings only for the eyes and ears. The eyeholes were slanted. Each entity stood inside a cylinder 3 ft in diameter and 15” high, and above its head was a curved plate with a lever. They spoke among themselves in “a language of short sounds repeated shrilly, like pigs grunting.” After 4 or 5 minutes, one of the beings moved a control, and the illumination increased in brightness to such a point that Pereira lost consciousness. At 0600A he woke in his bed, not knowing how he got there. Inflammation of the eyelids lasted a month, and a year after the event he still felt light-headed and had difficulty concentrating.
Humcat 1969-35


Type: G


Location. Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais Brazil

Date: May 21 1969

Time: midnight

Jose Antonio Da Silva had a sudden impulse to get out of bed and go into his garden. He stepped out his door and saw three of the same entities he had encountered earlier that month at Bebedouro, dressed in the same flight-suits. They stood motionless, looking at him. He quickly stepped back indoors and bolted the door, without saying a word or hearing a sound from them. He then explained to investigators that they wanted him to “work against my own people,” and expressed his great fear that the world was in great danger, without knowing from where the danger would come.
Humcat 1969-38

Source: Hulvio Aleixo & Dr. Walter Buhler

Type: E


Location. Warminster England

Date: May 30 1969

Time: 2330

The witnesses were staying in a caravan on Cradle Hill and were looking out for any mysterious lights that might appear when suddenly they saw a crimson red oval shaped light passing over the area, it was completely silent. Later one of the witnesses noticed a luminous cloud-like humanoid figure standing by a nearby gate, it appeared to be covered entirely by tiny pinpricks of white light. No facial features could be seen.
HC addition # 901

Source: Arthur Shuttlewood, UFOs Visions of a New Age

Type: C?


Location. Near Danang Vietnam

Date: Summer 1969

Time: 0100A

A soldier on guard duty in Vietnam saw a luminous figure approaching slowly in the sky. When it got close, the figure was seen to be a naked woman with bat wings, her skin and the wings completely black, but glowing. The body was covered with the glow. This apparition passed only 6-7 feet above the witness head and flew away, having been visible from 3-4 minutes. The witness PFC Earl Morrison is the step nephew of the investigator.
Humcat 1969-42

Source: Don Worley, FSR Case Histories # 10

Type: E


Location. Little Pine Creek, Pennsylvania

Date: Summer 1969

Time: afternoon

The wife of Clinton County Sheriff John Boyle, while sitting in front of the couple’s cabin, saw an enormous gray colored bird land in the middle of the creek. A few moments later it rose to fly away. Its wingspan appeared to have been about 75 ft. Around the same time three men claimed to have seen a “thunderbird” snatch up a 15 pound fawn near Kettle Creek.
HC addendum

Source: Jerome Clark, Unexplained!

Type: E


Location. Near Tjisaga Bandjar West Java Indonesia

Date: June 1969

Time: unknown

The witness met an attractive woman in the theater and then accompanied her to a large lighted structure. He apparently spends the night with her in the structure, the next morning he found himself in a forest, dazed and his clothes hanging from a tree. He was then apparently taken to a local medicine man that “cured” him.
HC addition # 449

Source: Thomas E Bullard, UFO Abductions The Measure of A Mystery

Type: G?


Location. Vicuna Chile

Date: June 1969

Time: 2100

Four men in a truck see a brilliant fireball shoot overhead. Soon afterwards they see two luminous humanoid figures on the roadway, which hide from view. A beam of light paralyzes the men’s arms. No other information.
HC addition # 2417

Source: LDLN # 118

Type: C


Location. Near Fasterholt, Denmark

Date: June 1969

Time: 2115

Three boys were riding their mopeds in the area when all three of them suddenly heard a strong whistling kind of sound coming from above them, a few seconds later they saw a large round object hovering to their right. The mopeds suddenly stopped. The UFO also stopped only about 50 meters from the witnesses and about 100 meters above the ground. Now there was total silence. Behind small windows on the object the witnesses could see indistinct figures looking down. Eventually the UFO glided slowly away again emitting the whistling sound. A bus driver and 23 passengers reported seeing a similar object around the same time.
HC addendum

Source: Poul Erik Nielsen, The UFO Truth

Type: A


Location. Near Gaithersburg Maryland

Date: June 1969

Time: night

Gary and another boy scout out of a troop of 20 were at a camping trip and both had stayed up late one night when they saw a brilliantly lit huge circular craft flying at about 100 ft overhead. The craft suddenly descended and landed on a nearby empty field. It appeared to land on its belly. Both witnesses stared in disbelief while the others remained fast asleep. A few minutes later an opening became visible, which emitted a tremendously bright white light. Moments later a very short gray colored humanoid came out and slowly walked towards the two witnesses who remained unable to move. The creature approached to within a few feet from the witnesses and apparently communicated by using mental telepathy. It conveyed to Gary some kind mathematical equation, which years later turned out to be a piece of missing information of research being conducted by a nuclear physicist. It also gave an attempt to describe the nature and meaning of the creator or “God”. The creature then ran back into the craft. Both witnesses had also noticed tow other humanoids standing next to the craft; these were described as tall and human in appearance. The short humanoid was described as having rough looking brown-gray textured skin and large black eyes. The craft then rose up into the sky, emitted two beautiful coherent beams of light, which apparently levitated two heads of cattle into the craft from a nearby field. The craft then tilted at a 90degree angle and shot away at incredible speed. Soon after that an F-14 military jet aircraft flew overhead apparently searching for something.
HC addendum

Source: Art Bell’s Coast-to-Coast Radio Show with George Noory, November 16 2002

Type: B


Location. Portland Oregon

Date: June 10 1969

Time: 0100A

The two witnesses were sleeping outside in the yard on summer night when they saw an object approaching them at about 500’ and ¼ mile away. Soon they could see that it was a single file formation of disc shaped objects, which dropped down to about 30’ and turned north. As they flew over a field the witnesses could see a bluish green light under each object, which were about 30’ in diameter. They could see small-lighted windows on the objects and in each window a figure was seen apparently looking out. The last object shot up at a 30-degree angle and vanished within seconds leaving a short trail of light behind.
HC addendum

Source: NUFORC

Type: A


Location. Near Segovia, Spain

Date: June 11 1969

Time: late night

A doctor X, returning home from a funeral one night found his vehicle suddenly blocked by a dense curtain formed by hundreds of small luminous white cylinders that hovered in a vertical position in front of his vehicle. Dr X suddenly heard a voice in his mind that told him to relax that everything was going to be all right. At the same time he noticed on the front passenger seat an opaque cube-shaped form that appeared out of nowhere. His next recollection was of again driving his vehicle around a curve and then arriving home, feeling very tired and haggard having no recollection of what occurred during approximately one-hour period of missing time.
HC addendum

Source: Fabio Zerpa, Los Hombres de Negro Y los Ovnis

Type: F or G?


Location. Overton Nova Scotia

Date: mid June 1969

Time: 2130

The witness had gone out of her house one evening, behind, which were some trees and a swamp. As she was locking her porch door she noticed a light in the swamp; wondering what it was, she went upstairs and looked out a bedroom window. She saw some kind of machine with a rim around it. She said she was sure someone was walking around the rim as it had a row of lights and they kept on going out as though someone was passing in front of them; she could also hear a hammering sound. Occasionally she saw a puff of smoke come from it. She said, “I suppose you wonder why I didn’t call the police or someone, well I was jus too stunned to do anything.” She did phone her neighbors down the road but they were unable to see the light through the trees. She watched until the light shot up in the sky and disappeared.
Humcat 1969-46

Source: John Musgrave for Apro

Type: C?


Location. Near Salt Lake City Utah

Date: mid June 1969

Time: after midnight

Bill McGuire and Nora Johnson, with Nora’s 2-year old son Alan, were driving westward from Salt Lake City when they saw a light in the air following them. It came up to within 100 feet of them, & they could see that it was a fish shaped object, with a back “fin” and a flat bottom, with a red light on top. It emitted a strange humming sound, and made them feel “funny vibrations” in their bodies. Nora stepped on the accelerator, but the car slowed down, and would not go above 55 mph. The object continued to follow them until they reached a roadside rest area, where a camper was parked. Inside the camper, looking out, they saw a “bony, peculiar, not quite human” face. Beside it Bill saw a figure “like a snowman” dressed in a white rubbery suit that walked toward them. Nora could not see it. When the car’s headlights were turned on, Bill could not see it either, but when they were switched off, he saw it again, coming closer. They drove away, with the UFO still following them and holding their maximum speed at 55 mph. It left them only with the coming of dawn. After a 2-hour sleep, they again drove westward. They came up with a camper that seemed to be the same one they had seen, and passed it; Nora looked at its drivers and screamed. Wearing black leather suits, they had only “dim outlines” of heads, except for Cheshire-cat-like grins. Under hypnosis 5 years later, Nora remembered leaving her body and floating from the car into the UFO, in which she saw a curved instrument panel with gauges and levers. About 20 short humanoids were in it, having oversized heads and large green insect like eyes; they communicated by “buzzing or mumbling.” They terrified her. Bill, likewise remembered being floated up out of the car and into a white “round room” with a clear dome, where she saw white “little people” with big heads, no hair, minute round mouths, and very big light green eyes. He felt himself to be in a reclining chair, paralyzed. He felt that the creatures had telepathic knowledge of his thoughts; when they read his thoughts, it made him feel tired. There was some large device in the room around which they clustered. Then he fell asleep, although he was afraid to do so, and remembered nothing more until he found himself back in the car. He thought the experience lasted 20-30 minutes.
Humcat 1969-39

Source: Jerome Clark

Type: G


Location. Dunedin, South Island, New Zealand

Date: June 22 1969

Time: unknown

Terry Ennshyman reportedly encountered a “frenetic” robot type humanoid who conducted her onboard a landed disc and had sex with her several times. The robot had cold extremities and a cold penis, but does not lack “warmth” and sweetness despite his constant guttural sounds. No other information.
HC addendum

Source: Annuaire CIGU 1988 quoting Dunedin Telegraph No date, in Denys Breysse Project Becassine

Type: G


Location. Olds Alberta Canada

Date: July 1 1969

Time: 0615A

Fred Yoos, 62, heard a clattering sound that shook the building; looking out the window, he saw a 20-foot green oval object descending from a dense cloud in the northwest. It hovered just above the ground 50 ft away. By the light of the rising sun, he could see the movement of two figures through a window-like opening. The object ascended vertically, leaving an imprint.
Humcat 1969-47

Source: Ted Phillips, Cufos

Type: A


Location. Johore Baru Johore Malaysia

Date: July 2 1969

Time: 1035A

An object was reported to have landed next to a local primary school. Several school children reported seeing five tiny men like figures wearing red colored outfits emerge from the object. The children rushed at the figures in an attempt to capture them but these jumped into a hole in the ground and vanished. The object described as silvery in color also vanished.
HC addition # 1453

Source: Ahmad Jamaluddin, A Summary of UFO and

Related events in Malaysia 1950/1980

Type: B


Location. Anolaima Colombia

Date: July 4 1969

Time: 2000

Mauricio Gnecco saw a yellow red light moving in the sky. When he signaled with a flashlight, it approached within 150 ft of the house, and was seen as a yellow-orange Saturn shaped object with 2 bent blue and green legs; then it seemed to land on a nearby hill. Arcesio Bermudez, an adult, went to the site and approached to within 20 ft; he saw inside the object a person whose upper half was normal but who resembled from the waist down a luminous letter “A”. The object then ‘blinked on” again, rose and disappeared. Two days later Bermudez became very ill, and within a few days he died of gastroenteritis.
Humcat 1969-41

Source: John Simhon for Apro

Type: A


Location. Eau Claire, Wisconsin

Date: July 4 1969

Time: 2230

The witness and her father had gone to a local racetrack and at one point were sitting by herself on the top bleachers when she had a feeling of being watched. She looked to her right and saw an object hovering about 1000 feet away. Described as an oval shaped craft with a transparent rectangular section on the center. There she saw several man-shaped silhouettes apparently looking down at her. At one point she looked briefly the other way and the object disappeared.
HC addition # 3174

Source: Minnesota Mufon

Type: A


Location. Fort Worth Texas

Date: July 11 1969

Time: midnight

Jack Harris saw a tall white shaggy creature cross the only road going through the area around the Lake Worth Nature Center, and he tried to photograph the creature, but his flash failed. He then took a second hasty picture. The creature ran up and down a bluff as other cars arrived, eventually 30 or 40 people had gathered to watch the creature. Many of the onlookers were armed with guns, and when it seemed that people were ready to go after the creature it grabbed a spare tire with a rim on it and threw it at the onlooker’s cars. Apparently more than 500 feet in distance. The creature walked like a man, was whitish gray and hairy. It was estimated to have been at least 7 feet tall and weighing perhaps 300 pounds. It emitted a “pitiful cry.” The creature was seen again, and shots were fired at it, a trail of blood to the edge of the lake was found. Others found dead and mutilated sheep in the area.
HC addition # 3010

Source: Mark Chorvinsky, Fate October 1992

Type: E


Location. Sobral Ceara Brazil

Date: July 18 1969

Time: unknown

A shining flying saucer stopped and remained stationary for half a minute near the cement plant, and opposite the house of Neusa Rodrigues. Through the window of the craft was seen “a little bluish colored man with eyes that gave off flashes.” The UFO performed various maneuvers over the cement plant and drew the attention of many of the employees, who stopped work briefly to watch it. Lt. Pedro Edvaldo De Souza took statements from eyewitnesses, on instructions from the Brazilian Air Force base at Fortaleza,
Humcat 1969-18

Source: Lt Pedro Edvaldo De Souza, Brazilian Air Force

Type: A


Location. Trois Rivieres Quebec Canada

Date: late July 1969

Time: 2100

As dusk fell, three youths aged 12, 15, and 16 were in an abandoned field beside a car that was out of gas. In the direction of a nearby pond, 500 feet away, they noticed a pulsing luminosity, and then perceived that this was coming from a dark discoid object with a cupola, hovering 15-20 feet above the pond, beyond some intervening fir trees. Then from behind the trees emerged a procession of seven or more white luminous “objects,” or figures, consisting of vertical cylinders with a lump on top, vaguely resembling a human without arms or legs; they were five to six feet high and were floating a foot above the ground. Where the face should be was a darker oval. As these figures turned toward them, the three teenagers sought refuge in the rear seat of the car, closing its windows and locking the doors, and hiding under a blanket. The entities soon surrounded the car, and seemingly attempted without success to open the doors; one rose up and “walked” on the car’s roof, leaving traces on the metal. The siege of the car lasted for more than an hour. When the lights of an approaching car, containing friends of the witnesses, became visible, the entities returned to the UFO, which then rose at great speed. The youngest witness had nightmares for a week.
Humcat 1969-28

Source: Phillipe Blaquiere and Wido Hoville

Type: C


Location. Near Voronov, Russia

Date: August 1969

Time: morning

Heinrich Ivanovich was driving his motorcycle along the Kama River near a wooded area. On the side of the road he noticed a man who suddenly raised his hand as if saluting. Ivanovich slowed his motorbike and approached the stranger. As he approached he noticed a strange disc-shaped object on the ground close to the stranger. The stranger wore a grayish-metallic overall with thick soled boots. The man did not wear a hat and had a short haircut. On his left hand he held a hose-like implement, which was apparently extracting water from the Kama River. He approached the stranger and both conversed in the Russian language mostly about the propulsion of the object. They also spoke about space constellations. At the end of the encounter the stranger asked Ivanovich to stay back from the object and to just observe it take off. The object had a semi-transparent green colored globular dome on top. As the stranger approached the object a door appeared on the dome and he entered it, the door the shut. The external disc immediately began to revolve and its outer rim became invisible. The object then rose into the sky and instantly disappeared into thin air.
HC addendum

Source: Ravil Ishkakov, Chairman of Tatar Republic committee, On the study of the phenomena of nature.

Type: B


Location. Near Detroit, Oregon

Date: August 1969

Time: afternoon

The main witness, 8-years of age at the time was playing in a creek with her two sisters as their family camped nearby. All of the sudden she could see that the sun had suddenly changed position, the shadows had moved from what they were a few seconds ago, and time had unaccountably gone by. Her mother came down yelling for the girls, saying that they had been looking for them for the last 45minutes. Confused, she told her mother that she was in the same spot she always had been. Years later the main witness was hypnotized and she recalled being in a white room with white tables that were real cold, like metal and really bright lights. She saw several “spacemen” all dress in white like the modern astronauts, but their suits were somewhat thinner than the normal astronaut suits. The men had large heads with large almond shaped eyes and two holes for a nose and communicated with the witness through telepathy.
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