Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

HC addendum Source: Western Bigfoot Society Newsletter, Special Edition # 44

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HC addendum

Source: Western Bigfoot Society Newsletter, Special Edition # 44

Type: G


Location. West Akron Ohio

Date: August 8 1969

Time: 0200A

Dollie Hansen had been in touch with UFO occupants and had been promised a trip in a spaceship on Thursday, August 7. At 0200A on Friday a knock came at her door, and outside was a superbly built young woman with deep chestnut hair but no features on her face. Nevertheless, Mrs Hansen had no fear, and went with her to a black car containing, two men, which, wrapped in a gray mist, conveyed them to the spaceship. She was given the promised ride, but the source gives no details beyond this, except to say that the spaceship was softly lighted and contained no visible seams or welds. Around the same time a local handicapped boy also reported being taken onboard a UFO and given a ride, his encountered occurred at 0230A. No other information.
Humcat 1969-43

Source: Brinsley Le Poer Trench, Mysterious Visitors

Type: G


Location. 30 km from Rouen Seine Maritime France

Date: August 11 1969

Time: 0600A

Jean Migueres was driving an ambulance from Perpignan to Rouen when he heard a voice in his head say: “Do not be afraid, nothing bad will happen to you, you will feel nothing…”20 minutes later, he observed a nearly spherical cloud moving toward him, which then took the form of a nucleus surrounded by an incandescent white ring having at its base a dull black metallic platform about 65 ft in diameter. At the same time, a “DS” car appeared, moving directly toward the ambulance. Migueres was unable to avoid it, and a head on collision took place; the ambulance was traveling at the time at 100 mph. After the crash, a being “materialized” on the seat beside Migueres, and addressed him telepathically in French: “Be assured, you are only apparently injured…you will feel no physical pain…I am going to “regenerate” you by a procedure that is not yet known on your planet.” He then took from a pouch on his belt a disc about 1” in diameter, of an incandescent white luminosity, and applied it to the nape of Miguere’s neck. Migueres felt a prickling sensation all along his spinal column. The being said:”This accident was necessary for you; we will come back to see you.” Then he disappeared. Migueres with multiple injuries and broken bones felt no pain then or later. He underwent several lengthy operations and was twice pronounced “clinically dead.” After an internal hemorrhage with bursting of the gall bladder, he received a telepathic message to “leave the hospital immediately,” which he obeyed, being transported to a hospital at Montpellier, near his home, where he was again pronounced “dead.” Nevertheless he survived. After 3 weeks in the Montpellier hospital he received a message: “You have succeeded in your mission thanks to our help…you can now go home, we will continue to protect you.” He went home, but for 3 years his broken bones remained unhealed. “Then one day, all the bones re-knitted in record time,” and he was immediately able to walk again, without even a limp. Migueres says that since his accident he has had the gift of healing. He remains in contact with the “extraterrestrials,” who have given him a “code which permits him to free the corresponding wavelength of his brain” to establish contact with them. The “extraterrestrial seen at the time of the accident was of medium height, or less, with a very swarthy skin and a big head with a very high and wide forehead, eyes far apart, eyebrows “like scars,” and brown hair cut short. He was wearing a coverall or a pants and shirt combination resembling a military uniform, with no hat or helmet.
Humcat 1969-59

Source: Guy Tarade, Jean Luc Rivera

Type: G?


Location. Near Macae Rio de Janeiro Brazil

Date: August 19 1969

Time: 0250A

Luis Renato Matos, a schoolteacher, was driving his sister in law and her two children from Ararauma to Campos. Near Macae, he saw a blue light which, when seen again some 200 meters ahead, now appeared as a bright blue inverted plate about 20 meters in diameter, and floating at an inclined angle 3 to 4 metes above the ground. His passengers were all sleeping. As he came around a bend in the road, Renato saw 5 or 6 small human like figures less than a meter tall, all scurrying rapidly about; each one carried an illuminated pear shaped implement, held by a small rod; these glowed like red-hot iron. Renato speeded the car up and just after he passed through Macae his headlights failed and the motor quit. He sat there for a long while not knowing what to do until, finally, he was again able to start the car and proceed.
Humcat 1969-40

Source: Richard Heiden

Type: C


Location. South Akron, Ohio

Date: August 22 1969

Time: 0400A

After Joyce Vellacca and her husband reported seeing a multicolored object maneuvering over the area Joyce Vellacca decided to lie down on the sofa for a few winks. However she had scarcely stretched out when a big gust of wind swept through the window and blew the curtains out. She jumped up to close the window and froze in her tracks. Mrs. Vellacca stated that she was unable to move. Literally paralyzed to the spot. And standing on the other side of the window, looking back at her, was a woman, marvelously built, with the most beautiful long dark chestnut, almost black hair she had ever seen. But the woman had no discernible features where her face would be located. Oddly enough, when Mrs. Vellacca recovered from her frozen immobility, the visitor had gone. She rushed outside and turned on all the floodlights to illuminate the area, but could see nothing unusual. Then there came a high-pitched whine similar to that of a motorcycle, except that when that machine reaches its take-off there is a loud roar. This was not audible. Instead, the noise gained in shrill frequency until it was no longer heard. The dogs in the neighborhood were raising a great rumpus.
HC addendum

Source: Brinsley LePoer Trench, Mysterious Visitors The UFO Story Type: E Note similarity with the West Akron case, two weeks before.


Location. Cradle Hill Warminster England

Date: August 27 1969

Time: 2210

11 people watching for UFOs saw on the ground something like a “burning bush” about 600 yards away, in the place called “Kidnappers Hole.” Christopher Trubridge and Robert Coates ran in that direction. The lights went out, but when near the spot Christopher saw in the moonlight, 100 ft away, a figure about 7 ft tall, dressed in a tight fitting shiny black suit, with a gold sash or “bandoleer” around the neck and shoulder. Long, dark gold hair fell to its shoulders and it had bright eyes, their color indeterminate in the lighting, and a “rather feminine” set of features in a not unattractive face. The figure was motionless, one arm upraised. The witnesses could not approach it nearer than about 30 yards. Overcome by fear, oddly mixed with an indescribable emotion, both men retreated hastily.
Humcat 1969-48

Source: Arthur Shuttlewood, Cosmos December 1969 and Ken Rogers “The Warminster Triangle”


Location. Near Boston Massachusetts

Date: Fall 1969

Time: unknown

A motorist came across a large object blocking the road. A man with bulging eyes and a red face that had difficulty in breathing approached the car and asked for a lift to town. The man wore a short black coat and “very shiny green trousers made out of some material I have never seen before.” After the odd man had gotten into the car, the object lifted, took off, and vanished. The motorist asked the man where he came from and received the reply, “You wouldn’t understand.” The motorist thought about going to the police, but when the man was deposited on Main Street he said, “Nobody is going to believe you, so don’t bother.” The man then staggered away.
HC addition # 3212

Source: Jim Keith, Casebook of The Men in Black

Type: C


Location. Ann Arbor Michigan

Date: Fall 1969

Time: 2300

Marlene Meyers and her husband were driving back from Ann Arbor to their home in Toledo and were just entering the camp onto Route 23 outside Ann Arbor when they saw an object ahead of their car, low over the highway. It was disc shaped and contained a row of large rectangular windows around the center, lit from within. They observed three human-like figures standing at the center window, from the waist up, as though looking out at the observers. Then the object moved quickly out of view.
Humcat 1969-51

Source: Ted Bloecher

Type: A


Location. Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Date: September 1969

Time: 0530A

The 30-year old witness had gone out for a walk over a hill when he heard a loud pitch hum and saw a large round disc shaped object with 3 yellow lighted windows descend over the field ahead of him. He could see two figures moving inside, apparently doing something. Suddenly it gave off a higher pitch sound and rose disappearing over a nearby oak tree, which bent a bit as the craft flew above it. He could see three dangling metallic pole-like legs on the object.
HC addendum

Source: UFO Watch

Type: A


Location. Yakima Washington

Date: September 1969

Time: morning

Susan heard the two family dogs barking, they seemed to be throwing a fit and had run to the end of the fence. Stepping outside Susan saw a “boy” with blue jeans, a royal blue shirt, and black hair, and dark skin, walking along the road. The boy appeared clean cut and could have been Hispanic or Indian. She watched the boy walk out of view as he passed behind the tree that bordered the road. However the boy did not pass beyond the tree, as he should have in order to continue down the road. The dogs began whining. After waiting awhile, Susan became concerned that the boy had suffered some type of mishap behind the tree, she ran out onto the road but the boy was nowhere in sight.
HC addition # 3846

Source: Greg Long

Type: E?


Location. Alum Creek Columbus Ohio

Date: September 1969

Time: 2200

The witness had gone outside to put hay into the rabbit pen when he suddenly heard a loud clapping sound. As he turned around he spotted a strange creature walking into a nearby wooded area. The being was wearing a black uniform with a silver belt. It had long thin arms and legs that seemed to move with rhythm. It had a large head that emitted a yellow glow. The witness ran inside to get his parents but the creature had already disappeared when they came out. That same night a neighbor girl had seen mysterious lights hovering over a nearby field and a large oval depressed area of grass was found at the site.
HC addition # 1767

Source: I Scott, IUR Vol. 12 # 1

Type: D


Location. Springdale, Arkansas

Date: September 6 1969

Time: 2300

A strange man stared into the bedroom window of Mrs. Barbara Robinson. She called police and Officer Ken Speedlin “discovered that anyone who looked through the bedroom window would have to have been at least seven feet tall…there was nothing in the area of the window on which a prowler could have stood.”
HC addendum

Source: John Keel, Strange Mutants

Type: E?


Location. Near Beauharnois Quebec, Canada

Date: September 14 1969

Time: 1700

A young boy saw a small silver object land nearby. Through a small hatch two small green colored humanoids emerged, these moved like robots and appeared to gather rocks and plants before returning to the object. The object then took off.
HC addition # 19

Source: John Brent Musgrave, UFO Occupants & Critters

Type: B


Location. Montreal Quebec Canada

Date: September 22 1969

Time: evening

The witness was walking with her son along a footpath by a wooded area when they suddenly noticed a bright circular object on the ground at the edge of the woods. They also noticed three men standing outside of the object and two men inside. The men were described as very tall, over seven-foot tall, slim, and wearing tight fitting one-piece garments. The witness left to get additional witnesses but upon returning the object and humanoids were already gone. A circular flattened area of grass was found at the site.
HC addition # 1101

Source: Jean Claude Bourret, The Crack of The Universe

Type: A & C


Location. Clermont Ferrand Puy-de-Dome, France

Date: October 1969

Time: 1430

On the slopes of the bare hill, Puy-de-Chanturge, ab0ut 50 ft from the place where she had previously seen 3 “gnomes,” the witness saw a nearly black silhouette, like that of a man 6 ½ ft tall wrapped up in a cloak; she referred to this form as “the shepherd.” It remained in the same position until the witness broke off the observation. She saw this form more than once, and another man, a friend of theirs, saw it also from a different viewing point.
Humcat 1969-49

Source: LDLN Circle of Clermont-Riom

Type: E


Location. Paradise California

Date: October 6 1969

Time: 0830A

The witness had walked out towards his garage when he caught sight of an approaching object flying above the treetops. The object was a metallic disc with a flange around it and a transparent cabin in the middle. Inside the cabin sat a man apparently operating some controls. He had dark hair, was wearing a white coverall, and briefly glanced at the witness. The underside of the object appeared slightly convex and the flange rotated rapidly clockwise apparently creating a clear vapor like smoke. The craft was totally silent and it disappeared towards the south.
HC addition # 1549

Source: Larry Kingston, An experiment with Alien Intelligence

Type: A


Location. Makalle Chaco Argentina

Date: October 9 1969

Time: daytime

Amaro Lotcket, a well-known farmer in the area, was driving his small truck when he was seized by a sudden sensation of coldness, or of fear; on stopping he saw, 10 meters away, three strange beings occupying an object that was perched in the top of a large tree, weighing down. The beings were about 80 cm tall, with long blond hair and a single eye. Without any noise, the object ascended into the sky and disappeared. Police later found scorch marks and other traces in the tree. (The return of the Cyclopeans!)
Humcat 1969-52

Source: Humcat quoting, newspaper source

Type: A


Location. Berleur Belgium

Date: October 9 1969

Time: 1945

Jacques Yerna, 16, was riding a horse along a lane when he saw a UFO with four blinking red lights, approaching him slowly and silently at a low altitude. It gave off powerful flashes of white light by which its silhouette, almost round, could be seen. Then he saw, above the trees of a little wood nearby, a 2nd such craft, black, likewise with 4 blinking red lights, but only half as large. It moved behind the first UFO, and both flew off together. Then, as he passed the little wood, he found a parked car in the lane, with a man standing in the adjacent field. His horse took fright at this point.
Humcat 1969-50

Source: Laboratories D’Analyse et d’Experimentation Technique Liege, Belgium

Type: C?


Location. Vancouver British Columbia Canada

Date: October 13 1969

Time: 2200

A round metallic object that made a soft whistling sound flew over the area. Through an opening on the object, the witness observed numerous men moving inside the craft. No other information.
HC addition # 18

Source: John Brent Musgrave, UFO Occupants & Critters

Type: A


Location. Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

Date: October 15 1969

Time: night

A reported abduction took place on this date where the witness encountered short greenish skin humanoids, with duck like feet and long pointy ears resembling those of rats. These wore tight-fitting silvery suits. No other information.
HC addendum

Source: Antonio Faleiro, Brazil

Type: G


Location. Waterville Iowa

Date: October 16 1969

Time: 1700

UFOs seen in the area for two years had been landing regularly since early spring on the S. farm. On October 8 10-year old Steve, with another youngster, had seen a UFO at the base of a cloud, and snapped a picture. The object apparently landed leaving traces. On the 16th, Steve watched a spherical UFO, 10 ft wide and 6-7 ft high, land not 60 ft away from him. His attention was caught by the humming sound it emitted as a ramp came out silently and smoothly. A little man, 3 to 4 ft tall, with long arms and hands with only two digits, emerged with a bow-legged kind of gait. He wore a disproportionately large yellow-brown helmet, which he took off to wipe his brow; the boy could see that he was bald, and had a pale green complexion; large eyes set close together, a slit like mouth and a double slit where the nose would be. He was dressed in a white spacesuit. The being looked directly at Steven, then put his helmet back on and re-entered the UFO. In another earlier encounter (date unknown) with a 2 ft being, Steve had discovered a “scanning device” on the roof of his barn; he pocketed the implement and almost immediately the being appeared from nowhere and snatched the instrument away from him. Later a second similar device was found and when the same thing happened, the boy struggled with the entity and the device fell on the floor, part of it rolled into a crack. The fragment was retrieved and allegedly is still in the family’s possession. On still another occasion, a 10 ft entity appeared in front of a large plate glass window in the farmhouse; a tube was pointed at Steve and a white beam of light hit him in the chest, hurting him and leaving red welts. The window was broken in the attack. On yet another occasion the boy was asked if he wanted to ride in a UFO to another planet; he said he wanted to go to Pluto, but the Ufonauts compromised on Venus, and all he saw were heavy clouds. The round trip took only 45 minutes.
Humcat 1969-53

Source: Brad Steiger, Kevin Randle, Ralph Degraw Ed Olsen & Bob Griffadel et al.

Type: B, E & G


Location. Helsinki Finland

Date: October 17 1969

Time: evening

A 47-year old Helsinki man was in his kitchen when he found himself pulled backward by at tentacle of light coiled around his chest. Turning around, he saw a shapeless light 18” above the floor and about 12 ft away. From the coiling above the light a voice addressed him, telling him he had been selected for contact because he was not afraid, and saying that they “wished the people well.” Refusing to meet him in person because the sound of their teleporting machine infuriated dogs, the unseen communicant said he would return in two years.
Humcat 1969-54

Source: Timo Pyhala, Finnish Interplanetary Society

Type: F?


Location. San Juan Capistrano, California

Date: November 1969

Time: night

Living in a brand new housing development very near the top of a hill a six-year-old boy reported seeing a “little man” just outside his bedroom window. Unfortunately no other details were forthcoming from the witness.
HC addendum

Source: NUFORC

Type: E


Location. Milan Italy

Date: November 1969

Time: night

A lone motorist traveling on the Via Berna reported encountering a tall man-like figure wearing a tight black outfit and dark helmet standing on the roadway. The figure suddenly vanished in plain sight. No other information.
HC addendum

Source: CUN Milano

Type: E


Location. Palmer Massachusetts

Date: November 9 1969

Time: night

In one of many incidents involving Stella Lansing, she produced the following account by a 9-year old of an encounter on the above date. “We went riding in the car and I saw lights. We flashed to it and it flashed back. We clapped the light on it and it began to come closer. We saw a black man about eight feet tall and I saw something like a wolf, but it was not a wolf. It had a strange body, two and a half feet long. It had three fingers and a face.”
Humcat 1969-55

Source: Dr. Berthold Schwarz for FSR

Type: C? Or F?


Location. Nancy France

Date: November 15 1969

Time: 1700

The witness was at his window awaiting the pigeons, which he usually feeds when he sees behind a nearby chimney, a transparent cupola with two heads inside. Initially there is no reaction from the witness but suddenly he turns to the window and sees the object flying slowly from behind the chimney, it is a gray metallic disc shaped craft with a transparent cupola on top. Many lights resembling those of car headlights are visible around the circumference of the object. The witness exclaims: “But it’s a saucer!” and hears a voice whispered outside his ear: “Yes it is a saucer, do not be afraid, it was necessary that you see it”. The two beings inside the dome then look at themselves and then turn their heads towards the witness while smiling at him, and then their heads disappear inside the object. At that same moment two other UFOs identical to the first, also with visible figures inside transparent cupolas fly over the roofs above 70 meters from him. The first object join the other two and all three fly towards the north. The witness attempts to notify his neighbors but finds himself in a kind of stupor with his face and hands swollen and a red bump on his forehead. A red scar on the forehead was still visible in 1978.

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