Amnesty International Report 2017/18

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Amnesty International Report 2017/18

of the National Movement of Citizen 

Awakening (MECI), a movement bringing 

together civil society organizations, trade 

unions and political parties, describing it as 

“unnatural” and “without any legal basis”. On 

27 May the police interrupted and banned 

MECI’s General Assembly.

The rights of trade unions were violated in 

response to the strike action they initiated 

from September 2016 to January 2017. They 

remained subject to a decree introduced in 

2016 limiting the right to strike, and their 

requests to protest were rejected.

In January the authorities interfered in the 

internal affairs of the trade union 

representing researchers and university 

teachers, SYNECS, to force the removal of its 

president and end its strike. The same 

month, visas were denied to representatives 

of the General Confederation of Labour, an 

international partner of Chadian trade unions.


Journalists critical of the government 

received threats and were subject to 

surveillance, while defamation and contempt 

laws continued to be used in an attempt to 

silence them.

Between 22 and 24 February, Eric 

Kokinagué, the Director of Publication of the 

newspaper Tribune Info, received more than 

a dozen anonymous, threatening calls from 

different numbers after he published an 

article heavily critical of President Déby. On 

25 February, the columnist who wrote the 

article, Daniel Ngadjadoum, was abducted by 

armed men, detained for up to 24 hours in 

what he believes was an ANS facility, and 

forced to write a letter of apology to the 


In June, Déli Sainzoumi Nestor, editor of the 

bi-monthly newspaper Eclairages, was 

charged with defamation after Daoussa Déby 

Itno, former minister and brother of President 

Déby, filed a complaint about an article 

alleging his involvement in fraud in the sugar 


On 4 September, radio journalist Mbairaba 

Jean Paul was arrested and accused of 

defamation after he reported on a communal 

conflict between herders and farmers in 

Doba. He was released the following day and 

the prefect who ordered his arrest was 

removed from office.


The authorities continued to arrest and detain 

journalists for doing their work and activists 

and human rights defenders for exercising 

their freedoms of expression and opinion.

Online activist Tadjadine Mahamat Babouri 

(also known as Mahadine), who was arrested 

on 30 September 2016, remained in 

detention. He was arrested by ANS agents 

after posting several videos on Facebook 

criticizing the government’s alleged 

mismanagement of public funds. He was 

later charged with undermining the 

constitutional order, threatening territorial 

integrity and national security, and 

collaborating with an insurrectional 

movement. He reported that, while detained 

by the ANS, he was deprived of food and 

water for three days, electrocuted and 


On 5 May, Maoundoe Decladore, 

spokesperson of the organization Ça doit 

changer (“It must change”), was arrested at 

night by four armed men in plain clothes in 

Moundou. He was detained for 25 days 

without any access to his family or lawyer, in 

what he believes was an ANS facility. He was 

transferred to the judicial police on 30 May 

and charged with public disorder. Maoundoe 

Decladore was released on bail due to his 

deteriorating health and was awaiting trial at 

the end of the year.

On 20 June, Sylver Beindé Bassandé, a 

journalist and director of community radio Al 

Nada FM in Moundou, was sentenced to two 

years in prison and fined XAF100,000 

(USD180) by the High Court of Moundou for 

complicity in contempt of court and 

undermining judicial authority. He had been 

charged after airing a radio interview with a 

municipal councillor, who had criticized 

judges after having been convicted with two 

other councillors in a separate proceeding. 

Sylver Beindé Bassandé lodged an appeal 

and was released on bail on 19 July. On 26 

Amnesty International Report 2017/18


September, the Court of Appeal overruled the 

decision by the High Court of Moundou, 

sentencing Sylver Beindé Bassandé to 

complicity in defamation and fined him 

XAF100,000 (USD180). He appealed to the 

Supreme Court.



More than 408,000 refugees from the Central 

African Republic, the Democratic Republic of 

the Congo, Nigeria and Sudan continued to 

live in poor conditions in refugee camps. 

Insecurity caused by Boko Haram attacks 

and military operations resulted in the 

displacement of more than 174,000 people 

including at least 25,000 in 2017 alone.

In June, nearly 5,000 people fled a wave of 

Boko Haram attacks on villages around Kaiga 

Kindjiria and Tchoukoutalia, creating two new 

sites for internally displaced people: Kengua 

(Kiskra canton, Fouli department) and Kane 

Ngouboua (Diameron). Since July, around 

6,700 people arrived in Baga Sola from Niger 

after the withdrawal of Chadian troops from 

the country and in fear of attacks from Boko 



The Chadian military continued to impose 

restrictions on the movement of people and 

goods along the shores of Lake Chad

hampering the livelihoods of communities 

and heightening the risk of food insecurity.

According to the UN, severe acute 

malnutrition increased from 2.1% to 3.4% in 

the region during the year. Countrywide, the 

UN estimated that 2.8 million people were 

food insecure, including more than 380,000 

people at crisis or emergency level.


Republic of Chile

Head of state and government: Michelle Bachelet Jeria

Impunity for past and present human rights 

violations remained a concern. Police 

continued to use excessive force, especially 

against Mapuche Indigenous Peoples. The 

Anti-Terrorism Law was used against 

Mapuche people, despite violating 

international standards on due process 

guarantees. A law decriminalizing abortion 

in three specific circumstances entered into 

force; abortion continued to be otherwise 



Presidential and congressional elections were 

held between November and December, and 

Sebastián Piñera Echenique was elected 

President. The President-elect and new 

members of Congress were due to begin their 

mandates in March 2018.


Congress considered a bill proposed by the 

executive for a new immigration law.

The first 14 Syrian families (66 people) 

arrived in October under a resettlement 

programme announced in 2014.


There were continuing reports of excessive 

use of force by the police.

In June, police used tear gas in close 

proximity to a school in the Temucuicui 

Mapuche community where young children 

were attending class. The action was deemed 

“proportionate” by the Supreme Court.

In November, a judge in Collipulli, Malleco 

Province, opened an investigation against a 

police officer for shooting 17-year-old 

Brandon Hernández in December 2016; he 

received more than 100 pellet wounds in his 

back. The hearing was rescheduled three 

times because the accused police officer did 

not appear in court.

The Supreme Court reopened the case of 

Alex Lemún, who was shot and killed by a 

police officer in Ercilla, Malleco Province in 

2002. A military court had closed the case in 

2004 without finding anyone responsible.


Victims of human rights violations during 

Chile’s military regime continued to demand 

truth, justice and reparation. Although courts 

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