AnnRpt2000. book

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Joint Research Projects undertaken with universities, CSIRO and other institutions
ROXBURGH, SH with Dr D McKenney, Great Lakes
Forestry Centre, Canadian Forest Service, Canada.
Joint Indonesian/Australian Marine Biotechnology and
Rehabilitation Consortium by WASSON, M;
AIMS and CRC Reef Research.
Study of viability of carbon emission reduction projects
in Indonesian Islands by WASSON, M with Woodside
A comparison of Traditional Intellectual Property pro-
visions in the Biodiversity Convention and the WTO
TRIPS agreement by WASSON, M with John Scott,
James Cook University.
Electron Microscopy Unit
Lichen structure by HEADY, R with Prof S Hammer,
University of Boston, USA.
CryoSEM studies of dissolved element distribution and
air embolism in roots by HUANG, CX with Prof ME
McCully, CSIRO.
Establishment of a Microscopy and MicroAnalysis
Consortium of the ACT (MACACT) by STOWE S
with representation from ANU, University of Canber-
ra, Australian Defence Force Academy, CSIRO,
Australian Federal Police Forensic Service, Australian
Geological Survey Organisation.
Many other visitors with separate affiliations used the
Genomic Interactions Group
Analysis of Sinorhizobium meliloti grown under acid
stress conditions by DJORDJEVIC, MA; GUERREI-
RO, N and ROLFE BG with Dr W Reeves, Murdoch
Use of transgenic clovers to monitor auxin accumula-
tion in aerial tissues by DJORDJEVIC, MA and
MATHESIUS, U with Dr Beveridge and Dr Turnbull,
University of Queensland.
Proteome analysis of Mycoplasma by DJORDJEVIC,
MA and GUERREIRO, N with Dr S Djordjevic, Eliz-
abeth McArthur Agricultural Institute.
Mass spectrometry analysis of tryptic digests of plant
and bacterial proteins by ROLFE, BG; WEINMAN, JJ
and DJORDJEVIC, MA with the Australian Proteome
Analysis Facility (APAF), Macquarie University.
Analysis of novel regulatory circuits induced by muta-
tions in exopolysaccharide synthesis by ROLFE, BG;
Ksenzenko and Dr Ivashina, Institute of Biochemistry
and Physiology of Microorganisms, Russian Academy
of Sciences, Pushchino, Russia.
Proteome analysis of developing nodule tissue in Medi-
cago by ROLFE, BG and DJORDJEVIC, MA with Dr
E Kondorosi and Prof A Kondorosi, IVS CNRS Gif-sur
Yvette, France.
Proteome analysis of the global regulation controlled by
the nolR regulator gene by ROLFE, BG; WEINMAN,
JJ with Dr E Kondorosi and Prof A Kondorosi, IVS
CNRS Gif-sur Yvette, France.
Temporal and spatial order of events during the induc-
tion of cortical cell divisions in white clover by
Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii inoculation or
localized cytokinin addition by ROLFE, BG and
MATHESIUS, U with Dr E Kondorosi and Prof A
Kondorosi, IVS CNRS Gif-sur Yvette, France.
The role of ENOD40 during nodulation by ROLFE,
BG with Dr M Crespi, IVS-CNRS, Gif France.
Molecular genetic analysis of rice-associating Rhizo-
bium strains by ROLFE, B G, WEINMAN JJ and
DJORDJEVIC MA with Dr FB Dazzo, Michigan State
University, Michigan, USA.
Development of rice Rhizobium inoculant by ROLFE,
BG with Bio-Care Technology Pty Ltd NSW.
Proteome analysis of membrane proteins by ROLFE,
BG with DJORDJEVIC, MA and Prof A Puhler, De-
partment of Genetics, Faculty of Biology, University of
Bielefeld, Germany.
Evolution of immunoglobulin genes in mammals by
WEILLER, GF with Prof EJ Steele, University of
DNA sequence alignment respecting recombination
events by WEILLER, GF with Prof R Giegerich and Dr
S Kurtz, Faculty of Technology, University of Bielefeld,
Distance methods for the reconstruction of recom-
binant phylogenies by WEILLER, GF with Prof R
Giegerich, Faculty of Technology, University of
Bielefeld, Germany.
Investigations of molecular mechanisms causing cold
sterility in rice by WEINMAN, JJ and ROLFE, BG
with RL Williams, Agricultural Research Station,
A molecular genetic investigation of microspore devel-
opment in rice anthers by WEINMAN, JJ and ROLFE
BG with RL Williams, Agricultural Research Station,
Role of nodR gene in LCO production and level of acyl
group saturation by WEINMAN, JJ and DJORD-
JEVIC, MA with Prof Spaink, Leiden University
Molecular Genetics and Evolution
Molecular control of coral development by BALL, EE
and HAYWARD, DC with Dr DJ Miller and Dr J Cat-
mull, James Cook University and Prof R Saint and G
Samuel, University of Adelaide.

The Australian National University Annual Report 2000
Comparative development of glial cells in grasshopper
and Drosophila by BALL, EE with Prof GM Technau,
Johannes Gutenberg University, Germany.
Further improvements of the code to standardised virus
characteristics and mapping tools for other databases
systems by BÜCHEN-OSMOND, C with L Blaine, E
Krichevsky and T Piselli, Bioinformatics, American
Type Culture Collection, Manassas, USA.
Further improvements to DELTA Windows software
and its incorporation into ICTVdB to enhance the ma-
noeuvrability within large data-sets, outputs in print
(RTF format) and on the Web (HTML) by BÜCHEN-
OSMOND, C with Dr MJ Dallwitz and E Zurcher,
Development of strategies to coordinate the worldwide
data input by members of the ICTV Study Groups us-
ing the data submission forms, and to introduce a
mechanism to up-date virus taxonomy using ICTVdB
on the web by BÜCHEN-OSMOND, C with Dr T
Della-Porta, CSIRO.
Virus taxonomy and nomenclature, a project to intro-
duce approved taxonomies to sequence databases by
BÜCHEN-OSMOND, C with Dr R Apweiler and Dr
S Plibout, SWISS-PROT and Dr G Stoesser EMBL,
EBI, Hinxton, UK.
Genes involved in heavy metal resistance in plants and
yeast by CHEN, XJ with Dr R Zhang, University of
Regulation of multidrug resistance by protein phospho-
rylation by CHEN, XJ with Dr K Kuchler, University
of Vienna.
Mutations affecting the assembly of F
-ATPase by
lours, Institut de Biochimie et de Génétique Cellulaire
du CNRS, France.
The mitochondrial genome of Schwanniomyces occi-
dentalis encodes genes for NADH dehydrogenase by
CLARK-WALKER, GD with C Fernet and Prof M
Claisse. Centre Génétique Moleculaire, CNRS, France.
P element induced hybrid element insertion and hybrid
element excision repair by GRAY, YHM with Dr J
Sved, University of Sydney.
Transposon-induced chromosomal rearrangements by
GRAY, YHM with Dr S Whyard, CSIRO.
Antisense RNA by GRAY, YHM with Dr S Whyard,
CSIRO and B Dixon RSBS/Division of Biochemistry
and Molecular Biology.
The role of environmental stress in TE-induced chro-
mosomal rearrangements by GRAY, YHM with Dr S
Whyard, CSIRO and Dr A Malacrida, University of Pa-
via, Italy.
Microsatellite markers in A. mangium by GRAY, YHM
with Dr P Butcher, CSIRO.
Male fertility mutants in D. melanogaster by GRAY,
YHM with Dr M Perotti, University of Milano, Milan,
Molecular control of grasshopper development by
HAYWARD, DC and BALL, EE with Prof NH Patel,
University of Chicago, USA.
Evolution of RXR/USPs in insects by HAYWARD,
with Dr M Bastiani, University of Utah, USA and Dr
M Whiting, Brigham Young University, USA.
Molecular Plant Physiology Group
Crystallographic structural studies of Rubisco activase
with Dr I Andersson, Swedish Agricultural University,
Uppsala, Sweden.
The activation and catalytic mechanism of the plant
carbon-fixing enzyme, Rubisco by ANDREWS, TJ;
KANE, HJ and WHITNEY, SM with A/Prof R Lilley
and M Kelly, University of Wollongong, Dr P Curmi,
University of NSW and Dr A Portis, University of Illi-
nois, USA.
Investigations of CO
 acquisition mechanism in dino-
flagellates by BADGER, MR; ANDREWS, TJ; PRICE,
GD and WHITNEY, SM with Dr DC Yellowlees and
W Leggat, James Cook University.
Effects of high temperatures on coral photosynthesis
and bleaching by BADGER, MR and FRANKLIN, L
with Prof T Larkum and Dr O Hoegh-Guldberg, Uni-
versity of Sydney.
Molecular and physiological analysis of plant respira-
tion by BADGER, MR and PRICE, GD with Prof DA
Day, ANU, Prof T Wiskich, University of Adelaide, Dr
J Whelan, University of WA, Dr S Robinson, Universi-
ty of Wollongong.
Secretion of beta-glucuronidase in plants, yeast and bac-
teria by BADGER, MR, PRICE, GD with Dr R
Jefferson, Dr A Killian and T Ngyuen, Centre for Ap-
plied Molecular Biology in International Agriculture
Isolation and characterisation of ovule specific regulato-
ry elements and genes from rice and Arabidopsis by
BADGER, MR and PRICE, GD with Dr R Jefferson,
Dr A Killian and W Yang, Centre for Applied Molecu-
lar Biology in International Agriculture (CAMBIA).
Molecular Analysis of the CO
 Concentrating Mecha-
nism in Cyanobacteria by BADGER, MR and PRICE,
GD with Dr D Sültemeyer, University of Kaiserslau-
tern, Kaiserslautern, Germany.
Molecular and immunological analysis of carboxysomes
by PRICE, GD with Dr M Ludwig, Macquarie

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