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Lehuu, Isabelle. “Reconstructing Reading Vogues in the Old South: Borrowings from the Charleston Library Society, 1811-1817.” Pp. 64-84 in The History of Reading. Volume 1: International Perspectives, c. 1500-1900. Edited by Shafquat Towheed and W. R. Owens (eds.). Foreword by Simon Eliot. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. Pp. 232; bibliography; illustrations; index; tables.

Leibetseder, Mathis. “Beförderer dieses Werkes’: Die Käufer und Leser von Johann Bernoulli’s Sammlung kurzer Reisebeschreibungen (1781-1784).” Leipziger Jahrbuch zur Beuchgeschichte, 16 (2007), 11-28.

Leich, Haral M. “The ‘Czar’s Library’: Books from Russian Imperial Palaces at the Library of Congress.” Canadian-American Slavic Studies, 43 (2009), 387-418.

Leistner, Maria-Verena. “Der Bibliothekar Wilhelm Müller.” Pp. 77-90 in Bücherwelten im Gartenreich Dessau-Wörlitz. Edited by Wilhelm Haefs. Hannover: Wehrhahn, 2009. Pp. 168; 25 illustrations.

Lelièvre, Françoise, and Claude Lelièvre. Histoire de la scolarisation des filles. (Repères pédagogiques.) Paris: Nathan, 1991. Pp. 272; illus.

Lemaire, Claudine. "La Comtesse Anne-Philippine Thérèse d'Yve, figure de proue de la rèvolution brabançonne et grande bibliophile (1738-1814)." Archives et bibliothèques de Belgique, 61 (1990), 121-42.

Lemoine, Réjean. "Le Commerce du livre et la lecture à Québec avant 1837." Pp. 163-72 of L'histoire de la culture et de l'imprimé: Hommages à Claude Galarneau. Edited by Yvan Lamonde and Gilles Gallichan. Sainte-Foy: Presses de l'U. Laval, 1996.

Leone, Maria. “La Nouvelle Héloïse et ses lecteurs philosophes: Quand l’écriture romanesque redéfinit les modalités du dialogue de Rousseau et de ses ‘enemis.’” Pp. 193-204 in Rousseau et les philosophes. Edited by Michael O’Dea. (SVEC, 2010: 12.) Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 2010. Pp. xii + 273; 6 illus.

Leonhard, Joachim-Felix. “Library History and the History of Printing: A Supraregional Support Program in the Federal Republic of Germany.” (Translated by Ulrike Eich.) Libraries & Culture, 24, no. 1 (1988), 69-74.

Leonov, Valerii Pavlovich. Libraries in Russia: History of the Library of the Academy of Sciences from Peter the Great to Present. Foreword by Katrin Ostwald-Richter. Translated by Nikolai I Yashugin, Mikhail A. Prokofiev, and Marcus A. Sherwood-Jenkins. Munich: Saur, 2005. Pp. 244; index. [Rev. by Kathleen Ladizesky in Library History, 22, no. 2 (July 2006), 162-63.]

Lepape, Séverine. “Du nationalisme au surréalisme: Une petite histoire de coffrets.” Bulletin du bibliophile, 2012, no. 1 (July 2012), 11-23.

Lerner, Frederick. Libraries through the Ages. New York: Continuum, 1999; rpt. 2000. Pp. 160; illus.; index; maps. [A survey said to be based on Lerner's The Stories of Libraries. Rev. by Anne Lundin in Libraries and Culture, 35 (2000), 496-97.]

Lerner, Frederick Andrew [Fred]. The Story of Libraries: From the Invention of Writing to the Computer Age. New York: Continuum, 1998. Pp. 246; bibliography; illus.; index. [Reviewers call this a well-written and accurate narrative survey, but lacking the authority of Michael Harris's History of Libraries in the Western World, 4th ed. (1995). Rev. by D. W. Krummel in Libraries and Culture, 35 (2000), 363-64; (mixed) by Dave Muddiman in Library History, 19 (2003), 60; (fav.) by Charles A. Seavey in Library Quarterly, 69 (1999), 526-27. A Second edition was published by Continuum in 2009 with 249 pp.]

Lerner, Isaías. “El Quijote y el lector americano.” Pp. 255-66 in Cervantes and/on/in the New World. Edited by Julio Vélez-Sainz and Nieves Romero-Díaz. Newark, DE: Juan de la Cuesta, 2007. Pp. 326.

Lethbridge, Stefanie. "Anthological Reading Habits in the Eighteenth Century: The Case of Thomson's Seasons." Pp. 89-103 in Anthologies of British Poetry: Critical Perspectives from Literary and Cultural Studies. Edited by Barbara Korte, Stefanie Lethbridge, and Ralf Schneider. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2000. Pp. 347.

Leu, Urs B. “Johann Jakob Bodmers Privatbibliothek.” Pp. 831-46 of Johann Jakob Bodmer und Johann Jakob Breitinger im Netzwerk der europäischen Aufklärung. (Das achtzehnte Jahrhundert: Supplementa, 16.) Edited by Anett Lütteken and Barbara Mahlmann-Bauer Göttingen: Wallstein, 2009. Pp. 879; 48 illustrations.

Leung, Cécile. "The Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres and the Secular Approach to Chinese Scholarship in Eighteenth-Century France." Das achtzehnte Jahrhundert, 25 (2001), 14-24; summaries in French and German.

Levi Momigliano, Lucetta, and Laura Tos (eds.). L'Abate in biblioteca: I libri di Tommaso Valperga di Caluso. (Biblioteca del Castello di Masino, Quaderno I.) Turin: Allamandi & C., 1999. Pp. 62; colored illustrations. [The bibliophile Abbot, a friend of Alfieri and other authors, donated much of his large collection to the U. of Torino in 1815. Rev. by Arnoldo di Benedetto in Giornale storico della letteratura italiana, 177 (2000), 623-24.]

Levy, Anita. “Reproductive Urges: Literacy, Sexuality, and Eighteenth-Century Englishness.” Pp. 193-214 of Inventing Maternity: Politics, Science, and Literature, 1650-1865. Edited by Susan C. Greenfield and Carol Barash. Lexington: U. Press of Kentucky, 1999. Pp. viii + 274.

Levy, Lindsay. “Was Sir Water Scott a Bibliomaniac?” (309-22) of From Compositors to Collectors: Essays on Book-Trade History. Edited by John Hinks and Matthew Day. London: British Library; New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press, 2012. Pp. xviii + 382; illus.

Levy, Michelle. “The Radical Education of Evenings at Home.” Eighteenth-Century Fiction, 19, nos. 1-2 (2006), 123-50. [Early children’s literature by John Aiken and his sister Anna Laetitia Barbauld, Evenings at Home, or the Juvenile Budget Opened, 6 vols. (1792-1796).]

Lewandowska, Anna. "Biblioteka Gimnazjum Akademickiego w Toruniu 1594-1793." Pp. 17-42 in Ksiega pamiakowa uroczystego obchodu 60-lecia Ksiaznicy Miejskiej im. M. Kopernika. Torun, Poland: Wojewódzka Biblioteka Publiczna i Ksiaznica Miejeka, 1988.

Lewes, Darby. “Marginal(ized) Blake: The Annotations to Reynolds’ Discourses.” Pp. 15-26 in Double Vision: Literary Palimpsests of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. Edited by Lewes. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2008. Pp. 296.

Lewis, Ann. Sensibility, Reading, and Illustration: Spectacles and Signs in Graffigny, Marivaux, and Rousseau. Oxford: Legenda, 2009. Pp. xviii + 292. [Rev. by Florence Magnot-Ogilvy in French Studies, 66 (2012), 245-46.]

Lewis, A. R. “Archival Sources for the Builders of the Library and Hall of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, 1776-1782.” Scottish Archives, 14 (2008), 73-84.

Lewis, Rhodri. “An Early Reader of Dryden’s Absolom and Achitophel.” Notes and Queries, 57 (2010), 67-69.

Lewis, Yvonne. "Sir Ralph Bankes (?1631-1677) and the Origins of the Library at Kingston Hall." Library History, 18 (2002), 215-23.

Lichnerová, Lucia. “Nemecká tlacená kniha ako súčast súkromnej knižnice 17. storočia vo vybraných slovenských mestách (pozostalostný súpis ako prameň” [German printed books as a part of a private library of the 17th century in selected Slovak towns (an estate inventory as a source)]. Studia Bibliograhica Posoniensi [Slovak e-journal from Bratislava], 2014 (2014), 11-25; bibliography; English summary. [English title from the author. A collection study using estate inventories for bourgeois men and clergy, noting a third of foreign language titles are in German.]

Lieb, Michael, Emma Mason, Jonathan Roberts, and Christopher Rowland (eds.). The Oxford Handbook of the Reception History of the Bible. (Oxford Handbooks in Religion and Theology.) Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. Pp. xv + 725; 15 illustrations; subject and citation indices. [With 44 essays on books of the Bible and on regional receptions. Reissued in paperback in 2013. Rev. by R. I. Kueh in Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 63 (2012), 792-94; (with a mistaken inclusion of the cover illustration text in the title) by Ulrich Luz in Journal of Theological Studies, 63 (2012), 273-76.]

Lightbourne, Ruth. "Bookplates, Book Labels, and Handwritten Inscriptions in a New Zealand Colonial Library." Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zeland Bulletin, 28 (2004), 62-77.

Liliequist, Jonas. “Ära dygd och manlighet: Strategier för social prestiege i 1600- och 1700-talets Sverige.” ” Lychnos (2009), 117-48.

Lilley, James D. “Studies in Ubiquity: Horace Walpole’s Singular Collection.” ELH, 80 (2013), 93-124.

Linenthal, Richard A. "The Takamiya Library." Book Collector, 53 (2004), 15-31; illus. [On the collection of Toshiyuki Takamiya, a distinguished Japanese professor of Midieval English literature, with a prefatory biographical sketch by Nicholas Poole-Wilson ("Toshiyuki Takamiya," 12-14, with portrait). Takamiya's considerable collection of MSS includes forgeries by William Henry Ireland; it also includes, "still unpublished . . . the manuscript collection by a little known eighteenth century Anglo-Irish antiquary Edward Burton," who compiled a list of Anglo-Saxons and of Anglo-Saxon vocabulary (29). Takamiya's collection also includes a number of Restoration and 18C imprints, many in association copies.]

Lipp, Walter. "Die Bibliothek des Klosters Ensdorf im Zeitalter des Spätbarock und der Aufklärung bis zur Auflösung 1802: Versuch einer Teilrekonstruktion aus den an der Staatlichen Bibliothek Amberg noch vorhandenen und Nachweisbaren Beständen." Pp. 133-64 in Literarische Klosterkultur in der Oberpfalz: Festschrift zum 300. Geburtstag von P. Odilo Schreger OSB. Edited by Manfred Knedlik and Alfred Wolfsteiner. Kallmünz: Lassleben, 1997. Pp. 213; illus.

Lister, Anthony. "The Althorp Library of Second Earl Spencer [George John, 1758-1834], now in the John Rylands University Library of Manchester: Its Formation and Growth." Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester, 71, no. 2 (Summer 1989), 67-86. [Cf. Lister's "The Formation of the Althorp Library," Bulletin du bibliophile (1989), 69-92.]

"The Literature of American Library History, 1987-1988." Libraries and Culture, 25 (1990), 543-74. [Review essay.]

Livres et culture du clergé à l'époque moderne. (Special issue of Revue d'histoire de l'Eglise de France, January-June 1997.) Paris: Société d'histoire religieuse de la France, 1997. Pp. 225; illus. [17C focus.]

Lock, F. P. "Swift's Library: The Yale Copy of the Sale Catalogue Reconsidered." The Book Collector, 40 (1991), 31-50. [Rejects the view of Arthur Freeman that a handwritten list of 32 titles on a sale catalogue of Swift's library represents additional books owned by Swift, reiterating some points made by David Woolley in Swift Studies 1989; a rejoinder by Freeman follows, conceding some points (see above).]

Lockwood, Thomas. "Subscription-Hunters and Their Prey." Studies in the Literary Imagination, 34 (2001), 122-35.

Lodolini, Elio. Storia dell’archivistica italiana” Dal mondo antico alla metà del secolo XX. Milan: Franco Angeli, 2010. Pp. 352. [Rev. by Giancarlo Petrella in L’Almanacco bibliografico, no. 18 (September 2010), 27.]

Loh, Gerhard (comp.). Verzeichnis der Kataloge von Buchauktionen und Privatbibliotheken aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum. (Internationale Bibliographie der Antiquariats-, Auktions- und Kunstkataloge, 1-2.) Vol. 1: 1607-1730; Vol. 4: 1781-1795. Leipzig: G. Loh, 1995, 2005. Pp. ix + 318; v + 366 Indices. [Union lists of German, Austrian, and Swiss booksellers' catalogues. Part of a much large project going forward over decades and to 2015. Perhaps Loh has been engaged in two projects, but it seems as if the project volumes are also entitled Die Europäischen Privatbibliotheken und Buchauktionen: Ein Verzeichnis ihrer Kataloge (1997, 2012). The volume numbers are not in the same sequence as the years of the volumes’ survey of auction-records. Volumes covering auction books 1676-1689 and 1690-1699 appeared respectively in 2000 and 2003 (ix + 346 pp.); those on 1731-1760 (Vol. 2), 1761-1780 (Vol. 3), 1700-1710 (Vol. 4), 1720-1726 (Vol. 6) appeared respectively in 1998 , 2002, 2006, 2012. There is a volume covering 1555-1675 as well.]

Loison, Marc. L’École primaire française: De l’Ancien Régime à la. l’éducation prioritaire. Paris: Vuibert, 2007. Pp. 362; illustrations.

Lokös, Péter. “Ponam thronum euis sicut dies coeli: Egy 17. századi német prédikáció I. József magyar királlyá koronázásáról és Eger 1687-es visszafoglalásáról.” Magyar Könyvszemle, 129 (2013), 336-56.

Long, Gerard (ed.). Beyond the Pale: Aspects of the Provincial Book Trade in Ireland before 1850. (Proceedings of the Rare Books Group Seminar in 1994.) Dublin: Rare Books Group of the Library Association of Ireland, 1996. Pp. xiv + 154; index. [Five of the seven essays treat the eighteenth century: Joanna Finegan's "Georgian Drogheda and the Printed Word," Vincent Kinane's "Early Book Trades in Galway" (in part why printing did not begin there until 1754), Hugh Fenning on "The Catholic Press in Munster in the Eighteenth Century," Wesley McCann's "The Distribution of Books from Belfast: The Evidence of Subscription Lists," on subscription lists and prospectuses for early Belfast publications (1730-1777), and Kevin Whelan's "The Republic in the Village," on periodicals and popular political literature of the 1790s. Most essays touch on the production and distribution of books, specialization within the trades, and literacy.]

Longás Lacasa, María Ángeles. Historia de la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Mallorca (1767-1829). Madrid: Figuerola Instituto, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 2015. Pp. 437. Available on the WWW with open access at

Loonen, P. L. M. "For to learne to buye and sell": Learning English in the Low Dutch Area between 1500 and 1800: A Critical Survey. Amsterdam-Maarssen: Holland U. Press, 1991. Pp. xii + 375; bibliographies.

Lopez, François. "Antonio Sanz, imprimeur du roi et l'édition populaire sous l'Ancien Régime." Bulletin Hispanique, 95 (1993), 349-78. [Regarding the censorship conflicts between the commissioner overseeing printing and Sanz, the royal printer, over unlicensed printings of popular literature, 1757-1766.]

Lopez-Allias, Karin. "Du fils de négrier à l'intellectuel des Lumières: André Daniel Laffon de Ladébat (1746-1829) [and his library]." Revue française d'histoire du livre, nos. 104-05 (1999), 405-14.

López Alós, Javier. “Saberes clásicos y conocimientos útiles en el siglo XVIII: Pedagogía y enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras en España.” Cuadernos Dieciochistas, 14 (2013), 59-75.

López-Vidriero, María-Louisa (ed.). Los libros de Francisco de Bruna en el Palacio del Rey. Seville: Patrimonio Nacional-Fundación El Monte, 1999. Pp. 652; illus. [Rev. by Gérard Morisse in Revue française d'histoire du livre, nos. 104-105 (1999), 471-72. Catalogue of the 225 books and 35 manuscripts from Sevillian judge Francisco de De Bruna y Ahumada (1719-1807), a large collection that went to the royal library.]

López-Vidriero, María Luisa. The Polished Cornerstone of the Temple: Queenly Libraries of the Enlightenment. (Panizzi Lectures for 2004.) London: British Library, 2005. [Rev. . by Trevor J. Dadson in Book Collector, 57 (2008), 167-69; by Isabel Bernal Martinez in Libraries & the Cultural Record, 42 (2007), 87-89.]

López-Vidriero, María Luisa. Speculum Principum: Nuevas lecturas curriculares, nuevos usos de la Librería del Príncipe en el Setecientos. Madrid: Editorial Biblioteca Nueva and Instituto de Historia del Libro y de la Lectura, 2002. Pp. 620; bibliography. [Rev. by François Geal in Bulletin du bibliophile (2004), 195-99; by Gabriel Sánchez Espinosa in Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, 64 (2002), 275. An the library of Prince Carlos of Asturias (the future Charles IV) based on an inventory of 1782 detailing 1473 works. Geal notes that López-Vidriero reconstructs the private library of "Prince de Carlos Antonio de Borbón, devenu Carlos IV à partir de 1788, et d'ébaucher le contexte politico-culturel susceptible d'éclairer ladite collection à la fois dans son contenu, son organisation, et son utilisation."]

López-Vidriero, Maria Luisa, and Pedro Catedra (eds.). El libro en palacio y otros estudios bibliograficos. (El Libro antiguo español: Actas del tercer coloquio internacional, 3.) Salamanca: U. de Salamanca; Madrid: Patrimonio Nacional; Sociedad Espanola de Historia del Libro, 1996. Pp. 364; illus.; index. [Papers in English, French, Italian, and Spanish from a 1993 conference on private and rare-books libraries, including Isabel Balsinde's "Fondos del siglo XVII en la biblioteca de Gregorio Mayans [y Siscar] (315-42); Giovanna Giacobello Bernard's "Le imagini della Biblioteca Reale di Torino tra storia e collezionismo" (113-46); Fernando Cremades's "El lugar de los libros: La Biblioteca de El Escorial (101-12); Stephen J. Patterson on "The Royal Library, Windsor Castle" (201-23); Manuel Sánchez Mariana's "Las clasificaciones bibliotecas: Su estado a principios del siglo XVIII" (279-83); and Elena Santiago's "'Animi medicamentum: la biblioteca di Felipe IV de la torre alta del Alcázar" (285-314).]

López-Vidriero, Maria Luisa, Pedro Catedra, and Isabel Hernandez González (eds.). Coleccionismo y bibliotecas (Siglos XV-XVIII). (El Libro antiguo español, 4.) Salamanca: U. de Salamanca; Madrid: Patrimonio Nacional, Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid; Sociedad Espanola de Historia del Libro, 1998. Pp. 611; index; music. [Most essays involve the Renaissance period; of particular interest is López-Vidriero's "El gabinete de un hombre de gusto: Manuales para la formacion de bibliotecas en el siglo XVIII" (447-60). Rev. by Gérard Morisse in Revue française d'histoire du livre, nos. 100-101 (1998), 428-30.]

López-Vidriero, María Luisa (comp. and ed.), and by Concepción Lois, Isabel Balsinde, Elena Delgado, Arantxa Domingo Malvadi, Pablo Andrés Escapa, and J. L. Rodríguez Montederramo (comps.) Los Libros de Francisco de Bruna en el Palacio del Rey. Introduction by Francisco Aguilar Piñal (11-46). Seville: Patrimonio Nacional; Fundación El Monte, 1999. 652; bibliography; illus.; 9 indices. [Manuscripts 55-246; printed works 247-552.]

Lorenz, Bernd. Allgemeinbildung und Fachwissen: Deutsche Ärzte und ihre Privatbibliotheken. Herzogenrath, Germany: Murken-Altrogge, 1992. Pp. 175; 7 appendices; bibliographies; indices. [Well documented study of the private libraries of medical doctors in Germany from the fourteenth through twentieth centuries; appendices list doctors by cities, relevant library catalogues, and secondary sources.]

Lorenz, Bernd (ed.). Bibliothek und Philologie: Festschrift für Hans-Jürgen Schubert zum 65. Geburstag. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2005. Pp. ix + 206; portrait. [Includes an essay by Ingrid Rückert on early developments in library cataloging as by Martin Schrettinger (1772-1851); other essays concern recent developments in cataloguing and indexing and the relationship of the titular subjects. Rev. (fav.) by Matthew Z. Heintzelman in Libraries & the Cultural Record, 42 (2007), 95-97.]

Lorenz, Bernd. "Humanistische Bildung und fachliches Wissen: Privatbibliotheken deutscher Ärtze, Teil 1": "_____ Zweiter Teil." Philobiblon, 41 (1997), 128-52; 42 (1998), 253-300.

Lorenz, Bernd. "Humanistische Bildung und fachliches Wissen. Privatbibliotheken deutscher Ärzte. Dritter Teil: Ärztliche Privatbibliotheken des 19. Jahrhunderts." Philobiblon, 43 (1999), 294-314.

Lorenzo Tena, Antonio. “La Biblioteca de un ilustrado canario: Don Francisco de Lugo-Viña y Molina (1752-1809).” Cuadernos de Estudios del Siglo XVIII, 14 (2004), 67-88.

Losada Goya, José Manuel. Bibliographie critique de la littérature espagnole en France au XVIIe siècle: Présence et influence. (Travaux du Grand Siècle, 9.) Geneva: Droz, 1999. Pp. xxii + 671; bibliography; indices of authors and works. [Rev. (fav.) by Margaret A. Rees in Modern Language Review, 95 (2000), 595. Identifies passages in 517 works, rejecting some influence claims and adding others.]

Losano Laguna, Sara. “Noticias de la biblioteca de un ilustrado gaditano: Don Guillermo Tirry y Tirry, III Márquesa de la Cañada.” Cuadernos de Estudios del Siglo XVIII, 21 (2011), 59-92.

Lösel, Barbara, with assistance from Alfred G. Swierk. Die Frau als Persönlichkeit im Buchwesen: Dargestellt am Beispiel der Göttinger Verlegerin Anna Vandenhoeck (1709-1787). (Buchwissenschaftliche Beitrage aus dem Deutschen Bucharchiv München, 33.) Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1991. Pp. viii + 229; bibliography [of Vandenhoeck imprints from 1750 to 1787 (81-198) and of secondary sources (211-20)]; illustrations; index.

Lough, John. "The French Literary Underground Reconsidered." Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century, 329 (1995), 471-82.

Loureiro, Olimpia Maria da Cunha. O Livro e a Leitura no Porto no Século XVIII. Porto: Centro de Estudos D. Domingos de Pinho Brandao, 1994. Pp. 198; illus.

Love, Harold. "Refining Rochester: Private Texts and Public Readers." Harvard Library Bulletin, n.s. 7, no. 1 (Spring 1996), 40-49.

Love, Harold. "Scribal Texts and Literary Communities: The Rochester Circle and Osborn b. 105.” Studies in Bibliography, 42 (1989), 219-35.

Lovegrove, Deryck. "'A Set of Men Whose Proceedings Threat No Small Disorder': The Society for Propagating the Gospel at Home, 1798-1808." Scottish Historical Review, 79 (2000), 61-81.

Loveman, Kate. “Books and Sociability: The Case of Samuel Pepys’s Library.” Review of English Studies, 61 (2010), 214-33. [Loveman stresses the ways Pepys collected books and displayed his library to “manifold social purposes,” in part as a reflection of himself and a manner of networking with others (that famous library is now preserved at Magdalene College, Cambridge).]

Loveman, Kate. Samuel Pepys and his Books: Readings, Newsgathering, and Sociability, 1660-1703. Oxford: Oxford U. Press, 2015. Pp. xvii + 308; 13 illustrations; 1 map. [Rev. by Stephen Bernard in Review of English Studies (forthcoming in 2016; online posting late in 2015); (with another book) by Paul Hammond in The Seventeenth Century, 30, no. 4 (2015), 488-89.]

Loveman, Kate. Reading Fictions, 1660-1740: Deception in English Literary and Political Culture. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008. Pp. x + 222. [The last seventeenth- and early eighteenth-century readers concerns over deceptive narrative affected their reading habits and how they read. Loveman’s book treats reading as a social activity and should also interest those working on Daniel Defoe and Jonathan Swift. Rev. (with another book) by Rebecca Bullard in Review of English Studies, 60 (2009), 654-57; by Ashley Marshall in Huntington Library Quarterly, 73 (2010), 329-32.]

Loveman, Kate. Samuel Pepys and his Books: Readings, Newsgathering, and Sociability, 1660-1703. Oxford: Oxford U. Press, 2015. Pp. xvii + 308; 13 illustrations; 1 map. [Rev. by Stephen Bernard in Review of English Studies (forthcoming in 2016; online posting late in 2015); (with another book) by Paul Hammond in The Seventeenth Century, 30, no. 4 (2015), 488-89.]

Lubey, Kathleen. Excitable Imaginations: Eroticism and Reading in Britain, 1660-1760. (Transits: Literature, Thought, and Culture, 1650-1850.) Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press; Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2012. Pp. xi + 271; bibliography; 20 illustrations; index. [Stresses the attention to the erotic across all forms of eighteenth-century literature, noting how it is a vehicle for instruction. Authors discussed include Joseph Addison, Eliza Haywood, and John Cleland, as well as the artist William Hogarth. Rev. (favorably) by George E. Haggerty in Eighteenth-Century Fiction, 26, no. 2 (Winter 2013/2014), 303-05.]

Lucchese, Beatrice. “Le biblioteche circolanti: Il caso di Venezia.” La fabbrica del libro, 15, no. 1 (2009), 23-27.

Lucía Megas, José Manuel (ed.). Imprenta, libros y lectura en la España del Quijote. Madrid: Artesanal, 2006. Pp. 527.

Ludscheidt, Michael, and Kathrin Paasch (eds.). Bücher und Bibliotheken in Erfurt: Beiträge des gleichnamigen wissenschaftlichen Symposiums der Neuen Erfurter Bibliotheksgesellschaft und des Fördervereins der Bibliothek des Evangelischen Ministeriums im Augustinerkloster am 15. und 16. September 2000 in Zusammenarbeit mit der Stadt- und Regionalbibliothek Erfurt und der Bibliothek des Evangelischen Ministeriums im Augustinerkloster Erfurt. Erfurt: Neue Erfurter Bibliotheksgesellschaft, 2000. Pp. 222. [Papers from a symposium in Erfurt, Germany.]

Luey, Beth. Expanding the American Mind: Books and the Popularization of Knowledge. Amherst: U. of Massachusetts Press, 2010. Pp. 218.

Lundberg, Mattias. “The First Hundred Years of Music Librarianship at the Swedish Royal Academy of Music, 1771-1871.” Fontes Artis Musicae, 57 (2010), 236-55.

Lupo, Massimo. "Reorganization of the Public Education System in the Kingdom of Naples during the French Period." Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 4 (1999), 329-49.

Lupo, Massimo. "La scuola tra riformismo, rivoluzione, reazione: Gli esordi dell'istruzione pubblica nel regno di Napoli (1767-1806)." Nuova Rivista Storica, 83 (1999), 281-314.

Lupton, Christina. Knowing Books: The Consciousness of Mediation in Eighteenth-Century Britain. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2012 [October 2011]. Pp. 200.[Rev. by Thomas Lockwood in SHARP News, 21, no. 4 (Autumn 2012), 10.]

Lupu, Daniela Luminita. Tiparnul si cartea in Tara Româneasca intre anii 1716 si 1821. Indexed by Alexandrina Ionita. Iasi: Casa Editoriala Demiurg, 2009. Pp. 613 + [18] of illustrations. [On the history of printing and book sales, circulation, and reading in Wallachia 1716-1821. Rev. (favorably) by Olimpia Mitric in Library, 7th series, 13 (2012), 494.]

Lüsebrink, Hans Jürgen (ed.). Les lectures du peuple en Europe en dans les Amériques du XVIIe au XXe siècle. Brussels: Complexe, 2003. Pp. 347; illustrations; maps. [Rev. by Christophe Pavlidis in Bulletin des bibliothèques de France, 48 (2003), 111-12.

Lüsebrink, Hans-Jürgen, and York-Gothart Mix. "Kulturtransfer und Autonomisierung: Populäre deutschamerikanische und frankokanadische Kalender des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts: Prämissen und Perspektiven der Forschung." Gutenberg-Jahrbuch, 77 (2002), 188-200.

Lüsebrink, Hans-Jürgen, and Rolf Reichardt. “L’Univers livresque d’un philosophe allemand: Libraires, livres et lectures de Georg Forster.” Pp. 613-47 in Le Livre et l'historien: Études offertes en l'honneur du Professeur Henri-Jean Martin. (Histoire et civilisation du livre, 24.) Edited by Frédéric Barbier, Annie Parent-Charon, François Dupuigrenet Desroussilles, Claude Jolly, and Dominique Varry. Geneva: Droz, 1997. Pp. xvii + 817 + [7]; index. [On Forster’s personal library.]

Lütteken, Laurenz. "Die musikalische Bibliothek Johann Joachim Eschenburgs: Ein Rekonstruktionsversuch." Das Achtzehnte Jahrhundert, 20 (1996), 45-72; illus.

Lutz, Cora E. "Ezra Stiles and the Learned Jews at Newport." Yale University Library Gazette, 70 (1996), 161-69.

Lyna, Dries. “De geboorte van de moderne veiling: Specialisering en commercilalis van publiek verkopen in achttiende-eewus Antwerpen” [The Birth of the Modern Auction: Specialization and Commericialization of Public Sales in Eighteenth-Century Antwerp]. Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis, 4 (2008), 87-106; summary in English]

Lynch, Jack. “’Every Man Able to Read’: Literacy in Early America.” Colonial Williamsburg Journal (Winter 2011). Open access online journal. Unpaginated; illustrations; linked to additional illustrations.

Lyon-Caen, Judith. "Histoire littéraire et histoire de la lecture." Revue d'histoire littéraire de la France, 103 (2003), 613-24. [In an issue focused on 19th-century French literary history.]

Lyons, Martyn. A History of Reading and Writing in the Western World. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. Pp. 288. [MS and printed book development.]

Lyons, Martyn. Readers and Society in Nineteenth-Century France: Workers, Women, Peasants. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2001. Pp. xi + 208; bibliography; index. [Rev. by James Smith Allen in Libraries and Culture, 38 (2003), 74-75; by Sharif Gemic in European History Quarterly, 33 (2003), 381-88; by Robert Gildea in English Historical Review, 117 (2002), 925-26; by Wallace Kirsop in Australian Journal of French Studies, 39 (2002), 437-50; (fav.) by Elisabeth-Christine Muelsch in SHARP News, 11, no. 4 (Autumn 2002), 13-14.]

Lyons, Martin. Le Triomphe du livre: Une histoire sociologique de la lecture dans la France du XIXe siècle. Paris: Promodis, 1987. Pp. 304.

Macé, Laurence. “Giuseppe Pelli Bencivenni collectionneur et lecteur.” Lettre Clandestine, 12 (2003), 150-75.

Macé, Laurence (ed.). Lectures du “Dictionnaire philosophique.” Rennes: Presses universitaires du Rennes, 2008. Pp. 272.

MacFadyen, Heather. "Lady Delacour's Library: Belinda and Fashionable Reading." Nineteenth-Century Literature, 48 (1994), 423-39.

MacGregor, Arthur. The Ashmolean Museum: A Brief History of the Institution and Its Collections. Oxford: Ashmolean Museum in conjunction with Jonathan Horne (London), 2001. Pp. 80; illus. (some in color). [Rev. by Julia Bruce in Archives of Natural History, 30 (2003), 177-78.]

MacGregor, Arthur. Curiosity and Enlightenment: Collectors and Collections from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Century. New Haven: Yale U. Press, 2008. Pp. 288; 200 illus. [Rev. by Sam Smiles in Journal of the History of Collections, 20 (2008), 146-47.]

MacGregor, Arthur (ed.). Sir Hans Sloane: Collector, Scientist, Antiquary, Founding Father of the British Museum. London: British Museum, 1994.

Macías Delgado, J. "La Biblioteca clandestina de un ilustrado en la oposición." Hispania Sacra, 87 (1990), 259-391.

MacKenzie, Scott. "Ann Radcliffe's Gothic Narrative and the Readers at Home." Studies in the Novel, 31 (1999), 409-31.

MacLean, Gerald. "Literacy, Class, and Gender in Restoration England." TEXT: Transactions of the Society for Textual Scholarship, 7 (1994), 307-35.

MacLean, Ian. W. F. Learning and the Market Place: Essays in the History of the Early Modern Book. (Library of the Written World, 9; Handpress World, 6.) Leiden: Brill, 2009. Pp. 459.

MacLennan, Birdie. "The Library and Its Place in Cultural Memory: The Grande Bibliothèque du Quebec in the Construction of Social and Cultural Identity." Libraries & the Culture Record, 42 (2007), 349-86.

MacManaway, Norma, and Charles Benson. "'A sceliton with taffety hangings': The Early College Library." Pp. 143-50 in Treasures of the Mind: A Trinity College Quartercentenary Exhibition. London: Sotheby's, 1992.

Madas, Edit, and István Monok. A Könyvkultúra Magyarorszagon a kez detektöl 1730-ig. [Book culture in Hungary from its origins to 1730.] Budapest: Balassikiadó, 1998. Pp. 184. [Rev. by Judit P. Vásárhelyi in Magyar Könyvszemle, 114 (1998), 442-44.]

Madden, Etta M. Bodies of Life: Shaker Literature and Literacies. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1998.

Maddox, Randy L. (comp.). “Collection of Books Owned by the Charles Wesley Family in The John Rylands University Library.” Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester, 88, no. 2 (2006 [2010]), 133-77. [Principally a bibliography of over 400 titles, including two short appendices with additional books once belonging and some signed by Charles Wesley 138-77. Charles Wesley Jr. sold his father’s and family’s books to the Wesleyan Methodist Conference in 1831, hence the preservation of the collection of over 300 titles and over 400 volumes.]

Madl, Claire. “L’Aristocrate client, complice et concurrent des libraires: Quelques traits de l’approvisionnement des bibliothèques nobiliaires du Bohëme dans la seconde moitié du XVIIIe siècle.” Pp. 173-87 in Kommunikation und Information im 18. Jahrhundert: Das Beispiel der Hapsburgermonarchie. Edited by Johannes Frimmel and Michael Wögerbauer. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2009.

Madl, Claire. “Pour une étude des choix de langue en milieu plurilingue représentations et pratiques en Bohême à l’époque des Lumières.” Revue Historique, no. 667 [2013/3] (2013), 637-59.

Madl, Claire. “Reconstruction des pratiques plurilingues d’un aristocrate des Lumières à partir de sa bibliothèque et de ses écrits.” Histoire et civilisation, 5 (2009), 269-98.

Maffei, Domenico, and Hilde de Ridder-Symoens (eds.). I collegi universitari in Europa tra il XIV e il XVIII secolo: Atti del Convegno di studi della Commissione internazionale per la storia delle università: Siena-Bologna, 16-19 maggio 1988. (Orbis academicus, 4.) Milan: Giuffreè, 1991. Pp. vii + 207; index. [Texts in Italian, English, French, and Spanish. Rev. by J. Roelevinlc in Paedagogica Historicay, 28 (1992), 623-24.]

Maggi, Marco. “La biblioteca dei Tesauro: L’inventario del 1675: Con un saggio di identificazione e un inedito.” Lettere italiane, 53 (2001), 193-246. [Conte Emanuele Tesauro, d. 1675. Maggi edited his unpublished manuscript Vocabulario italiano: Testo inedito (Florence: Olschki, 2008).]

Maggioli, Andrea, with the assistance of Benedetta D’Arezzo (eds.). Biblioteca e archivio dei frati minori cappuccini della provincia dell’Emilia-Romagna 1535-2008. Bologna: Biblioteca Frati Minori Cappuccini, 2008. [Rev. by Paolo Giambarella in Paratesto, 8 (2011).]

Maggs Bros., Ltd. Association Books 1500 to 1800. (Catalogue 1121.) London: Maggs Bros. Ltd., 1990. Pp. 70; bibliographical descriptions of items for sale; index.

Magnuson, Roger. Education in New France. Montreal: McGill-Queen's U. Press, 1992. Pp. xii + 223; bibliography; yindex. [Rev. by Micheline Dumont in Historical Studies in Education / Revue d'histoire de l'éducation, 6, no. 1 (Spring 1994), 101-04; by D. Peter MacLeod in History of Education Quarterly, 35 (1995), 202-03.]

Mahon, Penny. “’Things by their Right Name’: Peace Education in Evenings at Home.” Children’s Literature, 28 (2000), 164-74.

Maier Allende, Jorge. Noticias de Antigüedades de la Actas de Sesiones de la Real Academia de la Historia (1738-1791). Madrid: Real Academia de la Historia, 2011. Pp. 259; catalogue [45-222]; 4 indices. [Rev. by Eva Velasco Moreno in Cuadernos Dieciochistas, 13 (2012), 329-31.]

Maillard Álvarez, Natalia (ed.). Books in the Catholic World during the Early Modern Period. (Library of the Written Word, 33; Library of the Handpress World, 25.) Leiden: Brill, 2014. Pp. xiii + 240; bibliography [215-34]; index. [On book history and secondarily about readers and publishers. The editor’s introduction and six of the seven essays are relevant to our period: Stijn Van Rossem, “The Verdussens and the International Trade in Catholic Books (Antwerp, Seventeenth Century)” (1-50); Pedro J. Rueda Ramírez, “The Globalization of the European Book Market: Diego Crance’s Catalogus librorum (Seville, 1680) and the Sale of Books in New Spain” (51-70); N. Maillard Álvarez, “Italian Literature in the Hispanic World during the Early Modern Period (Seville and Mexico City)” (115-44); Bianca Lindorfer, “Aristocratic Book Consumption in the Seventeenth Century: Austrian Aristocratic Book Collectors and the Role of Noble Networks in the Circulation of Books from Spain to Austria” (145-70); Idalia García Aguilar, “Before We Are Condemned: Inquisitorial Fears and Private Libraries of New Spain” (171-90); and Adrien Delmas, “Artem quaevis terra alit: Books in the Cape Colony during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century” (191-214). Rev. by Marta M. Nadales in Renaissance Quarterly, 67 (2014), 1430-32.]

Mainil, Jean. Don quichotte en jupons, ou Des effets surprenants de la lecture: Essai d’interpretation de la lectrice romanesque au dix-huitième siècle. Paris: Kimé, 2008. Pp. 256.

Mainil, Jean. “’Mes amis les fées’: Apologie de la femme savante et de la lectrice dans Les Bigarrures ingénieuses de Marie-Jeanne Lhéritier (1696).” Féeries, 1 (2003), 49-71.

Mäkinen, Ilkka. "Lukuhalun historia ja kirjastot Suomessa." Pp. 24-40 in Rakkaudesta lukemiseen: Suomalaisen kirjallisuusharrastuksen kehityksestä. Helsinki: Yliopistopaino, 1996. [On reading, libraries, and bibliophily in Finland from the 1700s to the present.]

Malaguzzi, Francesco. “Sulle tracce della bibliotheca del Principe-Cardinale Maurizio di Savoia.” La Bibliofilia, 95 (1993), 147-62.

Malcolm, Noel. "The Library of Henry Oldenburg." Electronic British Library Journal (2005), article 7, pp. 55 in PDF. . [Oldenburg (1619-1677), first secretary of the Royal Society. He inventoried his library in 1670 and this catalogue was augmented by his friend John Pell in 1677.]

Mallinson, Jonathan. “’Cela ne vaud pas Zaide’: Graffigny, lectrice de Mme de La Fayette.” Pp. 118-28 in Françoise de Graffigny, femme de lettres: Ecriture et réception. (SVEC, 2004: 12.) Edited by Mallinson. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 2004. Pp. xxiv + 410.

Mancia, Walter (comp.). La Biblioteca di Girolamo Tartarotti. Trento: Provincia Autonoma, Soprintendenza per i beni librari e archivistici, 2007. Pp. 582; catalogue; illustrations. [Rev. by Rudj Gorian in L’Almanacco bibliografico, no. 8 (December 2008), 5-6. Internet resource: online open-access journal.]

Mandelbrote, Giles. "Learning to Collect: A Tour of 18th Century Scholar Sir Richard Ellys's Historic Library at Blickling Hall." Rare Book Review, No. 350 (July 2004); posted as of October 2006 at

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