Contemporary Problems of Social Work Современные проблемы социальной работы academic journal

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VOLUME 2, No. 1, 2016
6.  Frankl V.E. Man’s Search for Meaning. An Introduction to Logotherapy. Beacon Press. Boston, 
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11.   Leontiev D.A., Rasskazova E.I., Hardiness Test. Methodological Guide to the New Method of 
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12.   L ngle A. Reach to Life… Existential Analysis of Depression. M.: Genesis. 2010.
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14.   Mishima Y. Confession of a mask, M.: Azbuka-classika. 2006.
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16.  Rubashny V.A. Jail Psychologist about Suicide Attempts in Prison: It’s a Legal Way of 
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18.  Yalom I.D. Existential Psychotherapy. M.: Exmo. 2010.
19.  Yalom I.D. Staring at the Sun: Overcoming the Terror of Death. M.: Exmo. 2014.
20.  Yalom I.D. Momma and the Meaning of Life. M.: Exmo. 2015.
Mamchenko, A.M. (2016) Finding the Meaning of Life As a Way of Suicide Prevention, 
Contemporary Problems of Social Work. Vol. 2. No. 1 (5). P. 120–127. DOI: 10.17922/2412-
5466-2016-2-1-120-127 (International bibliographic description).

Folosyan M.E.,
postgraduate student, Russian State Social University, 
The History of Development in Armenia Freedom of 
Conscience and Religion
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Annotation: freedom of conscience and freedom of religion are based on the secular nature of the Russian 
state, in which no religion can be established as state or obligatory. Religious associations shall be separated 
from the state and equal before the law. Consider the historical moment in the history of Armenian religion. 
adoption of Christianity as the state religion in the territory of modern Armenia., BB 1st century apostle 
Thaddeus and in the 2nd century apostle Varfolomoy, do promotion and spread of Christianity in the lands 
of Armenia.
Key words: freedom of conscience and religion, human and civil rights, the European Court of Human 
Rights, the legislation of Armenia.
Gradually, as the historical development of political and legal doctrines, as well as in the 
public consciousness alleged understanding of the need for legal protection of people holding 
different worldviews. Today, the majority of domestic and foreign jurists include freedom of 
conscience to the core values of modernity, the basic democratic rights and freedoms [4].
The ideas of the humanists of the Renaissance and the Reformation, the Enlightenment, 
the creators of the first liberal constitution in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries et al. 
Researchers were further developed in the United Nations documents and other international 
organizations [11].
Legal grounds of freedom of conscience includes a number of international legal instruments, 
among which we should highlight such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, 
the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 1966 European Convention on Human 
Rights 1950 Declaration on the Elimination of all forms of intolerance and of discrimination 
based on religion or belief in 1981
Declaration of 1948 served as a model in determining human rights standards for the new 
constitution adopted in many countries, including Russian Federation. Taking a course to build 

VOLUME 2, No. 1, 2016
the rule of law in the late ‘80s, the Russian Federation has undertaken to bring its national 
legislation into conformity with the provisions of international legal instruments [10].
Russia’s commitment to the universally recognized principles and norms of international law 
indicates h. 4 Art. 15 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: “Universally recognized 
principles and norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation 
are an integral part of its legal system If an international treaty of the Russian Federation 
stipulates other rules than those stipulated by law, the rules of the international agreement” 
Reaffirming the commitment to the universally recognized principles and norms of 
international law, the Constitution enshrined as a legal basis for such civilized norms of freedom 
of conscience (Article 28) and the secular state (Article 14).
In accordance with Article 28 “Everyone shall be guaranteed freedom of conscience, freedom 
of religion, including the right to profess, individually or jointly with others, any religion or no 
religion, to freely choose, possess and disseminate religious and other convictions and act in 
accordance with them.” Art. 14 declares “1. Russian Federation – a secular state No religion 
may be established as state or obligatory 2. Religious associations shall be separated from 
the state and equal before the law...” Part 2 of Art. 19 complements Art. 14 and Art. 28. It 
states: “The State guarantees equality of rights and freedoms, regardless of ... religion, beliefs, 
membership of public associations or other circumstances” [19].
In addition, the Russian Federation Constitution, confirmed as a legal basis for such rules 
as ideological diversity (Art. 2, Art. 13), the equality of rights and freedoms of man and citizen, 
regardless of their attitude to religion, beliefs, prohibition of all forms of limitations of human 
rights on the grounds of religion (Art. 2, Art. 19).
The h. 2 tablespoons. 29 stressed: “Propaganda or campaigning inciting... religious hatred 
and enmity... The propaganda of religious superiority....”. In addition to h. 3 tbsp. 59 found: 
“A citizen of the Russian Federation in case his convictions or religious belief contradict 
military service and also in other cases established by federal law has the right to substitute 
alternative civilian service”. Noteworthy h. 2 tablespoons. 55, which is fixed as follows: “in 
the Russian Federation no laws shall be, abolish or infringe the rights and freedoms of man 
and citizen”. The actual application of this provision depends on the development of the 
principles of the relevant rights and freedoms. However, it should be stated that, with respect 
to the right to freedom of conscience in Russia it does not work. The laws in one way or 
another and infringe the rights and freedoms of the individual are published, both at the 
federal and regional levels.
The proclamation of freedom of conscience is the most important achievement of mankind 
and the sine qua non of legal democracy. As the transformation of the legal and political 
systems-theoretical legal concept and the content of the freedom of conscience perceives the 
general scientific tendency to expand, freed from the binding to the concepts of “religion”, 
“religion”. Freedom of conscience has been regarded through the prism of human rights and 
freedoms, acting as a legal basis for freedom of the individual. The problem of the relation of 
freedom of conscience and freedom of religion is a discussion takes place, their identification 
and mixing. Freedom of conscience includes the diversity of forms of ideological orientation 
systems, philosophical freedoms. Freedom of religion must be considered not only an integral 
part of the freedom of conscience, but also as it absorbed [12].
In the context of the exercise of freedom of conscience is not solved is the problem of the 
relation of individual and collective freedom. Freedom of conscience includes individual and / 
or collective form. The collective freedom of conscience should be regarded as a derivative of 
the individual (in the framework of the right of association).
According to the author, the freedom of conscience – the system right in the system of human 
rights, fundamental inalienable right of each to meet the ideological needs, gives meaning to 

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