Contemporary Problems of Social Work Современные проблемы социальной работы academic journal

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VOLUME 2, No. 1, 2016
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20.  Sergienko O.V. Corrupt Practices in the Russian Society: Influence and Involvement in the 
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21.  Shabalin V.A. Politics and Crime. The State and Law. 1994. No. 4. P. 43.
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25.  Wewer G. Politische Korruption. Politic-Lexicon. hsrg. von E. Holtmann unter Mitarbeit von 
Heinz Ulrich Brinkmann und Heinrich Pehle. Zweite, Erweiterte und Uberarbetete Aufiage. 
Munchen-Wein: R. Oldenbourg Verlag, 1994. P. 481.
26.  Zhuravlev A.L., Yurevich A.V. Corruption in Contemporary Russia: the Psychological Aspect. 
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Keyzerova, J.V. (2016) Corruption As a Social Phenomenon, Contemporary Problems of 
Social Work. Vol. 2. No. 1 (5). P. 112–119. DOI: 10.17922/2412-5466-2016-2-1-112-119 
(International bibliographic description).

Mamchenko A.M.,
postgraduate student, Russian State Social University, Moscow.
UDC 159.9; 316.6
Finding the Meaning 
of Life As a Way of Suicide Prevention
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Annotation: this article represents a suicide problem among persons under investigation, who were 
placed in pretrial detention. In article was reviewed correlation between suicide and hardiness, also, offered 
possibility to use S. Maddys’ “Hardiness-training” as a one of the ways of suicide prevention. The author 
analyzed existential part of hardiness and its influence on finding the meaning of life. Either were reviewed 
methods, which can be used for increasing hardiness level and eliminating suicidal tendencies, isolated 
general directions of researches in this field.
Key words: suicide, hardiness, suicide prevention, suicide among persons under investigation, cultural 
aspects of suicide, existential part of hardiness.
The problem of suicide in our time is become more relevant than ever due to the constant 
increase in the number of suicide. Around 800 thousand people in the world [17], according to 
the World Health Organization, annually die from suicide. It should also be noted that in fact, 
the suicide rate is much higher, because suicides are often recorded as the disappearance or 
accidents. Suicide, on a par with terrorism, pollution and wars, is a global problem of humanity, 
threatening the population of the Earth.
Investigation process and being in prison, of course, are stress factors that can have a direct 
impact on the human psyche. Often, in addition to the psychological pressure, guilt, and social 
isolation, the defendant may also be under pressure from the community, the administration 
of the detention center, neighbors in the chamber. In addition to these factors, it should also 
take into account that being in prison cannot be comfortable for the prisoner and linked with 
high stress. Although every prison has a special psychological service, whose tasks include 
monitoring the mental state of prisoners and prevention of suicide attempts, yet the number 
of suicides in prison is growing every year [4]. Particularly susceptible to such tendencies are 
people with low vitality. The ability to overcome life’s difficulties and successfully deal with 
them depends on the level of resilience of the individual. However, often the ultimate goal of 
suicidal actions of the prisoner may not be as quickly as possible deprivation of his own life, and 
secondary gain [16]. For example, a prisoner may seek specific conditions or recognition of his 
mentally deranged.
The problem of the viability of the individual and to increase its level engaged in many well-
known scientists. American psychologist S. Muddy [10], to conduct research in Illinois Phone 
Company found that different people react to stressful situations in different ways. During the 
research, scientists have identified 3 different settings that affect the individual’s perception 
of stress. Quality responsible for the individual behavior in a stressful situation, S. Muddy called 
«hardiness», and also developed a technique of its increase.

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