Contemporary Problems of Social Work Современные проблемы социальной работы academic journal

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VOLUME 2, No. 1, 2016
supported not only by the local government, but it is also a potential possibility for the whole 
Russian society.
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3.  Frolova E.V. The Development of the Local Social Infrastructure in Russia: Problems and 
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4.  Gaidenko P.P., Davydov Y.N. History and Rationality: the Sociology of Max Weber and Weber 
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5.  Gladyshev A.G. Municipal Management: a manual for schools. M.: Municipal World, 2002. 35 P.
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12.  Kalinichenko L.A. Municipal Management: Organizational Principles M.: Logos. 2001. 36 P.
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18. Shalashnikova V.Yu. Indicators the Effectiveness of the City Manager in the Modern 
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19. Shimanskaya, I.Yu., Kabanova, E.E., Shalashnikova, V.Yu. &Verdyan N.G. Actual socially-
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20.  Urzha O.A. The Modernization of Municipal Reform As a Factor in Increasing the Efficiency 
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Shalashnikova, V.Yu. & Shimanskaya, I.Yu. (2016) Analysis of Factors and Effectiveness of 
Heads of Local Administration in Modern Russian Municipalities, Contemporary Problems of 
Social Work. Vol. 2. No. 1 (5). P. 104–111. DOI: 10.17922/2412-5466-2016-2-1-104-111 
(International bibliographic description).

Keyzerova J.V.,
postgraduate student, Russian State Social University, Moscow.
UDC 159.9; 316.6
Corruption As a Social Phenomenon
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Annotation: the article investigates the concept of “corruption”. We consider historical and contemporary 
conditions of existence and development of this phenomenon. We describe some of the approaches to the 
understanding of corruption. Presents the different classifications of corruption. The causes of corruption and 
bribery. The question of the relationship of corruption and mentality.
Key words: corruption, bribery, classification of corruption, causes of corruption, the main approaches to 
understanding corruption, mentality.
The history of studying of corruption says that Uruinimgina – the Sumer tsar of the city-state 
of Lagash in the second half of the XXIV century was BC the first governor and the fighter against 
corruption. It cruelly punished for wastes and bribes [11]. The special attention was riveted on 
a problem of bribability of employees of court, not incidentally the religion condemns first of all 
bribery of judges, in the Koran we can read the following thought: “Don’t appropriate illegally 
property of each other and don’t bribe judges intentionally to appropriate part of property of 
other people” [16]. The law of Twelve tables provided the death penalty, to the intermediaries 
or judges convicted of bribery and bribery.
In Russia at the time of existence of orders (the XVII–XVIII centuries) “corruption” turned 
into characteristic feature of the power, under the name mandative red tape. In the XVIII 
century to petty Russian officials cancelled a state salary and replaced it with accidents. A little 
later this rule was cancelled, but monarchic servants already got used to live due to “feeding”. 
In the first half of the XIX century the bribery becomes a habit and becomes norm. At that 
time officials weren’t pursued for similar acts in any way. Such extortion generated the mass of 
sayings in this respect: “At mandative you won’t buy the truth for ruble”, “Every citizen likes hot 
bread”, “The earth loves the truth, and our head of troops hresent”, etc.
It is possible that this part of our history can be related to mentality. And here we can 
argue not on separate group of people (officials), and on all because in this to “mandative red 
tape” all segments of the population were involved. Mentality is reflected in consciousness and 
behavior of people, culture, policy, economy.

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