Contemporary Problems of Social Work Современные проблемы социальной работы academic journal

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VOLUME 2, No. 1, 2016
• the mutual guarantee among corrupt officials, any of them helps, or even makes another, 
thus supporting and protecting itself, while “other” stores and source of income, and their own 
• long history of corruption, whereby corruption has become a tradition, fit into the 
• traditional lack of solidarity of the population with laws prohibiting corruption;
• the existence of a number of posts and professions that have become desirable merely 
because give the opportunity for extortion and bribery; With the help of remuneration, the 
citizen buys the decision of your question, and this in turn raises the official self-image, because 
it has the ability to resolve this issue.
• low level of legal awareness of the population;
• psychological readiness to corrupting behavior;
• the phenomenon of mutual guilt of the giver and bribe taker: due to the fact that each 
knows that the other is wrong, this reduces the responsibility to oneself, one loses the feeling 
of guilt, because there is a possibility of shifting the guilt and on the other [3].
Foreign researchers believe that the greatest success in corruption schemes achieve creative, 
they have the ability to make unconventional decisions. It is impossible not to agree that some 
corruption fraud forced to admire their complexity and forethought.
These are the main directions towards understanding the phenomenon of corruption. Making 
a conclusion from the above, we can note the importance of the considered approaches. Each 
of them makes a significant contribution to the development and researching of corruption.
Corruption has a devastating impact on all spheres of activity of civil society institutions and 
the state. This impact is as follows:
–  corruption hinders economic and social transformation;
–  corruption increases the material inequality of citizens;
–  corruption leads to loss of moral values in society.
And that’s not all indicators of the adverse impacts of corruption. Currently expanding 
the object of corruption. Corrupt deals are not limited to the purchase of something material. 
Now are bought and sold, and positions and titles and awards and diplomas. “The country is 
absolutely and completely mired in corruption” [4].
There is an opinion that the roots of corruption rooted in the mentality of the Russian person, 
“when to be of service to one’s neighbor (family member, friend, work colleague, “a senior 
officer”) is correct and decent, even contrary to the norms of the law” [22]. Russian man sees 
this as support and gratitude, not as the abuse of official powers. And hence another feature of 
the Russian character: help is always tedious to thank, because otherwise “inconvenient”. And 
there is quid Pro quo, and as a consequence of mutual responsibility.
Having analyzed various approaches to the study of the phenomenon of corruption, we can 
draw the following conclusions:
–  public authorities corruption are classified according to the level of public danger and the 
level of manifestation of this phenomenon (V. A. Shabalin);
–  depending on the scope of manifestations of corruption are divided into consumer and 
business (M. Levin, G. Satarov);
–  corruption of differentiate depending on the degree of involvement of officials in the 
distribution of profit (I. Ahmedov);
–  corruption can be considered as one of the main features of organized crime, in which case 
it is classified into political, corruption-related criminal activities and corrupt behavior (A. I. 
–  corruption is classified, depending on its distribution (N. A. Akhmetova);
–  there are also a classification depending on the periodicity (or frequency) of its occurrence 
(V.V. letunovskiy, A. A. Ageev);

–  corruption is classified on the basis of agreement or disagreement of public opinion with 
the existence of corrupt behavior (A. Heidenheimer).
These classifications are complementary and versatile describe the phenomenon under study, 
that allows to consider it from many points of view.
The modern reality is that giving a bribe is very often a guarantor of the provision of services 
for the average citizen. The acceleration of the receipt of any benefits or the avoidance of 
In our opinion a significant disadvantage in the measures to combat corruption at present 
in Russia is that all of these measures are offered exclusively in a legal manner. Together with 
these many sources suggests that legislative measures alone to combat corruption is not 
enough, they must be supplemented by other non-legal measures, the development of which 
are also sociologists, and psychologists. As a consequence, the fight against corruption is not 
enough recovery and the growing influence of regulatory bodies, it is necessary to investigate 
the person, norms and values of his consciousness, the degree of motivation in such act. Because 
in corruption schemes involved do not separate the institutions of civil society, not political 
parties in General, not robots, and people, who have their own needs and feelings. That is why in 
the study of corruption cannot be ignored psychological aspects of personality.
Mass propaganda is necessary to combat corruption, which will be developed with the 
psychological side including with use of mass media and social advertising. These measures should 
be aimed at developing attitude to corruption, to large, substantial, but not insurmountable evil, 
and triumph over social stereotypes that have developed over the years in the mass consciousness.
The formation of anti-corruption policy requires the state to serious socio-cultural analysis 
taking into account all ethnic groups and nationalities. In Western countries the main 
instrument in the fight against corruption is the law in Eastern countries, it is tradition. In 
both cases the content is different from the mentality of our country. Therefore in Russia it is 
necessary to pay great attention to the study of mentality for the fight against corruption. First 
and foremost, it is necessary to change the attitude of society towards corruption, as something 
every day and ordinary. But changes are needed in relation of state and civil society institutions 
to this problem.
1.  Akhmedov I. Corruption. Monitor. 2003. No. 14.
2.  Akhmetova N.A. The problem of typology of corruption. Bulletin of Volgograd state University. 
Series 5. Jurisprudence. 2011. No. 2 (15). P. 32.
3.  Antonyan Y.M. Criminology. Selected Lectures. M. 2004. P. 270– 271; 277–278.
4.  Boldyrev Y.Y. Corruption As a Systemic Defect Of Russian Capitalism. Non-Economic Facts of 
the Economy: unknown interference. M. 2010. P. 460.
5.  Dakhin A.V. Corruption: Elements of a Sociological Model. Corruption in Public Authorities: 
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6.  Federal Law of 25 December 2008 № 273-FL “On Combating Corruption” (as amended on 
October 5, 2015). Electronic resource. URL:
7.  Gurov A.I., Organized Crime is Not a Myth but a Reality. M.: Znanie. 1992. P. 21–22.
8.  Heidenheimer A. Political Corruption: a handbook / A. Heidenheimer, M. Johnston. New 
Brunswick: Transaction Publishers. 1989. P. 23–24.
9.  Kamneva E.V., Annenkova N.I. Psychological Aspects of Corruption. Psychology. Humanities. 
2013. No. 4(12). P. 68.
10.  Kataev I.M. The Pre-Reform Bureaucracy. According to the Notes, Memoirs and Literature. 
SPb. 1914. P. 18.
11.  Kobzar E.V. Corruption As Social Phenomenon and One of the Systemic Threats to the Security 
of the Russian Federation. Training manual. Noginsk. 2013. P. 16.
12.  Letunovskiy V.V., Ageev A.A. On Combating Corruption. Russian Justice. M. 2010. No. 1.

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