Contemporary Problems of Social Work Современные проблемы социальной работы academic journal

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VOLUME 2, No. 1, 2016
3.  The use of emerging perspectives and understanding to develop an action plan aimed at 
transforming stressful circumstances favorable homework in order to apply the acquired skills 
and discussion of the results (the fifth, sixth and seventh session).
The existential component of resilience
Existential psychology views human life as a series of varied in type and importance of 
the election. Do people think about it or not, but all his life he chooses and rejection of the 
decision – it is also a choice.
All choices are either committed to the choice of immutability, permanence, past, repetition, 
that is something familiar, usual, or to the choice of the unknown, of the future, something new, 
unusual, unfamiliar.
The choice of the past, the immutability of safer, less risky, but it means giving up the potential 
enclosed in an unknown and therefore entails the emergence of the so-called existential guilt 
over missed opportunities. Regular choice invariably leads to the accumulation of existential 
guilt, which, accumulating, leading to increases the feeling of meaninglessness and emptiness 
of life.
The choice of the future, the unknown, on the other hand, is less secure, can lead to failure, 
it is contrary to the desire for stability, but that it contains opportunities for growth and 
personal development. Regular choice of the future, according to existential psychology, is 
more desirable because it leads to the incessant development of personality and a sense of 
fullness of life. However, the choice of the future is always accompanied by existential anxiety 
due to the lower predictability of possible consequences.
In contrast to the fear of having a particular item, it does not have an alarm. Fear, anxiety 
and the existential anxiety (angst) associated with the anticipation of unpleasant events, but 
the fear and anxiety are situational, whereas existential anxiety associated with being-in-the-
world to the absolute impossibility of accurate predictions of the consequences of their actions, 
it’s terrible in the face of uncertainty, which is riddled with all of life. Existential anxiety 
inseparable from life is associated with awareness of the inevitability of a limb of his existence.
Thus, each person experiences existential anxiety, the difference is only in relation to it. 
Attempts to deal with existential anxiety lead to escalation in its pathological form. For the 
same, to take existential anxiety and live with it, it takes a special courage, existential courage.
S. Muddy believes the key to the viability of sustainability in the existential anxiety, 
operationalization of existential courage.
Attitudes to suicide in different cultures
In today’s culture, suicide is a global problem of humanity, affecting all sectors of public life. 
There are many different organizations and services, which are aimed to preventing suicide and 
providing individual psychological, medical and material assistance to individuals who show 
suicidal tendencies. Many countries conduct suicide statistics and reducing the number of 
suicides is included in the policy of the state, along with the economic development policies, 
the protection of borders and other areas. However, it was not always. The ratio of suicide 
varied according to cultural traditions and geographical location, socio-economic situation in 
the country and many other factors. Sometimes and somewhere suicide was not a serious social 
problem and in some cases perceived as a way of the revenge or willpower sign.
Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome
In ancient times suicide was considered as the supreme manifestation of the will of man 
and was not condemned. Also endorses suicide in the name of a higher purpose, for example, 
the well-being of society. Many cases of suicide in history became a legendary, and were an 
example of self-sacrifice for the common good. In the time of Greco-Persian wars, many ancient 
Greek warriors were to die, to prevent the Persians to conquer their homeland. As an example, 
a well-known 300 Spartans, who were kept the defense in the narrow gorge of Thermopylae, 
and almost all were killed. Only one soldier can alive in this battle, but he was banished by the 

society. Hoplite, who was sent to inform residents of Athens victory in Marathon battle, covered 
more than 40 kilometers and fell dead, having only to convey the good news to citizens. Also, 
suicide could be imposed as a punishment for anti-social behavior. The greatest philosopher of 
the time, Socrates was convicted of “corrupting the minds of young people” by decision of the 
court, and drank poison hemlock, actually committed suicide.
In ancient Rome, suicide also wasn’t carried a negative connotation and was acceptable. For 
instance, the Roman philosopher Seneca cut his wrists by the decree of Emperor Nero.
Medieval Europe
In medieval Europe was dominated the ideas of Christianity, from the point of view that 
suicide is a mortal sin. It was impossible to repent, and therefore suicide was doomed to eternal 
torment in Hell. Suicide victims are not serviced in the church and funeral bureau, they were 
forbidden to be buried at the general cemetery. Family of self-killer also provided covered with 
shame and could not lead a normal life.
However, at the same time we know many examples of suicide in the Middle Ages, which 
were not condemned by society and not the contrary have been the subject of admiration. Joan 
of Arc was burned at the stake for the attempted mass uprising and has been recognized as a 
heretic. She could avoid such a fate, acknowledging his guilt, but did not give up her beliefs, for 
which she was subjected to penalty. The well-known scientist Giordano Bruno was also burned 
at the stake for his beliefs. He is one of the first who suggested that the stars are the likes of 
Sun, and space is not limited to our solar system. Soon, the scientist was in the hands of the 
Inquisition, and was sentenced to death. Saint Sebastian, the Christian martyr, was beheaded 
by Roman legionnaires for his religious beliefs. He was accused of preaching Christianity and 
was sentenced to death. Roman warriors tied him to a tree in the woods and shot from a bow, 
but Sebastian was able to survive. He was able to escape, but instead went to the emperor 
with new evidences of his faith. Holy was immediately arrested and executed again, this time 
In the eastern culture suicide was considered as an acceptable way to solve problems, and 
also used in various religious rituals. According to ancient Indian tradition, wife which lost 
her husband must be burned at the stake, to accompany her husband in the afterlife. In China, 
suicide is considered as a one of the best ways of revenge. Suicide Spirit, committed suicide at 
the threshold of the offender at home, could take revenge on the enemy for many years.
In Japan, suicide is an integral part of culture and society is not condemned. One of the 
oldest Japanese traditions of suicide is seppuku. It was practiced by ancient Japanese warriors – 
samurai. Warriors had strict notions of duty and honor, which often led to commit suicide. 
Samurai could commit seppuku to avoid the shame, or, on the contrary, to prove loyalty to 
his master. If Master died, the samurai were supposed to follow him. Also samurai could be 
sentenced to suicide for especially grave crimes. Seppuku is practiced in Japan to this day. 
For example, the famous Japanese writer of 20th century, Yukio Mishima, made an attempt to 
“theatrical coup”, capturing army general and committing seppuku.
The topic of suicide is very often appears in Japanese culture, becoming a leading leitmotif of 
many literary works, films, paintings and other works of art. Also one of the places of suicide in 
Japan is Aokigahara forest. Located at the foot of Mount Fuji, the forest is a favorite destination 
for those who want to commit suicide. Every year in the forest are about one hundred bodies 
of suicide victims and residents of neighboring villages are obliged to notify the police about 
the appearance of strangers in the vicinity of the forest. Despite the efforts of the authorities, 
Aokigahara forest is still on the most popular suicide places, on a par with the Golden Gate 
Bridge in California and others.
The above examples confirm the fact that suicide is not always perceived as a negative 
phenomenon, and not always be condemned by society. In many cultures, suicide is considered 

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