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733. Information and Decision Pro-

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733. Information and Decision Pro-
cesses in Human Behavior. 2 lec. hr.
plus conf.; 3 cr. Prereq.: A graduate course
in experimental psychology. A survey of
human information processing. Analysis of
the role of decision making and of charac-
teristics and models of human choice
734. Neuropsychology of Learning. 2
lec. hr. plus conf.; 3 cr. An examination and
evaluation of current information regard-
ing the neural bases of learning and memo-
ry. Theoretical views as well as empirical
evidence derived from the ablation, electro-
physiological, and biochemical literatures
are considered.†
735. Psychology of Perception. 2 lec. hr.
plus conf.; 3 cr. Prereq.: An undergraduate
or graduate course in experimental psychol-
ogy. The phenomenology, psychophysics,
and psychophysiology of perception are dis-
cussed. Topics may include perceptual orga-
nization and development, illusions,
constancies, and the Ames demonstrations.
Heredity and environment interactions are
considered in relation to perceptual theo-
ries (Gestalt, transactionism, etc.).
736. Sensory Psychology. 2 lec. hr. plus
conf.; 3 cr. Methodological, empirical, and
theoretical approaches to problems in con-
temporary sensory psychology.†
738. Cognition. 3 hr.; 3 cr. This course
focuses on the study of cognition in
humans. Among the topics covered are
attention, recognition of patterns (such as
speech and visual forms), imagery, storage
and retrieval of information from short-
term and long-term memory, and the orga-
nization of thought and language. A
central theme of the course is a focus on
structure and organization in these various
cognitive processes.
740. Personality. 2 lec. hr. plus conf.; 3
cr. Discussion and reports on selected top-
ics in the field.
741. Psychoanalytic Theories: The
Classical Freudian Approach. 2 lec. hr.
plus conf.; 3 cr. Prereq.: An undergraduate
or graduate course in personality theory. A
study of basic psychoanalytic writings
beginning with Freud’s 1895 Studies in
Hysteria, and tracing the major trends in
the development of psychoanalytic theory
and clinical practice throughout Freud’s
life. Readings will be drawn primarily from
the collected works of Freud.
742. Psychoanalytic Theories: Devel-
opments since Freud. 2 lec. hr. plus
conf.; 3 cr. Prereq.: An undergraduate or
graduate course in personality theory or its
equivalent. This course surveys issues and
theories in contemporary psychoanalysis.
It deals with early psychological develop-
ment during the pre-verbal and pre-Oedi-
pal years and the consequences of
disturbances at this time for the more
severe psychopathologies. Issues of treat-
ment of such psychopathology will also be
considered. Such authors as Melanie Klein,
Donald Winnicott, John Bowlby, Heinz
Kohut, Margaret Mahler, Otto Kernberg,
and Hyman Spotnitz may be studied.
*743. Survey of Psychotherapy and
Counseling: A Case Study Approach. 2
lec. hr. plus conf.; 3 cr. This course surveys
the major approaches to psychotherapy
and counseling, including classical Freudi-
an psychoanalysis, behavior therapy, and
such humanistic-existential approaches as
client-centered therapy, Gestalt therapy,
and transactional analysis. Special atten-
tion will be given to the way in which each
approach conceptualizes and interprets a
given life history. Students will be expect-
ed to develop skills in writing up a case
study based on case protocols provided by
the instructor. Note: Psych. 743 and 743.1
cannot both be counted for credit toward
the M.A. degrees in Psychology.
743. 1. Survey of Psychotherapy and
Counseling. 2 lec. hr. plus conf.; 3 cr. This
course surveys the major approaches to
psychotherapy and counseling, including
classical Freudian psychoanalysis, behav-
ior therapy, and such humanistic-existen-
tial approaches as client-centered therapy,
Gestalt therapy, and transactional analy-
sis. Note: Psychology 743 and 743.1 cannot
both be counted for credit toward the M.A.
degrees in Psychology.
744. Personality Development. 2 hr.
plus conf.; 3 cr. Prereq.: One graduate
course in either developmental or personali-
ty psychology. Presentation of a comprehen-
sive framework for the conceptualization of
personality development and sustained con-
sideration of current findings bearing on
several topics, such as the following: biologi-
cal foundations of personality, the impor-
tance of early experience, imitation and
identification, socialization, development of
affects and motives and the stability of per-
sonality dispositions over time.
745. Human Motivation. 2 hr. plus conf.; 
3 cr. Prereq.: One graduate course in learn-
ing theory or personality psychology.
Review of theory and research on major
current topics such as: arousal, curiosity,
anxiety, achievement, motivation. Some
consideration will be given to various
methods of measuring human motivation.
746. Social Psychology. 2 lec. hr. plus
conf.; 3 cr. Prereq.: An undergraduate or
graduate course in experimental psycholo-
gy. Among the topics to be covered are: 1)
foundations of modern social psychology; 2)
physiological process and social man; 3)
social interaction and social process; 4) the
nature and characteristics of social group-
ings; 5) types of social groupings; 6) the
relations between groups; 7) social change
and stability.
*748,749. Self-Awareness Training I
and II. 2 lab. hr. plus conf.; 1 cr. Note: Psy-
chology 749 does not require Psychology
748 as a prerequisite. Either one of these
courses may be taken independently of the
other. This course seeks to improve the
intervention skills of the participants by
increasing their self-awareness. Combining
both didactic and experiential elements,
the course encourages each participant to
become more sensitive to other partici-
pants and to his or her own interpersonal
behavior, while at the same time encourag-
ing personal growth and development. A
term paper based on course readings is
755. Psychopathology I. 2 lec. hr. plus
conf.; 3 cr. Prereq.: a) Introductory psychol-
ogy and b) personality theory or psycho-
pathology, or permission of the instructor.
Note: Psychology 756 does not require this
course as a prerequisite. Identification,
diagnosis, assessment, and treatment of
psychopathological conditions. Several
models of psychopathology are considered,
including psychological (cognitive, behav-
ioral, and psychoanalytic), medical, socio-
cultural, and mixed models. The study of
anxiety and anxiety disorders is empha-
sized. The other syndromes considered are
somatoform, dissociative, psychophysiologi-
cal, and personality disorders.
756. Psychopathology II. 2 lec. hr. plus
conf.; 3 cr. Prereq.: Psychology 755 is not
required as a prerequisite for this course.
Prerequisites are: undergraduate courses
in: a) introductory psychology, and b) per-
sonality theory or psychopathology, or per-
mission of the instructor. This course
encompasses psychosis, mood, and organic
mental disorders, among other topics.
760. Psychometric Methods. 2 lec. hr.
plus conf.; 3 cr. Prereq.: An undergraduate
or graduate course in statistics. A general
introduction to psychometric methods
which focuses on administration, standard-
ization, norms, reliability, validity, and
test construction. This course provides
exposure to tests from a wide range of
areas: e.g., educational and occupational,
interests, and projective tests. Lectures
cover the history of intelligence testing and
the development of techniques for assess-
ing personality and psychiatric disorders.
761. Measurement of Abilities. 2 lec.
plus 2 conf. or lab. hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.: One
course in psychological testing. An
advanced course in the measurement of
intellectual and other abilities.
762. Psychology of Individual Differ-
ences. 2 lec. hr. plus conf.; 3 cr. The origin
and development of inter-individual differ-
ences and intra-individual differentiation
in levels and patterns of intelligence,
achievement, personality, and social
763. Psychophysical Methods. 2 lec. hr.
plus conf.; 3 cr. Systematic coverage of cur-
rent psychophysical theory and methods,
from traditional approaches through more
recent developments.†
*764. Assessment of Personality with
Standardized Objective Measures. 1
lec., 2 lab. hr.; 2 cr. Prereq.: Permission of
the Executive Committee of the M.A. Pro-
gram. (Permission should be requested
three months prior to registration for this
course.) An introduction to the administra-

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