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Political Science. 3 hr.; 3 cr. An eclectic
approach to the problems of theory and
method in the study of government and
politics; alternative patterns of analysis of
political behavior. Required of all students.
Prof. Bowman.††
714. Theory of “Democratic Socialism”
and Communism. 3 hr.; 3 cr. The influ-
ence of nineteenth-century antecedents on
Marx and of Marx himself through
Plekanov, Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin to the
715. Organization Theory. 3 hr.; 3 cr.
Theories of organization; special problems
regarding public organizations; concepts of
authority, hierarchy, status, and leader-
720. United States Constitutional Law
I. 3 hr.; 3 cr. The relation of the judicial
process and constitutional law to the politi-
cal process in the United States: judicial
review, federalism, separation and delega-
tion of powers. Prof. Nesbitt.††
721. United States Constitutional Law
II. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Civil liberties, civil rights,
due process, equal protection of the laws.
Prof. Nesbitt.††
730. The United States Party System. 3
hr.; 3 cr. The nature and functions of Unit-
ed States political parties and interest
groups, their growth, the electoral process,
organization and leadership, decision-mak-
ing. Prof. Resnik.††
731. Policy Formulation in the United
States Government. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Changing
nature of federalism and of the separation
of powers as related to major problems fac-
ing the United States today. Prof.
732. The Presidency in the United
States. 3 hr.; 3 cr. An analysis of the office
and its incumbent; the institution of the
presidency. Prof. Resnik.††
733. The Legislative Process in the
United States. 3 hr.; 3 cr. The functions of
Congress and the state legislatures: bases
of representation; internal politics; proce-
dures; interest groups; controls. Prof.
735. Politics and Public Opinion For-
mation. 3 hr.; 3 cr. The role of public opin-
ion in differing political systems: the
formation of opinion; political socialization;
interest groups; leaders and political
behavior. A study of mass media of commu-
736. Public Policy Analysis. 3 hr.; 3 cr.
This course will review the important theo-
ries of the policy process with special
attention to their application in an urban
741. Administrative Law and Regula-
tion. 3 hr.; 3 cr. study of the requirements
of procedural due process. Prof. Nesbitt.††
744. Government and Defense. 3 hr.; 3
cr. Selected problems of national security
in the space age: civil-military relations;
individual liberties; the mobilization base;
budgetary problems.††
747. Metropolitan Areas and Commu-
nity Power Analysis. 3 hr.; 3 cr. The
urban power structure and metropolitan
complex: adjustment of governmental ser-
vices to the metropolitan social and eco-
nomic community. Prof. Krasner.††
748. Planning for Metropolitan Areas.
3 hr.; 3 cr. The planning process in metro-
politan governments. Emphasis on region-
al problems as well as on special planning
problems of the New York metropolitan
760. United States Foreign Policy. 3
hr.; 3 cr. Analysis of domestic factors
affecting the determination and conduct of
U. S. foreign policy. Prof. Psomiades, Prof.
762. International Organization. 3 hr.;
3 cr. Analysis of the major global and
regional international organizations;
emphasis placed on the United Nations
systems. Prof. Tung.††
763. International Law. 3 hr.; 3 cr. The
nature, sources, and development of inter-
national law; the role and function of law
in international society. Prof. Tung.††
764. Post-Soviet Foreign Policy. 3 hr.; 
3 cr. Topics include continuity and change,
ideology and national interest, power con-
siderations, the present situation and
future prospects.††
765. The International Politics of
Africa. 3 hr.; 3 cr. An examination of
Africa’s politics against the background of
its changing political and social system.
Prof. Markovitz, Prof. Ofuatey-Kodjoe.††
766. Changing Concepts and Practices
in International Cooperation. 3 hr.; 3
cr. Recent developments in international
responsibility, especially in the fields of
welfare and justice; human rights, minori-
ties and cultural autonomy, forced migra-
tion and exchange of populations, refugees,
genocide, health. Prof. Gerassi.††
767. Western and Post-Soviet Impacts
on Underdeveloped Areas. 3 hr.; 3 cr.
The problems arising from the impact of
Western and Marxist ideas, policies, and
political institutions on underdeveloped
areas will be examined in the framework of
Great Powers’ competition within the less
developed parts of the world. Prof. Geras-
768. Post-Soviet Union and Eastern
Europe. 3 hr.; 3 cr. An analysis of the
relationship between members of the for-
mer Communist bloc in Eastern Europe.††
770. Political Problems in the Develop-
ment of Western and Non-Western
States and Societies. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Selected
problems of political stability; representa-
tive institutions; parties; the military and
the bureaucracy. Prof. Markovitz.††
771.1-771.6. Political Systems in Devel-
oping Areas: Regional Analysis. 3 hr.; 3
cr. Political moder nization of developing
areas; process of transition from tradition-
alism to modernism; developing political
institutions and changing political process-
es considered in specific regions (e.g.,
771.1, South and Southeast Asia; 771.2,
the Far East; 771.3, the Middle East;
771.4, Africa south of the Sahara; 771.5,
North Africa; 771.6, Latin America). Prof.
Markovitz, Prof. Psomiades, Prof. Schnei-
der, Prof. Sun.†
772.1-772.3. Political Systems of West-
ern European States. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Analy-
sis of the political system of a European
state. Each state will be treated in a sepa-
rate course (e.g., 772.1, Great Britain;
772.2, France; 772.3, Germany). Prof.
Altenstetter, Prof. Psomiades, Prof.
773. Post-Soviet Political Institutions.
3 hr.; 3 cr. An analysis of the theory and
practice of Post-Soviet political institu-
tions: the party, government, army,
bureaucracy, and law. ††
776. Comparative Public Administra-
tion. 3 hr.; 3 cr. A comparative analysis of
different bureaucratic structures and
processes in the industrialized and devel-
oping areas of the world. Prof. Nesbitt.††
777. Comparative Federalism. 3 hr.; 3
cr. Theories of federalism and the problems
of centralization and decentralization;
cooperative federalism and regional
arrangements; administrative relation-
ships, cultural factors in a federal union.
Prof. Altenstetter.††
780. Colloquium in American Politics. 
3 hr.; 3 cr. Content will vary from semester
to semester. May be repeated for credit
once if the content changes.††
781. Colloquium in Comparative Poli-
tics. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Content will vary from
semester to semester. May be repeated for
credit once if the content changes.††
782. Colloquium in Political Theory. 3
hr.; 3 cr. Content will vary from semester
to semester. May be repeated for credit
once if the content changes.††
783. Colloquium in International Rela-
tions. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Content will vary from
semester to semester. May be repeated for
credit once if the content changes.††
790. Seminar in Selected Topics in
Political Science. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Topic will
vary from semester to semester.††
791. Thesis Research. Hr. to be arranged;
3 cr. Preparation of an acceptable Master’s
thesis under faculty supervision. Required
of all candidates for the Master’s degree in
political science. A candidate will register
for the course once and credit will not be
granted until the thesis is accepted.††
P O L I T I C A L   S C I E N C E

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