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angular momentum. Perturbation theory:
bound state, time-dependent. Systems of
identical particles. Introduction to relativis-
tic quantum mechanics.
730. Atomic Physics. 3 hr. plus conf.; 4
cr. Prereq.: Physics 716 and 725. Spin sys-
tems, angular momentum, spectra. Atomic
beam resonance, nuclear magnetic reso-
nance (NMR), electronic paramagnetic res-
onance (EPR), optical pumping, scattering,
731. X-ray Diffraction. 2 hr. plus conf.; 
3 cr. Prereq.: Physics 636 and an approved
mathematics background. The theory of X-
ray diffraction and its application to the
study of the structure of matter. Topics to
be considered will include the physics of X-
rays, the geometry of crystals and of X-ray
reflections, the theory of X-ray diffraction,
techniques for the production and interpre-
tation of X-ray diffraction data, and crystal
structure determination.††
734. Introduction to Relativity. 3 hr.
plus conf.; 4 cr. Prereq.: Physics 711. A
short exposition on the foundation of the
special and general theories of relativity.
Topics include foundation of special rela-
tivity; relativistic particle dynamics in flat
space time; differential geometry; the phys-
ical and mathematical foundations of Ein-
stein’s theory of gravitation; the Cauchy
problem of field equations; the spherically
symmetric field and its topology; the classi-
cal experimental tests; variational princi-
ple and conservation laws; equation of
motion; gravitational waves; cosmology
and gravitational collapse.††
735. Nuclear Physics. 3 hr. plus conf.; 4
cr. Prereq.: Physics 725. Properties of sta-
ble nuclei; isotopes; mass formula; interac-
tions with matter; methods of detection;
nuclear moments. Alpha decay; gamma
emission; level structure; nuclear models.
Low-energy nucleon-nucleon scattering,
the deuteron, photodisintegration, tensor
and exchange forces, isotopic spin.
736. Particle Physics. 3 hr. plus conf.; 4
cr. Prereq.: Physics 735. Pi mesons, pion
nucleon scattering, resonance. Hadron
level systematics and decays, effective
Hamiltonians, electromagnetic interactions
and form factors, higher symmetries. Scat-
tering at very high energies. Weak interac-
tions, beta decay, discrete symmetries, T.
C. P. Weak interactions of pions and
Kaons. Coherent regeneration, conserved
vector current. Leptonic decays of baryons,
nonleptonic decays.
741. Statistical Mechanics. 3 hr. plus
conf.; cr. Prereq.: Physics 641, 725. Proba-
bility theory, ensembles, approach to equi-
librium, quantum and classical ideal and
non-ideal gases, cooperative phenomena,
density matrices, averages and fluctua-
tions, and other selected topics, such as
time-temperature, Green’s functions, non-
zero temperature variational and perturba-
tion methods. Spring
745. Solid State Physics. 3 hr. plus conf.; 
4 cr. Prereq.: Physics 725. Principles of
crystallography; crystal structure; lattice
vibrations, band theory, and defects; study
of ionic crystals, dielectrics, magnetism,
and free electron theory of metals and
748, 749. Theory of Relativity and
Gravitation. 3 hr. plus conf.; 4 cr. each
sem. Prereq.: Physics 711 and 716. An
exposition of the fundamentals of the spe-
cial and general theories of relativity and
their applications to cosmology. Topics
include foundations of special relativity;
formulation of physical theories in flat
space-time; relativistic particle and contin-
uum mechanics, electrodynamics and clas-
sical field theory, an introduction to
differential geometry and topology; founda-
tions of Einstein’s theory of gravity; exact
and approximate solutions; observational
tests; variational principle; conservation
laws; initial-value data and stability; pon-
deromotive equations; gravitational radia-
tion; introduction to relativistic stars,
cosmological models, gravitational col-
lapse, and black holes; other theories of
750, 751. Plasma Physics. 3 hr. plus
conf.; 4 cr. each sem. Prereq.: Physics 641
or 741; 711, 715, 716. The first semester
will cover such topics as the motion of
charged particles in electromagnetic fields
via the guiding center approximation; a
discussion of adiabatic invariance and par-
ticle motion in fields with spatial symme-
try; the Liouville equation and the BBGKY
hierarchy in the plasma limit; the Balescu-
Lenard equation; the derivation of the
Vlasov equation; the plasma moment equa-
tions; and plasma transport phenomena.
The second semester will deal with waves
in cold, uniform plasmas; the application of
the Vlasov equation to waves in warm
plasmas; Landau damping; instabilities;
waves in spatially non-uniform plasmas;
and the description of turbulent plasmas
and associated transport processes (anom-
alous diffusion, collisionless dissipation,
etc.). The topics of both semesters will be
discussed in relation to the problems of
achieving controlled thermonuclear fusions
and the understanding of geophysical and
astrophysical plasma phenomena.††
760. Cosmology. 3 hr. plus conf.; 4 cr.
Prereq.: Physics 641, 711, and 715.
771, 772, 773. Graduate Physics Lab-
oratory. 3 hr.; 2 cr. each course. Prereq.:
Permission of the Graduate Physics Com-
mittee. Advanced experimental work in
one or more fields of physics, including the
planning of experiments, the design and
construction of apparatus, and the evalua-
tion of experimental results in the fields of
optics, X-rays, electronics, and atomic and
nuclear physics. A student may obtain
from 2 to 6 credits starting with Physics
771. Two courses of the group may be
taken concurrently.
781. Theory of Quantum Liquids. 3 hr.
plus conf.; 4 cr. Prereq.: Physics 716 and
741. The theory of liquids covering such
topics as neutral Fermi liquids; response
and correlation in neutral systems;
charged Fermi liquids; response and corre-
lation in homogeneous electron systems,
microscopic theory of electron liquid; sec-
ond quantization, Green’s functions.††
782. Cryophysics. 2 hr. plus conf.; 3 cr.
Prereq.: Physics 741. A course designed to
present and to interpret the quantum
effects occurring near the absolute zero of
temperature. Topics to be considered
include principles and methods of attain-
ing and measuring very low temperatures,
thermal and magnetic properties of matter
at these temperatures, nuclear paramag-
netism, superconductivity, and the phe-
nomena and theories of liquid Helium Four
and Three.††
788. Cooperative Education Place-
ment. Prereq.: Approval by the Physics
Department’s Master’s Adviser of a
detailed project description. Experiential
learning through a job placement devel-
oped by the Queens College Cooperative
Education Program.
788.1. 1 hr.; 1 cr.
788.2. 2 hr.; 2 cr.
788.3. 3 hr.; 3 cr.
788.4. 4 hr.; 4 cr.
788.5. 5 hr.; 5 cr.
799. Graduate Research. Prereq.: Per-
mission of the Graduate Physics Commit-
tee. A course requiring investigation in
depth of a field approved by the Graduate
Physics Committee.
799.1. 1 hr.; 1 cr.
799.2. 2 hr.; 2 cr.
799.3. 3 hr.; 3 cr.
799.4. 4 hr.; 4 cr.
799.5. 5 hr.; 5 cr.
799.6. 6 hr.; 6 cr.
The following courses, which bear the U
designation, are doctoral courses offered at
Queens College. Students must register for
them through the Graduate Center.
U812. Continuum Mechanics. 3 hr. plus
conf.; 4 cr. Prereq.: Physics 711 and 715.
U825, U826. Advanced Quantum Theo-
ry. 3 hr. plus conf.; 4 cr. each sem. Prereq.:
Physics 726.
Astronomy 501. Modern Aspects of
Astronomy. 4 hr.; 4 cr. Prereq.: Permis-
sion of department. A course for teachers
providing an introduction to general
astronomy with emphasis on the structure
and evolution of the universe. Not open to
candidates for the M.A. in Physics.††

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