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requirement); Music 641 (required for
instrumental music teachers) or 642
(required for vocal or general music teach-
ers); Music 659 or 660 (to meet the curricu-
lum and methods requirement in
education); Music 688 (to be taken during
the last ten credits of the student’s pro-
gram); Music 670.
3. The complete program of each stu-
dent must be planned in consultation with
the Graduate Adviser to whom the student
has been assigned. The resultant program,
which is to be filled out in triplicate, must
be signed by this Adviser and no subse-
quent changes may be made without the
Adviser’s written permission.
4. Students who expect to write a thesis
should complete Music 688 before register-
ing for the SEYS 769-770 sequence. Stu-
dents who do not expect to write a thesis
should take Music 688 as noted above.
5. Music electives needed to complete
the student’s program may include: a) any
600-level course not already taken to meet
a departmental requirement, and b) specif-
ic courses in the Master of Arts program:
Music 773, 774, 780, 781, 782, 783, 784, or
785. All other courses in the Master of Arts
program require the permission of the
Graduate Adviser.
6. Courses in areas other than
advanced music and education may be
elected by the student provided he/she ful-
fills the necessary prerequisites.
641. Teaching of Instrumental Music. 3
hr.; 3 cr.††
642. Teaching of Choral Music. 3 hr.; 3
659. General Music in the Elementary
Schools. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.: Undergradu-
ate course in elementary music methods
(Education 367 or equivalent).††
660. General Music in the Secondary
Schools. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.: Undergradu-
ate course in secondary music methods
(Education 367 or equivalent).††
670. Advanced Conducting. 3 hr.; 3 cr.
Prereq.: Undergraduate course in conduct-
ing (Music 270 or equivalent).††
671. Conducting Seminar. 3 hr.; 3 cr.
Prereq.: Undergraduate course in conduct-
ing (Music 370), or Music 670, or permis-
sion of instructor.††
688. Seminar in Research in Music
Education. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.: Matricula-
tion for the Master of Science in Education
degree with a major in music; completion
of 20 credits of graduate study.††
689. Workshop in Music Education.
Prereq.: Permission of instructor. The topic
of the workshop changes each time it is
offered. For announcement of the current
topic, consult the School of Music or see
supplementary listing for registration.
689.2.  2 hr.; 2 cr.
689.3.  3 hr.; 3 cr.
689.4.  4 hr.; 4 cr.
689.5.  5 hr.; 5 cr.
689.6.  6 hr.; 6 cr.
690. Foundations of Music Education. 
3 hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.: Permission of School.††
691. Administration and Supervision
of School Music Program. 3 hr.; 3 cr.
Prereq.: Music 690.††

Chair: Steven V. Hicks 
Graduate Adviser: Alberto Cordero
Four-Year B.A./M.A. Program 
The Philosophy Department offers to
strongly qualified undergraduate students
the opportunity to receive both master’s
and bachelor’s degrees within four years:
that is, within the 128 credits normally
required for the bachelor’s degree alone.
Application to this program should be
made in the upper sophomore or lower
junior semester; admission is granted only
in the junior year.
Seminars and research tutorials are
given on both the leading contemporary
movements of philosophy and the chief his-
torical periods and figures. Students with
diverse philosophical interests are accom-
modated by a faculty representing a broad
spectrum of specializations. The accelera-
tion and intensiveness of the B.A./M.A.
program make for an exceptionally solid
grounding in philosophy that will be of
value in all fields in which the tradition of
liberal arts is prized. Full details and
application forms are obtainable from the
Chair or Graduate Adviser.
Hicks, Steven V., Chair, Associate Profes-
sor, Ph.D. 1990, Columbia University:
Kant and Post-Kantian continental phi-
Cordero, Alberto, Graduate Adviser, Asso-
ciate ProfessorM.Phil. 1978, Universi-
ty of Cambridge; M.Sc. 1976, University
of Oxford: philosophy of natural science,
history of science
Gildin, Hilail, Professor, Ph.D. 1962, Uni-
versity of Chicago: political philosophy,
ancient philosophy
Grover, Stephen, Assistant Professor,
D.Phil. 1987, University of Oxford: epis-
temology, philosophy of religion
Jordan, James N., Professor, Ph.D. 1966,
University of Texas at Austin: Kant
studies, ethics
Lange, John F., Professor, Ph.D. 1963,
Princeton University: contemporary
analytic philosophy, ethics
Leites, Edmund, Professor, Ph.D. 1972,
Harvard University: cross-cultural
studies, Chinese philosophy, history of
modern philosophy
O’Connor, Patricia J., Assistant Professor,
Ph.D. 1990, University of Exeter: phi-
losophy of religion, ethics
O’Neill, Eileen, Associate Professor, Ph.D.
1983, Princeton University: modern
philosophy, aesthetics
Orenstein, Alex, Professor, Ph.D. 1972,
New York University: logic, philosophy
of language
Purnell, Frederick, Jr., Associate Professor,
Ph.D. 1971, Columbia University:
Renaissance philosophy, Medieval phi-
Rosenberg, Alan, Assistant Professor, M.A.
1980, Queens College: philosophy of the
social sciences, philosophy and the
Program for the Master of Arts
Requirements for the M.A. Degree
(Offered in Conjunction with the
Four-Year B.A./M.A. Program)
These requirements are in addition to the
general requirements for the Master of
Arts degree.
1. Required Courses: Twenty-four cred-
its in philosophy; six of these shall be in
the history of philosophy, unless the stu-
dent presents six undergraduate credits in
the history of philosophy or passes an
exemption examination. Approval of the
program of study must be obtained from a
Graduate Adviser.
2. The student’s program must include
courses chosen from at least three of the
five groups of graduate philosophy courses:
history of philosophy; logic and philosophy
of science; metaphysics, epistemology, and
contemporary schools of philosophy; theory
of values; and philosophies of special disci-
3. Six credits may be taken in approved
graduate courses offered outside the pro-
gram of philosophy. Approval of such course
work must be secured in advance from the
Graduate Committee in Philosophy.
4. The student must give evidence of
proficiency in one of the following lan-
guages: French, German, Latin, or Greek.
Another language may be substituted for
one of these only with the approval of the
Graduate Committee in Philosophy.
5. A thesis satisfactory to the depart-
ment, written under supervision.
6. A Comprehensive Examination in
Courses in Philosophy
Note: Detailed descriptions of current
course offerings are available from the sec-
retary of the Department of Philosophy,
Powdermaker 260G.
710. Ancient Philosophy: Plato. 2 hr.
plus conf.; 3 cr.††
711. Ancient Philosophy: Aristotle. 2
hr. plus conf.; 3 cr.††
712. Studies in Medieval Philosophy:
Early Medieval Philosophy. 2 hr. plus
conf.; 3 cr.††
713. Studies in Medieval Philosophy:
Late Medieval Philosophy. 2 hr. plus
conf.; 3 cr.††
714. Studies in Early Modern Philos-
ophy: Rationalism. 2 hr. plus conf.; 3
715. Studies in Early Modern Philos-
ophy: Empiricism. 2 hr. plus conf.; 3
716. Studies in Late Modern Philos-
ophy: Kant. 2 hr. plus conf.; 3 cr.††
717. Studies in Late Modern Philos-
ophy: Middle and Late Nineteenth
Century. 2 hr. plus conf.; 3 cr.††
620. Advanced Logic. 2 hr. plus conf.; 3
cr. Prereq.: An introductory course in sym-
bolic logic or its equivalent.††
621. Logic and Language. 2 hr. plus
conf.; 3 cr.††
721. Philosophy of Mathematics. 2 hr.
plus conf.; 3 cr. Prereq.: A knowledge of
symbolic logic.††
722. Methodology of Empirical Sci-
ences. 2 hr. plus conf.; 3 cr. Prereq.: A
course in logic or philosophy of science.††
723. Probability and Induction. 2 hr.
plus conf.; 3 cr. Prereq.: An introductory
course in logic or its equivalent.††
730. Metaphysics. 2 hr. plus conf.; 3 cr.††
731. Philosophy of Mind. 2 hr. plus
conf.; 3 cr.††
732. Epistemology. 2 hr. plus conf.; 3
740. Phenomenology. 2 hr. plus conf.; 3
741. Existentialism. 2 hr. plus conf.; 3
742. Pragmatism. 2 hr. plus conf.; 3 cr.††
743. Philosophical Analysis. 2 hr. plus
conf.; 3 cr.††
651. Philosophy of Law. 2 hr. plus conf.; 
3 cr.††
652. Philosophy of History. 2 hr. plus
conf.; 3 cr.††
653. Philosophy of the State. 2 hr. plus
conf.; 3 cr.††
654. Philosophy of Religion. 2 hr. plus
conf.; 3 cr.††
750. Ethical Systems. 2 hr. plus conf.; 3
cr. Prereq.: A course in ethics or theory of
751. Ethical Analyses. 2 hr. plus conf.; 3
cr. Prereq.: A course in ethics or theory of
752. Aesthetics. 2 hr. plus conf.; 3 cr.††
†-Offered either Fall or Spring; see Class Schedule.
††-May be offered; see Class Schedule.

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