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. What is the author’s purpose for writing 
this article?
A) to describe the origin of octopuses
B) to explain how octopuses eat, live, and 
C) to explain how octopuses protect 
D) to show how dangerous octopuses are
55. How are an octopus and a chameleon alike?
A) They are both invertebrates.
B) They both like to hide on the ocean 
C) They can both change the colour of 
their skin.
D) They both use their arms to kill 
. What happens to an octopus after it shoots 
ink into the water?
56. All of the following statements are FALSE, 
E X C E P T ...
A) It is no longer poisonous.
B) It can hide.
C) It will grow a little.
D) It will die.
A) The octopus and chameleon have 
nothing in common.
B) Octopuses can squeeze themselves and 
shoot ink.
C) The octopus is able to change its colour 
in ten minutes.
D) Octopuses are vertebrates living on lands.
Read the text and answer the questions according to it.
The European rabbit is a small mammal that has long hind legs and short front legs. They 
have long ears and slightly large eyes placed to the sides of the head. They were not native to 
Australia. In the early days of the settlement of Australia, enterprising settlers stupidly introduced 
the European rabbit. This rabbit had no natural enemies in Australia, so it multiplied incredibly 
quickly. It overran a whole continent, and caused damage to environment which might have kept 
for millions of sheep and cattle. Scientists discovered that this particular variety of rabbit was 
sensitive to a fatal virus disease. Trying to create local epidemics of this disease, they found 
out that there was a type of mosquito which acted as the carrier of this disease and passed it 
on to the rabbits. So while the rest of the world was trying to get rid of mosquitoes, Australia 
was encouraging this one. It effectively spread the disease all over the continent and extremely 
reduced the rabbit population.
57. According to the passage, the rabbits ....
A) were not totally killed after a long 
B) increased in number rapidly in 
Australia, because nothing harmed 
C) had been local in Australian flora for a 
long time when the first settlers arrived 
D) were to be killed, because they carried a 
fatal virus for human beings
58. According to the passage, the
Australians . .. .
A) had come there from various countries 
around the world to keep millions of 
B) weren’t wise enough to get rid of the 
rabbits by their own efforts and called 
settlers for help
C) wanted to get rid of the rabbits because 
they were destroying the environment
D) already expected to meet with such a 
big rabbit population and were ready for 
this problem

__________________________________ Ingliz tili
59. W e can conclude from the passage that . . . .
A) the rabbits were reduced in number by a
6 0 . According to the passage, what or who 
caused the rabbits to reduce in number?
kind of mosquito
A) mosquitoes
B) Australians today owe their successful
B) wolves
life to the efforts o f the rabbits
C) settlers
C) being a pioneer requires a man to be 
prepared for the virus
D) the settlers discouraged the spread o f
D) Australians
the virus in Australia
Read the text and answer the questions according to it.
W illiam Rosenberg was grown up in Boston, Massachusetts. His father was a grocery store 
owner. Because the family had money problems, W illiam left school in eighth grade to help 
his father at his store. In his teenage years, he worked at many different jobs and got a lot of 
experience in food industry. W hen he started his own food lorry service, he was surprised that 
about half o f his sales came from coffee and donuts. W illiam had a plan. In 1948, W illiam opened 
a coffee and donut shop which he named ‘ ‘Open Kettle” in Quincy, Massachusetts. A coffee was 
ten cents and a donut was five cents. At that time, it was very expensive, but his customers loved 
his products and the store was a big success. William, however, was unhappy with the name 
“ Open Kettle” and decided to make a change. He noticed that customers often dunked or sank 
their donuts into their coffee. Thus, the name “ Dunkin Donuts” was born.
61. According to the passage, why did William 
leave school in eighth grade?
A) to sell lorries 
B) to help his family 
C) to make a plan 
D) to start a donut shop
62. W hat observation did W illiam make when 
he started his own food lorry service?
A) He noticed nobody liked donuts as they 
were expensive.
B) He noticed that people ate donuts 
without their coffee.
C) He noticed there were no coffee shops in 
his hometown.
D) He noticed half of sales came from coffee 
and donuts.
6 3 . According to the passage, the coffee 
and donuts in “ Open Kettle” was 
initially ... .
A) dear
B) unhappy
C) boring
D) inexpensive
6 4 . According to the passage, what is N O T true 
about “ Open Kettle” ?
A) It went out of business.
B) Its name was changed.
C) It was opened in 1948.
D) It appeared in Quincy.
Read the text and answer the questions according to it.
One day, a poor man, who had only one piece of bread to eat, was walking past a restaurant. 
There was a large pot of soup on the table. The poor man held his bread over the soup, so the 
steam from the soup went into the bread, and gave it a good smell. Then he ate the bread.
The restaurant owner was very angry at this, and he asked the man for money, in exchange 
for the smell. The poor man had no money, so the restaurant owner took him to Nasreddin, who 
was a judge at that time. Nasreddin thought about the case for a little while. Then he took some

money from his pocket. He held the coins next to the restaurant owner’s ear, and shook them, 
so that they made a noise. “ W hat was that?” asked the restaurant owner. “ That was payment 
for you,” answered Nasreddin. “ W hat do you mean? That was just the sound of coins!” protested 
the restaurant owner. “ The sound of the coins is payment for the smell o f the soup,” answered 

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