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__________________ ________ _
29. The passage is mostly about ....
A) raising a herd of triceratops
B) protecting triceratops from enemies
C) working in the field of geology
D) studying the fossils of triceratops
30. Which of the statem ents suggests th at
young triceratops might have lived
in herds?
A) Adult triceratops fossils were found with 
no other triceratops nearby.
B) Scientists proved that other kinds of 
dinosaurs lived in groups.
C) Fossils of three young triceratops were 
found together.
D) A flood never deposited the fossils at the 
site where they were found.
31. Before the discovery of the Homer site,
paleontologists believed that ....
A) young triceratops lived in herds
B) all triceratops lived in groups
C) all triceratops were single
D) adult triceratops lived in herds
32. What do scientists think will happen next
after the discovery at the Homer site?
A) They will prove that adult triceratops 
lived in herds.
B) They will expect to find more fossils of 
young triceratops there.
C) They will discover previously unknown 
kinds of dinosaurs.
D) They will prove that young triceratops 
were single.
Read the text and answer the questions according to it.
In the year 221 BC, the first great emperor of China united the nation. He called himself 
Qin Shi Huang. He was a tireless ruler, but he trusted no one. Qin created a new capital city for 
China. Qin made thousands of his 
citizens work on his special projects. His most famous project 
is still visible today. He began to build the 5500-mile-long Great Wall of China. He even ordered 
the destruction of most of the books in the kingdom. Many scholars buried their books to save 
them. However, if the king’s servants found the buried or hidden books, the owners were killed. 
One of the emperor’s most secret projects was discovered in modern China. In 1974, a farmer 
accidentally fell into an underground tomb where he found an entire army standing in order. The 
army was made of terracotta, a kind of clay. The emperor had more than 8,000 of these clay 
figures in his tomb. Surprisingly, scientists believe that there are even more of these clay figures 
that have yet to be discovered.
33. According to the passage, what can you 
infer from the description of the Great Wall 
of China?
A) Nobody died at the construction.
B) Workers liked to build the wall.
C) It was used as a cemetery.
D) The wall was very long.
34. From the context of the passage, what is 
the best meaning of “ citizens” ?
A) kingdoms
B) people
C) books
D) projects
35. From the context of the passage, we can 
conclude that Qin Shi Huang . .. .
A) began the construction of the long wall
B) trusted everyone who served him in his 
C) ordered all the books to be published
D) made more than eight hundred clay 
36. Which word refers to a kind of clay?
A) terracotta
B) tomb
C) underground
D) figures

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.
Avicenna was born in 980 and died sometime in June 1037. He was one o f the outstanding 
philosophers and thinkers o f the Islamic Golden Age, and a leader in understanding early medicine. 
By age 14 he had mastered many subjects and had already memorized the Quran. From the age 
o f 14 to 18 he taught himself because he could not find a tutor to provide more information than 
he already knew. He began to practice and learn about medicine at 16. He was good at all o f the 
subjects but he had a talent for medicine. Sometime before he turned 18 years old, he cured a 
Samanid chief. Because o f what he did he was allowed into the libraries that were taken care o f by 
the Samanid dynasty princes. Avicenna wrote almost 450 treatises, on a wide range o f subjects. Of 
these, around 240 works were on medicine. He wrote a book called The Canon o f Medicine. This 
was used as medical book for over 600 years. His major work in philosophy was a book called The 
Book o f Healing. It included his interpretation o f the work o f Aristotle.
READING COMPREHENSION. Part II_________________________________________________ Ingliz tili
37. According to the passage, Avicenna has 
been described as a leader o f ... .
A) philosophy
B) early medicine
C) tradition
D) method
3 8 . W e can infer from the passage that 
Avicenna was influenced by ... in 
A ) a Samanid prince
B) Islamic Golden Age
C) Aristotle
D) a Samanid chief
3 9 . All o f the following statements are T R U E ,
E X C E P T .. .
A) Avicenna didn’t study any other subjects 
except medicine.
B) Avicenna was an outstanding scholar of 
Islamic Golden Age.
C) Not all o f his treatises were about 
D) Avicenna’s philosophical book was called 
The Book o f Healing.
4 0 . According to the passage, why was
Avicenna allowed into Samanid libraries?
A) He was one o f the outstanding 
B) Because he wrote 450 treatises.
C) He had memorized the Quran.
D) He cured a Samanid chief.
Read the text and answer the questions according to it.
If you ’re younger, you may use MySpace. Young adults are more likely to be found on Facebook 
and busy professionals may prefer something like Linkedln. But at least two o f these sites have 
one thing in com m on: apart from being social spaces where you can meet and chat to people, 
share photos and other things, they’ve added new verbs and nouns to the language in the past 
couple o f years. L et’s take a look at some examples. You can facebook your holiday photos 
(upload them to your Facebook page), facebook someone to see who they are (look him up in 
Facebook), facebook someone about a party (contact someone through their Facebook page) and 
ask permission to facebook someone (add them as a Facebook friend). As you can see, “ facebook” 
is a pretty flexible word, and you could say the same about “ M ySpace”, which you will find 
being used in much the same way all over the Net. Linkedln has not been used in the same way. 
W hile you ’re “ facebooking” or “ m yspacing” you may also find yourself “ commenting” (writing a 
comment on som eone’s Facebook or M ySpace page).

41. According to the passage, what are
the two sites that have one thing in
A) Only Facebook
B) Linkedln and Facebook
C) MySpace and Linkedln
D) MySpace and Facebook
42. We can conclude from the passage that ...
A) Linkedln is for busy people with 
B) The three sites have nothing in common 
at all.
C) The social networks never added new 
verbs and nouns to the language.
D) People who use MySpace are as old as 
people who use Facebook.

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