Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities

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Darwin/Jabiru offices operations, 167–171

Davis Station (Antarctica), 66

waste treatment facilities, 65

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, 23, 24, 27–28

Department overview, 10

departmental committees, 150

departmental funds, 197

diesel quality standards, 52

Director of National Parks, 21, 226

risk management, 151

Disability Action Plan, 190

disability strategy, 188–189, 190

diversity, workplace, 189–191


e-learning modules, 187

Earth Hour 2013, 162

East Asia Summit, 194

ecologically sustainable development, 159–161, 233–242

strategies, 230–232

ECONet, 162–163

economic indicators, departmental, 197

electric ants, 28

emissions, toxic, 51 see also National Pollutant Inventory

endangered species and communities see threatened species and communities

energy use, departmental, 163–164, 168, 172–173, 178

enterprise agreement, 187

environment and heritage conservation, 84–110

Environment Approvals and Compliance Division, 84

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, 15, 209–260

advice under section 160, 249

assessments & approvals, 248–250

benefit-sharing provisions, 18

compliance and enforcement, 94–95, 97–98, 210, 214, 236–242

controlled actions under, 214

offsets calculator, 16

overview of operations, 212–214

proposals, 214

referrals, 214

regulatory reform, 243–244

strategic assessments, 230–231

Environment Quality Division, 46

Environmental Assets Database, 123

Environmental Decisions research hub, 16

environmental impact assessments, 90–91, 96, 232–236

assessments and approvals, 234, 248–250

referrals, 233–234

environmental indicators summaries, departmental, 164–167, 169–171, 174–177, 180–184

environmental law reform, 91

Environmental Management Systems (EMS), departmental, 162

Environmental Performance Committee, Departmental, 150

environmental performance, departmental, 159–161

Australian Antarctic Division, 177–184

Canberra offices, 163–167

Darwin/Jabiru offices, 167–171

Parks Australia, 172–177

strategies, 162–163

Environmental Scan 2012, departmental, 186–187

environmental water see Commonwealth environmental water

Environmental Water Holdings Special Account, 123–124

Environmental Water Management System, 123

Equator Initiative, 19

equity, 204

ethanol quality standards, 52

ethical standards, 188

Executive Board, 150

executive summary, 4–12

exempt contracts, 196

expenditure, 12

expenses, 197

by outcomes, 310–318

Expert Scientific Committee on Coal Seam Gas and Large Coal Mining Development, 70

external scrutiny, 153


Facebook, 191

fact sheets, 258

Federal Court proceedings, 153

feedback, 193

female staff, 292–293

feral animals, 20, 27, 263

fertiliser management, 19

financial performance

administered activities, 201–203

departmental activities, 198–200

financial position, 204–205

financial statements, 319–452

financial summary, 12

fire retardants, chemical, 47, 53, 286

fisheries, 21, 29

assessment and approvals, 28, 228

assessments and approvals, 225–226; Commonwealth-owned, 252–253

deliverables on, 33

state-owned, 252–253

see also Guidelines for the Ecologically Sustainable Management of Fisheries

Fisheries Adjustment Assistance Package, 17, 21

forestry industry, 25

forum participation, 64

foxes, 260

fraud control, 152, 188

free trade agreements, advice on, 194

freedom of information, 301

frogs, 25, 262

Fuel Quality Standards Act 2000, 52, 272–277

approvals under, 276–277

compliance and enforcement, 272–273

Fuel Standards Consultative Committee, 274–275

full-time staff, 294

functions, 10–11, 159

funding guidelines, 18


gamba grass, 260

gas see oil and gas

gender of staff, 292–293

Gene Technology Regulator, 52

genetic resources, 22–23

deliverables on, 32

genetically modified organisms, 52

deliverables on, 58

Global Biodiversity Information Facility, 20

Global Reporting Initiative, 303–307

Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), 163, 303–307

glossary, 453–464

graduate program, 188

Graduate Steering Committee, 150

grants programs, 298

Great Artesian Basin Coordinating Committee (GABCC), 74

Great Artesian Basin Sustainability Initiative, 74

Great Barrier Reef, 16, 24

deliverables on, 31

parliamentary reports, 156–157

risk management, 151

water quality, 29, 31

greenhouse gas emissions, 260

departmental, 163–164, 168, 173, 178

see also National Pollutant Inventory

Grimes, Paul (Secretary), 11

guide to annual report, 2–3

Guidelines for the Ecologically Sustainable Management of Fisheries, 15, 28

guidelines published, 258


Hazardous Waste (Regulation of Exports and Imports) Act 1989, 278–279

review, 55

hazardous waste management, 51, 53, 55

deliverables on, 57

Hazardous Waste Technical Group, 279

Health and Safety Committee, Departmental, 150

Heard Island and McDonald Islands Marine Reserve, 229

heritage and environment conservation outcome, 84–110

evaluation, 96–98

key achievements, 86–88

objectives, 85

responsibilities, 84

results, 99–110

strategies, 88–95

heritage buildings, 213

Heritage Grants Programs, 90

heritage listings, 93–94

human resources see staff

human rights, 185


ice core studies, 63

Incident Management Steering Committee, 150, 152

incident reporting, 295

income, own-source, 197

Independent Expert Scientific Committee (IESC), 214, 215

Indigenous Advisory Committee (IAC), 214–215, 256–257

Indigenous Australians, 19, 189–190, 215

organisations, 23–24

programs, 24, 90

see also Working on Country program; World Indigenous Network

Indigenous Carbon Farming Fund, 19

Indigenous Employment and Capability Strategy 2012–14, 189

Indigenous Protected Areas (IPAs), 15, 23–24

new, 18

Indigenous rangers, 19, 24

industrial chemicals management, 50, 52

industry emission data, 51

inquiries and complaints, 193

Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), 194

deliverables on, 33

internal audit, 73–74, 151

Internal Audit Section, 151

Internal Audit Work Plan, 151

international agreements, 53–54

deliverables on, 57

international policy advice, 193–196

International Whaling Commission (IWC), 39, 198

invasive grasses, listed, 19, 27, 222, 260

invasive species, 27–28, 260

deliverables on, 33

irrigation, Murray–Darling Basin, 70, 77

IT Disaster Recovery Plan, 152


Jobs Fund, 14

judicial decisions, 153


Kakadu National Park, 16, 226

Kevin McLeod Award 2013, 190

key threatening processes, 222, 223, 250, 259–260

Kyoto Protocol, 49


Land Sector Carbon and Biodiversity Board, 19, 26, 29

meetings, 26

membership, 26

Land Sector Package, 15, 18, 26, 29

Landcare, 24–25

landfill diversions, 51

Landscapes and Policy research hub, 16

lantana, 25

learning and development, 187–188

diversity training, 189

e-learning modules, 187

fraud awareness, 152

leadership and management, 187

performance management, 186

Lee v Commonwealth, 153

legal actions, 240–242

legislation reporting, 209–290

legislative review, amendment and reform, 212, 243–244

hazardous waste, 55

product stewardship (oil), 55

Water Act and Regulations, 289

liabilities, 197, 205

liquefied petroleum gas quality standards, 52

listed species, 218, 219–221

assessment outcomes, 218–221

live imports, 224

location of staff, 292–293


Macquarie Island Pest Eradication Project, 213

Macquarie Island Station (sub-Antarctic), 66

Marine Biodiversity research hub, 16

marine bioregional plans, 15, 231

deliverables on, 34

new, 17, 28

marine debris, 229, 259

marine protected areas, 37, 63, 241

marine reserves see Commonwealth marine reserves

matters of national environmental significance (MNES), 94, 212, 214–223, 217–219, 249–250

Mawson Station (Antarctica), 66

Measuring Sustainability Program, 54–55

mentoring scheme, 187

migratory species, 217, 223

Minamata Convention on Mercury, 48, 53

Minister for Finance and Deregulation, 12

Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, 11

ministerial services, 191–192

mission statement, 10

monitoring and audit, EPBC Act, 214

Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and Improvement (MERI) Strategy, 29

Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, 49, 53

Multicultural Plan, departmental, 185

Murray–Darling Basin, 70, 112–147

audit report, 154–155

Basin Plan, 70, 71, 120, 288–290

catchment summaries, 116–117

parliamentary committee reports, 155–156

water delivery, 128

watering actions, 129–146

see also Sustainable Diversion Limits

Murray–Darling Basin Authority (MDBA), 70, 123

myrtle rust, 28


Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources, 18, 23, 29

nanotechnology, 52; deliverables on, 58

National Disability Strategy, 188–189

National Environmental Research Program (NERP), 15, 16

deliverables on, 38

progress reports, 28

research highlights, 16

strategies, 20

national heritage, 213–214

national heritage buildings and sites, 93–94, 216

National Heritage List, 216

National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme, 52

National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Agency, 16

national parks management, 16

National Plan for Clean Air, 58

National Pollutant Inventory, 51

deliverables on, 58–59

National Research Priorities, 20

National Reserve System, 15, 18, 23, 226–227

deliverables on, 30

National Sustainability Council, 48, 54–55

National Taxonomy Research Grant Program, 16

National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme, 47

deliverables on, 56

National Urban Water and Desalination Plan, 77

National Waste Policy, 47, 49

National Water Initiative, 70, 72

National Water Quality Management Strategy, 70

National Wildlife Corridors Plan, 19, 25, 29

deliverables on, 32

Native Vegetation Framework, 19, 29

Natural Heritage Trust of Australia Act 1997, 261

neurotoxin management, 53

new species discovery, 28

New Zealand, engagement with, 195

non-English-speaking background (NESB), people with, 189

Norfolk Island, 226

North and North-west marine bioregional plans, 17

Northern Australia research hub, 16

Northern Victoria Irrigation Renewal Project, 73

notifiable incidents, 296–297

nutrient runoff management, 24, 29, 31


occupational health and safety see work health and safety

Oceania Biodiscovery Forum, 23

Office of Water Science, 70, 73

offsets calculator, EPBC Act, 16

oil and gas, 16

oil levy, 52

oil recycling, 265–271

oil stewardship, 52

used oil, 52, 268–274

Oil Stewardship Advisory Council, 271

Ombudsman’s reports and notifications, 153

One Land – Many Stories prospectus, 18

online information, 191

operating loss, 12

organisational effectiveness, 149–210


expenses by, 310–318

program structure and, 10

overview, departmental, 10

ozone layer

deliverables on, 57, 59

ozone-depleting substances, 49–50, 53, 280–285

protection, 49–50

Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Act 1989, 49, 50, 280–285


Pacific Regional Environmental Program, 195

Packaging Impacts Consultation Regulation Impact Statement, 47

Paddock to Reef Integrated Monitoring, Modelling and Reporting program, 29

pamphlets, 258–259

Pandemic Plan, 152

Papps, David (Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder), 113–114

Parks Australia, 16

environmental performance, 172–177

responsibilities, 15

parliamentary committee reports, 155–158

parliamentary services, 191–192

part-time staff, 294

performance audits, 154–155

performance management, 185, 186, 187

performance pay, 188

persistent organic pollutants, 47, 53

pesticides runoff management, 16, 19, 24, 29

petrol quality standards, 52

Phillip Island, 226

Phytophthora cinnamomi, 27, 259

pigs, feral, 27, 263

plastics see chemicals

Policy and Communications Division: responsibilities, 149

policy statements published, 258

pollutants see National Pollutant Inventory

portfolio overview, 11

PricewaterhouseCoopers, 73–74, 151

procurement, 196–197

product stewardship, 50–51, 262–264

benefit payments, 266, 267, 270

deliverables on, 56–57, 59

levy, 267, 268

Product Stewardship (Oil) Act 2000, 48, 265–271

review, 55

Product Stewardship (Televisions and Computers) Regulations, 59

Product Stewardship Act 2011, 47, 50, 261–264

Product Stewardship Advisory Group, 47, 51, 263–264

Product Stewardship for Oil Program, 48, 52, 55

programs, 10

expenditure on, 12

property, plant and equipment, 12

prospectuses, 259

publications, 191, 258–259

Pulu Keeling National Park, 226

purchasing, 196


Ramsar wetlands, 79, 213, 217

deliverables on, 31

Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) 2013-2015, 190

deliverables on, 32

Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) Steering Committee, 150

recovery plans, threatened species, 222

recovery plans, threatened species and communities, 251, 252

red imported fire ants, 28, 260

Reef Plan 2011 Report Card, 29

Reef Rescue, 19, 24

deliverables on, 31

referrals, environmental impact assessments, 233–234, 245–257

refrigeration and air conditioning, 284

Regional Natural Resource Management Planning for Climate Change Fund, 27

Register of Environmental Organisations, 193

Regulatory Compliance Executive Committee, 150

regulatory impact statements, 47

remuneration, senior executive, 188

reports published, 259

research hubs, 16, 28

resource recovery, 49

resource use, departmental, 164, 168–169, 178–179

return to work program, 295

Rishworth, the Hon. Amanda, 11

risk management, 151–152

Commonwealth environmental water, 120

departmental vision, 152

environmental, 162

River Murray Operations joint venture, 12

role and functions, 10–11


Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, 65

scientific research, Antarctic, 67, 68

scientific whaling, 39

sea dumping, 93, 98, 236

Sea Ice Physics and Ecosystems Experiment II (SIPEX II), 62–63

Secretary, 11

internal committee support, 151

review 2012-13, 4–8

section 518 report, 253–256

Security Plan, 152

sediment runoff management, 24, 29, 35

senior executives, 11

remuneration, 188

senior management committees, 150

service charter, 192

Sharks Memorandum of Understanding, 223

social inclusion, 188–191

Social Inclusion Measurement and Reporting Strategy, 189

social media, 191

soil management, 19

South-east Commonwealth Marine Reserves Network, 21

South-west marine bioregional plan, 17

spatial reporting, 206–207

Species Profiles and Threats (SPRAT) database, 222

species recovery plans, 33


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, 189–190

classifications, 186, 291

diversity, 189–191

feedback processes, 186

full-time, 294

gender, 292–293

Indigenous, 185, 189–190

learning and development, 187–188

location, 186, 292–293

part-time, 294

performance management, 185, 186, 187

profile, 186, 291–294

retention, 186

return to work program, 295

senior, 11

work health and safety, 295–297

stakeholder engagement, 191–196

Standing Council on Environment and Water, 50

Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, 47, 53

Stormwater Harvesting and Reuse Grants, 73–74

strategic assessments, EPBC Act, 92, 96–97, 230–231

Strategic Plan, 149–150

Strategic Science in Antarctic conference, 64

Strategic Workforce Plan 2013-2016, 187

Strengthening Basin Communities Program, 77

Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory, 24

Suburban Jobs Program, 48, 54

Supervising Scientist Division, 84, 88–89, 96

sustainability see Measuring Sustainability Program

sustainability indicators, 48, 54–55

Sustainability Policy and Analysis Division, 15, 46

sustainability reporting, departmental, 163

Sustainable Australia Report 2013, 55

Sustainable Diversion Limits, Murray–Darling Basin, 70, 71, 72

parliamentary committee report, 155

sustainable population and communities outcome, 46–60

evaluation, 55

key achievements, 47–48

objectives, 46

responsibility for, 46

results, 56–60

strategies, 48–55

sustainable procurement guidelines, 47

sustainable water outcome, 70–82

evaluation, 73–75

key achievements, 71–72

objectives, 70

responsibility for, 70

results, 75–82

strategies, 72–73

Sustainable Water Use and Infrastructure Program (SRWUIP), 77

synthetic greenhouse gases, 49–50, 53, 280–285

carbon price, 49, 56

deliverables on, 57, 59

destruction of, 47


Tasmanian Forest Agreement, 19

Tasmanian Forests Intergovernmental Agreement 2013, 16, 19, 25

Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area, 86, 213

taxonomy, 15, 28

funding for, 16

televisions and computers, 51, 59, 263

Temperate East marine bioregional plan, 17

terrestrial reserves, Commonwealth, 15, 18, 23, 226–227

threat abatement plans, 19–20, 27, 29, 222–223, 259–260

deliverables on, 33

threatened species and communities, 16, 93, 212–213, 217–223, 250

deliverables on, 33

recovery plans, 251, 252

see also threat abatement plans

Threatened Species Scientific Committee (TSSC), 27, 214, 218, 256

timeframes see compliance with timeframes

training see learning and development

tramp ants, 20

transport use, departmental, 163–164, 168, 173

Tropical Ecosystems research hub, 16

Tuggerah Lakes, 24–25

turnover of staff, 186

Twitter, 191

tyre product stewardship, 47


Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, 226

United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), 26

United Nations Environment Programme, 193–194

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), 49

uranium mining, 88–89

urban water, 82

used oil, 52, 265–271


vessel monitoring system, AFMA, 22

volunteer activities, 25


waste management, 49

departmental, 164, 168–169, 173, 176, 178–179

parliamentary committee reports, 158

waste treatment, Antarctica, 65


assets, 12, 115–116

consumption, departmental, 163–164, 171, 174, 179

infrustructure investment, 77

quality management, 24–25

reforms, 71

shepherding, 121

use efficiency, 78

see also sustainable water outcome

Water Act 2007, 70, 288–290

litigation concerning, 153

Water Efficiency Division, 70

Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards Act 2005, 286–287

Water Reform Division, 70

websites, 3, 191

WELS scheme see Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards Act 2005

wetlands of international importance, 213, 217

whales, 39, 63, 98, 252

wildlife corridors, 15, 19, 25

wildlife trade and management, 93, 95, 224–226, 227–232

live imports, 224

trade permits, 225

see also National Wildlife Corridors Plan

wildlife trafficking, 95, 97

Wildlife, Heritage and Marine Division

responsibilities, 15, 84

wood heaters, 47

work health and safety, 185, 295–297

workers compensation premium, 296

Workforce Management Committee, 150, 186

workforce planning, 186–187

workforce profile, 186

Working on Country program, 19, 24

deliverables on, 31

workplace diversity, 189–191

world heritage, 213–214

deliverables on, 31

World Heritage Committee, 213

World Heritage List, 216

World Indigenous Network, 16, 19, 26


yellow crazy ants, 260

YouTube, 191

1 Bureau of Meteorology Murray–Darling Rainfall Deciles 1 July 2012 – 30 June 2013.

2 Bureau of Meteorology Murray–Darling Rainfall Deciles 1 July 2012 – 30 June 2013.

32 The difference between the two figures is that category eight benefits are not included in the second figure because they are not benefits for recycling used oil. Category eight benefits are a refund of the product stewardship levy where oil is incorporated into products.

41 The difference between the two figures is that category eight benefits are not included in the second figure because they are not benefits for recycling used oil. Category eight benefits are a refund

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