Describe your favorite season of the year

Describe an exciting book you have read

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Describe an exciting book you have read.
You should say

  • When you read it

  • What type/kind of book it is

  • What is about

  • Why you read it/why it is interesting.

I would like to tell you about a book called Harry Potter, a fantasy novel, written by the British author J. K. Rowling. It's one that I can re-read time and time again. The book describes the adventure and life of a young wizard named Harry Potter and his two best friends, Ron and Hermione. Harry has to struggle to kill the Dark wizard Lord Voldemort, whose aim is to become immortal and destroy all those who stand in the way of his mission to rule the world. The reason why this book comes to mind is that it is a reminder of my childhood. It was a gift from my mother to reward my achievement at school. Up until now, I can still remember clearly how fascinated I was when I received it. Harry Potter will always be on my to-read list for a number of reasons. Firstly, I have always been a great admirer of science fiction books so I love the way that the author describes the whole magical world with the magic school, Hogwarts, and the flying brooms. Secondly , reading this book not only helps me to relax after a long day of work or study but also cheers me up whenever I am feeling blue.

Fantasy novel - a fiction book set in a different reality - Fantastikaga asoslangan asar
Reread - read again - Qayta o'qib chiqmoq.
Time and time again - something that keeps happening - Yana va yana
Wizard - a person who is good at magic - Sehrgar
To become immortal - to be a man who never die – O'lmaydigan bo'lish
To be on my to read list - O'qish kerak bo'lgan kitoblar ro'yxatida bo'lmoq
Flying brooms - Uchar supurgilar

Describe a person who knows a lot/is knowledgeable
You should say

  • Who this person is

  • What the person do

  • What kinda things he knows

  • What you learnt from him/her

To ' think outside of the box ' is always the term that comes to mind whenever a problem arises and it’s difficult to find a solution. There is one person on this planet though who always surprises me with his cleverness and ability to come up with a solution, to even some of the toughest problems. His name is Umid and he's my older brother. My mother always told us that even though we're brothers and we have a close-knit relationship, we're still as different as two people could possibly be. I'm quite an active person and have a tendency to make very quick decisions, while my brother is extremely calm and usually solves problems in a level-headed kind of way. It is for this reason that he has been a kind of savior to me on a number of occasions. There is a time that I consider an important landmark in my life, which was when I took the entrance exam to university. And, similarly to my mother, I suffer from hypotension which is low when I'm hung or tired. In certain circumstances, blood pressure and sometimes causes dizziness I just need the sugar from a couple of candy bars to recover, but actually I'm quite an absent minded person so I usually forget to carry any with me. On that day, when the start of the examination was getting nearer, I was so nervous that I couldn't think clearly and my hands had begun to shake. All of a sudden, I found some tiny chocolate bars in my pocket, and they saved my life! In the end, it turned out that my brother remembered to put some in my pocket for me in order to avoid this situation. He was so thoughtful and smart to do such a thing!

Think outside of the box - Think in a different way; from a new perspective -Boshqacha fikrlamoq.
There is a one person on the planet - (it is a good linker/phrase to describe the person more stronger - Bu sayyorada bir odam bor
Come up with a solution - to find the way of the problem - Muammoga yechim topmoq
A close-knit relationship - a close and long relationship - Yaqin munosabatlar
To be as different as two people - Mutlaqo bir biridan farq qilmoq
Have a tendency - prone to - Moyilligi bor
To be saviour to me - to help in the latest time which is so difficult-Menga qutqaruvchi bo'lmoq
To be Level-headed - a decision made in sound mind - Aql bilan ish tutadigan
Hypotension - abnormally low blood pressure - Gipotenziya
Absent-minded - not paying attention - E'tiborsiz

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