Electrical industry of burma/myanmar


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dpa, 02/12/07. http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2007/12/03/regional/regional_30058101.php

Burma anti-dam activists have sent a petition to Chinese President Hu Jintao urging him to better regulate Chinese companies involved in the construction of 10 hydropower projects worth $30 billion in military-run Burma. The Burma Rivers Network petition - endorsed by 50,000 “affected people,'' 98 Burma organizations and 24 international organizations - called on the Chinese government to require the 10 Chinese companies involved in dam building in Burma to conduct proper social and environmental impact studies and reveal details on the projects to the affected communities. “The dams would represent over 30 billion dollars in investment,” the petition said. “These Chinese dams will cause huge environmental and social damage for the peoples in Burma and will damage China's international image,'' said Aung Ngyeh, spokesman of the Burma Rivers Network.
The Burma Rivers Network, an NGO comprised of representatives of ethnic organizations from potential dam-affected communities in Burma, has used its petition to highlight the extent of Chinese companies' involvement in Burma's hydropower sector, which has been largely ignored because of a lack of publicity and transparency surrounding the deals. “In recent years, the number of Chinese businesses involved in hydropower projects in Burma has increased dramatically,'' the letter to Hu said. “At least 10 Chinese corporations have been named in connection with these dams on the Irrawaddy, Salween (Nu), Shweli and Paunglaung rivers, including Gezhouba Group Co (CGGC), Sinohydro Corp, Yunnan Machinery and Equipment Import and Export Co, and China Power Investment Corp,'' it added.
Most of the planned hydropower dams are situated in conflict areas, where the Burma military is waging jungle wars against ethnic minority groups, such as the Karen and Shan. While the Chinese companies are hoping the projects would earn revenues from electricity exports to neighbouring Thailand, Burma's military stands to gain politically by opening these areas up to their troops and through forced relocations of thousands of ethnic minority populations opposed to the government, observers charged.
The dam building is likely to a have huge social impact not only at the project sites but also on the border areas between Burma and China and Thailand. “The impacts of the proposed dams in border areas will lead to instability and increased refugees flows into China, creating further opportunities for the spread of HIV/AIDS and drug trafficking into China,'' the Burma Rivers Network said. It urged the Chinese government to insist that Chinese companies conduct social impact assessments and environmental impact assessments that meet international standards before going ahead with construction.
Additional references
See above: ‘Hydropower projects generate concern in South Asia (Asian Energy: 15/03/09)
See also the websites of the Burma Rivers Network http://www.burmariversnetwork.org/ and the Salween Watch http://www.salweenwatch.org/ which focus on environmental concerns connected with large-scale hydropower developments in Burma/Myanmar.
See also the following reports which highlight environmental concerns connected with hydro and coal-fired electricity projects in Burma/Myanmar. Brief summaries of most of these reports are available in the publications section of the Burma Rivers Network website.
Burma Rivers Watch, Salween Watch & Karenni Development Research Group. Stop the Dam Offensive Against the Karenni, 4pp (March 2011, 4pp).

Pa-Oh Youth Organization, Poison Clouds: Lessons from Burma’s largest coal project at Tigyit, 54pp (Kyoju Action Network, January 2011).

Shan Sapawa Environment Organization, Roots and Resilience, 48pp (July 2009).

Saw Blaw Htoo et al, Khoe Kay: Biodiversity in Peril, 133 pp (Chiang Mai, Karen Environmental and Social Action Network, July 2008).

Kayan Women’s Union, Drowning the Green Ghosts of Kayanland: Impacts of the Upper Paunglaung Dam in Burma, 24pp (June 2008). http://www.salweenwatch.org/downloads/DrowningtheGreenGhostsEnglish.pdf
Palaung (Ta’ang) Youth Network Group, Under the Boot 57pp (December 2007).

Kachin Development Networking Group, Damming the Irrawaddy, 64pp (October 2007).

Karenni Development Research Group, Dammed by Burma's Generals: The Karenni Experience with Hydropower Development From Lawpita to the Salween, 81pp (March 2006).

Shan Sapawa Environmental Organization, Warning Signs: An Update on Plans to Dam the Salween in Shan State, 32pp (2006).


Foundation for Ecological Recovery: Briefing Paper: Salween Hydropower Project (Thai–Burma border) 7 pp (June 2003). http://www.terraper.org/articles/BriefingSalweenThai-BurmaJune03.pdf


NLM, 30/11/07. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/07nlm/n071130.htm

D-G Aung Koe Shwe of HPID and Pres Feng Ke of YMEC of the PRC sign for the purchase of materials needed for the implementation of Zawgyi No 1, Dattawgyaing and Wetwun hydropower projects. The equipment purchased will allow the projects to proceed on time.
Additional references
See below: ‘Yadanabon cyber city slated for soft opening in September (MT: 24/09/07)
NLM, 27/11/10. Edited and revised. http://www.burmalibrary.org/docs09/NLM2010-11-27.pdf

Plans for the construction of Pwekauk dam on Galaung creek had to be changed due to cracked limestone at the floor of the proposed dam and seepage of water. Instead a diversion weir is presently under construction. Water diverted through the the weir is needed to supply the high profile Yadanabon cyber city development as well as the growing city of PyinOoLwin. The area receives an average rainfall of 49 inches annually and Galaung Creek which has a 40 sq mi watershed, has an inflow of about 45,500 acre feet a year. The weir will be of a broad crest type, 300 feet long, with a 160-foot long embankment. Flow of water is is estimated at 25,770 cubic-feet per second. Two 40-kw generators to be installed at the weir will supply electricity to Yaythayaukgon, Naunghlaing and Naunglon villages. The project will will also irrigate 200 acres of farmland. Wheat, niger and groundnut are cultivated in the area. The project is now scheduled for completion in the 2011-12 financial year. [Photos of earth removal equipment at work on the site are included in the print edition of NLM.]

NLM, 23/04/10. http://www.burmalibrary.org/docs08/NLM2010-04-23.pdf

Construction of Pwegauk dam continues. Installation of the penstock pipelines is underway. The earthen embankment of the dam will be 1450 feet long and 107 feet high. The reservoir will be able to hold 1230 acre-feet and will supply water for agriculture and public consumption. It will contribute to generating 2.20 million kwh yearly to boost agricultural produce and provide electricity to local people.

NLM, 05/05/09. http://www.burmalibrary.org/docs07/NLM2009-05-05.pdf

A&IMin Htay Oo reports to the Special Projects Committee (SPIC) that Pwekauk dam on Gelaung Creek is a priority for the Irrigation Dept. It will supply drinking water to PyinOoLwin Myothit and Yadanapon Myothit. A small-scale hydro power station will be constructed at the dam.

NLM, 05/09/08. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/08nlm/n080905.htm

A&IM Htay Oo checks on the Pwegauk dam project near Yethayaukgon village in PyinOoLwin township. At the Doegwin Farm of the Myanma Agriculture Service near Hsingaunggyi village in the same township he inspects a small-scale hydropower unit that is generating 5 kW. [A photo of the generator is available on p 2 of the print edition of NLM.]

NLM, 22/12/07. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/07nlm/n071222.htm

During a tour of the Pyin Oo Lwin area A&IM Htay Oo and CPTM Thein Zaw visited the Dokwin Agriculture Farm of the Myanma Agriculture Service where herbal orchids are grown in accordance with the guidance of the Head of State. Afterwards, the ministers inspected a small hydel power project on an irrigation canal of Dokwin Dam that can produce 5 kW. Generators are also equipped on irrigation canals to produce hydro power on a small scale.

NLM, 06/11/06. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/06nlm/n061106.htm

EPM No 1 Zaw Min received Chairman Feng Ke of YMEC at Wharton International Hotel in Nanning on 29 October. They discussed matters related to Shweli-1, Upper Paunglaung, Nancho, Wetwun, Dattawgyaing and Zawgyi-1 hydel power plants.

NLM, 15/04/06. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/04nlm/n040415.htm

Gen Than Shwe visits Wetwun hydroelectric power station and gives guidance on extending its capacity and on harnessing Dattawchai waterfalls to produce electricity. To further meet the demand for electric power in Pyin Oo Lwin he wants consideration given to building other small hydropower stations in the area by utilizing the flow of water at projects such as the Hsinlan dam which are used for drinking water and irrigation purposes.

NLM, 04/09/02. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/02nlm/n020904.htm#1_

Officials report on the maintenance of the turbines at the Wetwon hydropower station. Nos 1 and 2 turbines at station were installed in 1933 and 1939 respectively. The turbines each generate 255 kW.

NLM, 09/03/01. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/01nlm/n010307.htm

EPM Tin Htut briefs Gen Maung Aye on the repair of Wetwun hydroelectric power Station in Pyin Oo Lwin township.


The best known waterfalls in the Pyin-oo-Lwin area are three picturesque falls: DattawGyaink (Hollow of the Sacred Relic), Wetwun Falls and Pwegauk Falls (better known as B.E. Falls as it is near the Depot of Burma Engineer Corps).


NLM, 29/11/07. http://burmalibrary.org/docs4/NLM2007-11-29.pdf

The opening ceremony of the newly-built North Yama supporting dam built by Construction Group 4 of the Irrigation Dept was held at the pandal of the dam in Pale township in Monywa district this morning.
North-West Commander Myint Soe said the newly-built dam would contribute toward agricultural tasks and greening as well as supplying 250 kilowatts of electric power. It will benefit 385,444 acres of farmland and supply irrigation water to cultivate edible oil crops and beans and pulses in addition to paddy all the year round. A&IM Htay Oo said the dam had been built to fulfill the requirements of local farmers in both Yinmabin and Pale townships and that they were to make efforts to improve the agricultural sector with the use of irrigation water. Director U Victor of Construction Group 4 of the Irrigation Dept presented reports on building the dam to the commander and the minister. Afterwards, on behalf of the locals, U Tint Swe spoke words of thanks. [A photo of the dam appears in the print edition of NLM.]
Additional references
Khin Maung Than (Sethmu), NLM, 19/11/08. http://www.burmalibrary.org/docs6/NLM2008-12-19.pdf

I visited the North Yama support dam which is 136 feet high and 1,200 feet long. The dan can store 122,900 acre feet at full brim and 21,240 acre feet at minimum level. To generate hydropower, two 19-inch diameter pre-stressed steel pipes [have been installed] at the basin of the chute. [Photos of the dam embankment and control tower are included in the print edition of NLM. There is no indication in this report that generators have, in fact, been installed at the dam. The original version of this article was published in Burmese in Kyemon on 09/12/08.]

NLM, 27/11/05. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/05nlm/n051127.htm

Prime Minister Soe Win and party visited the North Yama support dam that is under construction on North Yama Creek two miles south east of Aingma village village (22° 02' N, 94° 34' E) in Pale township. The support dam is being built six miles upstream of North Yama dam that was opened in 1998. The support dam will be able to store 99,000 acre feet that will be available to the North Yama dam. It will supply water to 12,000 acres of land where double and mixed cropping can be made all year round. Arrangements are being made for construction of a small hydel power station.

NLM, 01/02/05. http://burmalibrary.org/docs2/NLM2007-02-01.pdf

Lt-Gen Ye Myint of the MoD and party visit the North Yama supporting dam project where they view the installation of 19-inch diameter steel pipelines for generating 500 kilowatts and the water control tower.


Kyaw Thu, Myanmar Times, 26/11/07. http://www.mmtimes.com/no394/b005.htm

Two private Myanmar companies developing hydropower projects are planning to hire foreign consultant companies, said an energy expert close to one of the companies on November 20. Asia World and Olympic Construction are the first two private, local firms to have been entrusted to build hydropower projects in Myanmar.
The expert said Olympic Construction is considering Swiss firm Colenco Power Engineering, Japanese Newjec Inc, Chinese Sinohydro Corp or another unnamed Chinese company to assist with its project. Of these four, Colenco Power Engineering is already consulting on the Yeywa project in Mandalay Division; Sinohydro is involved in the construction of the US$1 billion Hutgyi project on the Thanlwin River; and Newjec Inc has worked on the Baluchaung 1, 2, 3 and Hutgyi projects since 1984.
However, he refused to say which company – or companies – Asia World is planning to hire, nor the value of any such deal, although he did say what its role would be. “The foreign consultancy company will help us to draw-up a project design and monitor the overall construction,” he said.
Asia World is slated to build the Thaukyegeat hydropower project in Bago Division, which is expected to produce some 140 megawatts (MW) of electricity, while Olympic Construction will build the Baluchaung 3 project in Kayah State. This project is hoped to deliver a further 48MW. “The two companies have been running feasibility studies and preparing to submit a proposal to the Myanmar Investment Committee,” he said.
When finished, the electricity generated by the two projects will be sold to the Ministry of Electric Power 2 for distribution through the national grid.
Additional references

See above: ‘Biluchaung No 3 hydropower project moving ahead’ (NLM: 14/02/09)

Sai Tin hydropower project plans announced’ (NLM: 28/01/09)

See below: ‘Invitation for foreign investment in electric power sector’ (Gov’t website, circa 1998)

‘More inputs needed to power a hydro future’ (MT: 04/06/01)

‘Burma eyes private power producers (Nation: 13/02/96)

Thaukyekhat hydel power project: Notes’ (Appendix 16)
See also other articles listed in the topical index under ‘Independent producers and projects’. (IP)
NLM: 07/03/10. http://www.burmalibrary.org/docs08/NLM2010-03-07.pdf

The Special Projects Implementation Committee held coordination meeting (1/2010) at the Operations Meeting Room of the office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army) in Nay Pyi Daw of 05/03/10. . . . At the meeting, Minister for Electric Power No. 1 Col Zaw Min reported on matters related to five joint projects to be implemented with the investment of local entrepreneurs and seven joint projects with foreign companies. The Ministry of Electric Power No. 1 will jointly implement the five projects with the investment of local national entrepreneurs. They are: Upper Biluchaung Hydropower Project in Shan State (South) to generate 29 megawatts, Htakha Hydropower Project in Kachin State to generate 6 megawatts, Anyaphya Hydropower Project in Taninthayi Division to generate 9 megawatts, Yangon Coal-fired Power Plant Project in Yangon Division to generate 270 megawatts and Kawthoung Coal-fired Power Plant Project in Taninthayi Division to generate 6 megawatts.

NLM: 01/01/10. http://www.burmalibrary.org/docs08/NLM2010-01-01.pdf

An MoU was signed between Hydropower Administration Department of EPM No 1 and Htoo Trading Co Ltd to co-operate in [the development] of the Upper Hsetawgyi and Htakha hydropower projects through the Build-Operate-Transfer (B.O.T) system in Nay Pyi Taw on 29/12/09. EPM-1 Zaw Min extended greetings and Chairman of Htoo Trading Co Ltd U Teza explained the purpose of the MoU. Later, the director-general of the Hydropower Administration Dept and a responsible person of Htoo Trading Co Ltd signed the MoU and exchanged documents.

Xinhua: 05/01/10. http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2010-01/05/content_12757356.htm

Myanmar is encouraging private companies to invest in hydropower projects to share the government's efforts in fulfilling the country's growing electric power demand. Recently, the Myanmar authorities granted one more company to implement hydropower projects under a build, operate and transfer (BOT) system, according to EPM-1. Under an MoU reached on 29/12/09 between the ministry and Htoo Trading Co, the private company will implement two hydropower projects of Upper Hsedawgyi and Thaka, for the first time. In November last year [2009 or 2008?], two other local private companies -- the Future Power Co and the Min Anawyahtar Co Group -- had also been granted to implement the Upper Beluchaung and Saidin hydropower projects under the same system.

"Myanmar Country Report on Progress of Power Development Plans and Transmission Interconnection Projects", Fifith Meeting of Planning Working Group of the Regional Power Trade Coordination Committee, Greater Mekong Subregion (Ventiane, 17/06/08), Appendix 4, p 22. http://www.adb.org/Documents/Events/Mekong/Proceedings/PWG5-Appendix4.4.pdf

Private Sector Investment In Power Generation Sector

Local investors are allowed to participate in the scheme of Independent Power Producer (IPP) for medium hydropower projects. An MOU on the Thaukyegat-2 hydropower project (120 MW) was signed between the Ministry of Electric Power No 1 and Asia World Company Ltd on 2nd May 2008. An MOU on Baluchaung No 3 hydropower project (48 MW) was signed between the Ministry of Electric Power No 1 and High Tech Concrete Technology Co Ltd on 2nd May 2008.
NLM, 18/01/07. http://mission.itu.ch/MISSIONS/Myanmar/08nlm/n080118.htm

On a visit to Biluchaung No 3 hydropower site Lt-Gen Kyaw Win of the Ministry of Defence is briefed on arrangements for implementation of the project, construction of the power intake tunnel and the power plant and the generation of power by project co-ordinator Tin Maung Win of HPID. Kyaw Win checks the water current at the confluence of Bilu Creek and Pun Creek. HPID and High Tech Concrete Technology Co Ltd will jointly construct the diversion dam and the power intake tunnel of Biluchaung No 3 Hydropower Project. On completion, the power plant of the project will generate 344 million kwh yearly.


Kyaw Thu, Myanmar Times, 19/11/07. http://www.mmtimes.com/no393/n006.htm

The production of electricity from hydropower is expected to be higher during the upcoming dry season than in previous years, an official from the EPM No 1 said earlier this month. He said reservoirs at hydropower projects throughout the country were holding more water than usual as a result of steady rains that lasted until the end of October, a month later than normal. “In previous years the production of electricity from hydropower projects dropped about 50pc during the dry season but this year we expect it to drop only about 30pc,” he said.
Because hydropower is the source of about 50pc Myanmar’s electricity, declines in production during the dry season can cause power outages in Yangon and other cities. Aside from hydropower, 40pc of the country’s electricity comes from natural gas, 9pc from steam and 1pc from diesel engines. During the dry season the government partially compensates for the drop in electricity from hydropower by increasing the percentage from natural gas.
According to the Yangon City Electricity Supply Board, about 11,284 MW of electricity are required from hydropower and 8013 MW from natural gas to supply 24-hour electricity to the public and to industries in Yangon.
The ministry official said problems with electricity shortfalls will be solved when the 790-MW Yeywa hydropower project in Mandalay Division is finished in December 2009. “When Yeywa is finished we will be able to meet the country’s electricity needs,” he said. Construction on the Yeywa project, located on the Myitnge River about 50 kilometres southeast of Mandalay, started in 2001. The total cost is expected to reach K15 billion.
Additional references
See below: ‘Gas in short supply to meet demand for electricity’ (MT: 17/09/07)

Full power supply promised for July’ (MT: 04/06/07)

Low water levels hinder power distribution’ (MT: 02/04/07)

Kyaw Thu, Myanmar Times, 19/11/07. http://www.mmtimes.com/no393/b004.htm

A Chinese energy firm has picked up a 51pc stake in the US$6-billion Tasang hydropower project planned for the Thanlwin River, an official of EPM\-1 said on November 13. China Gezhouba Water and Power Group Co Ltd took up the majority holding earlier this month after Thailand’s MDX Group told the Myanmar government it needed to reduce its stake due to financial difficulties, the official said. The design of the 7110-MW plant in eastern Shan State, scheduled for completion in 2022, represents the single largest investment ever in Myanmar and has not be changed, the official said.
Under the new arrangement, MDX Group holds a 24pc stake and Myanmar’s Dept of Hydropower Implementation holds a 25pc stake, he said, adding that the EPM-1 Zaw Min, informed Thai ambassador Bansarn Bunnang of the change on November 8 in Nay Pyi Taw.
“The MDX Group have been implementing the project for a decade but there has been no significant progress so far. So the government handed it over to the Chinese consortium,” the official said in a telephone interview. He added that the government had been annoyed at the slow pace of development and had decided to diversify the stake holdings because it was less confident about MDX Group’s ability to proceed with the project.
A Yangon-based representative of MDX Group, U Win Moe, told the Myanmar Times last month that the Thai company was not facing any financial difficulties and had halted work at the Tasang site due to challenges posed by the wet season. Work at the site, some 75km from the Thai border, had since resumed, he said. U Win Moe was unavailable for comment last week.
MDX signed a joint venture agreement with the DHP in April 2006 to develop the project. The department was broken into three new departments the following month when the EPM was split in two.
Work on the Tasang project started on March 30 this year. Thailand had been expected to purchase most of the annual production of 35,400 million kWh of electricity generated by the plant, although it is now uncertain who the buyer will be, the ministry official said last week. Officials have said construction would take place over 15 years and create 15,000 jobs.
Meanwhile, officials of EPM-1 were due to discuss the Hutgyi power project with its stakeholders in Nay Pyi Taw on Nov 16. The Hutgyi dam is a $1-billion, 1200-MW project planned for the Thanlwin River downstream from the Tasang in Kayin State. It is a joint venture project involving EPM No 1, the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand and China’s Sinohydro Corp.
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