English Fairy Tales

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to hire herself for servant. At
last a funny-looking old gentleman engaged her, and took
her home to his house. When she got there, he told her that
he had something to teach her, for that in his house he had
his own names for things.
He said to her: “What will you call me?”
“Master or mister, or whatever you please sir,” says she.
He said: “You must call me ‘master of all masters.’ And
what would you call this?” pointing to his bed.
“Bed or couch, or whatever you please, sir.”
“No, that’s my ‘barnacle.’ And what do you call these?”
said he pointing to his pantaloons.
“Breeches or trousers, or whatever you please, sir.”
“You must call them ‘squibs and crackers.’ And what would
you call her?” pointing to the cat.
“Cat or kit, or whatever you please, sir.”
“You must call her ‘white-faced simminy.’ And this now,”
showing the fire, “what would you call this?”
“Fire or flame, or whatever you please, sir.”
“You must call it ‘hot cockalorum,’ and what this?” he
went on, pointing to the water.
“Water or wet, or whatever you please, sir.”
“No, ‘pondalorum’ is its name. And what do you call all
this?” asked he, as he pointed to the house.
“House or cottage, or whatever you please, sir.”
“You must call it ‘high topper mountain.’”
That very night the servant woke her master up in a fright
and said: “Master of all masters, get out of your barnacle and
put on your squibs and crackers. For white-faced simminy
has got a spark of hot cockalorum on its tail, and unless you
get some pondalorum high topper mountain will be all on
hot cockalorum.” .... That’s all.

English Fairy Tales
and the Knights of the Round Table,
there reigned in the eastern part of England a king who kept
his Court at Colchester. In the midst of all his glory, his
queen died, leaving behind her an only daughter, about fif-
teen years of age, who for her beauty and kindness was the
wonder of all that knew her. But the king hearing of a lady
who had likewise an only daughter, had a mind to marry her
for the sake of her riches, though she was old, ugly, hook-
nosed, and hump-backed. Her daughter was a yellow dowdy,
full of envy and ill-nature; and, in short, was much of the
same mould as her mother. But in a few weeks the king,
attended by the nobility and gentry, brought his deformed
bride to the palace, where the marriage rites were performed.
They had not been long in the Court before they set the
king against his own beautiful daughter by false reports. The
young princess having lost her father’s love, grew weary of
the Court, and one day, meeting with her father in the gar-
den, she begged him, with tears in her eyes, to let her go and
seek her fortune; to which the king consented, and ordered
her mother-in-law to give her what she pleased. She went to
the queen, who gave her a canvas bag of brown bread and
hard cheese, with a bottle of beer; though this was but a
pitiful dowry for a king’s daughter. She took it, with thanks,
and proceeded on her journey, passing through groves, woods,
and valleys, till at length she saw an old man sitting on a
stone at the mouth of a cave, who said: “Good morrow, fair
maiden, whither away so fast?”
“Aged father,” says she, “I am going to seek my fortune.”
“What have you got in your bag and bottle?”
“In my bag I have got bread and cheese, and in my bottle
good small beer. Would you like to have some?”
“Yes,” said he, “with all my heart.”
With that the lady pulled out her provisions, and bade
him eat and welcome. He did so, and gave her many thanks,
and said: “There is a thick thorny hedge before you, which
you cannot get through, but take this wand in your hand,
strike it three times, and say, ‘Pray, hedge, let me come
through,’ and it will open immediately; then, a little further,
you will find a well; sit down on the brink of it, and there
will come up three golden heads, which will speak; and what-

Joseph Jacobs
ever they require, that do.” Promising she would, she took
her leave of him. Coming to the hedge and using the old
man’s wand, it divided, and let her through; then, coming to
the well, she had no sooner sat down than a golden head
came up singing:
“Wash me, and comb me,
And lay me down softly.
And lay me on a bank to dry,
That I may look pretty,
When somebody passes by.”
“Yes,” said she, and taking it in her lap combed it with a
silver comb, and then placed it upon a primrose bank. Then
up came a second and a third head, saying the same as the
former. So she did the same for them, and then, pulling out
her provisions, sat down to eat her dinner.
Then said the heads one to another: “What shall we weird
for this damsel who has used us so kindly?”
The first said: “I weird her to be so beautiful that she shall
charm the most powerful prince in the world.”
The second said: “I weird her such a sweet voice as shall
far exceed the nightingale.”
The third said: “My gift shall be none of the least, as she is
a king’s daughter, I’ll weird her so fortunate that she shall
become queen to the greatest prince that reigns.”
She then let them down into the well again, and so went
on her journey. She had not travelled long before she saw a
king hunting in the park with his nobles. She would have
avoided him, but the king, having caught a sight of her,
approached, and what with her beauty and sweet voice, fell
desperately in love with her, and soon induced her to marry
This king finding that she was the King of Colchester’s
daughter, ordered some chariots to be got ready, that he might
pay the king, his father-in-law, a visit. The chariot in which
the king and queen rode was adorned with rich gems of
gold. The king, her father, was at first astonished that his
daughter had been so fortunate, till the young king let him
know of all that had happened. Great was the joy at Court
amongst all, with the exception of the queen and her club-
footed daughter, who were ready to burst with envy. The


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