Eu dataGrid Data Management Workpackage : wp2 Status and Plans Peter z kunszt

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EU DataGrid Data Management Workpackage : WP2 Status and Plans

  • Peter Z Kunszt

  • IT/DB



  • WP2 Mandate, Tasks and Structure

  • Achievements to date

  • Task status

    • Replication
    • Metadata
    • Optimization
    • Security
  • Plans

  • Issues

DataGrid workpackages

  • WP1: Workload Management

  • WP2: Grid Data Management

  • WP3: Grid Monitoring Services

  • WP4: Fabric management

  • WP5: Mass Storage Management

  • WP6: Integration Testbed – Production quality International Infrastructure

  • WP7: Network Services

  • WP8: High-Energy Physics Applications

  • WP9: Earth Observation Science Applications

  • WP10: Biology Science Applications

  • WP11: Information Dissemination and Exploitation

  • WP12: Project Management

Mandate: Data Management

  • The goal of this work package is to

  • specify, develop, integrate and test

  • tools and middleware infrastructure to

  • coherently manage and share petabyte-scale information volumes in high-throughput production-quality grid environments.

  • The work package will

  • develop a

  • general-purpose information sharing solution with unprecedented automation, ease of use, scalability, uniformity, transparency and heterogeneity.

Mandate: Data Management

  • It will allow to securely access

  • massive amounts of data in a universal global name space, to

  • move and replicate data at high speed from one geographical site to another,

  • and to manage synchronisation of remote replicas.

  • Novel software for

  • automated wide-area data caching and distribution will act according to dynamic usage patterns.

Data Management Tasks

  • Data Transfer Efficient, secure and reliable transfer of data between sites

  • Data Replication Replicate data consistently across sites

  • Data Access Optimization Optimize data access using replication and remote open

  • Data Access Control Authentication, ownership, access rights on data

  • Metadata Storage Grid-wide persistent metadata store for all kinds of Grid information

Current Constituency

  • CERN Peter Kunszt, Heinz Stockinger, Leanne Guy, Diana Bosio, Akos Frohner, Wolfgang Hoschek, Kurt Stockinger

  • INFN Flavia Donno, Andrea Domenici, Livio Salconi, Giuseppe Andronico, Federico Di Carlo, Marco Serra

  • PPARC Gavin McCance, William Bell, David Cameron, Paul Millar

  • Trento Cultural Institute Ruben Carvajal Schiaffino, Luciano Serafini, Floriano Zini

  • U.Helsinki/CSC Mika Silander, Joni Hahkala, Ville Nenonen, Niklas Karlsson

  • KDC Stockholm Olle Mulmo, Gian Luca Volpato

Additional Resources, collaborators

  • LCG:Erwin Laure, Itzhak Ben-Akiva, James Casey

  • PPDG/Condor: Andy Hanushevsky, Aleksandr Konstantinov, Alan Roy

  • Globus/ISI: Ann Chervenak, Bob Schwarzkopf


  • WP2 Mandate, Tasks and Structure

  • Achievements to date

  • Task status

    • Replication
    • Metadata
    • Optimization
    • Security
  • Plans

  • Issues



  • Quarterly reports on WP2

  • Regular meetings and workshops

    • 2 DataGrid conferences per year
    • 2 WP2 dedicated workshops per quarter
    • Weekly management meetings
    • Weekly phone conferences depending on task
  • 8 dedicated WP2 mailinglists

  • Long list of publications in all of our areas – see www. 26 in total, 12 in journals/proceedings.


  • WP2 Mandate, Tasks and Structure

  • Achievements to date

  • Task status

    • Replication
    • Metadata
    • Optimization
    • Security
  • Plans

  • Issues

File Management


Current Components

  • File Transfer: Use GridFTPdeployed

    • Close collaboration with Globus
    • NetLogger (Brian Tierney and John Bresnahan)
  • Replication: GDMP – deployed

    • Wrapper around Globus ReplicaCatalog
    • All functionality in one integrated package
    • Using Globus 2
    • Uses GridFTP for transferring file
  • Replication: edg-replica-manager – deployed

  • Replication: Replica Location Service Giggle – in testing

    • Distributed Replica Catalog
  • Replication: Replica Manager Reptor – in testing

  • Optimization: Replica Selection OptorSim – in simulation

  • Metadata Storage: SQL Database Service Spitfire – deployed

    • Servlets on HTTP(S) with XML (XSQL)
    • GSI enabled access + extensions
  • GSI interface to CASTOR – delivered

Current Status

  • GDMP version 3.0.5

    • Support for multiple VOs
    • New security mechanism for server and clients
    • uses Globus 2.0 beta 21 on EDG testbed
    • Linux RedHat 6.2 (6.1.1) partly already RedHat 7.2 (some manual changes required)
    • GDMP is part of VDT (Virtual Data Toolkit)
    • Alain Roy (Condor team) does support for US sites
  • Replica Manager

    • Wrapper around existing Globus replica manager edg-replica-manager
    • Core API as defined in Replica Manager Design Document is implemented Reptor

Current Status

  • Replica Catalog

    • GUI and command line tool for existing RC
      • Available to the production testbed
    • Introduced a security patch for RC
    • Collaboration with Globus and PPDG on new, distributed Replica Catalog Framework (Giggle)
      • joint design with Globus, G:coding, EDG:testing
      • Internal alpha release, integrated with Reptor
  • Working prototype of Simulator

File mappings

Replica location problem

  • Replica Location Service:

    • maintains information on the physical location of files
    • maintains mapping between the logical identifier of data and all its physical instances
    • provides access to this information

RLS Requirements

  • Versioning & read only data

    • distinct versions of files can be uniquely identified
    • data published to the community are immutable
  • Size

    • scale to hundreds of replica sites, 50 x 108 LFNs, 500 x 108 PFNs
  • Performance

    • 200 updates/second, average response time < 10ms
  • Security

    • knowledge and existence of private data must be protected
    • storage system protects integrity of data content
  • Consistency

  • Reliability

    • no single point of failure,
    • local and global state decoupled,
      • failure of remote component does not hinder access to local component

Giggle Framework

  • Giggle: A Framework for Constructing Scalable Replica Location Services

    • Joint collaboration between WP2 and Globus
    • Paper submitted to SC2002
  • Independent local state maintained in Local Replica Catalogues : LRCs

  • Unreliable collective state maintained in Replica Location Indices : RLIs

  • Soft state maintenance of RLI state

    • relaxed consistency in the RLI, full state information in LRC
  • Compression of soft states

    • compress LFN information based on knowledge of logical collections
  • Membership and partitioning information maintenance

    • RLS components change over time : failure, new components added
    • Service discovery and system policies

Local Replica Catalogue (LRC)

  • Maintains replica information at a single site

    • Complete locally consistent record
    • Queries across multiple sites not supported
  • Maintains mappings between LFNs and PFNs on associated storage systems

    • Coordinates its contents with those of the storage system
  • Responds to the following queries:

    • Given an LFN, find the set of PFNS associated with that LFN
    • Given a PFN, find the set of LFNS associated with that PFN
  • Supports authentication and authorisation when processing remote requests

  • Periodically sends information about its state to the RLIs

Replica Location Index (RLI)

  • Index structure needed to support queries across multiple sites

  • One or more RLIs to map LFNs to LRCs

    • Structure w.r.t LRCs can be freely defined
    • redundancy, performance, scalability
  • Geographical partitioning – all PFNs of a set of LRCs are indexed

  • Namespace partitioning 1 – for load balancing purposes

  • Namespace partitioning 2 – only LFNs adhering to a specified pattern are indexed for all LRCs

    • possibly not good for load balancing
  • Many identical RLIs may be set up for load balancing

RLS Architecture (1)

RLS Architecture (2)

Metadata Management and Security

  • Project Spitfire

  • 'Simple' Grid Persistency

    • Grid Metadata
    • Application Metadata
    • Unified Grid enabled front end to relational databases.
  • Metadata Replication and Consistency

  • Publish information on the metadata service

  • Secure Grid Services

  • Grid authentication, authorization and access control mechanisms enabled in Spitfire

  • Modular design, reusable by other Grid Services

Spitfire Architecture

  • Atomic RDBMS is always consistent

  • No local replication of data

  • Role-based authorization

Security Mechanism


  • Integrated XSQL-Spitfire including security mechanisms

  • XSQL version of a Replica MetaData Catalog

    • Schema is given
    • Roles are fixed
    • Queries are predefined
    • No SOAP, just XML over http
  • Installation decoupled from Tomcat & MySQL

  • Work on SOAP interface using axis

  • Security mechanisms planned


  • WP2 Mandate, Tasks and Structure

  • Achievements to date

  • Task status

    • Replication
    • Metadata
    • Optimization
    • Security
  • Plans

  • Issues

WP2 Replication Services


  • Service-type Replica Manager integrated with Giggle and Replica Metadata Catalog

  • Optimization module integrated

  • Automated replication module designed and prototyped


  • All functionality available

  • Security fully integrated

  • Installation works with more than just Tomcat and MySQL

  • Test-suite completely implemented

  • Working Replication Metadata Catalog using this Beta, integration with Replica Manager

Summary of Plans

  • GDMP v3.0 will be the LAST release of GDMP as we know it.

  • GDMP in the future will rely on the Replica Manager and provide the subscription based mirroring functionality. It will be implemented as a web service.

  • The Replica Catalog will be replaced with the Giggle framework, jointly developed with Globus.

  • The Replica Manager will take over most of GDMPs current functionality and will be a web service. We provide client APIs. All user interaction should go through the RM.

  • Spitfire will have both an XML over http access method for static queries and a SOAP interface.

  • Security infrastructure for all services in place as presented.


  • WP2 Mandate, Tasks and Structure

  • Achievements to date

  • Task status

    • Replication
    • Metadata
    • Optimization
    • Security
  • Plans

  • Issues


  • Getting everybody started, coordination with partners – one very late deliverable

  • Technology challenges – evolving field, keeping on the top needs a lot of training effort of everybody

  • Coordination within WP2 and US projects – not enough funds for travel @ CERN

  • Very late arrival of and changes in manpower – additional training and supervision

  • A lot of young members are working / have worked on their PhD

  • Different agenda of user community delays development: continuous requests for support and enhancements of components that we want to phase out (GDMP) takes out development manpower, documentation suffers most.


  • Very ambitious programme, can we make it?

  • Current workforce is very well motivated and has a very high level of interaction – see our mailinglist archives

  • A lots of enhancements in inter-task coordination was done, further effort is necessary – workshops


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