Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

Location. Near Salt Lake City, Utah

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Location. Near Salt Lake City, Utah

Date: August 3 1952

Time: night

Still working the night shift, Truman Bethurum (involved in several encounters) was just completing repairs to several trucks on the camp’s perimeter when he saw what looked like a meteor streaking through the night sky, pulsing brightly from bluish-green to yellow, orange and back again. The “meteor” fell from the sky, vanishing silently behind the dune desert landscape about a half mile east of the site of his initial encounter. Sure that the saucer had returned Bethurum lit out across the desert in his own small truck, bumping and bouncing over the rough terrain, too eager even to bother searching out a road toward his destination. He found the ship again hovering close to the ground only a mile from busy Highway 91, the main thoroughfare through Salt Lake City. A group of small men milled about in front of the saucer, talking together in that same mumbling language whose rumble had awakened him in his truck when they first met. A doorway opened and the lady captain appeared, beckoning for him to approach with a wave of her hand. He followed her into the ship and down the long corridor to her cabin. The captain again gestured for him to take a seat on the curving couch, and then sat beside him, smiling. They talked openly together, like old friends. She explained that the nature of earthlings and of her own people was very similar, that the people of her world were human beings, sharing the same feeling and foibles, the same natural talents and challenges. Her people however, had met these challenges directly, and had chosen a les destructive course than the one presently being pursued by the people of Earth. “The things worry you Earth people,” she told him, “in our homes you will never find. We know nothing of illness, doctors or nurses. You have mechanics and laborers, too. In our land they only mean trouble, so you see they are all taboo.” She was unimpressed by Earth technology and military might as well, lamenting our invariably destructive use of these resources. She valued Earth’s politics and politicians no more highly, declaring, “That’s what’s cleft your world through,” and adding. “With so many politicians, voting hardly seems worthwhile.” After only half an hour the captain from the planet Clarion signaled that the visit was over. As soon as Bethurum placed his feet on the sandy ground outside the great saucer, the disc was gone, streaking away into the night as mysteriously as it had appeared.
HC addendum

Source: Clarion Call! Truman Bethurum

Type: G


Location. West Lumberton North Carolina

Date: August 6 1952

Time: 2100

Mr. James Allen saw an orange ball coming through the air; it hit his chimney, knocked part of it in, and fell in his back yard. It was 8 ft long, 6 ft high. He walked to within 10 ft; the lights went out, and he saw a little man 30” high standing beside it. “When I asked if it was hurt, it went away in a whiff; then it made a loud noise, like air whistling, and was gone.”
Humcat 1952-12

Source: Humcat quoting Newspaper source

Type: C


Location. Bakersfield California

Date: mid August 1952

Time: unknown

The witness, Cecil Michael, an auto repair shop owner watched a metallic disc shaped object flying at a low altitude overhead. Through an opening he could see two heavyset dark complexioned hooded men looking at him. The witness claims a later contact on October 14 1952 when the two men or ones similar to the ones he saw inside the object came to his shop and stayed there for two hours.
HC addition # 306

Source: Robert E. Bartholomew, Ufolore

Type: A & E


Location. Near Salt Lake City, Utah

Date: August 18 1952

Time: night

Barely two weeks after his second encounter Truman Bethurum saw the “scow” ship streaking down from the sky to a spectacular, silent landing less than 200 yards from Bethurum’s small truck. He joined the captain again in her cabin this time armed, in anticipation of their conversation, with a list of questions he had compiled since their last meeting. Topping his list was the lady captain’s name. “Aura Rhanes” she told him, then she spelled it out loud, in English, so that he could accurately record it among the growing notes he had begun to keep of his encounters. They spoke together of the vast desert spaces, the extreme heat, and the scarcity of water in the arid landscape around them---to which she concluded, cryptically, “I expect to be around for a thousand years, but the water in your deserts will mostly be tears.” She allowed him to touch her arm and shoulder, to assure himself of her reality that he was not dreaming. They exchanged family stories, the tiny, seemingly youthful Captain Rhanes revealing that she was a grandmother, with two small grandchildren back on Clarion. She told him of her journeys, “We land on various planets in many locations. Also, we have made many landings in different places on your Earth. Our only purpose in landing is for our own education, and to relax a bit and replenish our atmosphere tanks, since when we travel our scow is sealed right against outside influences.” The conversation turned again to the social conditions found on Earth. She spoke sadly about the continual strife her crew had observed among earthlings, concluding that, “Other planets are much too busy improving the welfare of their inhabitants to have time for even minor controversies.” The beautiful captain closed their conversation with this warning:

We figure our lives and plan our actions far in advance, and every one of us knows how to do this. We have not the problems you have, because we know what is right and want to do it. The same could be true upon your Earth. God has been liberal in his blessings, and there is no dearth. Your people’s could amalgamate and act in unison instead of constantly warring upon each other, and then your deserts and plains could be transformed into gardens that would be like Heaven. The substance and effort and life spent each year on your wars would bring an abundance of water into your deserts, if not from your polluted rivers, then from the atmosphere itself, or from your distant oceans. These things can be done. And you’d have a paradise in which to build your homes and rear your children and see your sons bloom into manhood in peace, without the nagging horror and fear of bloody death and maimed and crazed young bodies. But so far as I can see into the future of this planet, the water in your desert will mostly be tears.”

HC addendum

Source: Clarion Call! Truman Bethurum

Type: G


Location. West Palm Beach, Florida

Date: August 19 1952

Time: 2145

Sonny Desvergers, a scoutmaster, driving with 3 boy scouts after dark, noticed a light in the woods and went in to investigate. In a clearing it became oppressively hot & humid, he smelled a pungent smell, and he had the feeling of being watched. Looking up, he saw a dark body above him. Backing up & shining his flashlight on it, he saw a huge smooth gray disc, somewhat concave on the bottom, with vanes around the edge and a dome in the middle. Then he heard a slight sound, and a small red fireball began to drift toward him, expanding into a cloud of red mist; as this enveloped him, he lost consciousness. On recovery he ran for the road, & encountered the car of a deputy sheriff summoned by the boys, who had seen the red fire strike him. His arms face, & cap showed slight burns, and his hair was singed. At the site the grass showed scorched roots. In later accounts, Desvergers said that he had got aboard the rim of the saucer and had fought there with 3 humanoids in grayish clothing that had a sweaty odor.
Humcat 1952-13

Source: Project Blue Book

Type: C


Location. Near Pittsburg Kansas

Date: August 25 1952

Time: 0530A

While driving, William Squyres saw an object off to his right; he slowed down and stopped, but when he got of the car (100 yards from it) it began a rapid vertical ascent with a sound “like a covey of quail flying,” disappearing vertically. It looked like two platters put together, about 75 ft long, 40 ft wide & 15 ft high, and was hovering with a slight rocking motion 10 ft off the ground. It was a dull aluminum color, and had a row of small rotating propellers around the circumference. There was a window in front through which he could see the blue-lighted head & shoulders of a man, and several large windows in the mid-section through which blue-lighted movement of some sort could be seen. At the site was found a 60-foot impression in the grass.
Humcat 1952-14

Source: Project Blue Look

Type: A


Location. Delaware Ohio

Date: August 25 1952

Time: 0540A

One observer sees a huge metallic 75-foot long football shaped craft hovering low over the ground. It had several blue-lighted windows & several figures could be seen moving inside.
HC addition # 2411

Source: Paris Flammonde, UFOs Exist

Type: A


Location. Near Maxatawny Pennsylvania

Date: August 25 1952

Time: 1935

A 25 foot shiny dome shaped object surrounded by a ring of jet pipes was seen by Herbert Long hovering 15 ft above a field about 30 feet away. It stayed there for about 7 minutes, then rose 15 ft and took off at tremendous velocity. Light and some movement were seen through portholes. Subsequently Long returned repeatedly to the site and “made 4 or 5 contacts over the following 6 to 8 months;” he was invited inside the craft. They are “observations discs” from Jupiter, piloted by men like us but more advanced, who eat no meat, and want to be friends to humans.
Humcat 1952-15

Source: Richard Hall

Type: A & G


Location. Fauga, France

Date: end of August 1952

Time: 0600A

M. N. was returning from his work when he spotted on a nearby field about 12 meters from a hedge, a being of small size, wearing a blue uniform and standing motionless like a statue. As the witness hid behind the hedge and stared at the figure it suddenly vanished in plain sight to the surprise of the witness.
HC addendum

Source: Michel Figuet

Type: E


Location. Redding California

Date: Fall 1952

Time: dusk

The main witness was at home when he felt an urge to go over the bay window and look outside. Towards the southwest he saw a huge silvery oval shaped craft moving slowly above the treetops and coming towards the witness. The witness then yelled out and the rest of the occupants of the house came over to look at the object. Underneath the craft they could see an orange light coming out and there was a section on the bottom that moved in a circular fashion. The object was silent as it passed over the house. Later as the main witness was going to bed he noticed his twin brother sitting upright in bed apparently in a trance. A bluish light filled the room coming from outside the bedroom window. As the witness turned to talk to his brother he caught sight of a tall figure in the room. The figure had a large hairless head, large black eyes, and very pale skin, he was also very thin. He wore a black cape that hung down to his knees. The witness ran towards the opened door but a second being blocked his path. This being was apparently a female and communicated with the witness by using telepathy and was able to calm him down. The female being had an egg shaped head with a pointed chin, a small mouth and had large black almond shaped eyes. She was also very thin with a long neck & pale gray skin. Next the witness remembered being floated up in a beam of light along with the female being. He found himself inside an object with many corridors and other beings. He was taken down a hallway and into a room where he sat in a chair. A device was placed on each side of his head. He was apparently able to see images of future events. He was later given an extensive medical examination and released.
HC addition # 1282

Source: Richard J Boylan PhD & Lee K Boylan Close Extraterrestrial Encounters

Type: G


Location. Lost River Sinks Idaho

Date: Fall 1952

Time: night

Paul Solem reported seeing a mysterious multi-colored light over his ranch. He followed it for three miles until it landed in the Lost River Sinks. As it settled to the ground, the lights dimmed and Solem could see by the moonlight that it was a metallic disc-shaped craft. Standing beside it was a person with long blond hair dressed in a white uniform. At first Solem thought that this person was a woman because of the long hair, but it turned out to be a man instead. Solem claimed that this man stated that he was from Venus; he wanted to be called “Paul 2,” that he held the rank of “angel” and that in a former life Solem himself was a Venusian. In fact, he was told that he had been a spiritual teacher on the planet Venus. “Paul 2” informed Solem that his earth mission was to work with the Indians from North to South America, to help in the preparation of a post-apocalyptic utopian society that outlawed money and where people lived communally.
Humcat addendum

Source: Jerome Clark, Fate April 1971

Type: C


Location. Sutton West Virginia

Date: September 1952

Time: 1900

The witness was walking along a path heading home on a wooded ridge when she began hearing noises behind her. She stopped to look several times but did not see anything, moments later she heard some leaves rustling and frightened, began to walk faster. She stopped and looked behind her and was confronted by a huge figure with a pointy-head or helmet and large orange glowing eyes; a very strong odor was also noticed. The witness became hysterical and ran home screaming.
HC addition # 1041

Source: William L Moore, Farout Winter 1993

Type: E


Location. Central Point Oregon

Date: about September 1952

Time: night

Mrs L L Zamrzla, riding with her husband and 12-year old daughter to their home in the Rouge Valley, a few miles northwest of Medford, reports that as they rounded the corner of Old Stage Road onto Scenic Avenue, three white, odd shaped forms crossed in front of the car from right to left, disappearing into the trees ahead of them. Mr. Zamrzla, hit the breaks as the 3 figures glided smoothly across the road, diagonally away from the witnesses. They were between 3 and 4-feet tall, with no clear features. No extremities were observed; they looked, in fact, very similar to the “shmoos” that were depicted in the “I’ll Abner” comic strip. Necks and head of each entity were about half the length of the body itself. Two led the way and the third, which followed, was slightly smaller. They were in view for a minute or so---enough time to get a food clear view of them at a distance of not more than 8 to 15 feet at the closest.
Humcat 1952-20

Source: Ted Bloecher

Type: E


Location. Near Anost Saone-et-Loire France

Date: September 4 1952

Time: shortly after nightfall

The witness, Jean Sibranoseian, was camping in the Morvan, not too far from Anost; night had fallen, when he saw something like a star falling from the sky. Standing up in surprise, he saw, less than 130 ft away, a dirigible shaped object about 18 ft long & 6 ft high, in which were 2 pairs of lighted portholes, whose light varied “curiously.” As he stared at it, petrified, he heard a slight sound and then perceived, about 15 ft from him, a man like “creature” taller than he was. He was terrified. The being stepped down from a low stump on which he had been standing, and proved to be shorter that Jean, at most 5 ft tall; he came forward several steps, holding his hands out in front with palms upward. Jean “automatically” did the same, upon which the being retreated very nimbly, hopping first on one leg, and then the other. But within 10 seconds he came forward again, his arms now hanging, and stood facing the witness only 6 ft away. He was human except for a rather large head with dark hair, and had large “pupil less” eyes in a very handsome, completely unlined face, which was smiling. He wore a blue gray “well fitted” garment. Jean smiled back at him; then, feeling foolish, he took out one of his visiting cards and offered it to the humanoid, who accepted it, still smiling, and slipped it into an invisible pocket. Then he backed away, again raised his lower arms to horizontal, and “disappeared, with his hopping gait.” Jean had no doubt that he had confronted a man from another planet.
Humcat 1952-21

Source: Henri Convert

Type: C


Location. Weston West Virginia

Date: September 5 1952 Time: unknown

A woman and her mother were driving to church when they encountered a huge humanoid figure with blazing eyes that appeared to be cloaked in black and glide above the ground. The strange entity emitted a very foul odor and one of the witnesses had to be hospitalized suffering from shock.
HC addition # 1389

Source: Jerome Clark, Unexplained!

Type: E


Location. Flatwoods West Virginia

Date: September 12 1952

Time: 1915

Three boys saw a bright red object pass over and apparently land on a nearby hilltop. A fluctuating orange red light was seen on the hill. Joined by beautician Mrs Kathleen May & her two sons and a youth, Gene Lemon, they went to the hilltop, where they saw in their flashlight beam something like an enormous armless man down to the waist, with a red pear shaped head or helmet and 2 luminous “eyes” from which beams of bluish light emerged, the body being a metallic dark green. This “entity” glided toward them, then toward a luminous pear shaped 20 ft object about 50 ft away, which was pulsating between bright orange & dull red. There was a mist in the area with a choking, metallic smell. Lemon fainted; dragging him, the others ran. He vomited all night. Reporters who went to the site later that evening saw no object, but could still smell the odor. Next day a 15-foot circle of flattened grass was found, some “skid marks,” and a strip of browned vegetation.
Humcat 1952-16

Source: Gray Barker & Ivan T Sanderson

Type: C


Location. Frametown West Virginia

Date: September 13 1952

Time: 2000

Mr. Mrs George Snitowski and their little girl suddenly found their car stalled, and an unpleasant smell (ether mingled with sulfurous smoke) filled the air. Thinking a chemical plant might be burning, Mr. Snitowski got out of the car and searched for what smelled so badly. Looking down the slope of the highway, he saw a large globe moving slowly back and forth, hovering over the ground, and giving off a soft, violet light. George moved closer and felt the “sensation of thousands of needle-like vibrations” on his skin. Then he got sick and staggered back to the car. Edith Snitowski screamed and yelled that something was behind him. He turned to see “a figure about eight or nine feet tall with a big head, bloated body, and long, spindly arms gliding rapidly” toward him. The couple, safely inside the car, locked it quickly. Terrified, they watched as one of those long spindly, arms stretched across their windshield. The end was forked. The couple crouched in horror. When George looked up, he saw the monster gliding away. Waiting and waiting, they finally saw a glowing globe, swaying back and forth, lift above the trees and take off into the sky, leaving a luminous trail. A gas station attendant found a V-shaped burned brown spot on the car hood.
Humcat 1952-17

Source: Paul Lieb, Jacques Vallee & Mark Hall

Type: C


Location. Near Remedios, Santa Clara, Cuba

Date: September 14 1952

Time: afternoon

At a local farm called “Dolores” a farm worker, Caridad Martinez reported seeing a strange winged humanoid descend from the sky and land on a plot a land near where she was working. The strange winged figure approached Martinez and communicated with her in a strange language, which she could not understand, according to her the only word she was able to make out was “Tierra” (Earth). The strange humanoid was carrying on both hands a luminous object which apparently emitted a strange gaseous substance that made Martinez very dizzy and almost semi-conscious. She further described the stranger as having yellowish skin a round face, very tall in stature (over 7ft). The humanoid had a silvery disc-shaped plate which appeared to be attached to the stomach area. The most bizarre fact of the encounter was the huge pair of wings which the humanoid had attached to its shoulders that hung down to the waist area. Using these same wings the strange creature rose back up into the sky and disappeared from sight.
HC addendum

Source: Orestes Girbau Collado, Cuba

Type: E

Translation by Albert S Rosales


Location. Charleston West Virginia

Date: September 14 1952

Time: 2100

Several saw a luminous white disc shaped object land. Two men wearing bright suits emerged from the craft and reportedly climbed a nearby tree. No other information.
HC addition # 2410

Source: Loren Gross, UFOs a History 1952

Type: B


Location. Wheeling West Virginia

Date: September 15 1952

Time: night

An undocumented report of a landing of an object from which emerged a 10 ft “monster” on Vineyard Hill. The being was said to have had green eyes and emitted a foul odor. A female witness was said to have been burned. No other details.
Humcat 1952-18

Source: Humcat quoting newspaper Source

Type: C


Location. Between Salem & Corvallis Oregon

Date: October 1952

Time: unknown

Opal Church was driving with her nephew when she saw a “man” approximately 8 ft tall; she passed within 15 ft of him. Of heavy build, he was wearing headgear similar to an Arab’s, and had on a uniform, with boots & gloves, of an off white fluorescent heavy satin, or perhaps fine metallic mesh. Around the waist was a ribbed belt. He had huge round eyes, 2.5-3” in diameter, in which were reticulations “resembling the filaments in old electric light bulbs;” these eyes were either luminous or reflected the car’s headlights. No other facial features were noted. The skin of the face was very pale. This being was walking hurriedly, “with fluid movements.” Ms Church turned around immediately after sighting him, but he had disappeared, though the terrain was flat.
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