Albert Rosales humanoid sighting reports 1000-2007

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HC addition # 104

Source: Ballester Olmos & Fernandez Peri, Enciclopedia De Los Encuentros cercanos con Ovnis

Type: A


Location. Lawton Oklahoma

Date: May 11 1954

Time: unknown

A lone witness watched a disc shaped object hovering ten feet above the ground. Below the object stood a four-foot tall figure. The humanoid disappeared in a flash of light after seeing the witness, then the object shot away at high speed towards the west.
HC addition # 1412

Source: Kevin D Randle, The October Scenario

Type: C

Location. Between Derby & Burton Derbyshire England

Date: May 13 1954

Time: 2330

Commander H R Penrose was driving homeward from Derby to Burton when a bright light appeared ahead, heading towards him. As it reached his position he experienced a crash and he was thrown forward against the windshield. Then the car seemed to be lifted from the ground, and he was moving through the air with a bright light above him. The car came to rest atop some iron railings, and he was lifted from it by a man in a one piece suit, who effortlessly lifted him into an entrance on the underside of a large round object which was hovering above, giving out a bright light. He was taken into a room, which had controls in it, operated by men and women in one piece suits. They questioned him (telepathically, he thinks) about his naval experiences and his work with radar. Then a woman injected some green fluid into his arm, after which he remembered no more. He was found, suffering from concussion, in his car atop some iron railings it had knocked down, and was taken to a hospital. After his recovery he revisited the spot and succeeded in finding a railway signalman who said he had seen a car, with an extremely bright light above it, go past his signal box. Hypnotic regression was planned.
Humcat 1954-11

Source: Margaret & Geoffrey Westwood, FSR Vol. 23 # 4

Type: G


Location. Melbourne Australia

Date: May 30 1954

Time: 0025A

6 people on a doorstep saw an orange, oval object come down from the sky. As it pulled out of its curve of descent, its rear end emitted a cloud of orange yellow smoke and flame. It rose up and vanished, having been in view for 5 seconds. 3 of the witnesses said they had seen shapes like people in it. David Reese said, "I could distinctly see, inside it, dark shapes like busts."

Humcat 1954-7

Source: Keith Basterfield

Type: A


Location. Hull Yorkshire England

Date: Summer 1954

Time: unknown

A 32-year old housewife recalled that as a child living in Hull, she and a friend had observed a silver "aircraft" with no wings, tail or markings, that hovered over the roofs of adjacent buildings. In the object could be seen two figures looking out through a row of portholes. One was a woman who "half smiled at her," and the other was a man of about 20. Both appeared entirely human. The object remained motionless and was silent. The girl looked away for a moment; when she turned back the object had disappeared. Her playmate had seen it also.

Humcat 1954-14

Source: Derek James & Phil Barnett for UFORA

Type: A


Location. Kentucky, exact location not given

Date: Summer 1954

Time: afternoon

A couple eating supper at a local restaurant saw a strange "man" or entity sitting in the back of the restaurant. The man was sitting still with his hands on his knees, he was very tall, & his head and shoulders were higher than any other person there. He was silent & sat still staring at everyone. He wore a dark brown suit; he apparently noticed the witnesses looking at him, gout up and walked out. He wore very peculiar five toed dark brown shoes and had a very narrow heel.

HC addition # 3164

Source: Harold T Wilkins, Flying Saucers Uncensored

Type: E


Location. Bette Creuse France

Date: Summer 1954

Time: 2100

Mr. X was returning home on a bicycle when he saw a circle of light descend from the sky and land in a field beside the road. Two beings similar to men emerged from it, wearing helmets with antennas. The witness tried to accelerate, but felt as if pedaling "in a vacuum." He remained "stupor struck" for some days. During these days "a peasant of Bette saw strange individuals maneuvering in the country side."

Humcat 1954-13

Source: J G Dohmen, LDLN # 130

Type: B & E


Location. Anza Borrego Desert California

Date: Summer 1954

Time: night

The 13-year old witness was camping with his family and a friend when the howling of the coyotes woke him up. He then began receiving telepathic messages in his head. He rose from his bed and began waving a Coleman lantern to expose his location. Moments later a bright white disc approached the campsite, as it neared, it turned to a metallic gray craft that hovered silently above the campsite. The craft had a complex structure including a rod that stuck out at the front. Three human shaped figures looked down at the witnesses through a large porthole. The object then emitted a high-pitched whine as a panel on its bottom slid open. A tremendously bright spotlight then flooded the campsite. The witnesses felt paralyzed and it a state of confusion. Moments later the object shot away in a burst of light.

HC addition # 1172

Source: Gray Barker, UFO Annual 1982

Type: A


Location. Northern Yukon Canada

Date: Summer 1954

Time: late night

A family of five, including Gayle & Dave Rayburn who are identical twins, were driving on the Alcan Highway late at night when some bright lights approached from behind their vehicle. Soon two single-wheeled vehicles, silvery metallic in appearance passed their car at very high speed. On each of the vehicles sat a human-like figure that wore a metallic helmet. The vehicles had a single bright light on the front & were completely silent. They were soon lost in the distance.

HC addition # 2143

Source: Rick Grootveldt & Gayle Rayburn

Type: E?


Location. Near Floyd's Knob Indiana

Date: Summer 1954

Time: late night

After her and several other family members had seen a large orange ball of light maneuvering over the farm, the main witness remembers waking up in her room and seeing a multi-colored light slowly spinning around her bedroom. She went to the window and saw a small gray colored humanoid with huge black oval shaped eyes, floating outside. She felt a telepathic message from the being telling her not to be afraid. Several taller white entities then entered her bedroom. Terrified she watched the beings apparently levitate her grandmother out of the room. Suddenly a sparkling shaft of light that came down from the ceiling filled the room. In the midst of the light stood a blond haired, blue eyed man like figure, that took the witness's hand telling her not to be afraid. Moments later she and her grandmother were floated outside and into a brightly lit crystal like object. Before entering the object she saw several tall white beings examining her father and numerous short thin gray beings wearing headgear running around in the yard area. Inside the object numerous organic body samples were taken from her and other tests were performed. She was eventually brought back home and was allowed to keep a green stone. (Which was later supposedly taken away by the military.)

HC addition # 1663

Source: Karla Turner, Taken

Type: G#


Location. Bengough Saskatchewan Canada

Date: June 1954

Time: 1000A

R F, a farmer, heard something like a motorcycle coming, and a circular object about 16 ft in diameter flew over his farmyard at about 80 mph, below roof height. The front section was transparent and he could see 2 men wearing helmets & goggles, and a "stick shift" lever with a crossbar handle. It created a whirlwind underneath it. "There was no color to it."

Humcat 1954-39

Source: D Clausen, Saskatchewan Unidentified Phenomena Research

Type: A


Location. Torre De Picenardi Italy

Date: June 1954

Time: 1430

The witness was traveling in his vehicle along a country road when suddenly his dog became agitated and he heard a loud whistling sound. He then saw a strange object land on a nearby clearing, some type of tripod like landing gear emerged from the bottom of the object. As soon as the craft landed the whistling stopped and the dog calmed down. The witness then left his vehicle and hid behind some bushes in order to observe the object. The object was gray metallic, transparent and shaped like a teardrop with a tail at the front. The top was curved and rounded. Moments later two very tall beings wearing bluish "space suits" and dark goggles emerged from the object. They moved around apparently with some difficulty as they opened three compartments on the bottom of the object retrieving 3 metallic boxes. One of the beings walked over to a nearby cornfield and grabbed several of the young bushes putting them into one of the containers. Moments later the beings re-entered the object that took off vertically emitting a loud whistling sound.

HC addition # 1599

Source: Maurizio Verga, Itacat

Type: B


Location. Fortaleza, Brazil

Date: June 10 1954

Time: unknown

A humanoid figure about 2 meters in height, wearing a metallic suit and having a "square face, with strong jaw" was seen in a field near this city. No other information.

HC addendum

Source: GEPUC Brazil

Type: E


Location. Cold Blow, Dover, England

Date: July 1954

Time: 0500A

Harold Carpenter, an employee at a local state, over a period of several weeks had kept hearing a very loud, deep humming noise, which lasted for about two or three minutes. The noise always seemed to occur between four and five o'clock in the morning. One morning, very curious, Carpenter rose from his bed, quickly got dressed and quietly stepped outdoors. With the humming noise still audible, and seeming to emanate from the southwest, Harold set off to walk to a wooded area known locally as Sunny Calvert. Determined to track down the source of the humming noise, and having come this far Harold clambered down a deep slope to where the sound seemed to be coming from. Harold peered down and was shocked to see a strange looking device. It resembled a mushroom without a stem. The object was gray in color and seemed to be hovering about eight to ten feet above the ground. Harold came to a vantage point amongst the trees where he could actually see the underside of the craft. It was definitely hovering above the ground. It was about 15 to 20 ft in diameter across the base, which housed what looked like a lip on the inside bottom. Even more startling was the sight of up to five "peculiar looking beings" gathered underneath the craft on the surface below. The beings were about four to five feet tall, and carrying what looked like "pound jam jars" with a handle in one hand and an implement resembling a pair of tweezers in the other. The beings used these to pick up bits of twigs and leaves before placing them in the clear glass looking jars. As the beings wandered around picking up various samples, all kept very close to the craft, which hovered silently above. The humming sound had now stopped. All wore the same one-piece gray; flexible looking suits that stretched over their feet. It also covered their heads much like a Balaclava. Their faces were exposed and Harold could see that these were human like but totally expressionless, with normal human like eyes. If they had any ears, the one-piece suit hid them from view. They had a snout-like nose, resembling that of a "pig." Their mouths were similar to humans, and so were their hands, until Harold noticed they didn't appear to have thumbs. While observing in fascination, Harold had inch closer and closer, until he suddenly realized that he was only to within 10 ft of the craft. At this moment one of the beings suddenly looked up and with the same expressionless face, stared directly at him. Without so much as a sound or movement, it somehow alerted the others to Harold's presence, for the rest suddenly stopped what they were doing and slowly began to retreat to the craft, which had descended to hover barely two feet of the ground. One by one the beings disappeared underneath the craft by means of its lip. The craft then began to rise, at which point Harold saw one of the beings climb through a type of "gate" housed on the inside of the lip which then closed. The craft slowly continued to climb, moving slightly to one side towards a clearing among the trees. It gradually gained altitude and speed. It suddenly emitted a flash of light and departed at incredible speed.
HC addendum

Source: Chris Rolfe, UFOMEK

Type: B


Location. Wegierska Gorka Poland

Date: July 1954

Time: afternoon

The witness had gone into a wooded area to pick mushrooms along with several other children when she became separated from the others and became attracted to some nearby cliffs. She then noticed a yellowish white oval shaped light in between the trees, which seem to hover above the ground. She approached the light and as she came closer she noticed a door and close to it, a figure. The being stood sideways but with his head turned watching her. She approached and climbed four "stairs" which led to an open rectangular door. Inside she met four more beings standing with their backs to her. The room had a cylindrical pillar in the center. The four beings inside were shorter than the one she saw outside. The taller figure wore a close fitting suit, the lower half light red and surrounded in mist and the upper half intensive red. He also wore a cap and appeared to have a hump on his back. He had small "wide" eyes, no nose, and a slit for a mouth. The witness heard an inner voice instructing her to lie down on the shiny floor. She promptly fell asleep. Next thing she remembers is being awakened by the other children in the field.

HC addition # 903

Source: Bronislaw Rzepecki, Phenomenon, 40 years of Flying Saucers

Type: G


Location. Near Crater Lake Oregon

Date: July 2 1954

Time: unknown

A mother and daughter and several children were driving in a hilly area apparently lost, when they came upon a large circular lighted structure or object. The vehicle engine stalled and they coasted to what they thought was a parking area of a restaurant. They all entered the structure, which had walls like mirrors, and Plexiglas tables. They entered a huge room with windows on the ceiling. The occupants of the craft were all blonde and about four and a half foot tall, & dressed in silvery uniforms and boots with some kind of emblem on them. The witnesses apparently sat on a table and were brought food, which they ate. The beings had soft musical voices. Later when the witnesses returned to the site the structure or object had disappeared.

HC addition # 448

Source: Thomas E Bullard, UFO Abductions the Measure Of A Mystery

Type: G?


Location. Garson Ontario Canada

Date: July 2 1954

Time: 1730

Ennio La Sarza, 35, said that he saw a spaceship 25 ft in diameter land at the Garson mine; it had a square center with a telescopic projection, 2 ear like spurs on its "head," 3 sets of arms with claws, and 6 legs. From it emerged 3 beings about 13 ft tall, "built in much the same manner as the ship," who held him with a hypnotic stare. La Sarza ran for the mine's First Aid Station, where he fainted.

Humcat 1954-40

Source: Humcat quoting Newspaper source

Type: B


Location. Sumner Washington

Date: July 3 1954

Time: midnight

Two witnesses were out driving when they saw a white light drop out of the sky and go into some bushes by the roadway. After the light entered the bushes it turned green and began blinking. The driver turned the car lights off and saw a solid red ball of light drop to the ground 20 feet from the car. The witness then turned the car lights on again and saw a man standing where the red light had hit the pavement. The man stood directly in front of the car and was described as six-foot tall, wearing a tight fitting white shirt with some sort of vest. When the witness turned the car on again the figure suddenly vanished.

HC addition # 1863

Source: George Hunt Williamson, Other Tongues Other Flesh

Type: C


Location. Near Pipestone Minnesota

Date: July 5 1954

Time: about 0100A

Driving in the dark, T & S saw something like a "fire" ahead, which proved to be a luminous entity walking toward them, with a white glowing body (bright, as if chrome plated) and red glowing head & hands. T had to swerve to miss it, passing within 4 feet and lighting the car with red light; at the same time there was loud static on the radio. The entity was 8 or 9 ft tall, had no face, and moved stiffly, like a robot.

Humcat 1954-41

Source: Stan Fouch for Mufon

Type: E


Location. Saint-Sauveur-La-Sagne, France

Date: August 1954

Time: morning

Mrs. Carriere, on holiday in the area, was returning to the house one early morning when she saw an object resembling a "big black balloon" landing on a nearby field. From the object "a very small man with a dreadful black face" emerges, a similar figure remains in the object. The little man remains on the ground only for a few moments and then re-boards the object, which then rises silently leaving behind a very white wake. The witness notices two cows on the ground wriggling in apparent pain. A farmer and his wife who come upon the scene are paralyzed and unable to move.

HC addendum

Source: SITOVNIS, France

Type: B


Location. Trois Fonds France

Date: August 1 1954

Time: 2100

A saucer shaped object is seen landing on a field. Two men wearing helmets with antennas emerge from the craft. The observer feels dazed during the incident. No other information.

HC addition # 2509

Source: Figeut & Ruchon

Type: B


Location. Hemmingford Quebec Canada

Date: August 7 1954

Time: 1930

Gabriel Coupal, 13, saw a 9-foot luminous ball land 150 ft away; after landing it turned black. A door opened, and "a big tall man with big round eyes" came out, dressed all in skintight black rubber except for his head, and carrying a "machine gun." There was a "buzz like a bee." The man approached and the boys ran their horse for the house. The UFO rose, passed close by them, and landed again near the horse barn. It "had a black cable with a square thing hanging." In the moonlight, it looked "like a soap bubble," and 3 men were seen walking around it. Mrs Coupal telephoned Hemmingford to get another witness, but when 3 people arrived the object took off, glowing orange. It had been present for an hour or more. Where it had rested was found a 30-foot circle of flattened grass.

Humcat 1954-42

Source: Dr Adolph Dittmar, CSI

Type: B


Location. Dewey County Oklahoma

Date: mid August 1954

Time: daytime

Gladys White Eagle, on a riverbank, saw a "flying saucer" come straight down with a roar. A tall, lean man with a dark complexion & a long beard got out & told her the US would be destroyed by an earthquake and bomb on October 13. "He told me that in twisted words and then he laughed very hard. Then he said for me to come to the spot again today, but I'm not going back because I'm scared."

Humcat 1954-43

Source: Humcat quoting Newspaper source

Type: B


Location. Near Mosjoen Norway

Date: August 20 1954

Time: afternoon

While picking blueberries, two sisters, Edith Jakobsen & Mrs Aasta Solvang, met a man with dark complexion & long hair, who smiled and held out his hand. When Edith extended her hand, he touched palms rather than shaking. He wore a tight fitting suit with a broad belt. He did not understand when addressed in Norwegian, English, German, and French. He drew circles on a pocket tablet and pointed to them, which was not understood. The he beckoned the sisters to accompany him to a dell, where they saw a gray or bluish object "like 2 pot covers put together," less than 9 ft in diameter 7 5 ft high. After nodding & smiling, the man opened a hatch and got into the craft; he waved, and then closed the hatch. The machine rose 40-50 ft with a humming sound, began to rotate, and then disappeared vertically at fantastic speed.

Humcat 1954-44

Source: Oddvar J Larsen

Type: B


Location. Lugrin France

Date: August 23 1954

Time: unknown

Elise Blanc approached an object like an aluminum trailer, with 2 small beings in silvery dress, grunting like pigs, standing close by. The craft took on a fiery color and flew away.

Humcat 1954-45

Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport Magonia

Type: C


Location. Midwest United States (exact location not given)

Date: late summer 1954

Time: evening

An American physicist driving home from his job in an atomic pile plant saw ahead a brilliant object like a large hot sphere, which forced him to stop the car. A giant entity stepped from the object, described as man-like and well-proportioned and radiating great heat, that appeared to know the scientist, and conversed with him. The entity said he was "Moroni." "We fear that your scientists will cause great disasters." The entity told the witness. (In Mormon lore, Moroni is the Angel that the founder of the Mormon Church, Joseph Smith encountered in upstate New York,)

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